Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service, U.S. Government

End of Watch Sunday, January 1, 2012

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Reflections for Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

I wish I had the words to take your pain away. My heart aches for you - as an NPS employee, former MORA employee, and especially, as a mom.

Karen Kopper and family
North Cascades National Park

January 3, 2012

My deepest condolences to the Family of this young hero. Rest in Peace Margret you will never be forgotten and Thank you for your Service.

Howard Dietz and family
Retired U.S.M.C

January 3, 2012

Thank you for your service and your ultimate sacrifice. Rest in peace, we'll take the watch from here.

Jay Higdon, Park Ranger
Oklahoma State Parks

January 3, 2012

Margaret was a great co-worker. She was a very bright and motivated ranger; always quick with a smile.

Tim Colyer, Chief Ranger
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

January 3, 2012

My sympathies to the family, co-workers and friends of Margaret Anderson. Love and support each other to ease the pain of your tragic loss. May Margaret rest in peace.

My Condolences,
Linda Jackson

Linda Jackson
Washington resident

January 3, 2012

I have fond memories of Margaret from the times we visited as kids in Connecticut to her visits here in Arizona with my parents (her Aunt and Uncle) and myself. She always had a smile and she will be missed.

Stephen Jacusis

January 3, 2012

My deepest condolences go out to Eric and their girls. This was such a terrible loss and one can't help crying. Margaret had a warm and infectious smile that made all feel wonderful. RIP Margaret, God has called you home.

Sharon Cleary, Asst. Supt ret
C&O Canal NHP, NPS

January 3, 2012

Margaret was a wonderful person and a pleasure to work with. My condolences to her husband and children. RIP Margaret.

Kristie Haskett, Contract Specialist
C&O Canal National Historical Park

January 3, 2012

Rest in Peace, Ranger Anderson. My thoughts and prayers go out to Park Ranger Magaret Anderson's Family.

Having worked as a Park Ranger, in Canada, I have experienced enforcing the law, alone, back up miles and miles away... It is a very challenging job and the dedication and fearlessness that Park Ranger Magaret Anderson showed is amazing...truly a HERO! if she did not show up and face the criminal element the suspects spree maybe still on going.

Thank you for your service and dedication.
God Bless

Officer Gordon Duthie
Immigration Enforcement, Canada Border Services Agency

January 3, 2012

My thoughts and prayers are with the Anderson family and the National Park Service. Thank you Ranger Anderson for your service to your Country.

Lt Gerhard Meier
Swiss Army, Mountain Infantry Bat II/4

January 3, 2012

I would like to extend my condolences to Ranger Margaret Anderson's spouse & family and to her extended "park service family" there at Ranier. As a former NPS LEO ranger, I understand what many visitors do not: that rangers place themselves at risk to protect the visitors and the resource to which they are so dedicated.

There is little I could possibly say that would ease your painful times but to say I extend my thoughts and prayers to you all.

Please send thoughts to Margaret's spouse with our thanks for her service to the park & its visitors and for her ultimate sacrifice while protecting those at risk. Over the many years, I have spoken the term "preserve and protect" countless times. Obviously, Margaret lived those words in her life and will be remembered with those words in her passing.

Harry Sibold, MD; MT State EMS Med Dir
Former ranger GRSM, SEKI, GRTE, DEVA, SHEN.

January 3, 2012

Margaret's death is heartbreaking as it always is when an officer gives their life in the line of duty. To her husband, children and National Park Service family my sincere sympathy and prayers. My love to her babies. Their mother is a hero to all Americans. Stay safe.

Gretchen Pollack
sad American

January 3, 2012

It was very sad to hear about the loss of Ranger Margaret Anderson. I offer my sincere condolences to her children, husband, fellow officers, and citizens that she served.
May God Bless Her...

Rob Coutts
Police Police Officer-Retired

January 3, 2012

Ranger and your loved ones are in my prayers at this very difficult time. Your service, dedication, and ultimate sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Linda Lamm - LEO wife and sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04

January 3, 2012

Our thoughts and prayers are with Margaret's family & the Mt Rainier staff. We will be eternally grateful for Margaret's heroism as we were at Paradise that morning. She protected all of us who were up there that morning.

Mt Rainier Park Visitor

January 3, 2012

I could not hold back the tears when I heard about this...sad for Margaret, her family and her co-workers at MORA. I've no words to express how sorry I am that this has happened or how much I hope those closest to the tragedy will find cause for hope and eventually, peace.

Heather Ramsay, former MORA seasonal
National Park Service

January 3, 2012

Losing an innocent loved one this way is absolutely tragic. A husband has lost his wife, and innocent children have lost their mother. Making sense out of this is impossible, because it makes no sense and is incomprehensible. What this monster Benjamin Colton Barnes (yes, monster) did to this family is inexcuseable.

Yes we need to do more for our troops returning home from war. However at the same time, we need to hold them fully accountable for their actions once they are home. Having PTSD is NOT an excuse for killing an innocent human being and destroying an entire family.

We need to allow the remaining members of this poor family the peace and sollitude they deserve in order to grieve the lost of their loved one. I hope they are able to emotionally deal with their horrible and tragic loss, and know in their hearts that their loved one will be watching over them forever.

No direct relationship

January 3, 2012

My thoughts and prayers are with the Anderson family and friends who knew and loved this brave and couragous young woman. May her children always remember how strong and brave she was and all the special memories that they shared together.

God Bless the Anderson family and all that knew and loved this wonderful and brave young woman.

A Mother

January 3, 2012

Such a horrible event and loss for law enforcement. Thank you for your service. My prayers are with your family, friends, and agency during this time. May You Rest In Peace

Winter Garden PD

January 3, 2012

A Hero is-

One Who Never Hesitates To Tackle The Most Difficult Problems..

One Who Is Always By Your Side..

One Who Knows Right From Wrong..

One Who Acts With Pride..

A Hero Touches Every One Of Us,

Whether It Be Word Or Deed..

Always Tending To Those Who Find Themselves In Need..

When A Hero Leaves This Earth, Yes, It's Sad, But True..

All Too Many Times, The Hero Is Dressed In Blue.

Thankyou for your service and dedication to duty. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten and you will be remembered by your colleagues the world over.

PC Dave Stubbs
Staffordshire Police, England.

January 3, 2012

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and National Park Service family of Margaret Anderson. As a former NPS employee at Mt. Rainier, a parent and spouse this tragedy touches deeply. I hope that the peace and beauty of "The Mountain" will console her husband and all of you and help you to remember all the good times with Margaret. A special prayer for her girls that they may always know that Mommy is still near and watching over them.

A grateful citizen

January 3, 2012

I went to high school with Margaret and was her trumpet section leader in the marching band. Though Margaret was one of the more quiet members of the section, she is still one of the most genuine, selfless, caring, and empathetic people I've ever met. Though we had lost touch with one another a number of years ago, reading about the events truly stunned me to the core. My heart and condolences go out to Margaret's family members. May you find clarity and solace during this difficult time.

Kevin Toth
High School friend

January 3, 2012

As a fellow park ranger, I am saddened by the loss of one of our prayers go out to the family and friends Ranger Anderson..

Leslie Mcclammy
Park Ranger

January 3, 2012

We can never ameliorate the loss, or rationalize the senseless act that brought her life to an end, but we can give her the gift of remembrance and support to those who must live with her absence now. Wishing you the courage and strength to go forward. Condolences to Margaret's family and those who worked with her.

Elizabeth Pidgeon

January 3, 2012

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".
Our thoughts and prayers are with Eric and his family as they deal with Margaret's death. She lives on every day in the smiles of her girls, and in the heart of thousands.

Jodi and Rob Shepard

January 3, 2012

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