Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Daniel S. Bessant

Oceanside Police Department, California

End of Watch Wednesday, December 20, 2006

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Reflections for Police Officer Daniel S. Bessant

Rest in Peace, Danny!

Lead Ranger Matt Lyons
National Park Service, Traffic Management - SEKI

June 23, 2024

Rest in peace my boy

Carson loveless

January 31, 2024

Captain Scarano called me last night. We had a great call catching up & remembering you brother. You made our lives better for having known you and privilege of working along side you. Thinking of Danny Boy! Never forgotten!

Nollaig shona dhuit! Slainte!

Detective Matt Lyons, Retired
Oceanside Police Department, California

December 20, 2023

Another year has passed Danny… a year of many changes in all of our lives… as I sit here this morning at 6am and reflect on our friendship, my heart breaks over and over again… time does not heal my friend, it only passes by… Thinking of you today Danny and again thanking our Lord for the brief time we had together… Love you Danny…


December 20, 2023

Hey Danny Boy!
Cindy and I stopped by your Stone today to say hi. Hard to believe that it is 17 years next month. Always in our hearts and minds. Solas Mhic Dé ar a n-anam

Detective Matt "Chowda" Lyons,
Oceanside Police Department

November 27, 2023

Rest in Peace, Danny!

Detective Matt Lyons, Retired
Oceanside Police Department

July 3, 2023

Remembering your sacrifice in the line of duty. May your memory be a blessing.

Emerg Disp Lynda Mounts
San Diego Sheriff Dept, retired

December 27, 2022

Always remembered and always missed. Thinking of you and your family today

Cheryl Spotts
Past OPD Dispatch

December 21, 2022

RIP Danny Boy!

M. Lyons #1093
USMC C.I.D. - Ret., Oceanside P.D. - Ret. & DHS CBP IA - Ret.

December 19, 2022

It's that time of year Danny... I think about you all year long but December, well, it's the toughest month as I remember your sacrifice. I have you and your memory in my home office where I work every day, so I reflect on your life quite often. I miss you, we all do, but you know that. My faith has become so much stronger the past few years, losing those you love will do that I suppose.

By now you've no doubt met my son, and you and Tony have celebrated a reunion with Leonard. I am so thankful for God's love and grace so that we can all be together again. I often think about how lucky I am to have known you, both on the job and off. You were special Danny, to all of us. I don't know why God's plan was for you to go home so soon, but it sure broke our hearts. I haven't seen your dad for quite some time now, but I'm sure you're watching over him.

I miss you Danny... always will... you were one of the best... God gave you the heart of a warrior, a servant's heart, a heart of gold... you enriched the lives of everyone around you, you certainly enriched mine. As painful as it is to remember that horrible day, I feel blessed to have been your friend. I'll never forget you, always love you, and will always thank Jesus for allowing me to be part of your life for a while. It truly blessed me.


December 9, 2022

Hey Dan,
I know you are doing well and just wanted to say hi. I miss you brother. I wish you were here and we could swap some recent stories but I am also happy that you are not having to deal with the things that have been happening recently. See you on the flip side brother.

James Gehris

January 11, 2022

Thinking of you and Tony. Love you brother, still can see your smiling face at the front desk.

Cheryl Spotts
Past OPD Dispatch

December 21, 2021

Another year has passed Danny and the pain of losing you still feels the same. You're often in my thoughts since my office is decorated in all my law enforcement stuff and you and Tony are right there where I can see your picture and think of you every single day. Leonard has been there with you guys for almost 2 years now, yet, it seems like yesterday that he was here teasing me about something and being his silly self. My son has been there almost 4 years, no doubt by now he has met you guys and has become part of the brotherhood... I miss you all so much, some days are almost unbearable, but I know a day will come that we will celebrate an awesome reunion! Tomorrow is the anniversary of losing you, it's always a tough day. Love you buddy, miss you terribly! Give the boys a big hug for me... Until we meet again...

Love, Shirl

December 19, 2021

Rest in Peace Danny Boy!

Detective, Retired
Southern California

December 18, 2021

Never Forgotten!

Examiner Matt Lyons

September 28, 2021

Danny... I was going through some old pictures yesterday and found another one of you at that backyard bbq you had... it made me think back on the good times we all had when we got together off-duty... then I got to thinking about your ID theft case that I worked... we made some fun times out of that mess didn't we? Leonard has joined you and Tony in heaven now... it's hard for me to even comprehend that the three of you are there when you should all be here... but I guess God had other plans... miss you buddy, my heart aches for you often...


May 11, 2021

RIP Danny! Slainte!

Oceanside Police Department- Retired

December 20, 2020

Rest in peace Officer Bessant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2020

It took a long time. However, Jose Compre was sentenced.

(May You Rest-In-Peace, Brah....)

Semper Fi,
"Major Pain"

Michael B. Parlor

June 1, 2019

Made a donation in your honor yesterday to a family in blue struggling. Miss you buddy, always remembered. ❤️

Cheryl Spotts
OPD previously

December 21, 2018

Thinking of you Danny!

Agent Matt Lyons

December 20, 2018

11 years have passed yet the memory of that horrific day is still so real... like it was yesterday... we lost an amazing man, one I am so honored to call my friend and many wonderful memories of you still flood my heart Danny... I miss you so much and will forever be grateful you touched my life. I think about you every day but today I am reminded of your sacrifice and I can promise you we will never let you be forgotten... love and miss you my friend...

Oceanside PD/Tustin PD

December 20, 2017

Rest In Peace Brother, Thank you and your family for your sacrifice and service. Thoughts and prayers for your family, friends and coworkers.

Officer Mike Robinson, (Ret)
Upland Police Dept. CA

December 20, 2017

Thinking of you Danny Boy!

Police Corporal, Retired
Oceanside Police Department, California

July 3, 2017

Not a day goes by Danny that I don't think about you and remember your sacrifice... I saw a photo of you recently that I had not seen before but your smile was the same one I'd seen a thousand times... I know I will see you again but my heart still breaks as I think back on all the great moments with you... Miss you buddy... xoxo

Oceanside Police/Tustin Police - Retired

May 12, 2017

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