Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

Dearborn Heights Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Thursday, May 25, 2006

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Reflections for Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

Our hearts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Corporal Jason Makowski. A True HEROE who gave the ultimate sacrifice for doing not a job but living a life he believed in and had a passion for. A great loss for Dearborn Heights Police Department, the community and the Nation. From the Family of Fallen Texas Highway Patrol Trooper Eduardo Chavez. EOW 5-2-06.

Chavez Family
Texas Highway Patrol and Hidalgo Co. Sheriff's Office

May 30, 2006

My heart goes out to all of your friends and family.

May 30, 2006

The family of Corporal Jason Makowski and brothers and sisters in blue of Dearborn Heights Police Department (and everywhere else) are in my thoughts and prayers.
Rest in Peace blue angel.

Stephanie Betts
surviving sister of Christopher R Betts EOW 12-22-02

May 30, 2006



May 30, 2006

What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us. What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. -Albert Pine

Corporal Makowski -- The sacrifice you made for your community will not be forgotten.

To all those touched by the loss of Corporal Makowski -- Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Colorado Springs (CO) Police Protective Association

May 30, 2006

Hero's never die, they just take on a new assignment.

GOD Bless you and you son.


Officer Paladino
Colorado Springs PD

May 30, 2006

God Bless the family and friends of this HERO.

Officer Bernie Ash
Louisville Metro Police

May 30, 2006

On behalf of my entire organization I would like to express our condolences to the family of Cpl Jason Makowski. Jason is a true hero and is mourned by everyone in law enforcement.

Chief Joseph Conlin
Pemberton Boro Police Dept. (NJ)

May 30, 2006

Our condolences to the Makowski and Dearborn Police Department Families. Jason was an outstanding officer and role model and will be missed by all who had the priviledge to know him. Rest in Peace, Jason.

Bruce Sokolove and Dave Locke
Field Training Associates

May 30, 2006

The world lost a true hero. May God bless the family of Corporal Makowski. Thank you for your service.

Police Officer L. Garcia
Los Angeles Police Dept

May 30, 2006

Rest in Peace Brother. To your Family, Department and Friends Keep the Faith. Jason, You are a true Hero!!!

K-9 Officer Ken Wolfe
Lititz Borough Police Dept, Pa

May 30, 2006

Jason I am sitting here crying as I am writing this.I am trying to make sense of why? It still doesn't seem real and
I am numb.I still keep replaying the day over in my mind and I am glad we shared one final conversation and joke together on that day. I am running through the memories in my head and their are so many fond ones..Lions games,drinking beers,dinner,just bullshitting. I am also very sad Cam wont get to know you like he should have!!
I dont know what else to say except the World is a lesser place without you and you are going to be missed!! Your friend Matt Swirple

CPL Matthew Swirple
Dearborn Heights Police Department/Friend

May 30, 2006

Your tour as a Public Safety Officer in GPP was so short that it seems to be not mentioned anywhere, but it is not forgotton here. It was a pleasure to have served with you, Jason, even if for such a short time. Rest in Peace Brother.

Grosse Pointe Park Police

May 30, 2006

Corporal Makowski, thank you for your courageous service. My prayers are with your son, family, friends, and all your Police brothers and sisters.

Tim Reise

May 30, 2006

He was yours to give,
and yours to call home,
please stand by his brothers,
so they don't feel alone,
dry the tears of his family,
so they clearly see:
that he gave his all,
so all could have peace.
Blessed are they,
the children of God,
with heavy hearts,
and honor - they trod,
to pay their respects,
to give their salute,
and to ask for your mercy,
on heroes in Blue.

Jason, rest easy brother, we have the watch.

Mesquite, TX

May 30, 2006

To Corporal Jason Makowski,
I salute you for giving the ultimate sacrifice to protect the community you swore to protect. You are a true hero. May the memories you left behind bring strength to your family, the Dearborn Heights PD, and your friends.

Officer CC Stevens
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police

May 30, 2006

Rest in Peace Brother, Thank you for your outstanding service. Your family and friends are in our prayers.

Officer C. Bogle
Charleston P.D (Tennessee)

May 29, 2006

I love you Jason Anthony Makowski. Although our time together was too short, you loved me more than anyone could. You taught me so much and gave me advice that I will take with me for the rest of my life. Even though you are physically gone, I can feel you here and I know that you will never leave me. The only thing keeping me going is knowing that I will see you again when my time here is done. You always used to say to me "I love you man!" and I knew that you really meant it when you said in that way. You always used to tell me "You're the one Lizzy" and I knew that you meant it. I am so glad that you taught me to not be afraid so that I was able to tell you how much I love you back and know that you are the one for me.

I am so glad that you came into Starbucks (where I work) to bring me food right before you got the call to go to scene of the gunman. Little did either of us know that those would be our last moments together. But just as we always did, we left each other saying the proper goodbye. You said "I'm sorry this asshole is ruining our date, I love you," and gave me a kiss. I said "I love you... be careful."

I called you an hour later and you didn't answer, from that moment I knew that something had happened. I found out moments later that a officer had been shot and I knew it was you, but I had to hear it before I could believe it. I rushed to the scene and asked the first person I saw if the officer who had been shot was you. He asked who I was and I told him I was your girlfriend (knowing that I was so much more). He told me that it was you and that I should get to the hospital as soon as possible because you had been shot in the head. I immediately fell to the ground and lost control of my emotions. I feared that you were already gone and that I would not be able to say goodbye.

My brother came and got me and rushed me to the hospital. I just kept looking at the picture of you and I on my phone saying "please dont leave me... I need you... please dont leave me." I got to the hospital and got to see you. I held your hand so tight asking for you to squeeze back. You couldn't squeeze back, but I knew that you felt me there. I stayed with you in ICU for your last hours here on earth. I couldn't leave the room because I knew those were our last hours together. I watched you breathe and I had hope that you could pull through and that we would get through it together. Towards the end of the night, I saw that your breathing was getting worse and that you truly were suffering. I knew then, that I needed to say goodbye. So I held your hand tight, and laid my head on your shoulder (the spot we refered to as "my nook." ) I told you I love you and to be with me when you were gone. It was sad, yet peaceful. Your life support was pulled and I held your leg, your mom held you hand, as you left us here on earth.

So now I'm here without you. The first morning was the hardest. I woke up to my phone ringing, any other day I knew it would have been you. But I opened my eyes and realized that it wasn't and that everything that had happened wasn't a dream. I lost control of my emotions realizing that I would have to make it through my first day without you. These days have been hard, an emotional roller coaster. But I feel you here and I am so glad that you are helping me through this. I love you so much and cherish every moment we shared together. The days until we meet again will be long and difficult, but we can get through it together. I love you Jason. Please continue to watch over your family, friends and I as you have been doing. We all love you so much and need you to continue to be a part of our lives. We will make sure to do our part here on earth, as you did, so that we will see you in heaven.


Love Always,

Elizabeth, Lizzy

Elizabeth Cyzeska

May 29, 2006

I worked side by side with Jason, undercover for nearly four years. We became very good friends during this time. Those that knew Jason, knew that he was such a people person. He did not like being alone, he thrived when he was in the company of others. Jason could bring out the best in anyone and we shared a lot of good times together. Jason could also be counted on to have your back. He saved me from harm more than a few times, and I will never forget that.

Like my Sgt said in another posting, you never realize how much it hurts, until its one of your brothers, and man it hurts. I never thought that I would be feeling the emotions that I have felt over the past week, and with his upcoming funeral, it wont be any easier. I wanted to take an opportunity to speak at Jason's funeral, but knowing that I am not quite strong enough, I feel a compeling need to post on this site and tell everyone about our friend.

As for a police officer; he was fearless, he took charge of every situation, on drug raids-he was first through the door, and if any of us encountered resistance-he was the first to our aid, he never feared doing his job.

As for a friend; he would always ask for help when he needed, and he would always be there for his friends. He was the organizer of all shift events and outings. Just 4 days prior to his death, he arranged a golf outing with me and two other officers, and we had the time of our lives. He started a competition between he and I, making fun of the person who couldnt drive the ball past the ladies tees the most times, (he won 5-4), then we celebrated.

As a father; he cared very much for his son Cameron, he talked about him all the time and made sure that he was provided for.

As I sit and write this, I still cant believe that he is gone. The pain is real, and it hits hard. I will miss him very much. Fortunatley, I have many fond memories to remember him, and I will use those to stumble on.

I now know that Jason died as a hero, he put himself in harms way to save other officers and he paid the ultimate price for it. He will be missed by his family, friends, and everyone that knew him. Not only did we lose a friend and a brother, but Dearborn Heights-you lost one hell of a cop and protector.

Cpl Gary Voiles
Dearborn Heights PD-very close friend and brother in blue

May 29, 2006



May 29, 2006

Our country is the greatest in the world due to brave people like you sir. Thank you for giving your life so that others can live safely in freedom, free from predators that commit such horrible crimes. There is certainly a place of Honor reserved for you in heaven.

Detective J. O'Toole
Louisville Metro Police

May 29, 2006

I look over this site about once a week, and it saddens me to see the list of fallen brothers and sisters continue to grow. I get tears in my eyes when I read officers' reflections. I never know what to say except that your brothers and sisters in blue all over the country ... world ... will have you in their thoughts and prayers. Please watch over us and greet us when it is our turn. God bless!

Officer Gary Coslop
Linwood Police, NJ

May 29, 2006

Another Brother Down. My thoughts and prayers to another fallen officer, who acted as we all would act in bravery.

Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service (CANADA)

May 29, 2006

When I saw the news that day, I said a prayer. I guess God had a different plan for you than what I prayed for. My heart breaks for your son and I truly hope that you are at peace. Thank you for protecting all of us, police officers are far too often taken for granted. Though I never knew you, I know that someone's heart aches for you. May your son know of you and your sacrifice. Thank you

Gina Jones
Garden City resident

May 29, 2006

I only met Jason once or twice, through a friend of mine that worked with him. I am so very so sorry for the loss that Jason's family and police family has taken. I can only imagine how difficult the upcoming week will be when everything will seem so final. Jason will live on through his son. I wish you all the strength in the world to get through this and the remaining days without him. Thank you for your service Jason, I know you will be missed.

May 29, 2006

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