Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service, U.S. Government

End of Watch Sunday, January 1, 2012

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Reflections for Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

My deepest sympathy to Ranger Anderson's family and park family.

Heather Schenk, park visitor

January 3, 2012

My thoughts are with the family. Especially, the 2 year old and 3 year old. They really need their mother at this time of age.WILL DONATE $1 MILLION TO THE MARGARET ANDERSON FUND AT ALL WELLS FARGO BANKS WORLDWIDE.



January 3, 2012

Rest in peace Margaret for you made the ultimate sacrafice as a law enforcement officer. My thoughts and prayers extend to the Anderson family in the lose of your loved one.

Jennifer Abramowitz
Retired NYPD Detective

January 3, 2012

Dear Eric,

The unquestioning loyalty and dedication to duty by Margaret Anderson protected each and every visitor and employee from imminent danger. May you and your family be very proud of her honorable service.

Don Smith
Yosemite NP

January 3, 2012

I admire those who dedicate their lives to assisting the public in the enjoyment of the beautiful outdoors. A great aching occurs deep within, when that dedication results in the loss of life. My prayers, first for Margaret's family, and secondly for every NPS ranger who worked with Margaret. May you find some type of peace in knowing that Margaret was taken, giving of herself in the service to all who love the outdoors. May the mountain winds comfort you.

Jim Harris, Region Director
Washington State Parks

January 3, 2012

Rest in peace Ranger sacrificed your life in the protection of others from those that are a danger to are a true condolences to your friends, family and fellow members of the Park Service.

Lieutenant Richard D. Howe
Tyngsborough, MA Police Department

January 3, 2012

It is wonderful to read all of the heartfelt reflection for this brave Ranger, Mother and wife. I hope that one day their will be serinity in her family and her park family. God bless you for all your service and obvious smiles you have brought to SO MANY people. In your life and not in your life. You have touch alot of hearts including mine. Your children will never forget who you are and what you have become. " COURAGEOUS" in so many ways.

Just someone who cares about our country and service men and women

January 3, 2012

My thoughts and prayers go out to Ranger Anderson, her husband and family, the rangers of Mt Rainier National Park, and the Rangers around the country. I know to well your pain and you deal with this tragedy. You will not be forgotten. RIP Ranger Anderson

Kenneth Board Deputy Sheriff (Retired)
Pierce County Sheriff's Department

January 3, 2012

Ranger Anderson, Thank you so much for your service to the National Parks and through that the people of the US. May God hold you tightly. May your family find peace of heart.

K. Thomas
a USGS scientist that has worked for NPS

January 3, 2012

On a sunny morning, just this past September 2011, my Becky and I entered Mt. Rainier National Park. A young female ranger was at the gate. With a bright smile, and happy voice she said, "Good Morning Ladies! Welcome to Mt. Rainier National Park. How are you today?" She offered us maps of the park, noticed our camera gear and said that we were in for some great shots because of the beautiful day. We thanked her, and wished her a nice day too, paid our fee and went and enjoyed a great day.

The young woman was Margaret Anderson.

A sad loss for the Park Service.....May she rest in peace, may God watch over and bless her family.

Michele Yamrick, Sykesville PA
Mt. Rainier Visitor

January 3, 2012

My heart and thoughts are with you and your family. Such a tragic loss send a big ripple through the close-knit NPS and USFS families.

Amy Davis
Gifford Pinchot NF, former NPS employee

January 3, 2012

Such a senseless act. May Margaret rest in peace and her family grow strength through all the people that are thinking of them and praying for them on this very sad day.

Sandra Tiller
A Sad Ameican

January 3, 2012

The men and women of the Western Washington University Police Department send their thoughts, prayers and condolences to Ranger Anderson's family, friends and co-workers. May God bless you all during this very difficult time.

Chief Randy Stegmeier
Western Washington University Police

January 3, 2012

God Bless this hero and keep her soul in heaven.

Cesar Gutierrez

January 3, 2012

Park Ranger Margaret Anderson thank you for your valued and courageous service. I offer my deepiest sympathies to your family, coworkers and friends and will keep them in my prayers.

Park Manager Tony Presley
Oklahoma State Parks

January 3, 2012

Margaret Annalise (Kritsch) Anderson was a religious woman and married for just 7 years.


January 3, 2012

I was among the last vehicles to pass the location where Magaret was killed. If she had not blocked the roadway at Barn Flats, the killer would have surely been in the Visitor Center parking lot just two minutes later. He might easily have taken my two 12 year old boys hostage or shot us or other people as well. She gave her life to protect all the people at the visitor center. Thank you Margaret and my condolences to your family and friends at the NPS.

Visitor to Mt. Rainier

January 3, 2012

Rest in peace Margaret. My condolences, prayers and thoughts go out to the Anderson family and MORA staff for their loss. From a former MORA park ranger

John Roth
Lassen Volcanic NP. Former MORA park ranger

January 3, 2012

As a retired cop who worked closely with NPS law enforcement for my entire career, this breaks my heart. I wish I had the words to take away the pain this family and the NPS feels. She is in a better place now but we who are left behind feel the pain. I have the family, friends and colleagues of this fine officer in my prayers. RIP sister.

Chief (RET) John A. Millan
NC Public Schools Campus PD-Avery Dist

January 3, 2012

My prayers are with you asking for God to comfort your family as only He can.

Marcia Sage Leake
Granddaughter of a fallen Butte, MT officer

January 3, 2012

As Stewart Udall said: "Each generation has its own rendezvous with the land, for despite our fee titles and claims of ownership, we are all brief tenants on this planet. By choice, or by default, we will carve out a land legacy for our heirs. We can misuse the land and diminish the usefulness of resources, or we can create a world in which physical affluence and affluence of the spirit go hand in hand...." I'am sure Maraget had that spirit, hope, and influence on all she encountered. Thank you for your service, and ultimate sacrifice.....

Park Ranger- John Laing

January 3, 2012

Margaret will not be forgotten for her service in Bryce Canyon. She always had a smile on her face and so willing to do anything she was asked. She went the extra mile to walk us fee collectors into the building every night at closing. She was a talented and hardworking person. She was a friend to all. Eric, know that your past coworkers are praying for you at this difficult time. May the memories of your wife live on for your daughters. Your time here at Bryce was short but you two will not be forgotten.

Dana Baugh Courtright
Bryce Canyon National Park

January 3, 2012

My sincere and heartfelt condolences to Ranger Anderson's family. I've enjoyed the beauty and peace of Mt Rainier many, many times. I've also enjoyed the fellowship and knowledge of the many Rangers who work there. This is a horrible tragedy, and my meager words do nothing to assuage the anguish of her family. I offer my simple prayers in support to you.

A Mt Rainier Visitor

January 3, 2012

Deepest of sympathy to this Ranger's family. May they find comfort and love in her memories. So sorry for their loss.

Former LEO
Former law enforcement in Florida

January 3, 2012

Having lost my sister almost one year ago, Detective Amanda Haworth, this tragedy hits close to home. I am so proud of the men and women who stare down evil everyday!
My prayers are with Mrs. Anderson's family. They will be comforted by a strong brotherhood of law enforcement and civilians. Another Hero Angel has gotten her wings!

Holly Strine
Sister of Det. Amanda Haworth EOW 1/20/11

January 3, 2012

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