Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper James Scott Burns

Texas Department of Public Safety - Texas Highway Patrol, Texas

End of Watch Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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Reflections for Trooper James Scott Burns

We would like to send our deepest regards and warmest condolences to the family, friends and department of Trooper James Burns. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Wives Behind The Badge
Members and Staff

May 1, 2008


washington county,maryland

May 1, 2008

Your life was full and had so much meaning,
you never dwelled on the chance of leaving.
Facing each day with a possible threat,
and not one moment lived with a regret.

So many people see but don't understand,
that we protect and serve in a not so perfect land.
There wasn't time for you to say good-bye,
but I can hear you clearly saying -- 'Please don't cry'.

Your life has been rich and sweet,
you'll be missed by your brothers and sisters on the street.
You don't have to face another hassle,
now you can go live in your own little castle.

Getting your wings up in the sky,
where one day you'll teach us all to fly.
Author Unknown

This poem was written as a tribute to The Capitol Police, Washington, D.C. but in a case so close to home...It makes perfect sense. My prayers and thoughts are with the family, friends, and all other Officers who serve our area to keep everything safe for us! May god bless and rest peacefully.

A Deeply Saddened East Texas Citizen

May 1, 2008

Rest in peace Trooper Burns, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your service.


May 1, 2008

You swore an oath to Protect and Serve, you gave your life protecting us, all of us we will pray for you and your family.
May god bless all Police, Fire and EMS who place their lives on the line each day.

Retired Paramedic

May 1, 2008

I did not know Officer Burns, but he gave his life in support of the american dream of being free, its a shame he cam across an individual who didnt believe in that dream, god bless him and his family.

kenny neyhart

May 1, 2008

My deepest sympathies to the family, friends, and co-workers of Trooper Burns. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. I did not personally know Trooper Burns, but have heard that he was held in the highest of regards with everyone he was associated with. The brotherhood has lost a brother, but justice will be served. Remember, this could happen to any of us. Stick together and God will help you through this time of sorrow. Trooper Burns, you will not be forgotten.

Officer Trent Richardson
Whitehouse Police Department

May 1, 2008

My deepest sympathy for the family of Trooper Burns. RIP Trooper. We will continue the fight in your honor.

May 1, 2008

Trooper Burns gave the ultimate sacrifice - his life- so our cities are a safer place to live. We think of soldiers fighting wars in foreign lands and our police officers are often forgotten or not appreciated for the dangerous job they do every day in our own country. It is an honor to serve my country in this way as it was for Trooper Burns. My prayers are with his family. The most important thing in life is to believe in the Lord and believe in Him as our Saviour who also gave the ultimate sacrifice so we may have eternal life in heaven.

Joseph Birt, Senior Trooper
Texas Dept Public Safety

May 1, 2008

God Bless the family, friends and co-workers and have comfort in the knowledge that God will hold him close to his heart until we all see him again. Keep his memory alive.

A. Rawlings
Smith County

May 1, 2008

Go get em boys! I hear there is always room for one more in Huntsville!! Wooo...that bad guy ain't gonna know what hit him!

Georgia Police

May 1, 2008

I will miss you.Even though we never met.But I wish you and your family hope and love.You are in a better place.I will never forget your a very handsome man.

Cammie Floyd
a long distance cousin

Cammie Floyd
Distant cousin

May 1, 2008

I'm so sorry for the loss the Trooper Burns Family had to suffer. My prayers and well wishes are with them. We take so many things for granted and the Service of our State Troopers is one of those! May you find peace and healing with the help of our Lord! And swift Justice for State Trooper James Scott Burns!

The Beattie Family

The Beattie Family

May 1, 2008

My God be with the family of Trooper Burns. This is very sad. Thank you Trooper Burns for keeping East Texas safe!!

Natasha and Adam Miles
Tyler, Texas

May 1, 2008

Trooper Burns,
May God comfort your family during this difficult time. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Rest easy troop.

Police Officer Jason J Eiffe
Syracuse, NY Police Department

May 1, 2008

"The wicked flee where no man pursueth but the righteous are bold as a lion" -inscription on the National Law Enforcment Memorial
Trooper Burns, you made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of public service. You are a hero in my eyes. I will continue to pray for your wife and baby girl, your parents and the rest of your family (police and non). We must all seek comfort knowing that you are safe in God's loving hands.

Patrol Officer Jeanine Galusha
Marshall PD

May 1, 2008

My deepest sympathies to all those who loved Trooper Burns - from his wife and child - to his other family members, friends, and fellow DPS family. I know every spouse of a trooper is thinking of you at this moment and wishing there was something we could do. Just know you are all in my prayers and thoughts. Heaven has welcomed yet another hero.

Jo Reaves
Wife of a Trooper

May 1, 2008

I am so sadden to hear of such a fine Texas State Trooper downed in the line of duty. May you rest in peace. I pray that GOD will be with your family, wife and daughter in their time of need. May God Bless each of you.

Gilmer Texas resident

May 1, 2008

May you rest in peace My Brother. God has called you home to patrol another beat.

Lt. Frank Creasey
Austin Public Safety

May 1, 2008

Your service to the citizens of the State of Texas is GREATLY appreciated.. I thank you fellow brother Burns.. God bless your family, friends, and coworkers.. Your tour in hell is now over, we will take it from here..

Deputy Thomas J. Yoder, JR.
Hamilton County Sheriff's Dept, TX

May 1, 2008

My Prayers are with you and the family. I am so very sorry.

God Be with you in this time of sorrow


May 1, 2008

Rest in peace Trouper Burns, we'll take it from here.

Wayne Mikel Dispatcher
Pauls Valley Oklahoma Police Department

May 1, 2008

This Officer of the Law was an honest gentleman. Thank you for your kindness. You always treated my drivers with respect. It was an honor to have meet you. You will be missed.
Rusty Daniel Trucking
Sulphur Springs

Melinda Daniel
Business Owner

May 1, 2008

May you rest in peace and may God bless you and your family in this time of tragedy. The law enforcement family in Texas and across the United States has suffered a great loss.

I will be strong and courageous. I will not be terrified, or discouraged; for the Lord my God is with me wherever I go. - Joshua 1:9

CO II K. Norton
Jefferson County, TX Sheriff's Office

May 1, 2008

I'm so sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies to your family, and to your extended family of LEO'S. They will be there for you. May God comfort you all and give you strength for the difficult days ahead. My prayers are for you all.

Kristy Underwood
Widow of a LEO

May 1, 2008

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