Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Jeffrey Howard McCoy

Abilene Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Tuesday, June 5, 2007

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Reflections for Officer Jeffrey Howard McCoy

My heart goes out to this brave young officers family and small child. You may be gone but will never be forgotten as well as the service you provided for the citizens of Abilene. Rest in Peace Brother Officer.

Texas Peace Officer

June 5, 2007

Rest in peace brother....your watch is over. May God Bless You

Deputy Constable LC Downing
Wharton County Texas Pct 2

June 5, 2007

My prayers are with the friends and family of Officer McCoy. Never let his memory fade. Rest In Peace, Brother.

Investigator Mike Bradford: Ret
Tallahassee Police Dept (FL)

June 5, 2007

God Speed Officer McCoy. We will take up the watch from here. Deepest sympathy to your family and our brothers and sisters of the Abilene PD.

Brother Officer
Bryan PD

June 5, 2007

Your a fallen Hero you & your family will be in my thoughts and Prayers.

You served well on your watch and now it is time to let others follow your lead and example.

So carry on Brother.

Detective Sergeant (Retired)
Winnemucca Police Dept; Nevada

Rick Detective Sergeant (Retired)
Winnemucca Police Department, Nevada

June 5, 2007

Rest in peace brother Sleep with the angels

Patrol Officer Douglas Hunt
Glendale Arizona Police

June 5, 2007

Officer McCoy was a great guy and he will be sorely missed by all.

I knew him through my father, and Officer McCoy was always smiling and doing a job that he loved.

He will not only be missed by his family and co-workers, but also those of us who's lives he touched.

Son of another APD officer

June 5, 2007

My sympathies to the immediate and extended family of Officer McCoy. Automobile accidents are one of the greatest threats to a law enforcement officer. God bless my fellow fallen brother for doing what so many of us do each and every day - PROTECTING AND SERVING OUR COMMUNITIES.

CSIA Barry Berhow
Broward County Sheriff's Office

June 5, 2007

i sorry to hear about your lost i know that everybody that wear a badge and uniform feel the same way may god bless him and his family

henry ford hospital

June 5, 2007

Thank you, Officer McCoy, for your service to the citizens of Texas and the United States. Your dedication and efforts are appreciated and will not be forgotten. Rest in peace, Hero.

Janice Brown
Conway, Arkansas

Janice Brown

June 5, 2007

Our hearts go out to you and your family Jeff. We'll take the watch from here......

Lakewood NJ Detective

June 5, 2007

Rest in peace Officer Jeff McCoy, I will keep you and your family and the police family in my prayers, May God Bless be with you, another blue angel gone,

Mother of a Police Officer in MD

June 5, 2007

Gone, but never forgotten, Rest easy now my Brother in law, your watch on earth is over. May God bless the loved ones left behind buddy,,

SGT. John L. Gulledge Retired
Escambia CO FL SO

June 5, 2007

My condolences and prayers to your wife and daughter and to your family, friends, and Police Family Officer McCoy you will never be forgotten and will be remembered in my daily prayers. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication and the sacrifices you gave in protecting the people of Texas. God Bless you as you sleep in God's Love and in His ARms
Kathi Halligan Phila PA wife and mom of LEO'S

kathi Halligan
Philadelphia PA

June 5, 2007

On behalf of Chapter VIII Police Unity Tour, we will ensure your sacrifice will never be forgotten. We Ride For Those Who Died"

H.D. Miller Captain
Tampa PD Police Unity Tour Chap VIII

June 5, 2007

It was an honor to get to work along side Jeff McCoy. Not only was he a great police officer, he was a great man. He did not hide his Faith; he embraced it and shared it with others. He was an inspiration to not only other Christian police officers, but to everyone he met. We will keep your wife and daughter in our hearts and prayers.

Det. Ken Robinson
Abilene Police Department

June 5, 2007

Officer McCoy,

Thank you for your bravery, courage, and 18 years of service. You are a true inspiration. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

WPD Reserve #42

June 5, 2007

Your watch is now over my Brother in Blue. The good ones are always the ones that go. I've learn alot from you Jeff. Know that we will look out for you and your family. We will all miss you very much........... we will never, ever forget you. God Bless.

Patrolman Tim B. Keawmanee
Abilene Police Dept

June 5, 2007

Rest in peace brother. Thank You for your service. Watch over your brothers and sisters in blue from up above. My thoughts and prayers are with your family, friends and department.

Officer Eric Golz
Long Beach Police Department

June 5, 2007

Though I did not know this brother in arms. I am an Abilenian, born and raised. My prayers are with your family. All law enforcement officers are have the most respect from me. We choose a job that many cannot handle. I know that he will patrol the streets of heaven just as he did the streets of Abilene. RIP in Peace Brother. Your brothers and sisters will continue to hold down the fort while you rest.

UNIT 700 (10-8)
SSG Conner,
Ft. Knox Military Police
Reconstructionist/ Traffic Unit Supervisor

SSG Conner
Fort Knox Military Police

June 5, 2007

Rest in Peace my Brother, God Bless you, your family and your Dept.


June 5, 2007

My brother you have done your duty and you will never be forgotten. I blessing go out to your Family and friends. You have touched each and everyone in the Law Enforcement agencies throughout the country. R.I.P.

Investigator Cpl.
East Point P.D.(Atlanta Hidta G-3)

June 5, 2007

My deepest sympathies to Off. McCoy, his family and the officers of the Abilene PD. Rest in peace, Brother, we have the watch from here.

Sgt. Bill Kraus
South Bend, IN PD

June 5, 2007

Prayers and thoughts are with you, the family, friends and co-workers. GODSPEED

Beverly Hendricks

June 5, 2007

As a former resident of Abilene and a survivor as well, my heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family of Officer McCoy. You are a true hero and your memory will live on not only the hearts of your loved ones, but also with all the wonderful men and women who serve our great nation wearing that wonderful badge to "protect and serve". God bless each and everyone of you.....

christine roth
survivor of the shield 1997

June 5, 2007

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