Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service, U.S. Government

End of Watch Sunday, January 1, 2012

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Reflections for Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

In remembrance of your service, RIP.

Ranger Amanda
Metro Parks Serving Summit County

January 2, 2012

Our hearts are heavy for the families loss as well as the community. Words cannot express the sorrow for another life lost serving. We pray for the capture of this man without any further harm to others and we pray for Jesus arms to surround the family during this time much to soon having to deal with the Rangers EOW...Gone to soon & never forgotten!

community member

January 2, 2012

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Joseph Ham USFWS LEO
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

January 2, 2012

Very sad, very wrong. Our hearts are saddened by another in the line of duty death. Our thoughts and prayers to the family, fellow rangers and officers. A sad way to start out 2012 for this family.

Jeffrey Mitchell
Operation Bald Eagle

January 2, 2012

Our hearts go out to Margaret's daughters and husband, and all of their family and coworkers at Mount Rainier.

David and Amy Roemer
Redwood National and State Parks

January 2, 2012

Prayers for Ranger Anderson's family and co-workers.

Chaplain John Knox
Granbury, TX Police Dept.

January 2, 2012

"Each man's death diminishes me, For I am involved in mankind." (by John Donne) - My deepest condolences to Margaret Anderson's family and fellow officers for your loss. A heartbreaking day for all. I have shed tears for you today and will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Many thanks to all law enforcement officers or your service.

M. Diane Manning
WA resident

January 2, 2012

Margaret worked with us at Bryce Canyon as a seasonal ranger. She was a wonderful person and a friend. She had many lifetimes more excellence to give to the NPS. How dare he take away our Margaret?!

Supervisory Park Ranger
National Park Service

January 2, 2012

This is such a heart breaking story. It truly breaks my heart. I admire Ranger Anderson's courage... and I pray for her sweet daughters, husband and friends.

This mad man must be caught.


January 2, 2012

After the devastating year law enforcement had in 2011, I was saddened to read about Ranger Anderson. RIP Ranger Anderson and may God watch over your family and the National Park Service.

Master Trooper Craig Rhodes
Louisiana State Police-Narcotics

January 2, 2012

My Heart goes out to the family, friends, and fellow rangers at all the parks. This is truly a sad day. It is amazing how interconnected we Park Rangers are - I am from Westfield NJ, and my first park was Prince William Forest Park, where her husband worked.
Thank you, Ranger Anderson, for your service and I am sending virtual hugs to your family.

Park Ranger I, Laura Capuano Jevtich
National Park Service/Lake Mead NRA & Grand Canyon NP

January 2, 2012

My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to Ranger Anderson's family, friends and fellow Law Efforcement.


January 2, 2012

I send my most deepest condolences to the family especially the children. May God be with you, Ranger Anderson. Thank you for protecting us.

Derek Quint
Avid Backpacker

January 2, 2012

Ranger Anderson,
You gave the ultimate sacrafice and will always be remembered as a True Warrior. God rest her soul, and please give strength to her husband and two children.
Please know that your brothers and sisters in LE will never forget you.

Deputy Beth Lavin
King County Sheriff's Office, Washington State

January 1, 2012

Godspeed Ranger Anderson. Your quick smile and devotion to wild places will not be forgotten. May your colleagues, friends and family find peace in your memory and the trails you now patrol. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

B. Campbell
NPS Seasonal Ranger, Seattle WA

January 1, 2012

Just saw the story on CNN. Rest in peace Ranger Anderson, your fight is over. My prayers go out to the Anderson family.

Bike/SWAT Officer Matt Keown
Thomasville Police Department, Georgia

January 1, 2012

God bless you Ranger Anderson and may the Lord help your family through this extremely difficult time. You have been called home, but the love you shared will remain.

Special Agent Roy Vasquez
Department of Homeland Security

January 1, 2012

Rest in Peace Ranger Anderson. Your bravery will not be forgotten. Your family will be in my thoughts.

Sgt. S. Meunier
Tulane HSC

January 1, 2012

I have spent time on Mt. Rainier hiking, camping, and photographing wildlife, sometimes with my wife and young children. This mountain can bring totally unpredictable and dangerous situations to anyone on it, and it is always a comfort knowing that the Park Rangers are there to keep the peace, and maintain safety for inhabitants and visitors alike. As the father of 2 young girls, I feel for this family and their loss. As a shrink who helps soldiers and first responders with trauma and PTSD, I feel a deep sense of loss for the family, friends, and law enforcement colleagues of Ranger Margaret Anderson. Another senseless loss of life in the line of duty...

Ted Bradford, Trauma and PTSD Clinician
grateful civilian

January 1, 2012


I remember the days working with you along the C & O Canal. You always had a smile that will never be forgotten. In my heart I am saddened, but in reality you are a true hero.

My condolences to your husband and daughters.

Officer Jeff Giebel
US Park Police. Wash DC

January 1, 2012

Rest with God Ranger Anderson. Prayers for your family during this tragic time. Your dedication and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgottne.

Retired Police Officer Bob Lester
Midland Texas Police Department

January 1, 2012

My thoughts and prayers are with the family. No one knows about the highest sacrifice until they have lived through it.
I pray that people start learning to control themselves so we all can live free from fear.

A Thankful American

January 1, 2012

Rest In Peace Ranger Anderson. Thank You for your Service and Dedication to Duty.

SBPA P. Hernandez Jr.
U.S. Border Patrol

January 1, 2012

I was shocked and saddened to hear of the loss of Ranger Anderson for her young family and her friends. I live in Texas now but spent most of my life in Washington state service. I visited the state last fall and saw how beautiful Mowich Lake is. All the rangers and park assistants have been wonderful over the years and I am sure they will miss her greatly

Diana Lofing
retired Labor and Industries

January 1, 2012

May the thoughts and prayers of a grateful nation bless your soul and aid your family, friends and associates at this tragically sorrowful time. You placed the safety of others before your own, and your ultimate sacrifice undoubtedly protected others from harm. To become an American hero due to a most senseless incident, hero nonetheless.

Chip Elkins, USFS LE Retired
United States Forest Service

January 1, 2012

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