Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Patrick Sirois

United States Department of Defense - Fort Hood Police Department, U.S. Government

End of Watch Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Reflections for Police Officer Patrick Sirois

For the first time in several years, I won't be able to touch yours or Andy's name on the memorial during the candlelight vigil. The last couple years have been really hard and a challenge
and I wish I could have picked up the phone and called you for advice or anything. I made it to retirement though! I wonder how far you would have gone? One of our motley crew made Chief. Can you believe it? She deserved it. I wonder if you were still here, if maybe that would have been you? You were better than all of us. I really miss you my brother in blue. It still seems like yesterday you were riding through the station on that Big Wheel-Persuit Edition, with that silly helmet with lights and siren on it(because your bike may have been driven over by a truck). I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard or was that happy. I love you Pat. I miss you more than anything. Please keep the watch over us.

Sgt J.M. Beach(Ret)
FHPD 914

May 10, 2024

Pat was my DS at Ft. MCClellan and I have always looked up to him. He was a damned good NCO in the MP Corps. He prepared me well for the deployments to come for me. I will miss him and so will the world.

Dr. John M. Duffey, Sr.
Served in the MP's together - and he made me into a soldier to st

March 7, 2022

Pat was a good friend of mine while ststioned at Fort Bliss Tx. I have been looking for Pat for years. Pat would do anything for anyone, not wanting anything in return. What a sad affair.

Love you Pat.

MSG Retired
U.S Army

phillip lodde
U.S Army

May 30, 2021

My friend I will never forget you. Thank you for being a good friend. I miss talking to you like we did when we were on post. I'll see you brother.

Police Officer Raul Vidro

November 23, 2020

He was a constant professional, a great, soldier, a true patriot. He taught me how to become a better person and soldier.
May he rest in eternal peace.

Sgt Joseph cherry
Doc. 122 msb
Hanau Germany
Mar 1987 - mar 1990

Sgt Joseph Cherry
Delta company 122 main support battalion

April 22, 2020

I miss you so much everyday pat you always made me laugh when mom would bring me to the pd and I had nothing to do.....I remember once you scared me whenever I got an attitude with mom telling me the monsters in the ceiling were gonna get me and I was 6 at the time so I believed you I remember you handcuffed sis to a chair and told her to find a way out of it..... i laugh when I think of those days yet I cry whenever November comes around and we visit your grave now i'm 16 and it's been almost 9 years since you left us and I know you'd tell me to tough it out and that you don't like seeing me cry but I cant help it i miss you so much! i just wish you were here today so you could've been at my sweet 16 in person so I could make you proud with the person I have become today....

Cadence Walker
family friend's daughter

May 2, 2019

It's been eight years since you were taken from us, I think of you quite often my friend. Rest easy brother. You will never be forgotten.

Police Officer Raul Vidro

November 23, 2018

John 5:28, 29 - "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out". I pray that everyone can find peace in knowing that we will see this officer as well as many others again in Paradise soon. Until then, please accept my condolences.

A.W. Montgomery
Concerned Citizen

October 6, 2018

Miss you Pat. Still cry when I think about you.

Patrolman FHPD 186
Fort Hood PD

May 25, 2018

Lost another brother today Pat. Please keep our brothers and sisters in Montana with you. I really miss you brother. Especially today.

P/O J. M. Beach Joe Beach
Veteran's Affairs Police(FHPD 914)

May 16, 2017

1SG Sirois changed my life in 1996. I was a young punk Private in his company and he actually took the time to show me how the Army really worked. He become the father I never had (even though he was 5'4" and I was a whole foot taller than him :) I found out he passed on December 1st 2010 when I did a Google search to find him so I could tell him how much his influence meant to me. I eventually retired from the Army and now I am still serving as a civilian. Thank you Top for everything.

SGT (Ret.) Shawn M. Erdman
(Former) 149th Maintenance Company, Hanau, Germany

December 5, 2016

Even seconds before your death, you were absolutely selfless, pushing a man out of the way and sacrificing your life for his. Not many people can reach that kind of selflessness and courage to do something like that


July 20, 2016

Can't believe it's that time of year again. Every thanksgiving, I sit down with my family and say a little prayer for you and Andy. I miss you brother. I hope you guys are watching over me and keeping me and the rest of the Ft. Hood crew safe. Thanks for the memories that I continue to share with guys in my new department. You are certainly not forgotten. Happy Thanksgiving Pat.

Officer J.M. Beach
Department of Veteran Affairs(Former Ft. Hood 914)

November 25, 2015

"You want to know the key to success? Smoking cigars and talking shit"!

Timothy Vandenburg
Former Fort Hood Police

August 5, 2015

Pat is a great man!
I always looked up to him.

Ex FHPD367

May 20, 2015

Miss you bro...

FHPD 914

March 18, 2014

Just coming through to pay my respects. Thank you for your service and your ultimate sacrifice. May God provide comfort for your family

Officer Lomax
Fort Meade Police

February 15, 2014

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9

Marshal Chris Di Gerolamo
Federal Air Marshal Service

November 22, 2013

Thank you for your service and for helping to make America a safer place.

Deputy Brian Jones
Boulder County Sheriff's Office, CO

December 30, 2012

Man. Tomorrow. One year ago, I received the phone call about Pat being struck by a car two hours prior and not making it. I was at a loss. I second guessed the caller of Pat not making it, yet he said Pat was killed helping an unknown motorist. I told Boore as I was at his house when I got the call. His phone started ringing as well, advising him of the same news. We both couldn't believe it. I never felt such an empty, quiet, unreal feeling. In the following days, I realized that funny little, big brother-like, goofy and caring cop had an influence on so many others rather than just myself. Thats just the way he was. I loved backing him up just as much as I loved him backing me up. Rest in Peace Pat. Love you man.


November 22, 2011

It will be one year soon. Your missing so much. I hope you can still see us all from up there. You are in our minds. We miss you.

Agent E. Mathis

November 14, 2011

Pat, you were in life a positive role model and now even after your death you are still a positive role model. Your memory will live on in Central Texas and in the hearts of your family, friends and communities that you valiantly served. You were and still are the type of officer that we should all strive to be, I am a better officer and better man for knowing you. I strive to be the officer you were. Rest in peace brother

Chief David Guthrie
Chaparral Protection Agency, PLLC

August 19, 2011

I'm so glad you have recognized by this and other sites. Your willingness to help someone in need is the sign of a police officer. I know your friendship meant a lot to my son, Andrew. My prayers go out to your family.

Deanie Rameas
Mother of Andrew Rameas, a friend of Pat's

May 8, 2011

Pat and I were 1SGs together with the 3rd ACR. Best Friends and Amateur Radio Operators. Even though it has been 20 years since we have seen each other, I still felt we were best friends at Brothers at heart.... Brave Rifles Pat

Garry Moore
First Sergeant (r)

February 16, 2011

Pat, you are gone, but will never be forgotten. Walk your beat and protect those in Heaven my friend... until we meet again.

R.I.P. Brother, EOW 11/23/10

SPO Rob Clawson
Austin PD (Texas)

January 6, 2011

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