Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

Dearborn Heights Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Thursday, May 25, 2006

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Reflections for Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

I am proud to say that Jason was a friend of mind and a former neighbor. I grew up wanting to be just like Jason and a few of my other neighbors who were also Dearborn Heights police officers. Jason was a good role model. I can remember him coming around the corner in his patrol car as i would start to chase after him on my bike. We would sit and we would talk. The one thing that i will remember most about Jason is his great sense of humor. No matter what kind of day you were having, if you bumped into Jason he was always making you laugh.Jason truly was a great cop. He has touched so many lifes, and will never be forgotten. I know you are in a better place guarding the gates of heaven and watching over all of us. I will miss seeing you out there on the streets. R.I.P. brother.

Kevin Cullum
Belleville Police Deapartment

May 27, 2006

Jason, You are now patroling the streets of heaven. I had the pleasure of meeting you at the Citizens Academy and seeing you at the shell station at Van Born and Telegraph you always said Hi and were willing to talk about what was go'ing on out in the street's. You did'nt even have to be there on Norborne but you were doing what you loved being a cop. It will be hard to say good bye to you on Thursday but hundreds will be there to say good bye and Thank you. Your Department and our City lost one of it's Best. God's Speed My freind

Gordon Stewart
Citizen of Dearborn Height's

May 27, 2006

My heart is broken today and everyday that I hear of an Officer wounded or killed in the line of duty, but especially today as one of "my own" Officers has been taken. I take it personal as I had the honor of protecting these Heroes in a way that I took great pride in. Jason will be sadly missed but lovingly and happily remembered. His sense of humor and ability to "establish a rapport" with daily contacts on the job set him appart. My sympathy and prayers are with Jason's wife, son, the Bacher's and entire family. Thank you Jason for all that you did and to my extended family at DHPD for all that you continue to do.

Former DHPD Dispatcher Dawn Wall
Inkster Code Enforcement

May 27, 2006

When a Police Officer is killed, it is not a city that loses an officer - it is an entire nation.

Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and the Dearborn Heights Police Department.
May you rest in peace.

Jutta Bretl, Germany

Jutta Bretl, Germany

May 27, 2006

Rest in peace Corporal Makowski. Your brothers and sisters in Southeast Michigan are saddened by the loss of another officer.

Ofc BJ Horn
Adrian, MI Police Department

May 27, 2006

Dear Jason,

I did'nt know you, but you protected me and put your life on the line for me and my family to be safe. May God hold you in the palm of his hand and protect you always.

Mary Anne

friend of fellow aquaintence

May 26, 2006

A Part of America Died"
Somebody killed a policeman today,
and part of America died.
A piece of our country he swore to protect,
will be buried with him at his side.
The suspect that shot him will stand up in court,
with counsel demanding his rights.
While a young widowed mother must work for her kids,
and spend many long, lonely nights.
The beat that he walked was a battle field too,
just as if he'd gone off to war.
Though the flag of our nation won't fly at half mast,
to his name they will add a gold star.
Yes, somebody killed a policeman today,
in your town or mine.
While we slept in comfort behind our locked doors,
a cop put his life on the line.
Now his ghost walks a beat on a dark city street,
and he stands at each new rookie's side.
He answered the call,
of himself gave his all,
And A Part of America Died.

Jason, You at God's roll call now !
May you rest in peace my friend, You will be missed

Cpl. J. Colon #34
Dearborn Heights P.D

May 26, 2006

To Jason's parents, son, family, and friends:

I grew up with Jason at St. Mel Catholic School, and though I hadn't seen him since the day we graduated 18 years ago, my memories of him remain clear. He was funny, caring, gregarious, and full of life - and I'm proud to have known him from kindergarten through the 8th grade.

Jason will remain in my thoughts and prayers. My heart goes out to those he left behind.

God bless you.

Leigh Ann
New Orleans, LA

May 26, 2006

Rest in peace brother, you will not be forgotten.

Patrolman Shaun McCready
Altoona (PA) Police Department

May 26, 2006

My sincere condolences are extended to the family, friends and the Dearborn Heights Police Department for their loss of Corporal Makowski.

May he forever rest in eternal peace.

Sgt. Steve Redding
Columbus, Ohio Division of Police

May 26, 2006

Although you and I have the same last name -- we are not related -- However, we were related through our dedication for police work...Brother, REST IN PEACE!........................................................


May 26, 2006



May 26, 2006

My thoughts and prayers are with the Makowski family as well as the Dearborn Heights Police Family. Jason will be forever missed by those who knew and loved him. When Jason passes, so did a piece of all who knew him.

Amy Jishi
Friend of Jason's

May 26, 2006

Rest in peace my brother in blue, May you never be forgotten

Brush PD Colorado

May 26, 2006

Cpl. Makowski, You are truly a hero and you will never be forgotten. God Bless you.

New Jersey State Police

May 26, 2006

I am so very saddened at this most horrific crime and that the life of another brave and selfless protector of society has been taken.
My most sincere condolences to family, friends and co-workers.
Go with God now warrior brother - be at peace mate.

Senior Constable
South Australia Police

May 26, 2006

My prayers go out to Cpl. Makowski, the family, friends, and my brothers and sisters in the Dearborn Heights Police Department.

A get a sick feeling in my stomach everday I see another brother/sister in blue lose their lives for such senseless reasons.

Cpl. thank you for your service, you've made ultimate sacrifice doing a job that many are to afraid to do. Rest In Peace my brother.

Officer Stephen Szerlag
Newtown Borough Police Department

May 26, 2006

I know what Iam about to say is a lot easier to say than actually do.....But I will say it anyway. Give your pain to GOD. Even though Jason left us way to soon, he is with real greatness now smiling on us all. Hard to think of that way because of the loss, but its true. I pray for Jasons family, and all my family in law enforcement. Just remember, the enemy is out there and they dont care if we make it home after our shift is done.

Police Officer J.Chandler
New York City Police Dept..

May 26, 2006

May God bless you. You will live on forever.

Katie, sister
ODF. EOW:07-16-05

May 26, 2006

May your family, friends and brothers & sisters in blue rest easy knowing you are in a better place...

Wife of an Indiana Officer

May 26, 2006

Rest in peace Corporal Makowski, you will never be forgotten. Because of your valor other lives were saved. May the Lord bless and keep you.

Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Department

May 26, 2006

To the family, friends and co-workers of Jason,

I am so sorry for the terrible loss that you have had to endure. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time. When I saw the news that an officer had been shot, I hoped all night that he would pull through. Just know that you are not alone, the brotherhood of police officers is a very strong one. Your family will be in the hearts of many. We are here for you.

Sister of Detroit PO Scott Stewart, EOW 8/11/02

May 26, 2006

My deepest hearfelt sympathy goes out to the family, friends, and brother/sister officers of Officer Makowski.

So young...such a shame

future LEO

May 26, 2006

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you wake in the morning hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush,
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die.

author unknown

To Corporal Makowski's son,
Knowing how it feels to lose a loved one to violence, I can understand your pain, we all deal with it in our own way. I like to believe that if we keep our loved ones close in our hearts, then they never really leave us. You have so much to be proud of in your dad. Keep his memory strong and honor him every day. You're in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

May 26, 2006

Just shy of two years ago, I remember the importance of checking this site everyday. It helped me to realize that Mark and our family were never forgotten. It reinforced my faith that there is much more good in this world than evil. That is our task, our duty. To honor Jason, we must show his family our love and support, not only through these next few months, but the rest of their lives as they deal with the pain of loss. Today my thoughts are especially of his son. I truly believe that Jason's spirit will live on through him. It is up to all of Jason's family, friends, and department to help his son remember and know what a wonderful father he has. Lily and I will be sure to blow some extra bubble kisses to heaven for Jason. Rest in peace, blue angel.

Yvonne Sawyers
Wife of Officer Mark Sawyers EOW 6-5-04

May 26, 2006

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