Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Scott Alan Wertz

Reading Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Sunday, August 6, 2006

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Reflections for Police Officer Scott Alan Wertz

You served our borough well. You are greatly missed and we will never forget you. The wing night we miss you were there, not in our hearts but in our appearance. If your family ever needs anything we're here.

Crew of Liberty Fire Company of Sinky

June 26, 2007

I wanted to let you know that I was driving on Rte. 222 (Hamilton) this afternoon, and the car in front of me, a red kind of GMC vehicle, had your bumper sticker on the spare back tire, "In Memory of Scott Wertz". You will never be forgotten, no matter the season, or the holiday, or just a typical day like today going to get groceries. You live on in the hearts of proud Pennsylvanians, in the community that you served so selflessly. Thank you for being there today.

Breinigsville, PA citizen

June 24, 2007

Hi Scott!

Guess what? Okay, so you probably already know...I finally met Trish today. She is absolutely beautiful! You would be proud of her! I wanted to hug her so tight and tell her how good of a person you were and how you are still my hero, but we were at Veronica's baby shower and I didn't think it was the right place or time...I couldn't leave without telling her that I was one of the nurses that was at the hospital the night you came in. I wanted to sit and talk to her forever...I wanted her to know that you didn't suffer.I wanted to hold her and tell her that I thought she was doing an amazing job and that I had utmost respect for her! I wanted to tell her to keep faith and to stay strong. I wanted so bad to tell her that I too missed you but the words didn't come easy...I could see that her pain was still very fresh and I didn't want to damper her spirits! But given the opportunity again I'll give her a big fat hug just for you!! On the lighter side...The Yankees and the Giants were playing while we were at the shower and she stole my heart when I heard her rooting for my boys the Yanks! I knew right away there was something very special about her LOL!!! Okay, Scott I better go..I have to be to work in 5 hours and I haven't slept a wink! I will continue to keep Trisha and the boys in my prayers. And always remember your memory continues to live strong in my heart! Good night Scott.

Vaneeza-Registered Nurse

June 23, 2007

Hi #2 Son

Sorry I haven't been here for sometime.

I wanted to wish you a Father's Day. I can't say "Happy Father's Day", because it wasn't, since you were not here to celebrate the day with us because some scumbag took that away from you and from us. I know that Trish and the boys really miss you. I wish there was something I could do to make things easier for them and to have you here again. They say things gets easier and time heals, but they never tell you how long it takes. I don't think we will ever heal It is over ten months since you were taken from us so tragically and it never seems to get easier or better. Every time there is a special day or an event, it brings back those good memories we have of you and then we have the sadness because you are not here to celebrate the current time.
Keep watching over us and help us cope with you not being here. We are all trying to cope with your loss in one way or another.
Please watch over Josh, Jared and Trish and guide them.

We miss you so much and you will always be in our hearts and on our minds.

We love you and always will.


June 21, 2007

TO:The Wertz Family
Hey, its me again, just wondering how yall have been doing because I know fathers day and memorial day were a very hard thing for me and my family. You guys were one of the first things that came to my mind and I prayed for you guys to have a great day. So I hope every thing is all right and hope to talk to you soon!

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the day approaching
Hebrews 10:25

~*M@VER!(K M((LEND0N*~ son of Trooper 663 forever

How are you doing. sorry about your loss I cant imagine loosing my dad and how hard it would be. Oh forgive me Im mavericks sister. Not really Im just his bestest best bud in the whole world well I just wanted so say Hi and Im sorry. always remember Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through christ which strengthens me!

~*H@!LEY $PR0U$E*~ Mavz other friend

Hailey Sprouse and Maverick Mcclendon
Friend of Jareds

June 21, 2007

Couldn't sleep was thinking bout you and how life isn't fair. I thought I'd come in here and let ya know that your a great guy and that I miss talking to ya alot.

Good friend

June 20, 2007

Just wanted to let you know that on this Father's Day, and every day, PA citizens are thinking of you and your brave family. I am sorry that holidays like this are just a constant reminder of what has been lost. But I can tell you that your legacy will NEVER be lost.

Breinigsville, PA citizen

June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day Hon. Your boys miss you terribly!! If only you were here . . .

Love forever,


Trish Wertz
Loving Widow

June 17, 2007

Just wanted to drop by and say hello and that I'm thinking of you on this Fathers Day. Wish you could be here for Jared and Josh and have one of our family outings together....sure do miss those....keep watching over us down here....

BPD Maryland & brother-in-law

June 17, 2007

Just read The FOP Journal about the "White Chairs". I still can't believe it. It was so sad seeing your named listed under the Roll Call of Heroes...I knew it was going to be there.
I was looking for Pa praying that I wasn't going see your name, but there it was...making it all so real again.

Trish had a "Real" moment yesterday.....we hung up and I couldn't stand how I felt for her...I wish you could be here for only a let her and the boys have one last moment with you.

Trish....Love You, Mean It

Scott....FOREVER thinking of you

Lisa Leisey

June 13, 2007

Hey there,

They werent lying when they said pregnant women have weird dreams--anyway, Im just glad you were in it. I actually heard your big voice! Matt thinks Im crazy. Thanks for making an appearance. Miss you Wertzy. Oh, and looks like the ol' "dream team" will be organizing the softball game. They got some big shoes to fill.

Brooke Mish

June 13, 2007


It's the first Father's Day without Scott and I know how tough it is going to be for you and the boys. Every TV commercial or store sale talking about Father's Day gifts is torture, I know. Please know that I am thinking about you, Josh and Jared.

Here's something I came across in our church newsletter and wanted to share with you.

"Again it comes this day in June,
To give this man my praise.
One of two who has done so well,
To guide me on my ways.

He has taken that most special step,
Beyond the golden wall.
And when I need him extra close,
God helps him answer my call.

Known to many, especially to me,
At the time he had to go.
He left behind his special friend,
To stay and help me grow.

He didn't want to leave his friend,
And wishes she could come.
But knows that God will take her,
When her time is done.

Dad and I, we both agree,
How well she has done.
So here's to you on Father's Day,
Happy Day--I love you Mom."



Denise L. Wise
Widow, Michael H. Wise, II EOW 6/5/04

June 13, 2007

it's been over 10 months your gone, and i just still have so many emotions i just can't let go of. so many things have changed since, and none of it would be if you were still here. i am angry over so many things, most of all losing you to some scumbag. there are a lot of things that have made this so hard to handle. i look at your picture & i see these bumper stickers everywhere & you know, i just still can't believe that it is your name on there. life is just so unfair, and to lose you scott, i might as well been taken with you. living with all of this, and what has happened to us in the past, just gets to be to overwhelming sometimes. i know the worst is yet to come. nicholas keeps me strong, and keeps me going. he always talks about you, and it is hard to answer his questions. please keep him safe, he's all i have. we love you so much, and you are always on our minds.


June 11, 2007

Dear Scott,

I've been meaning to come here to tell you about a story Keith told me last week about you (although you probably heard us talking about We went to dinner last Friday at Applebee's and they sat us next to one of the walls with your pictures and accomplishments when Keith starting laughing. He said he can still hear your voice in his head from when he worked at the hall and would see you in the sallyport and you would yell "MONEY!" He said he would jokingly correct you and say, "That's Mooney." "You'll always be Money to me" is what he said you would say all the time. That's the first time he has spoken about you since you've been gone.

I just wanted to share this story with you and the memory we have in our hearts. You are sadly missed.

Becky Mooney
Official Court Reporter

June 6, 2007

Sincere Friend . . .

“He who loves a pure heart and whose speech in gracious will have the King for his friend” - Proverbs 22:11.

Scott A. Wertz understood a very important key to being a successful police officer. Scott spoke and related to all people with a sincere heart and respect. As a police officer, he connected with the public. Scott would take time out to say hello to everyone. Every time I observed Scott speaking with someone, it was as if he was speaking with a good friend he hadn’t seen in a long time. It didn’t matter whether Scott was speaking with a homeless alcoholic on the street or the Mayor of the City of Reading; he treated all persons with identical respect. And it was Scott’s sincere attitude which made him a friend to countless in the community.

The community lost a gracious and friendly officer. Scott will never be forgotten and will continue to be missed by many.

Until the reunion in Paradise, I pray that God may continually bless Trish, Jared, Josh and the entire Wertz family with vast compassion and courage.

Nelson Ortiz
Co-worker & friend
Reading Police Department

Criminal Investigator Nelson Ortiz
Reading Police Department

June 6, 2007

Officer Wertz,

Ever since we've relocated from the city it just doesn't feel the same without the comfort of knowing our RPD angels will be there if we needed them in moments of danger. On behalf of our entire staff we miss you and honor your memory. For those of us who knew you, we think about you often and pray for your family and children. Know the work you did protecting our city did not go unnoticed, and the lives you've touched and the people you've protected are grateful for your service.
We miss you, we pray for you, and the saftey of all your brothers as they patrol our streets and protect and serve.


June 5, 2007

Happy Anniversary Hon. Would have been 12 years! You will forever be in my heart and soul. I love you and miss you more than anything!

Love forever,


Trish Wertz
Loving Widow

June 3, 2007

Hey Scott....
Sorry it's been a little while.... I do come here every day though to see who has left a post. I have to tell you we had a problem at the house there was a stolen car parked in front of it and of course I just couldn't leave well enough alone. So when the "scumbags" came back to get it I called the police, and when they got there Emiley and I were outside and of course they are still wearing the black around their badges and on the sides of the cars and that in itself had Em very upset. A young neighbor boy didn't know what it meant or why Em was all teary eyed and he kept asking everyone what the black band was for..... It made me sad having to tell him what it symbolized and why well emiley couldn't even stay out side. After all the commotion was over she said to me Mom it just makes me miss Scotty so much......Again like I have said before I cannot even imagine how Jared and Josh are getting thru....

We miss you Scott --- there isn't anything else to say We were talking about our vacation last year and Jim and I both agreed that it was a fabulous trip it started out terrible man I will never ever in my life forget the look on Jim's face when Dale called to tell him. And the sheer look of despair and sadness. Jim doesn't show emotion at all an that day to see the tears in his eyes was unbearable.
We talk about you often and still now there are things that happen and we go remember when Scott.....

Well anyway.... Keep Trish strong and I need to see my butterfly---- I haven't seen one yet this year.....

Your Friend



May 27, 2007

Scott -

Well I didnt know you personally, but at National Police Week I met your son Jared. He shared your story, and I know he misses you. He was a great friend. Well, I know you are greatly missed. Thank you for your service.

~Meagan Sherwood~

Meagan Sherwood
Friend of Son

May 25, 2007


I was just sitting here telling Rachel about fun times at the fire co. Sinky: and of course your name popped into my head. I recall how much fun we had when i was djing... playing old school tunes from back in the day. I was telling Rachel all about you.
I am glad you stopped in last summer to get some new music from me so Rachel was able to actually meet you. I tell her stories about the good times we had together at work at South Heidelberg or after work on the town.
Well I was sitting here with a BIG (((sigh))) thinking about how much I miss you. You know I am not one to say in public my feelings like this and it took me a long time to come visit here and actually say something. But I want you to know you will be missed so much. It still hurts me when I think about it. I have had to bite my lip many times to prevent myself from loosing it. I just wanted to say hello and let u know I will always keep you in my heart. A special place for a good friend whom was stolen from everyone way too early. Mark

Frmr Patrolman Mark Mohler 45 #10
friend & ex. co-worker from South Heidelberg

May 21, 2007

Hey Scott -

Wanted to know if you could do me a was a really hard day for me (and Scott too) - we had to put our gray tabby cat Smelly (or as Josh referred to him, MELLY) to sleep this morning - he was just too sick and lost 3/4 of his original weight. That was so hard for me to do, but I was thinking of you and how you would sometimes play with Smelly when you came to pick up Josh....can you please watch over him up there and make sure he's ok. I know youre not a cat person, but Smelly was one of my favorites and I really miss him alot - and you too!!

We all had a nice time at "your" party - but it just wasnt the same without you and your loud booming voice and would LOVE the basement, along with the rest of the house - inside and out - I want to hire Trish to be my decorator!! In honor of your birthday, I ate a chicken wing (your fav) which I absolutely think is the most disgusting food ever...but I ate one for you and sent you a happy birthday wish - hope you got it.

I also stopped the other week to see if Trish had any dog training tips I could use on our puppy - Fergie....looks like Im in for a fun time puppy training!! We had a nice talk about all kinds of things - and you, of course. Im glad to see that she is getting by ok and there have been some things that she had seen/done to make it a little easier to get through this. Keep being there for her and everyone else with your "signs".....we look for them! And thanks for keeping an eye on Smelly for me - I really would appreciate it.

Miss ya!


Cathy Hertzog
Friend & Neighbor

May 19, 2007

To Trish,
My name is Jason Green, younger brother of Deputy Robert E. Green of Powhatan, VA. My brother died in the line of duty 9-20-06. My wife and I visit Scott’s page often. We read the stories left from his friends and co workers and also the poems and songs left from you all. They are all so touching and inspiring. They help us carry on without my brother. I sat beside your sons while we were all waiting to board the buses Tuesday morning to make our way to the service at the Capitol. I wanted to talk to you and introduce myself, but I wasn’t sure of what to say while we were all waiting for yet another emotionally filled day to start. I want to tell you that watching your sons being separated by their Grandmother brought back memories of me and my brother always needing the same at that age. I want to thank them for that, as you know every memory is so precious.

To Scott, I want to thank you Sir for making this world a safer place, for helping people who did not care to be helped and for making a difference in many people’s lives. You are a true hero. Please look up Robbie some time and give him a hug for me.

Jason Green
Brother of Robert Green EOW 9-20-06

May 19, 2007

Scott, I feel like I don't even rate to write to such a brave man. Such a HERO!! That is what you are. I had the honor and privilege to meet your Wife and Brother In-Law this past week during the Unity Tour. I want you to know, your spirit and energy you brought to all of us was evident!! You became an instant ma"Scott" for the tour. Everyone was riding for you!!! I pray for Trish, to keep the strength and for your kids to heal, and I pray for Dustin who is walking in your shoes now. I have inner strength now because of you, and I will always have your family in my thoughts, as long as I live.
Police Officer Scott Alan Wertz, you have the watch now.

"It is not how they died that made them heroes, it is how they lived"

Police Officer Jeffery Whitson
Portsmouth Police Dept.

May 18, 2007

Hi #2 Son

Well, the tough week is over. We made it through, but don't ask me how. I want to thank Dusty & Trish for doing the tour in you honor. I know it was not easy for Dusty to ride in you honor cause when he rode in to the wall at your name we both lost it. I know it was not easy for Trish either but I do think it has really helped her in knowing that there are so many more going through the same thing she is and her being involved in the tour I think has helped her also.

The boys did real good. They went to C.O.P.S. camp and met a lot of kids who are also going through the same thing, losing a parent. I think the camp did them good. When we were going home Jared was in contact with some of them on his cell phone.

I want to thank all the officers from Reading and their wives and the Task force, friends and the Chief for being their for Trish and showing their support and to honor your memory, which will never be forgotten.

We met a few of the officers from other states who rode in your honor. How nice that was of them. You have made so many friends and all wished they would have known you.

You are a true friend. We are so lucky to have a friend like you. Love you/mean it.

We Miss you and will love you forever


May 18, 2007

Officer Wertz

It was an honor and a pleasure at the Police Unity Tour and National Police Week to meet your wife, your 2 sons and all you in laws. They truly are wonderful people, how proud they were and are of you. I know it was not easy for them or anyone else this past week. I have a lot of admiration for Dustin (I'm sure it was not easy for him) to ride in the Police Unity Tour in your memory and to honor you with the money he raised to be in your memory and honor. I hope that as time goes by, life will become easier. Keep giving them and your brothers and sisters strength to carry on.

May 18, 2007

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