Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper James Scott Burns

Texas Department of Public Safety - Texas Highway Patrol, Texas

End of Watch Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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Reflections for Trooper James Scott Burns

Thinking of you and your family. You will not be forgotten!

Investigator, Michael Keck

April 29, 2014

6 years later, Scott, and you still are not forgotten. I will make sure of that.

Celeste Lunceford
Friend/former co-worker

March 31, 2014



February 11, 2014

Good troopers never die. We know where they go.

Starcie, 3 red bar
michigan state police,

September 9, 2013

I am an attorney in Cass County where Trooper Burns hailed from (as do I). I first met Trooper Burns in my first DWI trial when I moved back to Cass County. He was the arresting officer. The jury returned a 'not guilty' verdict. Trooper Burns, unlike many officers in that situation was gracious and inerringly honest in his testimony (volunteering on direct without even having to be questioned about a couple of things he thought he could have done more thoroughly on the Field Sobriety Tests--my client had stepped on a nail about a half hour before the stop). He actually congratulated me and thanked me for being courteous in my questioning and argument to the jury. He didn't take it personally the way many officers would. He told me he had learned a few things and was glad to do so and the next time he and I met in court he had delivered the DA a gift-wrapped conviction with no loose ends. He understood each of us was just doing a job required by our system of law and justice and there is no reason to take it personally or to act like a jackass. He had many more air-tight cases afterward and I was never able to find so much as missing comma on his offense reports or any deviation from proper procedures in his videos. One thing I admired about Scott actually came to me by way of anecdotes from more than one person who told me about being pulled over by Scott when they were drinking but not actually intoxicated. Scott on such occasions would warn the person that they were getting close to intoxication and that he would follow them home. He wasn't just out to make his arrest numbers. He understood that the people he encountered in these circumstances were people, too--not just perps to ticketed or arrested. He had a reputation for being unfailingly polite - even to the point of being too polite and helpful. One of the stories about Scott was he came upon an RV with a flat tire one day--driven by an elderly couple. Without being asked or even having an obligation to do so, he got down on the ground in the high-Texas summer in his uniform, jacked the RV up, changed the tire (which is no fun chore on one of those behemoths) and got the distressed elderly owners back on their way. That's the kind of guy Scott Burns was. He acted in manner worthy of commendation even when no one was looking. It just infuriates me that he was robbed of seeing his beautiful little girl grow up. He won't get to watch her go on her first date, go to the prom, graduate, or walk her down the aisle at her wedding. He won't get to teach his grandchildren how to fish and hunt and respect nature. He won't have the satisfaction of contented old age after a life with his beautiful wife Michaela. God apparently takes the good people first. Director McCraw has a large picture of Scott (along with all the Troopers who have died in the line of duty during his tenure at DPS) hanging on the wall as you walk into his office. You can't miss it. He indicated to me when I was there recently that he keeps this Hall of Honor placed where it is to remind him of his obligation to the rank and file Troopers who daily risk their lives for the safety of all Texas citizens. I guess I an rambling--this subject is still very raw and emotional for me when I consider the senselessness of Scott's murder. Please keep his wife and child in your thoughts and prayers if you are of that disposition. Please donate to the Texas State Trooper's Assn or the DPSOA.

Bryan Simmons

July 25, 2013

It has been five years, Scott, but you still aren't forgotten!!

Celeste Lunceford Havis
Friend/former colleague

April 29, 2013

Heroes live forever, Trooper Burns, and we will never forget. Thank you for the sacrifice you made for the citizens of the great State of Texas.

Greater Houston C.O.P.S.

April 29, 2013

Thinking about you and your family.

Investigator Michael Keck

December 24, 2012

Ms. Burns thanks for taking timeoff from your day to tell us about your husband! -Marco Morales Klein Oak student

Marco Morales

September 13, 2012

Just thinking of the good times we had here in Beaumont, and it brought you to my mind Scott. R.I.P. my friend.

Sgt. M. Jones

July 14, 2012


James Kotke
Civilian / Former Officer
WSF Park Police (Wi.)

July 9, 2012

Trooper Burns,

Thank you for your sacrafice and service to the citizens of Texas. You are not forgotten!!

Michael Keck, Criminal Investigator
Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice-OIG

April 29, 2012

Trooper Burns, your sacrafice is not forgotten. RIP Brother Roaddog.

TFC Len Widener CT State Police

April 29, 2012

Rest in peace, Trooper Burns. Your service and sacrifice to the citizens of the great State of Texas are not forgotten.

Greater Houston C.O.P.S.

April 29, 2012

I never had the opportunity to meet you but I remember that tragic day vividly. I am a fire cadet in Cass County, and I was at fire drill when the news broke out over Northeast Texas. One of your fellow Troopers out of Cass County is also a firefighter, and I was attending drill with him when he got the phone call from dispatch. He explained to me all he knew at the time. I was enraged, mournful, and disappointed all at the same time. I lived next to your fellow trooper at the time so he took me home and explained to me that he had to go home and get ready to respond to Marion County... Scott, I wanted to go and help so bad but I was about 14 at the time so I wasn't allowed. I followed the news very closely and monitored all radio traffic, hoping to hear the moment that justice was served.. Scott, they busted their rear ends around here for you and I feel that you would done the same for them. When I grow up I wish to be a firefighter and a police officer despite my mothers wishes. I hope to be just like you from what i've herd about you. Your wife is doing fine (even though she doesn't know me) she attends church at the congregation I attend. Your daughter is very beautiful and growing bigger and every time I see her I lean over to my girlfriend and say "look there is Scott's daughter" and I smile. You will be missed and always remembered. May God bless Your family, The Texas DPS, and all public servants.

Fire Cadet
Cass County, Texas

April 3, 2012

28 years ago today, October 11th, my brother - Trooper Russell Lynn Boyd - was killed in the line of duty. I needed to visit the Officer Down Site.

It brought me directly to Scott's Site.

Please accept my sincerest condolences on the loss of your husband and brother, Scott. And, know that many, many others truly care for you and love Scott for the sacrifice he and his family have made.

David Boyd
Brother to Trooper Russell L. Boyd

October 11, 2011

Scott, I was thinking of you today so I looked your articles up again. The articles about the horrible end of your young life. I am your daddy's first cousin. Russell and Pearl's daughter. Your dad and mom are doing a lot better. Buidling your cabin was a real healing thing for them. They did and still do love you sooooo much. Just felt the need to write something today. I am not only your cousin, I am also a retired police officer. Other people just do not understand the brotherhood.
Rest in peace sweet boy!
Sue Hale
Criminal District Attorney's Office
Fannin County, Texas

Sue Hale

September 1, 2011

I'll never forget, rest well brother.


May 16, 2011


Deputy Bill Lawrence
Cass County Sheriff Office

April 29, 2011

Scott, it may have been three years since you were taken from us, but you are definitely not forgotten. Your memory remains alive in many, many people's hearts.

Celeste Lunceford Havis
Friend and former co-worker

April 29, 2011

You will not be forgotten, Brother.

NLC, Special Agent

March 18, 2011

Hey there babe. It's me. You have been on my mind so much lately. Everyday as a matter of fact. I love you more than you will ever know. They say time heals but for me the pain and hurt of losing you gets harder and harder. I just miss you so much. I cry everyday day for you. I look at our beautiful daughter everyday and thank God that we were able to share those brief 5 months together as a family. You were such a great father and everybody could see the pride in your face when you walked into a room holding Micah. There isn't one day that goes by that I don't remind Micah of how much you loved her and how proud you were of her. She always ask me when are you going to come home so she can hold you. It breaks my heart into. She always tells me that you are in her heart. She is so sweet and so wise for her age. I just can't imagine how much you would enjoy her. The three years we were together was and always will be the best three years of my life. I love you Scott. You were my heart. Thank you for being a loving husband and daddy. I love you!!

Michaela Burns

March 17, 2011

Another year has passed and you are still admired and respectfully remembered in the hearts and minds of so many. My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. You will never be forgotten.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

April 29, 2010

Scott, it has been almost two years since you were taken from us, but you are not forgotten. I pray that your family is doing as well as possible, and that Micah is beginning to learn more about what a wonderful person her father was. You are still missed every single day!

Celeste Lunceford Havis

April 26, 2010

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of Scott. It is still hard for me not to ask WHY??? I pray everyday to give my family the strength that is needed to make that day a little better than the day before.God bless every man and woman who have put their lives on the line for us and continue to do so everyday.


January 16, 2010

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