Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

Dearborn Heights Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Thursday, May 25, 2006

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Reflections for Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

My thoughts and prayers are with the family and the Dearborn Heights P.D

Fallen but never forgotten

Officer Bryan Laurie #1251
Haltom City Police, Tx

May 29, 2006

Dean and I would like to send are condolences to Jason's family and all the Dearborn Heights Police Officers. all of you are in our prayers. Jason will be missed by everyone at Tele-Warren shell. Dean said, he just saw jason a couple of weeks ago. he changed the oil on his car. He said, the two of them talked about cars Like any other time he came in there. we will nerver forget him.

Becky & Dean
Tele-Warren Shell

May 29, 2006

I started with you just over a year ago or as you always reminded me like a minute and a half ago. In our short time together I learned so much and I will never forget it. You were a great officer and a hard worker. I, like all of our officers were alaways able to count on you when we needed you and even when we didn't. Watch over us brother and god speed.

This chest bump is for you.

P.O. Hutchens
Dearborn Heights Police

May 29, 2006

May god rest your soul and may god bless and protect all of the police officers who are serving and protecting our community.
Your death has reached our employees costumers and the entire community and has saddened us all.

God Bless

The BP Family at 26320 Vanborn Rd
BP In The Park

May 29, 2006

God speed warrior. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten and dedication is an inspiration to all. Rest now we'll take it from here. Sincerely Ofc Ryan Leach.

Ofc Ryan Leach
Grand Blanc Township P.D.

May 29, 2006

Another hero taken from us.
R.I.P. brother.

Macungie Borough Police Dept. (PA)

May 29, 2006

Rest in peace, friend. We'll carry on in your name.

I wish the family all of the best as they deal with this terrible loss.

Alabama Officer

May 29, 2006

When I think of Jason so many emotions erupt. His death has been a total devastation to everyone that knew him as well as to those across the nation that had never met Jason. But to know Jason makes dealing with his death all that much harder. Knowing that you'll never see him again or that you'll never hear him joking with and razzing the other officers weighs heavy on your heart. Unfortunately we sometimes don't realize how much we enjoy someone's presence until they are gone. That realization is all too surreal now. With every little thing I do I find myself thinking of Jason. I cry a lot. I try not to but its hard. Jason was a friend to all of us and his death naturally saddens me. I get especailly sad when I pick up my smiling baby boy and see how happy it makes him just to get hugs and kisses from his dad. My boy loves me with all his heart, as do I him. This should be a happy situation all except that I can't help but think about Jason and his son. I think about how Jason will never again be able to pick up his son that he loved so much and give him hugs and kisses and let his son know that he means the world to him. I can't help but think how this must be hurting Jason. And his son I'm sure is hurting in the same way. What do you say to Jason's boy when he asks, "Where is my daddy". All this because of a senseless act of violence.

Jason's death is such a tragedy. He had so much going for him. He was truely an intelligent man. I've taken college courses with Jason and he, seemingly without trying, got the same grades that I worked so hard for. He always had something to talk about and he had a sense of humor that everyone enjoyed. Jason had thorough knowledge of his job and he always took care of business. He was an excellent cop and you could always count on the fact that if Jason was working, he'd always have your back. He took every opportunity to jump on all priority runs, as he did the day of the shooting. As everyone knows by now, shagging calls for service was not part of Jason's duties for that day. He did not have to respond. But for Jason, there was no way that he could not respond.

The reach of this loss is never ending. Many of us have lost a friend, Jason's son has lost his father, his mother has lost a son, his sister has lost a brother, Dearborn Heights citizens has lost a very good police oficer and we have all lost a hero.

I never knew that the death of a fellow police officer could affect me so deeply.

I love you bro, I miss you, and my thoughts will forever be with you, your son, and your famliy. You'll never be forgotten.

Sgt. Rory McManmon
Dearborn Heights P.D.

May 29, 2006

To the family and friends of Cpl. Makowski, My heart goes out to each and everyone of you. May God bless you all and keep you safe.

Det. C. Booyer
Cumberland County Sheriffs Office North Carolina

May 29, 2006

(From a Policeman's Prayer) "...And when we lay down our night sticks, enroll us in your Heavenly Force, where we will be as proud to guard the throne of God, as we have been to guard the city of men."

You have served the world well, and a new assignment waits for you in heaven. We thank you for your sacrifice. My condolences and heartfelt prayers to your family and department. God Bless.

Neart, Gra agus Onoir (Strength, love and honor)

Crime Scene Specialist K. Martin B1162
Scottsdale P.D. (AZ)

May 29, 2006

We were saddened of the news. Our deepest sympathy and prayers are with you always.

Melvindale Detective David Taft and wife
Melvindale Police Department

May 29, 2006

I want to say thank you to you and all the other officers of our city, and for each city around the world, that protect us each and everyday.

I did not know you Corporal Makowski but I know you'll be missed, not only by your family and the DHPD, but also by us citizens.

May you rest in peace.

God Bless.

Darlene W.
Dearborn Heights citizen

May 29, 2006

As I sat here reflecting on Memorial Day,a thought came into my mind. Through many conversations at my church today
we all discussed honoring those who fought in previous wars
and the ongoing wars of today,but not once was a police officer mentioned. So I would like to say thank you to all the men and women in law enforcement,and that my family and I will take time out of this Memorial Day to honor those who have fallen. My thoughts and prayers are with Jason's family as well as the D.H.P.D.

Joseph Palmer
Applicant to The Virginia State Police

May 28, 2006

Jason, thank you for protecting us and keeping our city safe. Rest in peace now. To your family, friends and fellow officers, please accept our deepest sympathy for your loss. You will be in our prayers.

Tom and Sandy Davis
Dearborn Heights Citizens

May 28, 2006

I live in the quite neighborhood where officer Makowski lost his life doing what he loved and that was protecting the city and ths citizens. i will never forget the sound of gun fire i heard that day so close to my home, but i felt safe knowing that the dearborn heights officers and the surrounding agencies that backed them up were there, all would be fine. i was so sad and shocked to find out that one of those shots i heard so close to my home was one that took officer Makowski life, Thank-you officer Makowski for your bravery and dedication to your profession to keep me and all the other Dearborn Heights citizens safe. My brother is also a heights officer so i feel we lost a family member. God Bless your family and rest in peace Officer Makowski. Thank-You Ann Heck Dearborn Heights citizen

Ann Heck
Citizen of Dearborn Heights

May 28, 2006

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family, especially your son. You served the public well in doing your job that day. My prayers also go out to your department as they work through this tragedy. May God be with you as you enter his kingdom and with your family.


May 28, 2006

My Brother! - A piece of my heart goes with you....I have brothers in every State - County - City - Town and Village...I will keep you - Corporal Jason Makowski - in my heart and my prayers....Your job is not done - you are now assigned to watch over all the brothers and sisters who Patrol this nation every day....And when one of us leaves here.....greet us...for then we shall know we are among friends....
YOU HAVE SERVED WELL - May that give your family and friends comfort....

Officer Farris
Gadsden Police Dept. Bomb Squad

May 28, 2006

As residents of Norborne Ave, we wish to thank all the men and women of the Dearborn Heights Police Department that came to our aid on that fateful day.

We are especially grateful to Corp. Jason Makowski, who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect us, our children, and the other residents of our neighborhood.

We are greatly saddened by the loss of Jason, not because we knew him personally, but because he was willing to give all to protect us.

Our thoughts and prayer go out to Jason's family in their time of grief, as well as his extended family within the Law Enforcement community.

We always think that these things happen somewhere else. Never in our own quiet community. Jason - thank you for being there when you were needed most.

May God watch over you and your family.

Rob and Patty
Norborne Ave. Residents

May 28, 2006

Rest in peace brother

lima police

May 28, 2006

I got to know Jason through an Internship I did with The D.H.P.D and the 20th D.Court. I can honestly say that he was a great guy and an excellent officer. Every time I would see him aroud the station he always had 2 or 3 other officers with him, he was a very funny and smart guy who loved his job. When we lost Jason we really lost a piece of our community and those who loved and cared for Jason lost a piece of themselves. Dearborn Heights will never be the same. May god bless his soul, he is a true hero in ever meaning of the word.

To his brother's in blue: if there is anything I can do to help ease your pain, PLEASE let me know. Officer K. Myers, I heard how you save him from being injured more than he already was, this to makes you a hero. People don't realized what you guys sacrifice everyday you show up to work.

Rest In Peace Jason. We know you're in a better place and that you're watching over us from Heaven, but this community and world is a lesser place without you. We miss you.

Amy Jishi
Friend of Jason's

May 28, 2006

The policeman stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.

"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To my church have you been true?"

The policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry a badge
can't always be a saint."

I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.

But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at time I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.

If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't I'll understand.

There was a silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgement of his god.

"Step forward now, policeman,
You've born your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in hell"


May 28, 2006

It was truly an honor to work with you over the last few years. It is an officer like you that inspires me to be in your shoes and serve the people of the United States. Everyday I work hard knowing that my life could come to a sudden end as tragically as yours did, but I know that it's okay because you served honorably and vigilantly every single day to make others around you proud to say they knew you and you were a great officer. Now we can all look forward to having you watching over us and seeing you again one day. Thank you for all that you gave. You will be missed.

Gavin Jenkins
CBPO Officer in Training/former DHPD Jailer

May 28, 2006

To the family of Corporal J Makowski,

May God be with you during this trying time. May God give you strength and comfort. Rest in Peace, brother.

Deputy NJ Smith
Fairfax County Sheriff's Office

May 28, 2006

Rest in peace, Sir! You will never be forgotten.

Police Officer

May 28, 2006

May you rest in peace my brother, and to the family of Officer Makowski you will always have the Law Enforcement family there for you ... R.I.P. MY BROTHER


May 28, 2006

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