Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service, U.S. Government

End of Watch Sunday, January 1, 2012

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Reflections for Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

Thank you for your service. This never should have happened. Prayers of peace, happy memories and strength for you family and friends. <3

Mary O'Neill, Citizen of Orting WA
living at base of Mt Rainer (Tahoma)

January 1, 2012

My heart goes out to this brave officers family. I am so sorry for your loss. It makes me very sad to hear this has happened. We are all grateful for each officer out there protecting us. May God be with you and your family. You are in my prayers.

Suzanne Horton
a person who cares

January 1, 2012

Godspeed Ranger Anderson, for your service and call to duty and action we are all grateful.

Jeremy Langer, Civilian

January 1, 2012

Rest in peace Sister Margaret.

Ofc. Timothy M. Furlong
Nahant, MA PD

January 1, 2012

Thank you for your service and your sacrifice, Maam.

God Speed,


US Citizen

January 1, 2012

Mt. Rainier National Park is one of the most beautiful places in the world and its Rangers - among the best people anywhere - help make visiting the Park so special. Ranger Anderson's death is a huge loss. My condolences to her colleagues, friends, and family.

Casey Leichter, civilian
hiker, visitor, park supporter

January 1, 2012

Rest in peace. So sorry for the family.

SNRPO Kevin Dials
West Virginia State Parks

January 1, 2012

You are now on the other side walking the streets of GOLD with GOD. May God be with your family with the days ahead. If any of you need support please join ptsd/law site on facebook. A.C.S.I.T. Assisting cops stressed induced trauma

Brandon Bentley (Retired Deputy III)

January 1, 2012

Thank you for your service and dedication. You will never be forgotten. RIP.

Officer Cody Traub
Kalama Police Department

January 1, 2012

Margaret was a great person with a passion for the outdoors. My condolences to her family, friends, and fellow rangers.

Inv. J Madden
AZ Game & Fish Dept.

January 1, 2012

A heartbreaking loss.

My thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends and coworkers, that they might find solace and support in the days to come.

May she rest in peace and live on in the memories of those close to her...and the memories of all who honor her courage and sacrifice.

Melissa McKibben, Helitack Fire/Rescue
Sequoia-Kings Canyon Nat'l Parks

January 1, 2012

Blessings to Ranger Margaret. I'm sure you were an awesome person, as well as a great mom, wife and Ranger. Your ultimate sacrifice while performing the duties of the NPS Mission will not be forgotten.
I extend my condolences to Margaret's husband, kids, extended family, friends and the NPS staff at MORA.

Tanya Randall-Tanner
Former WA Corrections Officer & current NPS family member

January 1, 2012

US Forrest Service Park Ranger Margaret Anderson...we all owe you and your family a debt of gratitude for standing as a sentinel of peace in a world where so much chaos exists. Thank you for your unwaivering service to the citizens you served with honor, integrity, professionalism and distinction. You made the ultimate sacrifice for your community...a TRUE HERE! To your family, friends, and family and I send our deepest condolences and will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers in the days, weeks and months following this tragedy. May God continue to watch over all those who are the peace keepers...for they are to be blessed beyond measure. Rest in peace Sister Anderson...your work here on earth is done. God Bless!

Washington State Patrol

January 1, 2012

Rest in peace Ranger Anderson

Another senseless tragedy, more children that can't really understand why someone would do this to their hero...

Let's hope that justice is served swiftly when this scum is captured.

Rich Shreffler

January 1, 2012

So sad for everyone who works at Mt Rainier NPS. We love visiting the Park. You have always been there to make it safe and secure for all of us. Just so sad for Ranger Anderson, her family and friends.

Michael Hanna - Portland, Oregon

January 1, 2012

Now you lay in gods hands and he shall watch over you're family during this tragic time. May you Rest in peace Ranger Anderson. Your service will never be forgotten. SFC Jerry Frazier

SFC Jerry Frazier

January 1, 2012

My heart aches for your family and my deepest gratitude for your service.

Jeff USFWS Special Agent
Former LE NPS Park Ranger

January 1, 2012

My thoughts and prayers go out to Ranger Anderson, her family, friends, and the entire United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service. Thank you for your service Ranger Anderson. We've got the watch from here.

Fredericksburg Police Department(VA)

January 1, 2012

I can not begin to convey my feelings of sorrow for the loss of this officer and her family's pain. Rest in peace with god.

FTO R.L. Duvall
Chesapeake Police Department, Virginia

January 1, 2012

Thank you Ranger Anderson for standing for all that is good about humanity. You bravely went where others would retreat to face the adversary in the protection of your fellow men. Without brave officers like you, this world would be a darker place. May your light continue to shine brightly with your husband, little girls, coworkers, friends and family members. You have left footprints on the many hearts you have touched in your young life. Now, Rest In Peace as you enter the gates of Heaven to meet your Heavenly Father. May God bless and comfort your family & fellow officers during the days, weeks and months following this terrible tragedy. You are a TRUE HERO to us all... and you will be sorely missed!!

Washington State Patrol

January 1, 2012

Our prayers and condolences go out to Ranger Anderson's Family. May God hold you in His strong Arms. Know that your LE Family is standing with you during these dark days. We hope that justice is served swiftly on the "suspect".

Sgt. Dennis Knight (Ret.)

January 1, 2012

Prayers for the family and friends of Ranger Margaret Anderson. My family and I are long-time visitors to Mt. Rainier National Park and have nothing but respect and appreciation for the Rangers who
have contributed to our well-being and enjoyment when we've been in the park. Hopefully, the sleaze-ball who killed Ranger Anderson will be apprehended quickly and face appropriate punishment for the murder of a law enforcement officer.

Joanne Kartak
Park Visitor

January 1, 2012

God bless you Ranger Anderson, and may you rest in eternal peace. Thank you for your service to our country.

Captain John Fischer
Palm Beach County Fire Rescue

Captain John Fischer
Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, Florida

January 1, 2012

You will always be loved and you will never be forgotten. May your family find peace in knowing you are with the Lord and your family has a gaurdian angel. Thank you for your service and dedication. Your family is in my heart and prayers.

Officer Jonathan Nance
Idaho Department of Corrections

January 1, 2012

My heart and prayers go out to Ranger Anderson's husband, children and all family she left behind. May you rest in peace Ranger Anderson. And thank you for protecting us against the evil that lurks out there. God Bless you and keep you by His side. Amen

Private Citizen, Julie Anne Downes
Caring Citizen

January 1, 2012

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