Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Scott Alan Wertz

Reading Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Sunday, August 6, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Scott Alan Wertz

Scott, I guess it's my turn to leave a reflection ???
A reflection and prayer from Hawaii, It is great
to see that people from all over are thinking of you !!.
It was great to see Chucky write a reflection (about time)
and it was nice to see the old gang again, unfortunately
we were there to say good bye to you Scott. I'll never
forget the good times we had together with Chucky and
Donny. Chuck is right, Trish is the best thing that ever
happen to you.

I finally got your tattoo put on my left chest.
It's the Reading Police badge with your badge number,name,
end of watch date and a rose. Kelley made me lift my shirt
up ( at the hockey game )so she could see the tattoo.
Kelley and about a 1,000 people (that I don't know) got
to see your tattoo !!!. Scott, the tattoo is healed, but
the pain and grief that your family, friends and colleagues
have ,still remains.

good bye for now,

" Slinger "

Rick Genslinger
friend/former colleague

January 12, 2007

--"If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded." -- Maya Angelou

Aloha Police Officer Scott A. Wertz,
Thank you for your service and dedication to your community and your country. You and all officers that continue to lay your lives on the line and pay the ultimate sacrifice to keep our communities and country safe, will NEVER be forgotten.

I personally pledge, (after one of Hawaii's own, Honolulu Police Officer Steve Favela, lost his life in the line of duty protecting our Commander in Chief, President George W. Bush), to become a continuum of the ODMP light. That light is in the form of an ODMP tribute. People from all walks of life, regardless of age, race, religion, profession, education, and geographical location can share here. That "LIGHT" comes from within the heart and soul of every person who cares to share a word or two on behalf of each and every fallen officer. Every fallen officer is an hero. The ODMP; Officer Down Memorial Page gives us a place to come together and share our feelings as one family. May we find comfort as we give comfort to the families who have lost a loved one.

As we say in Hawaii, “We are`Ohana.” We are family. God Bless this fallen hero. May we embrace him as one of our own family member; our `Ohana. No one will ever be able to replace you for you were unique and very special. No one; not in this lifetime. May God allow you to rest in His Divine peace.

Police Officer Scott A. Wertz, I wish you, your loved ones, your fellow officers, and friends, peace and love beyond all understanding.

--- May this Hawaiian prayer give all those who read it comfort. ---


Peace be with you, All My Peace,
O ka Maluhia no me oe, Ku'u Maluhia a pau loa,

The Peace that is " I ", the Peace that is "I am".
Ka Maluhia o ka "I", owau no ka Maluhia,

The Peace for always, now and forever and evermore.
Ka Maluhia no na wa a pau, no ke'ia wa a mau a mau loa aku.

My Peace " I " give to you, My Peace " I " leave with you,
Ha'awi aku wau I ku'u Maluhia ia oe, waiho aku wau I ku'u Maluhia me oe,

Not the world's Peace, but, only My Peace,
The Peace of " I ".

A'ole ka Maluhia o ke ao aka, ka'u Maluhia wale no,
Ka Maluhia o ka "I".

Moana V.C. Molale (Private Citizen)
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii

January 11, 2007

Scotty.... just wanted to stop by and say hello and tell you that we have been thinking about you an awful lot. Emiley called me at work last week to tell me something really weird happened... sd she was on the bus home from school and saw a police car and looked to see if it was you! She said "mom it was just really weird"....
I read these reflections every day if not 2 or 3 times a day and most of them make me smile... others make me cry (courtesy of Slinger usually) and then there are some that just don't belong here!!!!!
This is a place for the people that YOU cared about and they cared about you in return.

Keep smiling down on us

Miss you



January 9, 2007

Hey hon. Although it has only been 5 months, it feels like 5 years. It still sucks! We miss you terribly and not a moment goes by that we are not thinking of you. I miss so many things about you! I just still can’t believe you are gone. Unfortunately, I need to face the reality that you are not ever coming back. Just so you know - that has been extremely hard. Not a day has gone by in the past 5 months that I didn’t want to die. Literally. But again, I look at your boys and realize how much a part of you they are and how I need to be strong for them. I have tried so hard to make you proud! I found the perfect song that mostly relates to how I feel right now. It is called Hurt and it is by Christina Aguilera. Here are the words:

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were, but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call you
But I know you won't be there

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye
When it comes to this,

Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?

There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes
And see you looking back

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself,

If I had just one more day
I would tell you how much that I've missed you
Since you've been away
Ooh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line
To try and turn back time

I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Jared is doing well in basketball. Josh is enjoying flag football and starts basketball tomorrow. They remind me so much of you with their behavior and mannerisms that some days it almost kills me! It makes me miss you so much more. But, like I promised you, I will always take good care of them! By the way, thanks so much for the signs lately! I really needed them. I will be working on my victim’s impact statement over the next couple of weeks in preparation for JT’s sentencing. Please help me be strong to find the right words that clearly express what this has truly done to us! I love you and miss you so much. You are forever in my heart and soul! Until next time . . .

Love forever,


Trish Wertz
Loving Widow

January 8, 2007


everytime myself and my daughter goes by where u where shot that my daughter sees your pic and says officers scott mommy.u are a good person and a dam good cop. u are in heaven with all the good people. u are sadly missed by all scott.

shelly reyes chris cortzo neice
a friend

January 8, 2007

It's been 5 months and this is the first time i think I have the words to express how I feel. I was talking to Trish and she mentioned this site again so I thought I would try to put my feelings into words so bear with me. On 8/6/06 part of me died that day and my heart was ripped out. You were and are the brother I never had,through out both our lives we were intertwined.I would not be where I am if not for you,I never would've met my wife and be living where I am. We had such good times from when I first met you in high school up until you were taken from us,we had more fun and great times than most people could have in two lifetimes.I miss you and think of you every single day. I can't imagine what Trish is going through because if my pain is overwhelming hers is 100 times worse.You will be in my thoughts for the rest of my life until I see you on the other side and we can kick back and drink some rum and cokes and order up some hot wings. You maybe gone but nobody can take all the memories away.It felt like we owned that city at one time,we'd walk into a place and every one would go wild. You me and Squiggy were larger than life it felt like,and then you met Trish and I think in way she saved us all from ourselves,thank you Trish,sooner or later we all settle down and have a family,Scotty always wanted the best and he got that with Trish.The only thing I can give you now is my loyalty and devotion as your friend. To your family I will do anything possible to help them through this and be there in the future. When you asked me to be godfather to Jared it was such an honor and I will do anything for him now and until I see you again if he needs me I'll be there.Well there it is I know right now your saying,"Aww you got feelins for me baby,come give daddy a hug."I'll give you that hug someday soon,until then I'll do what what I think would've made you happy.

your friend for life

Chucky LeVan
Life Long Friend

January 8, 2007

You are sadly missed my friend. You are in our hearts Ed, Shelly & Chad!

God Bless

January 7, 2007

....And I will always Love You!

Kimber Sue

January 5, 2007


Just wanted to say hi. Didn't talk to you in awhile, not that I haven't thought about you, but sometimes it's just easier to remember the good times and pretend that you are at home with Trish and the kids, or at work or you just being you....

5 months without you here... things are so screwed up. Trish doesn't deserve what she is going through.

We miss you.

Forever thinking of you....Lisa

Lisa Leisey

January 5, 2007

Dear Scott,

As soon as the ball dropped New Year's Eve, I thought of you. I know how we feel, so I can imagine how Trish and the rest of the family felt--how we wish you were here, to make us laugh and share more good times!

Brooke Mish

January 4, 2007

Hey Scott

Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. For us it was just another tuff day to get through, but we got there. I had promised you last year I would make you Pork and Sauerdraut for New Year's day, old tradition, well I made it and the unfortunate thing was you weren't here with us to enjoy it. Things have not gotten any easier even after 5 months. There are days when I can talk about you and it feels great and there are days when i just breakdown and I really hate that cause it makes people feel really bad. I hope (real soon) in time things will get better.

We love you and miss you so much.


January 4, 2007

Well....New Years was anything but happy.....we got through the holidays as best as we just plain sucked. With the obvious part of you missing.... it was more like just another day. Just wanted to drop by and say hi and that with 5 months coming up it still isn't getting easier. It really hit home again when I was up at the house this weekend and walked upstairs to get something out of the room you'd sleep in ......Still can't believe it......Anyway, just wanted to talk for alittle....I'll chat with you soon. Miss ya Bud!

BPD Maryland and Brother-in-law

January 2, 2007

I am a veteran of 24 years, and currently work as a uniform officer at zone one, on the Pittsburghs Northside. My boyfriend,sister, and brother-in-law are also law enforcement officers.
I want to tell you how sorry I am for your loss and I know that the holidays make it even more difficult. Nothing I say will make it better, but you are thought of, and cared about. As always and in brotherly love, be safe.

P/O Caryn Lenz

January 2, 2007

Well hon, we “made it” through the “holidays” – me barely. Nothing Merry or Happy about them without you here. They just felt like any other day – just like everything else without you here!!! I miss you terribly. My family, friends, and your friends/co-workers did a nice job of trying to keep me busy. I think I was just trying to avoid the world and avoid thinking about you not being here. It just sucks! The kids got a lot of nice things for Christmas from a lot of wonderful people. Like usual, they made out like bandits!! Last night Josh and I were cleaning out this box full of “stuff”. There were these fake silver bullets in the box. I wasn’t even thinking and set them on the floor. He picked them up and put them at his chest. Then he asked me if that was where his daddy got shot!! I thought I would die. I said yes and asked him if he wanted to talk about you. He said no. I think he doesn’t want to think about it – like me most of the time - because it just hurts too much. I think it is sooooo hard for him. I’m still having trouble getting him to go to school some days. He says he is going to miss me. It breaks my heart! He definitely has anxiety issues because he is worried about losing me too!! I told him he has to go to school because I could go to jail if he doesn’t! I don’t know what else to tell him, besides the obvious! You would be happy to know your oldest son is following in your footsteps with the girls (ha-ha)!! He is quite the “ladies man”! He is becoming quite the young man. It just sucks that you are not here to see it!! But, I know you are watching from heaven and I know you are going to watch over them and protect them! Everyone keeps telling me 2007 will be better than 2006. I don’t know how it could be any worse – that is for sure!! Some days I don’t know how I am going to make it for the next 40-50 years without you!! Yet alone 2007!! Respectfully and rightfully so, you were the top story for 2006 – something no one will ever forget!! Please, just keep giving me/us strength. Most days I need it!! Happy New Year, hon!! We love you and miss you terribly!! You are always in our hearts, minds, and souls!! Until next time . . .

Love forever,


Trish Wertz, Loving Widow
Loving Widow

January 2, 2007

You are in my prayers. Scott Wertz will live on in the memory of those who loved him.

retired Indiana State Police Dective

January 2, 2007




January 1, 2007

Dearest Trish,

I think of you and your family everyday. I want to call just to say hello but not knowing if you've been overwhelmed by calls. Barry and I talk of Scott often with many fondness. I met Scott when he and Barry served on the High Crime Unit. We had just gotten back from vacation, Barry was working & I was home alone. I heard a noise in my kitchen, called Barry to see if it was him stopping by......nope, someone was trying to come in my kitchen window! I live down the street from Reading High, he and Scott were by Albright College......I think they were here in 2 min!!!! Scotty's laugh was contagious, his love of life was enormous......I personally miss his spirit and will not assume to know your loss but know that I send you hugs and love every day!!!! I am always here if you ever need another ear, shoulder or one more friend!!

God Bless you and your family,

Cathy Rambo
Wife of Reading Police Officer

December 29, 2006

Dear Trish and The family of Officer Wertz,

During this holiday season, may you find the strength to get through. You and your sons are in our thoughts and prayers daily. God Bless you Trish, and I am so sorry for your loss. May the New Year bring you support, hope, strength, and abundance of health. Much love from Bethlehem.

Bethlehem PD Wife

December 26, 2006

Well Scott, your family made it through Christmas. It wasn't easy, I know. I've told Trish many times that the anticipation is usually worse than the actual event and I hope that bit of advice helps her through some tough days.

Trish, I consider it an honor that you and your family have welcomed me into your lives and that I can sometimes be a source of comfort. You have also been a source of comfort for me. Nobody understands that strange bond but us. I've told you many times that there's nothing I can say to make this better for you but hopefully my presence and my offer of friendship and understanding can help ease some of your pain. I'm so proud of you and am glad you made it through Christmas. I knew you would. Just remember that it's okay to cry and it's okay that people (including the boys) see you cry. You don't have to be a rock all the time. You are human and you are hurting. We all know that.

Continue to lean on those of us who love you and support you. That's why we're here.


Denise Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6-5-04

December 26, 2006

Dear Trish and Boys,

Even though we have never met I pray for you and your boys everyday. I hope your Christmas was a good one knowing Scott's looking down on you. May peace be with you.

Dear Scott,

Still thinking and reading about you everyday on here. I know you're watching your family, that's why they are the strongest family I can think of this time of year. Please know that I'm thinking of you. Merry Christmas.

Becky Mooney
Official Court Reporter

December 26, 2006

Every time I come to this sight and see your picture, it just breaks my heart, I still can't believe this has happened.

I want to thank everyone who had our families in their thoughts and prayers and wishing a Merry Christmas.

It was the first of many tough holidays we have to get through. What was missing mostly was your smiling face at the table and you gobbling down your favorite ham, filling, corn. We also missed you trying to guess what was in your presents and seeing your face when you opened the packages, but fear not, Dusty was also doing his guessing as usual, but guess what, Trish really pulled one over on him this year, he could not guess what was in the one package. She did a really good job disguising the contends. Way to go Trish, you deserve a medal for that one.
We got through Christmas, even tho it was tough, but I want to thank you for the strength which I am sure you gave us. Keep looking after Trish and the boys and giving them the strength they need to get through the tough times. We as family and friends will also give them all the strength and support we can for them to get through the difficult times.

Just want you to know we miss and love you so much.


December 26, 2006

Just wanted to drop by and say Merry Christmas......if that is possible at this point! Give our family the strength to get through today....Although you are not with us in body, after talking to Trish earlier last week I know you are watching over us and here in Spirit. We miss you so much and it will be very difficult when we get together for dinner and presents but we'll keep plugging along. Don't worry, I'll keep up our tradition of shaking and rattling the gifts trying to figure out what they are and piss everyone off guessing correctly.....You know the toughest ones are when Mom puts a picture in the box of the gift rather than the actual gift! I'll talk to you later, Miss you and love you bro!

BPD Maryland & Brother-in-law

December 25, 2006

Scotty Wertz,

Merry Christmas my friend...


December 25, 2006


What can we say. We miss you so much. This holiday is going to be a rough one as all the other ones will be too, but this one will be the worst since you are not here with us to celebrate. Wish you and everyone that is with you a Merry Christmas. I know you are doing fine since you are at a better place, but give us the strength to get through these difficult times. You are loved and missed by sooooooo many people. Nothing is ever going to be the same.

We love you and miss you so much.

Barb & Nevin


December 25, 2006


I just got home from my annual family Christmas party. Every year you would always invite me to yours, but I could never come because I was obligated to my families party.

On Friday we visited Trish and the boys and Trish gave me and Brooke the best present ever. It was a picture of me, you, and Brooke. That picture sits where Brooke and I see it every day as we leave the house. That is a great reminder of all the good times we had especially that night when you were buying all the drinks because you thought that we were taking Chris out for his party but, me and Chris were actually taking you out for you 40th birthday party. Those shots you bought us all night were great. I will never forget the look on your face when we walked into your party.

I come to this site everyday but it is impossible for me to write something most of the time but, at this time of the year I feel that I must come here and write something just to let you know how much you meant to so many of us.

There are many nights that I sit and wait for that annoying Wertz call. Boy, do I miss those late night calls. I sit and wait and I realize that they are never going to come but I wait and hope that I could hear that crazy call just one more time.

I will sit up and wait for that call.

Matt Mish

December 25, 2006

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