Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Dayle Weston "Wes" Hardy

Plano Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Saturday, July 7, 2007

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Reflections for Police Officer Dayle Weston "Wes" Hardy

God Bless Officedr Hardy, his wife, babies, family, and co-workers. We are praying for you all.
Rest in Peace Wes. Heaven now has a new angel.

LEO Wife

July 11, 2007

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew; Chapter 5 Verse 9 of The Holy Bible.

Rest In Peace, Brother.

Sgt. D.L. Brown (Ret)
Grayson Co. Sheriff's Office

July 11, 2007

Heartfelt condolences to family, friends, and PPD during this time. Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow.
The Gift
They walk a beat of concrete and stone,
they drive through the city in a car alone.
They swallow their pride,their prejudice, and grief.
they deal with all kinds from preacher to thief.
Sometimes they get weary, from fighting this fight,
To punish the wrong and defend the right.
Defending a sacred creed and code,
of freedom and justice, they bear the full load.
You don't ever see them for what's deep inside,
The pain, the anger, or the many tears they've cried.
For you, for me, and others in fear,
Seldom a "Thank- you," do they ever hear
If you could look at their heart, just once,
You would see;
Their own life is the gift given to you and me.

Author unknown

Tanya Young-Citizen's Police Academy

July 11, 2007

i want to send my thoughts and prayers to officer dayle hardy's family for their loss. i know of what you are going thru in a way. my husband, paul steven habelt, was killed in the line of duty 05-17-2007 responding to a domestic disturbance. my prayers are with the family.

nita habelt
wife of paul steven habelt
eow 05/17/2007

comm nita habelt
henderson co so

July 11, 2007

Rest in peace, my brother. We have the watch.
Great Nephew of Pvt. Dan McDuffie, EOW 07/07/31.

Patrolman R. McDuffie

July 11, 2007

Mrs.Hardy and Girls,
I'm so sorry for your loss. Wes was truly an angel to me and my family! He will be greatly missed. Please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Anytime you need me, don't hesitate to call. May the Lord Bless you and the girls. Always-Gina(White)Robertson
Paradise, TX

Gina Robertson

July 11, 2007

Another day another loss today we shed a tear for a brother officer one whom most of us never new, but he was and is a member of one of the biggest families in the world Law Enforcement, Police Officer he was our brother.

So today we shed a tear and say a prayer for brother Hardy
and ask God to bless his family and his brothers and sisters of the Plano Texas Police Department.

Detective Vince Iello

July 11, 2007

Father, I lift up this family to you in this difficult time! Cover them Lord with your love and strength and bring them the peace and comfort they need. Losing a loved one isn't easy;our hearts break and never do we think we can go on without them. That is why we call upon you Lord to give all of us your strength to carry on til we meet with our loved ones again.
I pray this in your Great Name Lord! Amen.

Sister in Christ

July 11, 2007

Wes, we got hired at the same time, and worked many shifts togheter. It was an honor to know you, and you will be greatly missed.

Katie Bryant
FBI/Former Plano PD Officer #1495

July 11, 2007


You will be missed. I remember You and I joined the Howe FD. The same day. Mine, Tonya and Hunter's thoughts and prayers are with you Ashlee, Caitlyn, and Cora. Wes you will always be with me. We will meet again one day. God bless your family.

Howe FF #91 Steven
Howe Vol. Fire Dept.

July 11, 2007


You were a groom at my wedding and I still remember sitting in the room before the wedding started and you said, "don't be nervous you'll be alright". Wes, don't worry you'll be alright. Wes lost his mother a few months before I lost my mother which brought us closer together. We had many discussions about life and death. I know from these discussions Wes was a christian. Therefore, I have no doubt he is guarding the gates of heaven. I worked with Wes at Wise County and have to say I know he was a great officer and will never be forgotten. Ashley, may God be with you and your children and know that you can call on any of us from the old group at Wise County for you help. Love Y'all

Special Ranger John Bradshaw and Family
Texas and S.W. Cattle Raiser's Assoc./ close friend

July 11, 2007

Rest in peace and God Bless.

City of Plano Employee

July 11, 2007

Rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends.

Massachusetts State Police

July 11, 2007

The highest of distinctions is service to others. -King George VI

Officer Hardy -- Your dedication to the good of your community will not be forgotten.

To all those touched by the loss of Officer Hardy -- Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Colorado Springs (CO) Police Protective Association

July 11, 2007

Much like St. Michael is the protector of police, Wes is the protector for all of us.

"St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do you, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."

Godspeed my brother, we will take it from here.

Plano PD

July 11, 2007

God Bless You as you join Him in Heaven, where you'll never know sadness. You were a blessing to those of us who knew you and we will always remember you.

You and the girls are in my prayers constantly. God will bring you His strength and peace in this difficult time. As you must live on without your dear Wes, I pray you will know he is safe now and you will be together again one day.

Detective Brenda Speaker
Plano PD

July 11, 2007

I knew Wes and his wife Ashlee for almost 7 years. They were my next door neighbors. I grew very close to Ash and their girls Cora and Caitlyn. You never knew a sweeter little family. I missed them so much when they moved a few months ago. And now my heart is breaking for her and their families. When I was a single woman living all alone in the country with my kids, Wes or Ash would come over at the drop of a hat. Thats just the kind of man he was: quiet, but kind and giving. I felt safer with him around, and now life out here will never be the same. Our whole community is grieving his loss.The guys at the volunteer PD are in disbelief. AS a community, we pray for Ashlee's comfort, that God will be so close to her and the girls. Sincerely- Jennifer Lokey

Jennifer Lokey

July 11, 2007

When our sons & daughters make the decision to become police officers, we the parents soon realize that we feel strongly protective of and forever connected to ALL our children in blue. We are proud and honored to be a part of this special family. Few civilians TRULY realize, that every single day when you go to work, you are willingly putting your very lives on the line, in order that the children, women & men you protect and watch over, can feel a little safer in their homes, on the streets, and in their communities. It takes a SPECIAL kind of heart to dedicate yourselves to law enforcement and become a police officer. And yet somehow, you always find the time to let your wives, husbands, children, parents, and friends, know how much you love them, need them, and cherish their support. Police Officers are, in every sense of the word, amazingly unselfish HEROES! The wives & husbands of Police Officers are equally amazing and unselfish.

Over the past few days Wes, we have come to know you on a very special level, and have learned how deeply you were, and always will be, loved and admired by so very many people of all ages...the greatest loves of your life being, of course, your precious wife and twin baby girls. We pray for Ashlee & the girls to always be able to feel your loving presence, and know in their hearts that Daddy will be watching over them and loving them, forever & always.

You gave your life trying to protect the lives of others Wes. There is no greater sacrifice. You will be forever remembered as one of "the good guys". We are comforted by the knowledge that your sweet wife and daughters will be carefully and gently looked after on your behalf by your brothers and sisters in blue. So, rest in the arms of our Lord sweet "son", until you are all reunited again for eternity. And thank you from the bottom of our hearts Wes...for everything!

God bless and keep you all...GBNF

DiAnn & Don Roberts
Parents of a Plano PD Sgt.

DiAnn & Don Roberts
Parents of your friend & Plano PD Sergeant

July 11, 2007

Wes, you will be missed, God be with you and your family.

To the Hardy family: Thank you for allowing us to have Wes as part of our department. Our hearts are heavy and we will always be here for you.

Ricky Hendrix
Officer Plano PD

July 11, 2007

Words will never be able to express how heavy our hearts are over the loss of Wes. He was a great husband, Dad and role model for all of us. He will be missed by all of us, but I know that as Wes said goodbye to us, he was saying hello to his Mom, Nancy, when he arrived in heaven.

Thank you Wes for leaving us with memories that we will always have with us, and for your sweet gentle spirit.

Ashlee, please know that we are praying for you and the girls and we love you all.

Sandy Lambert
Family Friend

Sandy Lambert

July 11, 2007




July 11, 2007

Rest in Peace Wes. You will not be forgotten.

Glenn Kaletta, Sergeant
Plano P.D.

July 11, 2007

It was an honor to be your FTO for five weeks and your friend since then. You will never be forgotten. Your job here is done and now it is our job to take care of those loved ones you left behind.

Sergeant Jeremy Watney
Plano PD

July 11, 2007

Thank you. Now your watch is done we will get it from here.



July 11, 2007

Wes, Rest in peace brother; my thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time.

Allen PD

July 11, 2007

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