Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Jeffrey Howard McCoy

Abilene Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Tuesday, June 5, 2007

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Reflections for Officer Jeffrey Howard McCoy

Family, Friends and Co-Workers,
My heart was so broken when I learned of your loss. Even though I do not have a personal relationship with all from this department, I do know a few. I know how heavy your hearts are and I know the storm that each of you is going through.
I am originally from the Abilene area and have wonderful memories of my life there. It was there that I was born, raised, married and birthed our first child. Life experiences took us to many new places. Our journey brought us to a new city and it was there that I went through my own loss. My family was hurled into the darkest storm of our lives. Through it all we learned to lean on each other as well as those in his department. But most importantly, we trusted in our Lord to carry us through. Through the darkest nights turned into the sweetest mornings. I can't tell you when that time will come for you, for any of you, but as time comes, you will find a smile, a joy again that you never thought would come.
My family has prayed for you many times already and as you come to mind, you will be prayed for again. Those are not empty words, they are real promises.
Walking through this journey together, remember you are never alone.....
Cathy Hill
Surviving Spouse
Deputy Barry Hill
HSCO, 12/4/00

Cathy J Hill
President Greater Houston C.O.P.S.

June 9, 2007

Jeff, my friend and brother. I have enjoyed and will cherish the times we spent together, whether it was on or off-duty. As a father of daughters, I know how much you love Ella and your desire to spend as much time with her as possible being her dad, father, & best friend. Believe me, it will not be forgotten! I know how much you loved Sandy too! You did'nt have to say it, you could see it!

Unfortunatley, myself and a few others were unable to pay our last respects to you the day of your eulogy & funeral. "Duty Called", due to another tragedy in our city that you & I swore to "Serve and Protect". I know while I was working the crime scene, you were right there with me, assisting, as you have done before. Once again, we did it right! Thanks Jeff!
Until the time that I am called by our father, I will say.... Go with God and "adios mi amigo"


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not onto your own understanding; In all ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6

Criminalist Officer, Clayton Daniels
Abilene Police Department

June 9, 2007

Jeff's funeral today was an incredible experience. His testimony for Jesus was further proclaimed through the words of his brother, pastor, and friends. The sight of hundreds of officers giving honor to Jeff and his family was overwhelming. Thanks to all who attended and are praying for his family. I am really proud of the men and women of the Abilene Police Department. Keep on!

Mark Moore, Assistant Chief
Abilene PD

June 8, 2007

Jeff you are my brother and you will be missed. I know that you are in Heaven looking down on us all. Rest now brother and I will see you again.

Ofc Bryan Stevens
Abilene Police Department

June 8, 2007

Officer McCoy

Thank you for your devoted service to the great city of Abilene,God bless you and may you rest in peace with the Lord.

Deputy Nathan Wade

June 8, 2007

Officer McCoy,
Thank you for your dedication to our city and the Abilene Police Department. You are already greatly missed. Your wife, daughter and extended family will be in our thoughts and prayers now and in the future.

Jayme Johnston
City of Abilene

June 8, 2007

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

Isaiah 6:8

We will remeber Officer McCoy, his courage, his service and his sarifice. He is our brother and a hero. Job well done. Go with God.

Corporal Timothy J. Zuniga
UC Berkeley Police Department

June 8, 2007

Thank you for your service to the city of Abilene. You will be missed.

Tony Tucker
Citizen of Abilene Tx.

June 8, 2007

To Officer McCoys wife and family and fellow Officers ,I would like to say that Jeff will not be forgotten. Late at night when I couldn't sleep,words of comfort came from officers to help me deal with sorrows that I went through in 2002. The words of wisdom and comfort helped me through a very hard time. Today when I go to the mall and come upon the officers working the weekend duty I shake their hand and know that I'm comfort by the fact that they are out there protecting myself and the community. To Adam I sincerly hope that God will comfort you as you comforted me one day in my home when I was so destraught that I didn't think I would survive this world.To my many friends , Officer Jeff Hartmonkok, Mike Perry, Officer Stan and the many others that I've had the pleasure to know,I pray for you all and hope that god will keep you safe as you struggle to deal with this horriable accident. May you all have the strength and courage to help Mrs Mc Coy and her daughter Ella to get through this. Help remind Ella what a wonderful father and friend her daddy was and how his life was respected and loved my many a strangers in the Abilene community by his word of faith and ministry.
God bless you all.

Mrs. Barbara Tenison
Citizen of abilene

June 8, 2007

To the McCoy family,
Officer Jeff McCoy will not be forgotten. I was driving down the freeway a couple of days ago and I was touched when I saw several Abilene buisnesses w/condolences written on the billboards. Also, the genuineness of the Abilene public is great. They have been calling w/ condolences & thoughts to Officer McCoy. I am still very new to the civil service family, but the loss is great, nevertheless. May God's peace overwhelm your heart & may his arms hold you and guide you through this time. Jeff's legacy as an officer, husband, father & man of God will never be forgotten.

911 Dispatch Abilene,TX

June 8, 2007

Heaven will be a brighter place because of your smile, and even though Ella will not get to know her daddy growing up she will be the luckiest little girl having you for her guardian angel. Thanks for always being a great friend. I will miss hearing you laugh and seeing your smile.


June 8, 2007

To my fallen brother. You always had a kind word to say and the smile to go along with it. I was fortunate to have known you and worked with you for a few short years. I will miss hearing "What's up Shrek" from you when we would see each other. God bless you and I will see you again my brother.

Officer Chris Lazirko
Abilene Police Department

June 8, 2007

Officer Jeff McCoy,

Thank you for your unselfishness devotion to duty. You are our hero. You will never be forgotten. I know that you are in a better place looking down upon us from the heavens scene, promise us (Law Enforcement Officer's) to look after us as we continue to protect and serve our communities. Thank you for making this world a better place. God speed brother in blue!

Officer S. Neri
California Highway Patrol

June 7, 2007

my thoughts and prayers are with you during these days. know that hundreds of officers and their families from around the country are remembering you. grace and peace to you.

carla h. lyon, widow, asst. chief deputy keith lyon, knoxville, tn eow 05.09.06

June 7, 2007

Thank you for your service and may GOD bless you and your family.


Fairfax County Police, VA

June 7, 2007

Jeff, there is no doubt you are now in a better place. I will cherish the memories all the way back to our academy days....the tear gas we endured, the tests we studied for, the P.T. were griped about, the calls we made together, the fingerprint schools we attended, the laughs we shared, the opinions we expressed....I could go on and on. You were a down to earth solid person. You were also a PATRIOT! I will miss you.

Officer Wallace McDaniel
Abilene Police Dept

June 7, 2007

God Bless your family during this period and in all the days to come, Don't be afraid of your tears, don't be afraid to laugh. Continue to love your officer and know he is in good company. You are too, though it's not the company you would've chosen, you are not alone.

Bonnie Stewart
Mother/ Officer Greg Stewart EOW May 15, 2006 Beeville PD, Texas

June 7, 2007

"Blessed be the peacekeepers, for they shall be called sons of God" - Rest In Peace Bro'

Sgt. MBH

June 7, 2007

Psalm 62:11-12 says: One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving. Surely you will reward each person according to what he has done.
Sandy, I am praying for you and your daughter everyday and will continue to until the Lord calls all of us home.
Jeff is a blessing and touched a lot of people. I thank God for him and for the life he lived and his service to APD and to the city of Abilene. God bless you and we love you guys.
Your sister in Christ,

June 7, 2007

I'm proud to have known you and worked with you. Many tears are being shed at our loss, the loss of Husband, Brother, Father, Son, and fellow Officer; our comfort comes in our knowledge of your faith and assurance that you are on scene in Heaven. May the Peace of Christ be with you, and your family, ALWAYS!

Sgt. Joe Tauer
Abilene Police Department

June 7, 2007

We offer our heartfelt sympathy to the family, friends and colleagues of Officer McCoy and we honor his distinguished service to the cause of justice and peace. Sadly, our nation has lost one of its finest citizens, a community has lost a friend and protector, and a family has lost an example of character and courage who they will love and respect forever. Today, because of the sacrifice Officer McCoy has made, the house of freedom is stronger, sturdier, and more secure.

To the family and friends of Officer McCoy, I would like you to know that a lot of people pray for you, and my hope is that their prayers will give you the strength necessary to move on. Just as you were always with him when he walked the beat or patrolled the streets, know that he will always be with you - wherever you may be. In the days to follow, may you be strengthened by the fact that Officer McCoy is a man distinguished by exceptional courage and will always be admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. You, your family and your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Special Agent
FBI New York City

June 7, 2007

Rest in Peace. God has a special place for you. Your wife and kids will have be watched over and will be in my prayers.

Dustin Haak
Irving PD

June 7, 2007

Thank you Brother for standing as part of the thin blue line. Your sacrifice shall never be forgotten.

Modesto PD

June 7, 2007

Lost but never forgotten...

Deputy Sheriff

June 7, 2007




June 7, 2007

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