Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Jeffrey Howard McCoy

Abilene Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Tuesday, June 5, 2007

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Reflections for Officer Jeffrey Howard McCoy

Officer McCoy and Family,

Though I never knew you personally, our two families will forever be connected through our profession of arms.

Faithfully and selflessly serving others...knowing one day we will all be together again.

"...And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod the high untresspassed sanctity of space, put out my hand and touched the face of God."

Capt Geof Cox
US Air Force

June 7, 2007

rest in peace officer mccoy

Officer R. Choate #8561
Dallas Police Department

June 7, 2007

The members of the Tampa Police Department send our deepest sympathies during this very difficult time. Remember that your dad, husband will continue to watch out for you from above. God Bless.

Officer Shane Gadoury
Tampa Police Department, Fl

June 7, 2007

Rest in Peace Sir.............................

Officer Thomas Wiederhold #1890
Fort Worth Police,Tx

June 7, 2007

My heart goes out to you in this difficult time I just lost my cousin to the same thing in an auto accident he was only 23 years of age in rocky mount nc during good such as this officer and my cousin just remember god takes the best he needs another good officer in heaven. God will give you the strength to raise your daughter but he will forever be missed that does not change the fact that he is gone from your presence just know that he is in a better place sleeping we shall meet him again some glad morning when this life is done on the earth.


June 7, 2007

Thank you for your service. GODSPEED.


June 7, 2007

I was one of the lucky ones who got the chance to work with Jeff for 10 years of my law enforcement career and he was an absolute blessing to his job and to the world in general. He was always good for a chuckle and a smile to cheer you up and just watching him smile talking about Sandy and Ella would brighten even the darkest of days.
He will be sorely missed by many, and will NEVER be forgotten.
To Sandy...I never had the pleasure of meeting you and little Ella but I did get to see lots of pictures from when Ella was born and blessed you both so much. Let her, the symbol of your love and the memories of your wonderful husband comfort you at this time and know that he is watching over us all.
Rest in Peace my dear friend..........
Debbie (Favor) Phillips Orange Park, Fla

Dispatcher Debbie Phillips (Favor)
Orange Park Police Dept, OP Fla.

June 7, 2007

Rest in peace brother.


June 7, 2007


Words cannot express how much I will miss you. I am fully confident that you are the best of all places. You have been my best and closest friend since we were college roommates, and both a confidant, advisor and brother to me. The past few days I have been reliving memories of all the life experiences we shared, and I thank God for them and for you and your service. You have always been a positive and Godly role model to me and Sherry, and to my daughters, and we will always remember and thank God for the positive impact that you have had on all of our lives. You were always more like a brother to me, than simply just my best friend and I will miss you tremendously. My only regret is that due to my military career that we did not get to fellowship as often as Sherry and I would have liked. You can rest peacefully now Jeff, Sandy and Ella are in our prayers.

Maj Michael D. Phillips, USMC

Major Michael D. Phillips
US Marine Corps and best friend

June 7, 2007

I read this site daily. I am so sorry to read about this tragic incident. Officer McCoy, I want to thank you for your loyal service and dedication to the people of the Great State of Texas as well as to God and to those who have ever passed through Abilene. I send my deep sorrow and sympothy to all of you at the Abilene Police Department. May God watch over all of yall and protect you. To the family, I send my prayers, my gratitude for his loyal service to God and Country. Rest in peace my brother in blue. You now serve as a gaurdian angel to us all.

Sgt. Mike Szempruch
Bossier City Police Dept. Bossier City La.

June 7, 2007

I met Officer Jeff McCoy 18 years ago while working at APD Training Division Secretary. From day one he was always police and made such an impression with me.

APD has not only lost one of its finest but our community will suffer a great loss as well.

Cheryl Carpenter
Juvenile Probation Officer

June 7, 2007

I am terribly sorry for your loss. My husband also lost his partner in a simular accident here in SC, on 3-9-2007. My heart goes out to Officer McCoy's family as well as his law enforcement family. May God bless you and keep you.

Sheriff Deputy's Wife

June 7, 2007

We will miss Officer McCoy. The RCVCC staff and volunteers extend our deepest sympathy to Jeff's family, friends and co-workers.

Diane Dotson, Executive Director
Regional Crime Victim Crisis Center

June 7, 2007

Jeff, it has been a few years my friend, the memories I carry with me are good memories of a good officer, devoted husband and father, and most importantly, a faithful servant of God. Many blessings for your family, they have made the ultimate sacrafice for the public, they have given their heart, for the protection you have provided the City and it's people.

Rest friend, watch over us all, bring us home when it is time Jeff.

Many prayers and love


June 7, 2007

My heart aches for the pain your family and friends are going thru at this moment. May our Lord bless and comfort them as He welcomes you into his arms!

Rest in peace in heaven with my daddy!

Deborah Erwin GA
Daughter of slain officer

June 7, 2007

Our hearts go out to the family and friends of officer McCoy. To his co-workers as well. May God bless and keep you during this tough time.

In time, this will get easier. It will NEVER be forgotten! It is my oppinion that these officers are given a special place in Heaven. Right by the Heavenly Father himself.

We pray for you during this time. Stay strong and lean on God!

Casey Davison
Wife of Oklahoma City Police Officer

June 7, 2007

We here at Midland Police Department send our prayers for the family of Jeff McCoy and the fellow brother officers at Abilene Police Department.We send our condolences and sometimes we all confused why this happened to a good Police Officer.May God comfort during this hard time and to let you all know we are here if you need us.
God Bless you all.
John Champion

FTO John Champion
Midland Police Department

June 7, 2007

My heartfelt sadness and condolence's to the Family and Friends and fellow Officers of Officer Jeff McCoy. May God provide comfort and courage to all who walk through the loss of someone loved so much. May Jeff's spirit and memories carries those forward in his remembrance each day to never be forgotten for who he was and what he gave serving the City of Abilene.

Mitch Vaughn, St. Louis, Missouri

Mitch, Citizen
Friend of Tommy, Abilene Fire Dept.

June 7, 2007

Jeff is a man of God who loved his family and The Lord with all of his heart. He will be missed not for what he did, but for who he was and the lives he touched.

My "Walk" will be in remeberance of you. I know you will be at my table because you will be in my heart. I will see you on the 19th hole. Your Brother In Blue-Jason

Ofc. Jason Aulerich
Abilene PD

June 7, 2007

Rest in peace brother, your service and sacrafice will not be forgotten!

Patrolman Jeff Tripp
Marion,Ma Police Dept

June 7, 2007

I always found Jeff to be honest, professional and more than willing to go the extra mile to help with a case. His demeanor and personality made him a pleasure to work with and I think embodied everything positive about the Abilene Police Department. He will be greatly missed.


Lynn Peach
Taylor County District Attorney's Office

June 7, 2007

Officer Jeff McCOY showed what it meant to be a God fearing man.He was a loving husband and an awesome father to his pride and joy daughter.He was a carpenter,computer tech,electrician,Peace Officer,evangalist,fisher of men and God loving man.Best of all he was my best friend and warrior in christ.He lived life and gave all his heart to his family,friends,community and to serving God.I'm so proud to have been a part of his life and shared in many of his experiences.Fishing,golfing,motor cycle riding,building and mowing lawns.I seen him go to Isreal,experience Walk To Emmaus,Kiaros (prison ministery) and his daily life changing experience on the street with total strangers by giving the Good News of The Gospel.I will miss him here now but i know i will see him again to share even more great times together..See you later buddy.

Patrol Officer Adam Lopez
Abilene Police Dept.

June 7, 2007

Your loss is felt through out the community of familes who have those that serve as law officers. God's blessing of peace and love be with you during this time.

Cathy C. Carter
mother of Office Charles Callemyn EOW 2/17/07

cathy callemyn carter

June 7, 2007

Our thoughts and prayers are with Jeff's family and our brothers and sisters within the Abilene Police Department. Our comfort is Jeff's faith in the Lord.
"No greater love..."


Gary Cheek
Vice President, Abilene Firefighters Association

June 7, 2007

To my APD family, we know Jeff is truly in a better place and all we can do is go on. Remember the incident early in Jeff's career. A lesser man or one less dedicated to our profession would have quit. Jeff didn't, he knew there was something more important than self. He didn't have to be out there that morning, he wanted to be there. This one act above all others showed me what kind of man he was, his love of the job and his willingness to serve and protect the citizens of Abilene. Rest with God now Brother Jeff. John 15:13

Abilene Police Department

June 7, 2007

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