Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service, U.S. Government

End of Watch Sunday, January 1, 2012

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Reflections for Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

never met her, never been there. Thoughts and prayers are with family and friends. Hang in there. She must have been a saint

civilian, ed

January 3, 2012

To Ranger Anderson Family:
Even though I did know this young woman, I grieve for your loss. She is a TRUE HERO. Jesus said that there is no greater gift, but that one should give their life for another...your Margaret did this because of her love for others. May Jehovah God bless your family & give you His peace.

Kathy Johnson
an American citizen

January 3, 2012

Horrible news. It breaks my heart. I feel for her two daughters, husband, and the rest of her family. I'm glad they don't have to worry about the shooter being on the loose or having to go to trial. Ranger Anderson, I didn't know you but you will never be forgotten. Thank you for your service. Rest assured, your girls will grow up knowing their mommy was the bravest of the brave. Rest in peace.

Alexandra Burke
Law Enforcement Ranger, Bureau of Land Management

January 3, 2012

I am terribly sorry for what is happen to Margaret. The world has certainly changed. It just sicken me so much. Please take care of the children and husband.


January 3, 2012

God Bless you and thank you for your service. You will be always be remembered for your service to our Great Unbited States. Semper Fidelis....

State Traffic Officer, California Highway Patrol William M. Becze #7185

January 3, 2012

My thoughts and prayers go out to this brave woman's family and friends. May you find comfort in watching her children grow and knowing they are a part of her still here on Earth.

Sympathetic citizen

January 3, 2012

everyone will remeber that you were here. thank you for making your corner of he world a better place. the mountain is truly yours. r.i.p.

susan mitchell, wisconsin housewife
national parks visitor

January 3, 2012

Everyone loves Mount Rainier and we are so grateful to the National Park Rangers who make our visits there memorable, safe and fun. I have brought friends there from around the world over the years. Everyone has been thrilled to hike near Paradise.

God bless Park Ranger Margaret Anderson, her family, her friends, her colleagues and everyone in law enforcement who worked so hard to keep visitors safe after this senseless tragedy.

Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice she made for all of us.

Jean Vignes
Grateful visitor to Mount Rainier

January 3, 2012

Because I have been a meadow rover on the Sunrise side of the park, I did not have the oportunity to meet Ranger Anderson. I am sadden that I will never have the opportunity to meet such an outstanding ranger. My condolences go out to her husbund, Eric, and especially to their children.

Atr Dahlberg former seasonal and now VIP

January 3, 2012

Our condolences to the Anderson family and the NATIONAL PARK SERVICE.

Ron Anderson
E/O WestI-10 Fire Dept.

January 3, 2012

I have no connection with Ranger Margaret Anderson except as a fellow Christian. My heart breaks for her little girls, her husband, her parents and co-workers. Please know that I am praying that God's hand of comfort be upon all of you. I am so sorry for your loss.

Lorrie Wesselius
A concerned citizen

January 3, 2012

I too enjoy our national parks and the dedicated employees. These men and women are the heart and soul of that system . REST IN PEACE Ranger Anderson . My heartfelt condolences to your family .

Ron Anderson
E/O WestI-10 Fire Dept.

January 3, 2012

My thoughts and prayers go out to Ranger Anderson and her family.

Debbie Brookshire
Past visitor to the Park

January 3, 2012

My thoughts and prayers are with Park Ranger Anderson's family, friends and fellow Park Rangers.
When a law enforcement officer starts their shift, they never know what will happen on that day. Margaret Anderson selflessly placed herself in harms way to protect visitors and other employees in the park.
I salute you, Ranger Anderson. You are a true hero.
God bless you and your family.

Lieutenant (RET) Pat Foelske
Greeley, CO Police Department

January 3, 2012

Blessed are the Peacemakers as they are truly the children of God

Rest well, you are indeed a hero.

Ex National Park Service and Police Officer

January 3, 2012

My condolences to your family as well as your extended family in the National Park Service. The good work you have done in protecting America's most priceless places will not be forgotten. May God bless & care for your children as others pick up the good work for which you have left them.

J. Corn
Missouri State Highway Patrol & FLETC Alumni

January 3, 2012

From all the people that enjoy the beauty of Mt. Rainier, Margaret will be remembered for preserving that beauty and protecting it for the future generations. Although we do not know her personally, we send our deepest condolences to her family and friends, and her fellow rangers. We are so, so thankful for the work that you do and your commitment to the park, making it a wonderful and safe place to explore the beauty of creation. We wish Margaret the utmost peace in her resting place, that she lived a life doing what she loved. May we all remember this heroic woman and do our part to protect the majesty and history of this place. Thank you Margaret. Peace to your family, friends, and your eternal future.

Park visitor

January 3, 2012

My condolences to Eric and his family. So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Marie (waz) Wasilefsky
Unity Alumni

January 3, 2012

Margaret was bright, hard-working, and dedicated. She likely saved many lives as she alone stood between a man with assult weapons, body armor, and insanity --- and the busy Paradise visitor center (just around the bend).

Thank you to Margaret. Condolences to her family---Your loved one is a tremendous hero - forever.


January 3, 2012

May we always remember your sacrifice and be grateful for it. God bless you and all who love you.

Cindy Carter
Exercise Physiologist

January 3, 2012

The Comfort we may know is that God, Love, is now wholly embracing Park Ranger Margaret Anderson, as she joyfully rests in Love, competely and eternally. And we know there are dedicated Loving individuals left here who will continue to pray and contribute selflessly for the Comfort of Margaret's Loved Ones. "God is Love" 1John4:8,16

J. Gorka

January 3, 2012

Thank you Park Ranger Margaret Anderson for your sacrifice. Because of your bravery you saved the lives of many. May your memory live on.

A reader

January 3, 2012

I never knew Ranger Anderson, but my heart goes out to her husband, two young children and all her family, friends and colleagues. When we in Law Enforcement (anywhere in the world) lose a colleague, we all lose a friend and feel the pain - although nowhere near as much as their families and loved ones. I will light a candle for Margaret at the wall, when I make my annual pilgrimage to DC for Police Week. Sending you all much love and deepest sympathy from across the Pond.
Jaiye Warwick-Saunders

Acting Chief Inspector
Metropolitan Police Service, London, UK

January 3, 2012

My heart breaks for the tragic loss of my Fellow Park Ranger...Margaret was an amazing person and I had a great amount of respect for her. She and Eric came to the Park and took the Fire and Medical response programs by storm...Margaret was the one who certified me as an Ambulance Transport Driver...I have three memories that I will carry with me is how patient yet professonal she was while training me, her passion for making sure that all of our medical responses to incidents were the best we could offer as Park Staff; was so apparant through all of her efforts to improve the program/procedures and training.

The other two memories are of her as a mother...Most of the times that I saw her off duty her daughter was in her arms and I remember her beaming with love and pride when I met her oldest little girl for the first time and told her how beautiful she was...another time is from when I was her neighbor while we both lived in T-Woods during the 2010 season; I was walking my dog Cheyanne around the grounds and I walked by their house hoping to offer congratulations on the birth of their youngest daughter...Eric was outside with their oldest girl and I could see she was excited to see Cheyanne...Eric asked if she could pet my dog so I brought Cheyanne over to meet her and her little face lit up with joy...Margaret was inside with the new baby watching us through the living room window, later when I spoke to her she thanked me and told me how much her daughter loved dogs and how much she enjoyed Cheyanne's little visit. Those memories make me smile and are how I will always remember Margaret. She died a hero...doing what she loved...protecting our beautiful park and those who came to enjoy it. Thank you Ranger Anderson for all that you did for all of us and I pray for peace to come to your little girls and your best friend and husband who will miss you so dearly.

Kaila Johnston-Seasonal General Ranger
Co-worker-Mt. Rainier Nat'l park

January 3, 2012

Margaret and I occasionally received each others emails by mistake over the last five or so years, so we'd forward the messages to the right person along with small pleasantries. She and I both have park ranger husbands and two daughters, though mine are college age, so I will miss her, even though we never met. I send my prayers for her family and my sorrow for their terrible loss.

Margaret M. Anderson, Museum Tech
National Park Service

January 3, 2012

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