Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Scott Alan Wertz

Reading Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Sunday, August 6, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Scott Alan Wertz

Hi #2 son

Well yesterday was a kind of rough day. Mr. Moyer had the wrestling benefit for Jared & Josh for their scholarship fund. He did a wonderful job. As you well know, I am not a fan of wrestling, but I went because it was for you and the boys. THANK YOU MR. MOYER FOR A JOB WELL DONE. It just broke my heart when he had them come up in the rink and saying that Jared and Josh are going through in their lives what he always feard in his, that someone would come to his door and tell him that their dad is not coming home cause some scumbag shot him.

The other heart breaker was the next day when Josh didn't want to go to school and he started crying for his daddy and saying I want my daddy, I had to leave the room before I broke down in front of him. I didn't want him to see me cry, cause I didn't know how it would effect him. I don't know how Trish held up, but she is one strong person. You must be sending her signs to be strong, and if you are thank you and send some of them my way, cause there are days when I really need them.

Talk to you later.

You are missed and loved so much.

Life will never be the same without you not being here.


March 12, 2007



March 10, 2007

Hey Scott

Just wanted to check in... I come here every day though. We talked alot about you this weekend. We were with our friend from Canada the one we were visiting the day Jim got the terrible call. After we talked he said he sounds like a great guy. I said you have no idea!!!!

Its hard to believe that it has been over 7mths.
Keep smiling down on us and keep giving signs ... everyone needs them right now



March 9, 2007

i had to write to you today, because i can't get you out of my head. i miss you so much. the other day i picked up nicholas from karate and i took a different way home. i pulled up to the light at 5th street & there is a billboard with a big picture of you. it has been so long since i have seen you.i turned my head & there you are. i lost my breath. god, i wish it wasn't true. it was just another reminder that you are really gone. you know what? i couldn't help but think to myself that you would of loved every minute of seeing yourself on a billboard! nothing will ever be the same without you! no one can ever replace you!!!

miss you

miss you


March 9, 2007

Dear Scott,

I know it's been awhile since I stopped by but I still keep in touch by reading this page a lot. It's been about a month but the B of the B was great...your brothers played their hearts out! It's a shame it didn't go their way.

Will be back again.

Becky Mooney
Official Court Reporter

March 7, 2007


As you already know, we lost to the fire wackers. I know, I know. I can hear it from you now. Our favorite person caused yet more controversey this year at the end of the game, and hopefully he is done with his participation in all of these events before he hurts someone again or gets hurt. I saw Jared on his bday, it really was weird buying that Miami sweatshirt.....I could hear you laughing the whole time. Mama is getting a belly and soon it will be summer and here comes the grumpiness...We cant agree on a name for the boy yet...O yea, I finally got my shoulder checked today..It's my rotator, getting an MRI friday, and then who know's. Take care my friend, We all miss you.....

Off. C. Jenkins #625

March 7, 2007

I visit this page often. I'm not big on words. I can tell you with certainty that Scott Wertz will never be forgotten

Long Time Freind and former coworker

March 7, 2007

“My Wish”- Rascal Flatts

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
and each road leads you where you want to go,
and if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
if it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,

But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but you never forget,
all the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
and you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
and always give more than you take.

But More than anything, Yeah, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish. Yeah.

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

March 5, 2007

Hi Scott,
Just letting you know we are thinking about you as always. Miss ya. Im looking at the picture from your birthday again, you and Matt, "red in the head" as usual. You were the voice of reason for Matt that night....we dont have fun like that anymore...

Brooke Mish

March 2, 2007

Dear, Trish
I am so very sorry for your loss. I know that we have not seen each other in years, but since I learned of the tragedy that has befallen you and your family I have thought of you and your children often. Please feel free to contact me.

Take care, Monica

Monica DeMarco (Boyer)

March 1, 2007

Hey Scott, I haven't left anything for awhile, so I thought it was time. I read these reflections everyday and it breaks my heart to see sooooo many people sad. But you sure do have a lot of friends who care about you and your family. I saw Trish at the the Fireman/Police hockey game. I didn't get to talk to her. But then I did see her at the Express game on Sunday and I talked to her for a little. You would be proud of her. She's doing great. As great as can be.

Trish, I just wanted to let you know that you are an amazing person. You are doing a wonderful job with your boys. Please keep doing what your doing and Scott will keep looking down on you and sending signs for you to keep on going.


Kim Cichowicz

February 27, 2007

Ofc. Wertz,

I had the privilege to sponsor your brother-in-law Dustin in the Police Unity Tour this year. In briefly conversing with Dustin by email, I can tell you that you are deeply loved and missed terribly by all and always will be. Please continue to keep watch over your family, friends, and co-workers from above…always.

Mrs. Wertz,

I mentioned to your brother Dustin how I wanted to write something to all of you and just when I think I have the right words to say, I find that I don’t. I have come to the conclusion that sometimes the best words to say are those we don’t say. But please know that I have kept you and your family in my thoughts. I don’t visit ODMP as often as I used to, but I have visited Scott’s page quite a bit in the last month and the heartwarming reflections from you and your family to him tear me up. When I think about the grief journey that we are all on (family, friends, and co-workers) and the times that we are alone with only our thoughts, I always try to look at the bigger picture. We truly are not alone. Keep looking out for all those signs from Scott that he is still with you and cherish your dreams you have of him.


I want to wish you the best of luck in your career and with the Unity Tour. I keep you in my thoughts all the time, along with several other officers from your department that I know. I am originally from Baltimore City and I still have family that resides there. Baltimore Police don’t always get the credit they deserve, but it is comforting to know that my family has officers like you looking after them. Stay safe!

Jenn Aaron
Wife of Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

February 27, 2007

Hi #2 son

Well another milestone has passed and you were not here to see it or enjoy it because some scumbag to you from us.

Today your son became a teenager. If you were here with us, you probably would have to dye your hair cause your gray would be coming through. (Just kidding). It is just so sad that they have to go through life and not have their father here to see all their accomplishments. The next big step for Jared if sweet sixteen and you know what that means. We know he will do well cause you are there watching over him and guiding him. We have to be thankful for that.

Love and miss you.



February 27, 2007

Im on here reading all the time and my mom suggested that i left another short message to you. The battle of the badges game was a lot of fun.. I was a little upset that the police side lost =[ but yea well. it was all fun.. haha. the hockey game was a great idea because i love hockey. They were selling the police jerseys.. 100 dollars, a little ridiculous, but i still got one =] Me and Jared were messin around and fighting eachother, kinda reminded me of when we used to play together outside of the townhouses.. Hes really tough.. he was pretty much beating me up.. haha.. well..Everyone misses you!! ((I cant even listen to a nickelback song and not think about you, especially 'Hero'))... Alright, this was a lot longer than i wanted it to be. Bye Scott..

Friend =]

February 26, 2007

Hey hon. Like the rest of my family. It has been awhile since I have been here. I am sorry for that. But, you know why. I get on here several times a day and check to see what wonderful things people have left for you. Everyday I could write a million things but I know you know what is going on everyday of our lives because you told me so. Today was such a difficult day for me. I cried most of it thinking about how you aren't here to see Jared become a teenager. The big 1-3!! Then of course I thought about all the other birthdays you will miss. People probably thought I was nuts today walking through the stores crying. I hope it wasn't as hard for Jared as it was for me. He seemed happy. He got most of what he asked for! He didn't ask for much, but you know what he does ask for is enough (ha-ha)!! I read a book this past week while in DR that Lisa gave to me. It is called Love You, Mean It. It was soooooo good. I couldn't put it down (and you know me - I don't read)! I just want to go buy a million copies and hand it out to everyone I know. It was written by several widows whose husbands were murdered on 9/11. Scott, I felt like I wrote the book!! I could so relate to what they wrote and said. Heck, I felt all the things they felt and have even said some if not all of the things they said. I do plan to purchase several copies and hand them out to people. Maybe some, more than others, will have a better understanding of what I am going through and make it easier for me. Because let me tell you, some people have no clue!! They judge and gossip beyond belief. Something, as you know, I don't need on top of everything else!! Most people have been so wonderful, which is such a reflection of how you have touched their lives. You are truly missed by so many people!

I visited the cemetery and crime scene today. You need to keep those darn deer away from my roses!!! By the way, I am furious with that cemetery. I lost the fight to win you a proper headstone. The cemetery board refused to "bend the rules". Troy and I tried. I haven't contacted a lawyer because I don't know if there is anything else that can be done, but I will try. State College was tough on us last week. Having to stand in front of a room of people as they recounted how you died was not easy. However, it was to honor you and they certainly did a good job of that. You brothers in the RPD gave the boys beautiful plaques that honored you! They are beautiful!! You would have been so proud of Jared. As I was crying while standing up front, he grabbed my hand and held it. Then he started crying and I let go to rub his back. It just broke my heart! You know it breaks my heart when I look at them!! I just feel so damn bad for them! The Battle of the Badges was nice. They Reading Royals management was so nice to us. They gave us several tickets for the suite. The kids loved it! But once again, you weren't there to enjoy it with us. I hope you liked the video and song. I agonized over it as well as the stuff for the Applebee's wall for several weeks. There have been so many things over the past month or so that I just want to call you and talk to you about. You are the person who I still want to tell everything to first. Then I realize that you are not here to tell, and I feel like I've gotten kicked in the stomach. It is just so hard!! On a happier note, I hope you are happy with the basement. I think it looks awesome! I tried to think about what you liked. Jared is excited that it is finally done. You know why that is right (ha-ha)?! He will have his birthday sleepover this weekend. 14 - 13 year old's - god help me!! Josh loves the pool table now that we finally got that set up again!! I certainly didn't learn any pool skills from you though! I guess I should have tried harder when you tried to show me your excellent skills! Thank goodness we don't call pockets or I would be in serious trouble!! I took Jared and his friends to the Reading Express game on Sunday. Josh didn't want to go. We got season tickets again. We are sitting directly across from where we were last year. That was really hard. All I kept thinking about was you! Then some guy almost fell on me trying to catch a ball and I smiled thinking about how you fell last year catching that ball (like a little kid)!!

I want to tell you that I don't know how you did what you did. I can so much more appreciate what you did after sitting in court for the scumbag who killed you. It must have been so frustrating!! Unfortunately, justice is certainly not swift in this country. Most of the time it seems like the scumbags have more rights than the victims and that is BS!!! The trial will not start until Sept. - over a year after you were murdered - over a year!!! Furthermore, the sentencing for the idiot who purchased the gun used to murder you was postponed also. Who knows when that will be?!! But I will be there everyday - every darn day for you!!! Also so those scumbags see me and never forget my face!! (The face that I think has aged 10 years over the past 6 months!) And never forget what they ruined (not that some will care)!!

Please continue to send me signs and give me strength. I need it most days - especially lately!! I love you and miss you more than words could ever express!! You will forever be in my heart and soul!! You are thought about every second of every hour of every day!! Love you mean it!!

Love forever,


Trish Wertz
Loving Widow

February 26, 2007

When tomorrow starts without me,
And I'm not there to see,
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
all filled with tears for me;

I wish so much you wouldn't cry
the way you did today,
While thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too;

But when tomorrow starts without me,
Please try to understand,
that an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand,

And said my place was ready,
In heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind
all those I dearly love.

But as I turned to walk away,
A tear fell from my eye,
For all my life, I'd always thought,
I didn't want to die.

I had so much to live for,
So much left yet to do,
it seemed almost impossible,
that I was leaving you.

I thought of all the yesterdays,
The good ones and the bad,
I thought of all that we shared,And all the fun
we had.

If I could relive yesterday,
Just even for a while,
I'd say good-bye and kiss you
and maybe see you smile.

But then I fully realized,
That this could never be,
For emptiness and memories,
would take the place of me.

And when I thought of worldly things,
I might miss some tomorrow,
I thought of you, and when I did,
My heart was filled with sorrow.

But when I walked through heaven's gates,
I felt so much at home.
When God looked down and smiled at me,
From His great golden throne,

He said, "This is eternity,
And all I've promised you."
Today your life on earth is past,
but here life starts anew.

I promise no tomorrow,
But today will always last,
and since each day is the same way,
There's no longing for the past.

So when tomorrow starts without me,
don't think we're far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here, in your heart "

We all miss you Scott!

February 25, 2007

It has been some time since I came here and left a few words. 6 months.......still can't believe it. I've had a real hard time the last month or so because I have been in full gear getting things ready for the Police Unity Tour Ride coming up in May. I was busy getting sponsor packets together, getting photos together to make up presentation boards, working on t-shirt designs, a patch design and a host of other things. I requested to have you as my designated officer to ride for and was granted it so this year I ride to honor you.
The Battle of the Badges was a pretty good turn out and a lot of shirts were sold but I'm still in the red with the out of pocket money for start up cost. Those profits from the shirts, if any, will go to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund through the Unity Tour.
It will be very difficult down at D.C. this year for Police Week. Funny how I asked you and Trish every year to come down and experience the brotherhood and see that people really do care about the men and women who wear the uniform.......I just never thought your first trip down would be to honor you and put your name on the wall.......
Any one who reads this and would like information on Police Week or The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial(NLEOM) in Washington D.C. can look them up on the internet.
Virginia Chapter 4 supports NLEOMF and information on the Unity Tour Ride can also be found on the internet.
Well I'll talk to you later Scott. I miss ya and love ya Bro,

Dustin Schappell
BPD Maryland and Brother-in-law

February 23, 2007

Hi #2 son

Been a while since I was here. Sorry for that.

We had a busy and heart felt weekend. It was sad and happy. Sad that we had to honor you as a fallen officer. Want to thank the State FOP for honoring you. It was sad and hard to sit there and listen to the details, but nice to hear all the good things that were said about you. I know how you hated when someone would give you credit or praise you when you did something good for someone. We got through it, but it was tough as usual.

The next day they had the battle of the badges where they honored you and Mike. That was also very difficult for a lot of people. Tricia did a good job of picking pictures of you for a CD which was shown on the big screen for everyone to see and then the song she chose was (to me) a real tear jerker, a song she was sure you would have liked. It was "Far Away, by Nickelback. It was so suited for the 2 of you under the circumstances.

I met a few of your old friends and former co-workers. I only wish that when I was introduced to them by someone, instead of them saying this is Tricia's mom, dad, and brother that it would have been you standing there saying this is my mother-in-law, father-in-law and brother-in-law, but unfortunately I know that will never ever happen again. It was nice to hear some of the things you did years ago and that we could laugh about it. I guess that is what kind of keeps us going.

I would love to be able to call you and talk to you and bitch and complain about certain things, but I know I can't and will never be able to do that again until our links are united.

I know that a lot of us are having a lot of difficulty knowing you will never be with us again. I guess the only thing that we can do to feel connected to you is to come here and write and try to express ourselves and tell you whats happening in our daily lives.

Love and miss you


February 23, 2007

Once again the Battle of the Badges was a success
but the only thing missing was YOU !!. Gordon Kaye did a
great job to honor you and Mike !! Emiley needed a few hugs
from me so she could get through this day. I told her some
of the "dumb stuff" you and I use to do. It made her laugh.
I got to talk to Trish for a little but I didn't
get a chance to talk to the boys. I got to meet the rest of
the Schappell family. Scott, they are soooooo nice and just
great people !!. They were working so hard selling your
shirts and bracelets to raise money for your boys and to
HONOR YOU !!. Scott, I was still looking for you to walk
down that hallway but it didn't happen.....

Good bye for now,


Rick Genslinger
friend/former colleague

February 20, 2007

Hey Scott
I just wanted to tell you that today you would have been so proud of Trish and the boys... they all showed so much courage and strength. Trish just continues to amaze me.

Today was such a sad day though.... seeing the pictures of you some of them made me smile and others made me cry. Emiley found her strength in Rick.... I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sending him to her...I know that you made the connection between the 2 of them. He was the one that she wanted a hug from and for him to tell her everything would be ok.
They always say things happen for a reason... I'm still not convinced as to why you were taken away from us but seeing the bond between them grow kind of sheds some light on it.

Well keep smiling down on us and we will keep our eye on Trish and the boys.....



February 18, 2007

Officer Wertz,
Saying a simple thank you for your courage is not enough to express my gratitude. You served the community in a capacity that expects a solid committment. As I read your reflections, I am just now beginning to realize the depth of what it takes to commit to this profession.

Your family deserves recognition, as well. It must take a lot of courage on their part to support your committment, knowing that every day presents a new challenge. I thank you profoundly for your dedication and your family's sacrifice.

Lehigh Valley citizen

February 18, 2007

Hello Trish,
I just wanted to drop a note to tell you that you and your boys are never far from my thoughts. I pray for you and your family and hope that your inner strength keeps getting you thru each day. Take care of yourself and if you ever need anything....just let me know...even at 2AM.

Widow of Officer David Petzold, EOW 11-9-06

February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day Honey. I love you!

Love forever,


Trish Wertz
Loving Widow

February 14, 2007

Dear Scott,

I can't believe it's been six months since you were taken away from your friends and family.

I read these reflections everyday and its hard not to be sad. I can't imagine what your family must be going through. It's hard not to read how much you meant to so many people, and the lives you touched, and not question why bad things happen to good people.

I believe everything happens for a reason and when it's our time, it's our time, but that does not keep me from thinking "this just sucks".

I have three children of my own and I adore them. I can't fathom the internal strength Trish must have to wake up every morning and keep moving forward. I don't think any amount of time will help, not when you lose someone you love.

I no longer live in Berks County and where I do live now is very close to a State Police Barracks. I often see the folks in blue at the local convenience store and I always make it a point to tell them "a good friend of mine passed away in the line of duty on AUgust 6, 2006, I just want to take a moment to say thank you to you for choosing the job you did and the sacrifices you make everyday". Everytime I thank one of your brother's and sister's in blue, they ask me about you and I tell them "he was one of the good guys but God needed an Angel".

I wish the good people in the City of Reading would honor you by standing up against the crime and violence and letting their voices be heard. Criminals count on the fear of neighborhoods, in fact they plan for it.

I hope there is never another Scott Wertz that has to make the ultimate sacrifice in the city you loved so deeply.

MacDaddy - your goofy smile, loud voice, and constant ridiculous sense of humor will never be forgotten by many good people, myself included. I remember telling you I can't believe someone married you :o) since you were always goofing on someone and seemed to never have a serious bone in your body.

You are missed my friend. Sadly missed.


February 12, 2007

The Battle of the Badges is coming up soon, I
remember last year we were there together and it was the
last time we had our little meeting outside section 109.
I remember watching the Warden skating around out on the
ice, and I said to myself that the Warden looked like
Ulf Samuelsson ( an OLD Flyers defenseman that stood a foot
taller then the other hockey players ). A short time later
you walked up to me with that "classic smile" and said
"hey Slinger !! , did you see the Warden, don't he look
like Ulf Samuelsson ???". Then we both had a good laugh.
Scott, every time I talk to the Warden at the games I still
think of that and laugh (and I told the Warden what you
said about him).
I remember asking you if you could skate,
and you said "no, neither can they" (referring to his
colleagues out on the ice). But one colleague really caught
our eyes with his skating ability, but I'm not going to
mention "Squiggy's name(ooops). Anyway, this colleague
demonstrated some "moves" out on the ice in which Scott and
I assumed were "skating tips". We both observed that if
you're skating and you want to stop, just skate directly
into the side boards or simply skate into another hockey
player and you will be able to "stop on a dime".
Squiggy, Scott and I were not laughing at you, we were
laughing with you, you just didn't know it at the time.
Scott, I have some good news, Emiley is going to (try)
teach me how to ice skate. I will keep you updated
(from my hospital bed) on my skating career.......

good bye for now,

" Slinger "

Rick Genslinger
friend/former colleague

February 11, 2007

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