Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Scott Alan Wertz

Reading Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Sunday, August 6, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Scott Alan Wertz

Hey Scott
Just wanted to check in... I check this page 2 or 3 times a day somedays it makes me cry and other days it makes me smile. Today is one of the smiling days..... I had to tell you last nite Emiley and I were watching Dancing with the Stars and she said at the end "mom I bet Scotty will help Emmitt win". She knows your love of the Cowboys so she knows you'll be pulling for him.
It was so funny.... bec I can see your face now if you saw Emmitt Smith dancing.... and I could hear what you would be saying as well.
I talked to Rick again the other nite... everytime I see him I just have to smile he makes me laugh, and of course Emiley picks on him just like she did you. She'll walk by him and say "Tochett Sucks!!!" and bust out laughing and keep walking.

Well keep smiling down on us Scott....
As always WE MISS YA.....



November 15, 2006

Hey Scotty,Just wanted to stop by and say we still all miss your presence and your phone calls... Your in our thoughts and conversations daily. Your a hard act to follow. The best! I was lucky enough to spend some time with your amazing beautiful wife the other night. YOU must be proud of her. Your boys.. well.. my heart hurts for them. Landon still says "God bless Officer Wertz"..everynight at bedtime! Oh and I last HUGE favor.. could you put a good word in to the boss up there.. to heal my nephew.. he is just one and diagnosed with cancer. This world seems so cruel sometimes.. When I think of your enternal life..I somehow feel peace! see ya when we get there too! Until our personal guardian from you did to the streets of Rdg.. SO MANY PEOPLE MISS YOU!
Blessings, Lori Hevalow

Lori Hevalow
Wife of RPD officer

November 13, 2006

Yo Scott,

We wanted to pay you a visit on Friday while out on the Harley, not realizing we couldn't ride through there on it, ha ha. I know you heard us anyway. We miss you.

Brooke Mish

November 13, 2006

Hey Scotty,
its been a while since i have been here. I just wanted to say that I miss seeing you around. When I was pregnant you use to come around the old neighborhood to check on us and ask me if I am staying out of trouble. When ever there was a problem in the neighborhood you would send some one down to take care of it. I remeber when we would all get together in the summer times and play basketball, hide and seek at night. I have every newspaper clipping and the affidavite from the night you were taken i have your patorolman card with all the clippings and i keep the memories of the years of growing up having a little crush on you when i was a little kid. Now I have to kids of my own and i know you are watching over everyone you known from the 200 block of Carpenter Street. Well scotty keep on shining down on us. Trish I admire you for how strong you are and that you keep going to be there for your kids. I support you and my prays are with you and your boys.

Melissa German
Friend/200 carepneter st.

November 12, 2006

Dear Family and friends of Officer Wertz:

I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I am praying for all of you and will continue to pray. I can feel your deep, unending pain....I too live with the pain. My brother was taken from our lives 6/23/03...and there's not a minute or hour that he is not thought of or missed. For me, life became especially difficult and I have 2 children and a husband, but the days and especially nights, were unbearable. Then, I realized, this is truly what he wanted to do and I remember his favorite saying...."Life isn't measured by the amount of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away". At the time of his murder, right before that, he was so extremely happy. Some people live their whole life searching for happiness, and he achieved that with everything before he died. That gave me some peace, even though I am still sad and so are my children who still cry for him (they were 5 and 2 at the time and have not forgotten the day the police came to the door and mommy fell to the floor crying hysterically). Time did not heal...only God did and my love for my brother.
More than 3 years later, the pain is still there but I had to accept his death. WE, my sister and I, keep his memory alive by doing many things thru our organization(an organization created to help our law enforcement). This gives me more purpose and our goal is to help bring our law enforcement officers home safe everyday. We don't want another family to suffer the tragedy that we have, so we do our best. Everyone is different in how they act, respond, etc...
You need to do what is best for you and just know, that God is always there to give your burden to when you can't bear it.

If any of you need someone to talk to who can relate to your pain and tragedy, please contact me thru

Imagine how our world would be
If every police officer quit
Turned in their gun, turned in their badge,
Just finally had enough of it.

No respect, no loyalty,
No appreciation of all they do,
They’d give their lives for all of us,
These wonderful officers of “Blue”.

Kicked at, spit on,
Punched, stabbed and shot,
Everyday assaults on officers,
Done…without thinking a second thought!

Our laws are in favor of criminals,
There’s always some loophole in their case,
Out again to commit more crimes and murders
…creates pain, that we, the family and friends
…in time will never erase.

Why should they do it?
Why take the risk?
Why put their life on the line?
Subject their loved ones to endless suffering,
When their precious life is lost while fighting crime.

More murders, more kidnappings, more robberies and rapes,
Just to mention a few,
Please ask yourself how life would be,
If there were NO officers in Blue!

Would you do it? Could you do it?
And for how many…would YOU give it all?
Rewards are a 21 gun salute, a Medal of Honor,
And your name gets added to the Wall.

Think about it. Why are they here?
And why do some hate them so?
Because they enforce the laws that put convicts and murderers
In jail serving time, or on “Death Row”.

All give some and some give all,
It’s a risk they chose to take:
To put their heart and soul in it,
To put their lives at stake.

So, please take a moment,
Please give it deep thought,
Think of what “you can do”…

To help show respect,
To help follow the laws,
So we’d quit losing our Heroes in Blue!

Written by Jaclyn Pocceschi Mosley
Sister of Fallen Officer Rodney F. Pocceschi EOW 6/23/03
Fallen Officers Remembered, Founder & President

Fallen Officers Remembered

November 10, 2006


In the last few weeks, every time I heard the song by
Nickelback " Far Away " I always thought of you and
Trish. When I was coming home from work on Monday,
I heard the song again. When I read your reflections
that night, I seen that Trish wrote to you the words
from the song " Far Away ". Today when I stopped to see
you, I seen that Trish left a piece of paper with the
words to " Far Away ". I picked the paper up and read
the words to you, hoping you can see how much your wife
misses you. I would of sang the song to you but I
didn't want to scare the birds in the cemetery nor did
I want to shatter the windows in my truck. Also, sorry
about my " Skins " beating your Cowboys...

good bye for now,

" Slinger "

Rick Genslinger
friend/former colleague

November 10, 2006

Hi Scott,

It has been three months since you were taken from us and I think about you all of the time. I can't help but relive the night you came in to our ER each and every time we set off our trauma alert system at work. I could remember when those very same alerts used to set forth a whirlwind of excitement for know the andrenaline rush that us ER nurses live for. But since that dreadful night you were brought in-the excitement that those trauma alerts used to give me are gone. I often wish that I had a secret power that gave me the ability to turn back the hands of time because with that secret power I'd bring you back to your family and friends. I'd erase that entire night and make it all disappear! Scott, I don't know if I already said this, but you are missed. My patients often tell me that I have a heart of gold and a gift to help heal...It is when they say those things that I wish I truly had that gift so that I could help heal your family. Especially your wife Trisha, your two boys and Michelle. For now, all I could do is pray that you continue to shower them with signs, dreams, and memories of how much you love them and miss them too! Please say hello to my friend Barbie, she was murdered 1 year ago and is up there with you somewhere. I'm sure you've met-she's a good egg too!! Take care Scott, keep shining down on us and remember that you still are in my thoughts!

Vaneeza-Registered Nurse

November 8, 2006

Hey Scott -

Just wanted to say THANKS for all the wonderful signs you sent while we were in Florida. I almost couldnt believe it! I seriously was not out on the patio more than 2 minutes and "you" - the orange butterfly - was flying around. I thought at first that maybe it was a "fluke", but when you returned each day, I knew it was really you. And I see that you made some friends and brought them along with you!

Then there was the morning that I was outside around 6 am and this giant bird - I dont know, an eagle...a falcon...Im not sure what, but it landed on the top of the screen post and scared the heck out of me. At first glance I thought - oh my gosh, its an owl, since it was the same coloring...and since I always told you that you remind me of an owl with those big eyes - Hooty Hoo - man, you used to hate that!! But I looked up at this huge bird and said - Scotty Wertz, thats you, isnt it? - and the bird made this "noise", looked right at me and flew away, never to be seen again. All of that could not have been coincidence. I thank you for giving me some affirmation that you do hear all of our thoughts and prayers and you do know how much we all miss you.

I cant believe how big Josh is - it seems like just yesterday I was changing his diaper - and how much he and Jared look like you - like mini-me's....its almost scary. Im sure they are making you so proud - and Trish too, she continues to amaze me each time I see her - I dont know how she does it - so whatever you are doing to help her, keep it up!!

Well, thats all for now - just wanted to say thanks!

Take care up there!!


Cathy Hertzog
Friend & Neighbor

November 7, 2006

Hey Scott

I hate coming here to talk to you. I would much rather be taling to you in person, but we both know that will never happen again.

It has been 3 dreadful horrible months. It just doesn't seem to get any easier. We are still trying to make sense of all this. They say time heals or as time goes by it gets easier, but so far it has not.

It just broke my heart to see the message to you from Jared. I just can't imagine what that poor guy is going through. I just want to take the boys in my arms and hug them all the time and tell them things will get better and this is just a nightmare and we will wake up from it.

I also loved the poem that Trish wrote to you. It is so fitting. The poem that Dusty also wrote is so true, but we just don't want to admit to it or accept it.

It is just so hard to try and go on without you. I just feel so guilty planning things and doing things knowing that you will not be here to be included. Nothing will ever be the same. I just can't imagine what the holidays will be like without you not being here. I will miss wrapping up your presents in a small box or over size box and have you guess what is in them or saying it is not my fault we are late, I was ready.

Talk to you later and just to let you know we still miss you so much and want to know we love you with all our hearts.


November 7, 2006

Hello Scott,

Yesterday Mike & I were working on my motorcycle and I stopped to think about the safety course I took,which always makes me think of you because we took it together. That was the last time I saw you and everytime I drive by the course I think of you and picture your wave and smile.
I still can not believe this has happened and now it's been 3 months.

I still remember that day so clear. I read the newspaper on line "an officer was down". I did not know who, but I knew in my heart that I knew the officer. Later I got word it was you, I will never forget where I was when the shocking news came through. It still does not seem real.

So Today I decided I would visit this page to read evereyones great memories of you. And as soon as I signed on, Y102 played your song "Hero". Something you really are.

I just decided to send you a note to let you know I was thinking of you and wish things would have been different. I let others situations change what I thought and for that I am trully sorry. That is something that will bother me forever.

Everyday I see so many car magnets and bumper stickers with your name on it and it makes me smile cause I know you are smiling also.

I can still here you telling me, "your the only girl I know that does shots of Jack" I don't any more, but I still remember you saying that. And that was so many YEARS AGO!!

I will always remember the happy thoughts.


Marie H.

November 7, 2006

Hey Scotty, it's now time for the Reading Royals hockey games. I just wanted to say that it's not gonna be the same without runnin' in to you in the halls and talking about the things we used to do at work(BCP),and the fun times we had just hangin' out.You "are" a great friend Scotty and always missed alot. Talk to ya soon "my friend" Jason

C/O Jason Reichart
Berks County Prison

November 7, 2006

hey scott, went to bring you flowers yesterday. i cleaned up all the leaves falling from the trees. can't believe it has been 3 months. i just sit there every week, where you laid, and try to make sense of it all. i can't help but wonder what was going through your mind. i need answers to questions only you can answer. i miss you, i miss you sooooo.. much. i am having too hard of a time dealing with all of this. i know they always say time heals. i just don't believe that. i miss you more every day.

love you,



November 6, 2006

Dad i miss you alot and i love you alot i wish i was with you right now!

Jared Wertz
Ur Son

November 6, 2006

To Scott's family and friends,
I came across this from another fallen officer and thought it would be worth sharing to maybe bring a small bit of comfort

"A Letter From Heaven"

To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from Heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness; Here is just enternal love.
Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through God picked me up and hugged me and he said,'I welcome you.
It's good to have you back again, you were missed while you were gone. As for your dearest family, They'll be here later on.
I need you here badly, you're part of my plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man.
God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night the days chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to you....In the middle of the night.
When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years.
Because you are only human they are bound to bring tears.
But do not be afraid to cry: it does relieve the pain.
I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
If I were to tell you, you would not understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is over.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.
There are many rocky roads ahead of you, and many hills to climb;
But together we can do it by taking one step at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you to;
That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.
If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain;
Then you can say to God at night...."My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented...that my life was worthwhile.
Knowing as I passed along the way I made somebody smile.
So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low:
Just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.
And when it's time for you to go...from that body to be free.
Remember you're not're coming here to me.
I will always be with you!
Author Unknown...

Dustin Schappell
Baltimore PD & brother-in-law

November 6, 2006

Well it's been 3 months since you were taken from us and it still isn't any easier. I just wanted to drop by to say hello and let you know how much we miss you. We are all still at a loss since you were taken form us. I always seem to have more trouble trying to fall asleep on this night so I come here like I do every day to read the reflections, spend some time with you and leave some thoughts of my own.
We had a candle light vigil for our fallen officers at our fallen officer memorial across from Headquarters tonight and it was like reliving our nightmare all over again. It was especially hard when all of the children of the fallen officers placed a wreath during the ceremony because all I could think about was Jared and Josh.
Many people from politicians to citizens that spoke remarked how special a person must be to wear the uniform and go to work not knowing if that next call might be their last, or that they might not make it home at the end of the day. Words like courage, honor, hero were thrown around......Those are all true but even more simple than that is the desire to help make this world a better place.....We who wear the uniform know why we do what we do! After talking to your co-workers, friends, strangers and reading posts on this site you did that well.
Our family has learned so much more about the man you are from the stories we've been told and it makes all of us even more proud of how you lived your life and the example you set.
Keep looking after us and give us the strength to plug along. Oh, and what's up with them Cowboys? I thought they were gonna pull it out against the 'Skins today? I figured you'd help them out from up there:-) I'll talk to you soon Scotty.
Love ya and miss you lots

Dustin Schappell
Baltimore PD & brother-in-law

November 6, 2006

Hey hon. I also wanted to leave the words for the song Far Away by Nickelback to you. Everytime I hear it, it reminds me of you and us and I can't help but cry. I just think it is so appropriate. I try to see it as a sign from you. Keep sending them. I need them!!! Hon - this is for you:

Far Away

This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there’s just one left
‘Cause you know,
you know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you’ll be with me
and you’ll never go
Stop breathing if
I don’t see you anymore

On my knees, I’ll ask
Last chance for one last dance
‘Cause with you, I’d withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I’d give it all
I’d give for us
Give anything but I won’t give up
‘Cause you know,
you know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you’ll be with me
and you’ll never go
Stop breathing if
I don’t see you anymore

So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know

I wanted
I wanted you to stay
‘Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
‘Cause I’m not leaving
Hold on to me and
never let me go

Love forever,


Trish Wertz
Loving Wife

November 5, 2006

Hey hon. It has been 3 LONG months since you were ripped from our lives. 3 months of never ending heartache and pain. 3 months of not understanding this senseless tragedy. 3 months of pure hell. 3 months of lonliness and longing. 3 months of you not being here! I wrote a poem for you to try to explain how I feel. I hope you like it and know how terribly I miss you and how much I love you!

It just doesn’t seem real
This constant heartache I feel

The longing in my soul
That doesn’t want to let go

See, I just miss you sooooooooo damn much
And oh how I long for your awesome touch

I also miss you leaving your dirty socks on the floor
But I long more for you to walk through the door

Every time I think of how you died
I just can’t help but cry and cry
And no matter how hard I try
I will never understand why

This nightmare I’m living just never seems to end
Even though I try so hard & pretend

Some days I don’t know how to go on
But then I look at our boys and carry on

I hold on to the times that we were so happy
And treasure the times when you were actually sappy

I try to remember that the love we shared will never die
It just sucks so bad that you are not here to try

I can’t wait until the day we will meet again
When I will see you and everyone else in heaven

Until then I will love you from down here
And just keep counting the many years

Love forever,


Trish Wertz
Loving Wife

November 5, 2006


HEY, I came to the grave for the first time the other day. I was at the funeral,of course, and was proud to be one of the officers to shoot the 21 gun salute. Although I was there at a distace to pay tribute to you, I couldn't bring myself to come any closer. I finnally did it the other day and it was weired. Although I felt that you were there it was like you told me not to waist time on the dirt and the grass but to have fun with the memories you gave. I left there sad, yet in some way happy. I try to touch bass with Trish and the boys about once a week and I know that I am about due. I continue to fight the fight and I know that you are behind me.

I know that you are blessed, and I pray that God blesses us all.

Love Heavy D


November 5, 2006

Well Scotty it's only been a few months and to me it seems like it has been forever.... I talked to "slinger" last nite for awhile and I told him how mad and angry I still am. Yes I'm mad at CR for taking you away from us but I'm more mad because we'll never get to see that smile of yours and hear the jokes you always made. But I have to laugh bec Rick was imitating you and stood with his hands on his hips and his eyebrows raised and I swear I saw you standing there.
I also talked to him about his quest to become a city cop, at first both Jim and I were worried that he was doing it for the wrong reasons but after talking to him I know in my heart he isn't.
Please watch over him when he gets on the force, we don't want and nor do I think we could handle something happening to another one of the good guys.

Jim's brother Dale was first on the scene the nite that this happened and stayed with you thru it all.... please let him know its ok. He is beating himself up over it. I think he feels that he didn't do enough !!!! We are just glad it was someone you knew that was there.

And just so you know Emmy wears your wrist band to every one of her hockey games...and she had a badge made with your initials and badge # on it and she will have it on her helmet.. she thinks about you often. Says this is her way to show you she misses you. I think it just helps her because she never really got to say goodbye.....

Well keep smiling down on us ~~~~~~~~

Miss you



November 4, 2006

It's been a while since i've written anything but still think about you every day. I either come across your name, see your picture or hear someone say your name or talk good things about you! It's obvious by reading all these reflections that you have touched so many lives, even people that didn't even know you. It's just so amazing how ONE person can have such a huge impact on so many people. But that's you Scotty...i don't expect anything less from you.
I'm still at the Academy and Patrol Ops started yesterday. I will not be seeing you walk thru the office door with Eddinger to sign your contract....and that sucks. I just miss your smile & personality! I remember when i worked in Records, you'd either call or come in and you'd greet me with an eyebrow up and would say "Big Daddy is here." You always made me laugh. If i was having a bad day, all i needed was to see your smile and it would lift me right up. I can still picture it and hear it. It's SO hard to forget about you. It doesn's seem possible.
Your sister Michele & Izzy are my neighbors. I went and dropped off food (for a friend) a few wks ago and I walked in their house and there Shelly was in the kitchen with tears in her eyes - she was very sad. It was hard for me to see that. I just wanted to cry with her and never let go of our hug. I can't imagine what she or your family is going thru, but they are an amazing bunch and have each other to get thru it. Joel & I would do anything for your sister & Izzy and for your family as well. We are here for you Scotty. I still can't believe you're gone though. Every day is hard but sometimes reading the reflections and what good things people have to say about you gets me going and just puts a smile on my face (and sometimes a tear).
Oh well...i just had to write to tell you i was thinking about you like i do everyday. Keep looking down on us and our officers in blue. You are our strength and our true Hero. Until next time....

Rosa Avram
Friend/Wife of Rdg Police Det.

November 3, 2006

hey scott whats up .i been checking aut this site everyday to see what good stuff people say about you.they all miss you so much.i wish it would of never happen to you.i was there the night that it happen i just didnt know iot was you. i know we started off on the wrong foot.but after all we became good friends and you look out for me thankyou scott.there is one thing that people seem to have left out.there are a lot of people out that show respect to you.a little over a month ago i seen two cars a white van and a small gary car driving around the city that said in loving memory of scott wertz.i havent seen the van around but i still see the gray car.i took a picture of it im gonna take it to the nightmare happen at.i dont know if you knew the guys that drives that car but they are showing a lot respect around the city for. we all miss you scott just help keep us strong.

shawn a good friend

October 31, 2006


How are you doing Brother ??. Well, I have some
news to tell you. After August 6th, I realized
that things that I thought were important in life,
were not important, and things that I thought were
not important, are important. I realize that it is
important to chase a dream despite what people think.
Scott, On Oct.6th I did what I always told you I
would do, I applied to become a Reading Police
Officer. You know it's something we talked about
for years, and it's something I always wanted to do.
I was always inspired by your determination to get
on the Police Force, now I'm going to use that
inspiration to do the same thing. Yes Scott, I'm
ready to walk away from my 10 year career( cushion
job ) at PennDOT to become a Reading Cop. As you
well know Scott, It's a long application process
and I can be eliminated at anytime. Then I'll keep
applying until they tell me to stop. On the back of
your Police card, your personal message says " set
goals for yourself and never under achieve yourself "
Scott, thanks for the " Tip ", wish you were here...

good bye for now,

" Slinger "

Rick Genslinger
friend/former colleague

October 29, 2006

Dear Scott,

Even though I really didn't get to know you, I still think about you everyday. Every time I see one of your fellow brothers, it just makes me proud to know they are doing their job today for a safer tomorrow. Trish, I'm glad to see that Jared and Josh are doing well as you know they have an angel on their shoulders as do you. Please stay strong.

Becky Mooney
Official Court Reporter

October 28, 2006

I saw your picture on the front page as I knew I would today. It brought back all the horrible feelings I felt when I got that horrible call in the middle of the night.

You not being here is getting worst. Who ever said that it gets better with time? That everything will be alright? I want to know what will be alright?

It's NOT alright that you are not here with your family.

It's NOT alright that your not here for any of your son's firsts.

It's NOT alright that you were taken from all of us.

It's NOT alright that the people who are responsible for your death still live to see their families.

It's NOT alright that all your family and friends have to write to you on this page instead of calling you just to say "YO".

It's NOT alright that Trish Wertz is now a widow and Jared and Josh are without a father.


You are missed and thought about everyday.

Forever thinking about you......Lisa

Lisa Leisey

October 27, 2006

Hello Scott,

You know I am a person of few words.

Scott I miss you. I wish you were back. No one can ever replace you.

"Nico" talks about you all the time. He tells me he misses you, especially when his mom cries. He knows why.

Tell Mike that I think of him every single day of my life, as i think of you.......... I will talk to you in my prayers.

God gives us strength.


October 26, 2006

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