Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper James Scott Burns

Texas Department of Public Safety - Texas Highway Patrol, Texas

End of Watch Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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Reflections for Trooper James Scott Burns

On behalf of the Sugar Land, Texas Police Department Honor Guard we would like to offer our condelences and prayers to your family and friends. You will always be in our thoughts and our hearts.

Officer Shellene Keuling
Sugar Land PD

May 3, 2008

May God be with you and your family in this time of loss. The Lord will take care of you. Just remember Scott is in a much better place than we are and we will see him soon!

Chelsea Owens

May 3, 2008

I never knew Scott as an adult........but have wonderful memories of when he, his brothers and my boys played Little League baseball together. And later in high school football.

What a tragic loss.

Shirley Corley-Holland
friend from when Scott was young

May 3, 2008

To all of the family of Trooper Burns my husband and I send our thoughts and prayers. We have walked in your shoes just a little over a year ago and know the terrible ache and surreal time that you are now experiencing. Our son, Texas Game Warden Justin Hurst was also shot and killed, leaving behind a 4 month old son. I know you have been surrounded by an amazing law enforcement extended family. Call on them, lean on their broad shoulders and let them be there for you in the tough times ahead. Your family will continue in our prayers.

Pat Hurst
mother of Justin Hurst EOW 3/17/07

May 3, 2008

Today we buried a man who protected the citizens of Texas from harm. Your body may be buried but your soul and spirit lives among us. You will never be forgotten, Brother. Go in Peace, We got the Highways now. Lord, please watch over Scott's family.

Texas Trooper

May 3, 2008

To the Burns Family,
As a family raised in Linden Texas and the mother of a cop my condulences go out the the Burns family. My son Wes is in Iraq and new Scott personally as did we all. They are a wonderful family. Maybe now the Burns family and our community can begin the healing process. God be with all our law enforcement and and their familes.
Cathy Watson, Linden, Tecas

Cathy Buckland Watson
Mother of a Policeman

May 3, 2008

My heart goes out to the family of Trooper Burns. You are in my prayers for strength and comfort.

Donna Sherrill
Mother of Dale Sherrill, EOW 10/19/07

May 3, 2008

Thank you, sir, for your courageous sacrifice and dedicated service to the citizens of Texas!

PSO CW Edwards
North Augusta Dept. of Public Safety (SC)

May 3, 2008

Trooper Burns you are a hero and have given the untimate sacrifice. You go rest and watch over the rest of us till we patrol the streets of Gold with you. We will take it from here.

Henderson County Sheriff's Dept

May 3, 2008

Rest in peace brother, your service and sacrafice will not be forgotten!

Patrolman Jeff Tripp
Marion,Ma Police Dept.

May 3, 2008

Godspeed Sir! You will not be forgotten.

Officer Brad Edmonds
Altus, Oklahoma Police Department

May 3, 2008

Rest in peace Trooper.

Cpl Surowiec
Delaware State Police

May 3, 2008

May God be with the wife a precious daughter of Trooper Burns. May he watch over them in the years to come and provide them with everything they need. May He help them through this trying time. Bless his baby daughter and may she always hold a place in her heart filled with peace of knowing her Father's love for her. My heart and condolences go out to his survivors. "Blessed are the peace-keepers."

Daughter of a State Trooper

May 3, 2008

May God bless you and your family. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Just A Memory Away
I’m no longer by your side
But there’s no need to weep
I’ve left sweet recollections
I’m hoping you will keep.

Eternal joy and memories
Stay in our hearts forever
Strengthening our special bond
That parting cannot sever.

So now it’s time to journey on –
Just let your faith be strong.
For I am in a better place …
I’m home where I belong.

But, still, if times of loneliness
Bring sorrow and dismay
Don’t despair, for I am there…
Just a memory away.
~ Rita S. Beer

Melissa Zaborowski
Wife of Texas DPS HP

May 3, 2008

Thank you brave Hero.

Resident in Marion County

May 3, 2008

To the family, co-workers, and friends of Trooper Burns, our deepest condolences go out to you on behalf of the Los Angeles Police Department.

You are a true hero.

May God bless your family with strength during this very difficult time.

Police Officer L. Garcia

May 3, 2008

My thoughts and prayers to the family, friends and co-workers of Trooper Burns. My heart aches for his wife and child. May God comfort you all. Rest in peace.

911 Dispatcher

May 3, 2008

To the family... Please know that we, the community in which Trooper Burns served, hurt with you.
May our sincere prayers lift,comfort and carry you during this difficult time.
What a honor to have known and worked by such a dedicated servant.
His Peace to each of you.

Susan Cornett
Texas Forest Service

May 3, 2008

God bless and our family you James.You are a credit to our uniform you will be remembered in my prayers RIP my brother
Des Goulding
Retired Special Const

Desmond Goulding
Retired Special Constable Local Gov Law Enforcement officer Australia

May 3, 2008

Rest in peace and may the lord be with you and your family.

Amarillo police officer

May 3, 2008

To the family of Trooper James Scott Burns:

Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your husband, father, son, brother and other family kin.

God does not promise us an easy life, but for those who choose to follow and honor him, there is eternal life.

We do not pray for an easy life, but rather for the opportunity, strength and courage to live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to him. It seems that by the number and depth of the reflections left on the o.d.m.p. that Scott certainly fulfilled his promise to God, family, co-workers, friends and to all whose lives he touched in some way or another.

Thank you Scott, for the ultimate sacrifice that you have made, and just as much for the example that you have set for us all to try and make this world a better place, to be better people; to answer to a higher calling. "Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration." John 4:24 MSG

I was honored to be among those in law enforcement that sought to bring your perpetrator to justice.

Tomorrow, sadly enough, I will attend yet another funeral service for a brother in "blue."

My sister, who is not in law enforcement, and often does not understand those of us who are, will say to me once again, "is that all you guys do is go to funerals"? Sadly, Sis, it is too often the result of what we do"!

Secretly, however, I try very hard not to think of these too frequent occurrences as "funerals," but, rather more as an opportunity to honor and bid farewell to a true "hero."
I think of it as more than the profession that you chose, you were a "hero" just by the way that you conducted your life. Your profession was the platform for your worship.

Karen D. Simmons
Texas Game Warden

May 3, 2008

My heroes have always been lawmen, and my world is a darker place sir, since this tragedy. May your family find the courage to go on with your spirit beside them.
God bless you and all law enforcement officers everywhere.

Vincent H. Hoyt
Texas Citizen

May 3, 2008

Rest easy friend. God Speed!

Offc. J. McGee #191
mckinney PD, Texas

May 3, 2008

For Trooper Burns' family: We would like you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers and have our support; our hearts go out to you. We can't imagine what you must be going through, but want you to know you don't have to go through this alone. We know we never, ever really stop missing those we love who are taken from us, especially when it occurs so suddenly and unexpectedly. We will pray for strength and courage for you as you grieve and we will ask God to carry you gently through the days ahead as painlessly as possible. It is ok to lean on others when this path gets too steep to climb. We are lifting you up in prayer.

Suzan Burgett, President - ETCPA
East Texas Crime Prevention Association

May 3, 2008

During the years that I've known you I have seen professionalism in everything that you've done. I have seen the love for your family as number one and the true brotherly love for your partners in law enforcement. You will be missed greatly. I pray for your family and your precious daughter. I will see you again someday. Until then, rest in peace brother, we'll take it from here.

Investigator Shawn Cox
Marion County SO

May 2, 2008

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