Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Monte Ruby

CoxHealth Department of Public Safety, Missouri

End of Watch Wednesday, August 6, 2008

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Reflections for Officer Monte Ruby

Today, August 1, 2024. I still have your post at Richwood Valley Campus, Ozarks Technical Community College. Hard to believe it's been 16 years that you have been gone. This weekend will be the anniversary of your murder. I want you to know that I still think of you and laugh about the good times we had together. All of the funny things you use to say, I still say today.

You are greatly missed and always will be.

Jerome F. Ransom - Safety and Security
Ozarks Technical Community College

August 1, 2024

Rest in heavenly peace thank you for your service

Mark Mottola

August 6, 2020

Rest in peace always knowing that your memory, service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

August 6, 2020

Rest in peace Officer Ruby.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 6, 2020

Dear Monte: Sorry for being late in sending you a note. My sister in law worked at Cox at the time and informed me of your passing. You see I lived in Columbia MO at the the time and was called to be a juror In the trial of the man who was responsible for you being killed in action. I felt like I had gotten to know you through my Sis who had wept at your departure. So when I was later called for possible jury duty and realized it involved the man who caused your death I had to recuse myself because by then I considered you like a close compatriot. I hope you believe I did the right thing. The defendant was found guilty and got life plus seven. I am putting a blue light on my porch on your honor. I salute you though I only know you in spirit.

Colonel (Ret.) Wendell Gideon
US Army (JAGC)

June 12, 2020

Nearly ten years have past, but no brother in blue is ever forgotten! My husband abs and I both quirks for Cox health at the time. And now we remember once again the true sacrifices made. "WE" recently began a new life as a LEO family. No matter the risks we're all together in this. In remembrance and great pride.! We thank you for your service.

LEO Wife Kaia Fields
Nixa, MO PD

February 19, 2018

Monte, we recently went armed at OTC, Oh my how things change. I still have your watch at Richwood. I know you would love working for Scott Leven, he is the director now and has taken the department further than anyone ever has. We miss you and I still think of you everyday. I know one day we will see each other again and I will get to hear you say "Dog" like you use to.

Jerome Ransom -Safety & Security Super
OTC Safety & Security

February 12, 2016

Hi Monte

Mary Christmas to you and Gary I sure miss you guys. I hope you guys are having a good time, and watching over us. My blue light is shinning for you guys.

Patrol Officer Lawrence Gott
Friend and Co worker

December 24, 2013

As I sit here I wish you could see how much the security department at OTC is changing. We are under the direction of Scott Leven, the fairest and most open minded supervisor I have ever had. We miss you Monte and I want you to know I still think of you everyday. I am a supervisor now and really enjoy it.

Jerome F. Ransom Supervisor
OTC Safety and Security

December 4, 2013

Monte was my friend, my brother as was his wife and his son Brian. I had the pleasure of getting Lennie his wife, over $300,000.00 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Public Safety Officer's Death Benefit, for which he was eligible, but which was denied him due to miscommunication and a misunderstanding of the law. Monte, I am watching over your family and I visit your gravesite often. God Bless you my friend.

Deputy Richard D. Crites
Christian County, Missouri Sheriff's Office.

May 6, 2013

I was thinking of you today, I had to smile. Keep a eye out for us still fighting the fight. You will never be forgotten.

Captain Robert Wheatley
University of Arkansas Fort Smith Police Department

February 1, 2013

I never got the chance to meet you but everything I have heard is amazing. I just hope I can be half the officer you were. Watch over all of us while we finish your watch. More importantly watch over your family and keep them safe.

Public Safety Officer Clark
CoxHealth Public Safety

November 19, 2012

Four years you have been gone. I still think of you everyday and say some of the things you use to say. I have to laugh at all the good times we had together and am so thankful for them. I miss you and always will. I remember when we would sit at the corner of Sherman and Central and watch the traffic go by. I miss those times and many others.

Public Safety Officer/Jerome Ransom
Ozarks Technical Community college

August 10, 2012

Hows it going brother I sure miss you This weekend starts Police week. I will have my blue porch light on all week for you, Gary, and the rest of our brothers and sister whos watch ended.

Lawrence Gott Patrol Officer
Ex Co Worker and Friend

May 12, 2012

Monte, as I sit in your office everyday I think of all the great times we shared. it is hard for me to believe you have been gone so long. I think back to when I first took over your post I still get emotional just like those first days without you.

Jerome F. Ransom
OTC Department of Public Safety

February 17, 2012


It's been three long years since that scumbag hurt you and left your family and work family with a large void in their hearts. I know you're watching over them and I pray for peace to come to them each day. You won't be forgotten.

Paramedic Adam Spencer
Cox Health EMS

August 9, 2011

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today. Continue to keep watch over them and guide and protect them. You are a true hero and your memory will never die. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

August 6, 2011

After almost three years Monte's beloved wife Lennie will receive the Public Safety Officers Death Benefit from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Sadly a long and needless fight to receive those benefits ensued after the application did not even mention that Monte was a deputy sheriff. Monte, Rest In Peace Brother. You have indeed become on of God's Warriors. I miss you my dear friend.

Deputy Richard D. Crites
Stone County Missouri Sheriffs' Office

June 25, 2011

It's still hard to believe that you are gone, it's been almost three years and there have been and always will be many days when I wish I could talk to you. I think of you everyday, you are greatly missed.

Jerome Ransom Public Safety Officer
Ozarks Technical Community College

June 23, 2011

For some these last two years flew by, for others, they dragged. I know you were with each and every person who loves and misses you throughout and offering a guiding inspiration to those who have followed in your footsteps.

RIP Brother.

Ptl. Jim Leahy
Harvard Univ. PD

August 6, 2010

You have not been forgotten. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

August 6, 2010

On your EOW just to let you know that you are not forgotten.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02


August 6, 2010

coming up on two years, Monte I still think of you everyday and laugh at some of the things you use to say. It has almost been two years and my pain and sorrow is as if I lost you yesterday. I am still on your watch just as you wanted. God be with you.

Jerome F. Ransom CCSD (Reserve)
Ozarks Technical College Public Safety officer

July 28, 2010

Monte, it's just not the same without you around here. You made working weekends something to look forward to. Your smile and sense of humor is truly missed.

Don't worry, we're carrying on your watch. We love you brother. God be with you.

Lt. Jeremy Michael
Cox Health Dept. Public Safety

February 16, 2010

Monte you can rest in peace now! We all miss you and love you and will never ever forget you! Thank you for being such a great friend and co-worker and for always having our backs! I am very grateful for having known you! God Bless you, and your family and may peace be with them!

Stephanie Gott
Co worker

October 28, 2009

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