Caldwell County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina
End of Watch Friday, September 19, 2008
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Adam William Klutz
My sincere condolences to the family and friends of Deputy Sheriff Adam William Klutz and to the entire Caldwell County Sheriff's Dept. RIP
Ofc. Eric Chiang
San Francisco Police Department
September 25, 2008
hey brother, they found you killer today dead from a self inflicted gun wound, thank you for your service, your loss has changed so much for all of NC law enforcement, you will never be forgoten, PLEASE RIP....
Deptuy NC
September 24, 2008
My prayers and condolences go out to the family and Co-workers of Deputy Adams Kluttz. To my fallen brother in arms,you have served well. May God Bless.
Lieutenant B.F. Ballard (Ret:)
Kannapolis City Police Department
Ret: Lt: B.F. Ballard
Kannapolis City Police Department
September 24, 2008
Deputy Klutz, I recognize your passion to go into law enforcement as I share that with you. I am currently in the process and cannot wait to go out and patrol. You have made the ultimate sacrifice and I thank you so much for your service. I also pray for your family and friends who grieve your loss. God bless.
Chad B.
Future LEO
September 24, 2008
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Detective K.T.White
Franklin County Sheriff Office N.C
September 24, 2008
May your friends and family take comfort in the fact that you lived your life with Honor and died a Hero! God Bless and God Speed Brother.
Officer J. Sanders
Ferguson (MO) PD
September 24, 2008
I knew Adam as a student at Caldwell Community College. He was warm, friendly and genuinely kind. I had also taught his mother in a previous Art Appreciation class. Knowing both of them makes this a particularly poignant loss.
I remember running into both of them at a wedding reception. Adam was clear about his desire to go into law enforcement. It was a dream come true.
My thoughts are with his family, his friends and colleagues.
Jean Cauthen
Jean Cauthen
September 24, 2008
To the family, friends, and brothes in blue from Caldwell Co. my heart goes out to you. The loss of a brother sees no departmental boundries as we see from the reflections. I personallly never got to meet Adam but from what I have read I am sure he was smilling when watched upon all of us out there at the scene. The response from departments all over the state were overwhelming, the support from the community was outstanding. All of you are in our thoughts and prayers. Rest in peace my brother, and watch our 6 as we continue on the beat. I can only hope that if we also make the ultimate sacrifice that well be meet and welcomed by those that have gone before us.
Gaston County ERT Member
September 24, 2008
R.I.P. Deputy Adam Klutz.
Deputy Grinnell
Lincoln County Sheriff's Office
September 24, 2008
God Bless you and thank you for your sacrifice. You are truly a hero to us all. I am praying for the department and the family and friends in their time of loss and their pain.
May God assist the Officers and all the agencies with bringing this Fugitive to Justice. God watch over them.
North Carolina
September 24, 2008
Your sacrafice will never be forgotten. You are a true hero. My God bless your family and your agency. Godspeed, we got it from here.
Police Officer
Lenoir Police Department
September 24, 2008
Rest in Peace.
C.O. Stephen D. Celestino
Westchester County Dept. of Correction, NY
September 24, 2008
My heart goes out to the family and friends of this fallen hero. Rest in peace, Adam. You are a true hero.
Andrew / Narcotics Detective
Baltimore City Police
September 24, 2008
reserve officer 416
slocomb police ala.
September 24, 2008
Your loss is one that is felt by all of us. Deputy Klutz' dedication and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Our prayers and thoughts are with you in this diffcult time.
Deputy Robert Merritt
Maricopa County Sheriffs Office
September 23, 2008
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.
-Matthew 5:9
Rest in peace brother. Soar high among the clouds and watch over us as we remain here with our day to day. We will never forget; Heroes that walk among us.
Rejoice, for you are now in your eternal home. Free from the agonies of this world. You may rest easy brother, your work on earth is done.
Officer M. J. Scott
Hickory PD, Hickory, NC
September 23, 2008
Rest in peace Deputy. My thoughts are with your family and members of CCSO during this most difficult time.
Lt. Joseph Ward, Ret.
Jackson, NJ PD
September 23, 2008
He was a warrior. 1*
September 23, 2008
You served your people well and answered the call to serve and protect. May you be remembered as a hero, your legacy continued, and the perpetrator brought to justice.
To your family:
Be not too sad of heart,
God shares all your sorrows.
He will bring you peace of mind,
And brighten your tomorrow.
Lean heavily upon our Lord,
Love and comfort He will give to you.
In his arms He’ll ever hold you,
And fill you with the spirit to live.
Officer J.D. Franklin
NC Dept. of Correction, Avery-Mitchell Correctional Institution
September 23, 2008
It has pained my heart to know that you paid the ultimate price in the performance of your duties. May God Bless you and Keep you. To the family my prayers are for peace to your heart, rest assure family that we are not resting, until we can give you the closure for our fallen brother. Just know that Light overcomes Darkness, that evil can and will not flourish. And to my brothers and sisters at the Caldwell County Sheriffs Officer stay strong and keep the faith.
Hickory Police Dept
September 23, 2008
Gone, but never forgotten, Rest easy now my Brother in Law, your watch on earth is over...
SGT. John L. Gulledge (Ret.)
Escambia County Sheriff's Office Pensacola FL.
September 23, 2008
Another HERO tragically taken from us too soon by a thug who will be caught soon and pay the price! Thank you for your service to this great nation, we will never forget our HEROS! May Angels lead you in...God Bless and Godspeed.
September 23, 2008
Know Peace and Rest Well, Adam. In God's Arms We Deliver Thee. You Will Always Be Remembered.
Saddened by this Loss
Lenoir Citizen
September 23, 2008
May God Bless your loved ones, and fellow officers from the Caldwell Co. Sheriff's Office. Rest in Peace.
Cpl Jean Paul Rochat
Swiss Army, MP Service, Traffic Unit
September 23, 2008
My prayers go out to your family. You were brave and died much too young. Continue to look over those who served with you.
Laurie Etheridge
Wife of an officer
September 23, 2008
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