Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

Dearborn Heights Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Thursday, May 25, 2006

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Reflections for Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

Dearest Jason, I have been reading all the wonderful
reflections that are written for you and the family. I have lived out of the state for many years and really only knew you when you were very small.
At your your funeral, I was especially touched by the throngs of people who stood out on the sidewalks in your honor, as we headed for the cemetery. Every age, every nationality, with flags and posters. Some had their hands over their hearts, while others were saluting you. The signs of the children read that they they loved you and would miss you. I was so glad that my grandchildren could be with me to see the outpouring of respect and love for you and your service.
This is a very special family, I am so proud to be part of it. My father a policeman, my children's father a policeman, my son a policeman, and your father and you -- all were policemen.
Jason, I promise I will pray for you every day that I live. I know that now you understand why these things happen. I am sure you will be looking out for the family -- we need that -- especially Michael, please cover his back.

Aunt Jean
Westland, Mi

Jean Orleans
Aunt, Godmother

June 3, 2006

It was difficult to say goodbye to everyone that day.
I'm just so sorry you had to find me that way.
From the moment you heard an officer down
I heard all the prayers until I was found.
When you took your oath placed your badge over your heart
You knew this was a possibility yet you didn't hesitate to start.
Now that it's happened to me, your feelings you cannot hide.
Those feelings of sorrow and grief,don't hold them inside.
Get mad,yell,scream and shout if you must.
But when your through,it's the law and God you must trust.
Remember it's only my body on earth that is gone.
There is much yet to do, you must remain strong.
Please always remember and never forget
Your vow to do your best to serve and protect
I had a purpose on earth and now my task is through
Gods reward is priceless I'm now an angel in blue!!!
Look at my death as a beginning and not as an end
My spirit will never leave you for you are my Friend.


June 3, 2006

There is no doubt that you are a hero. Although most of the memories I have of you are from when you were younger, it is clear from these reflections that you touched many peoples lives and were a positive influence. God cleary has bigger plans for you. I take comfort knowing that you will be watching over all of us. Our prayers go out to you and your family. May you rest in peace. You will never be forgotten.

Mike McMaster, Reserve Officer
Dearborn Heights PD

June 3, 2006

Jason, thank you for making the scene safer for the rest of us. You made it possible for us to go home to our families by making the ultimate sacrifice that day. We will make sure Cameron is ok and make sure when he is older and ready, he will know what you did for the rest of us that day so he can stand proud and replace some of the sorrow with pride knowing his dad was a hero, Ken

Cpl. Kenneth Serwatowski
Dearborn Heights Police Department

June 3, 2006

To the family and friends of Cpl. Jason Makowski, the Officers of the Wayne Co. Sheriff's Highland Park Division would like to sent you our deepest sympathy.

Jason and I attended St. Mel's grade school together, and I remember him as a funny and out going friend who wanted nothing more than to see a smile on everyones face. Jason, You will be missed by all!

Dep. Chris Carlson
Wayne Co. Sheriff

June 3, 2006

Your dedication and bravery will not be forgotten. Rest in peace.

June 3, 2006

In valor, there is hope. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Macomb County Sheriff
Honor Guard

June 3, 2006



June 3, 2006

I know alot of the policemen on the force but I never met you.
You served your city well. And all the citizens of Dearborn Heights will be forever in your debt, for watching over us for 11 years. May you watch us from above as we know you will.

Rest in peace my son.


June 2, 2006

Jason, all I can say is that its been a week since you were taken away from us and we buried you yesterday and I am still in complete utter disbelief that your gone. This has been one of the hardest things that I have ever gone through in my life. You were my friend and you made laugh so much and I can't believe that I won't be getting anymore MDC messages telling me to switch to some radio station that was playing some stupid sappy love song, 70's disco song, or rap song that you found amusing. I'll miss your funny stories, your threats against the administration, going to the bar with you, and playing Texas Hold 'em at your house. If you only knew how many tears I've cried for you in the last week you would probably make fun of me as only you could do. You'll be missed more than you'll ever know and our department will never be the same without you...

Lt. Richard Duffany
Dearborn Heights Police Department

June 2, 2006

Corporal Makowski, rest in peace brother......we'll take it from here.

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men ever lived."

Gen. George S. Patton

bp 2422

June 2, 2006

Corporal Makowski, Even though we have never met I know you. My Boyfriend and good friend to you, Ofc Hatten, was a big admirer of you. You helped to teach him how to be the Officer he is now. You told him stories,joked with him, drank with him, called him "junior"... and most of all you made him laugh. Because of this I thank you. You will be missed by more people than you could have imagined. To a brother in blue, rest in peace. Ofc Kuzmanovich

Ofc. L. Kuzmanovich
Canton Police Department

June 2, 2006

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication only a true hero can do our job and be able to smile at the end of the day. I cried when i seen what happened to you but dont worry you will not be forgotten.

Greensboro Police Department, Greensboro N.C

June 2, 2006

May Jason's soul rest in peace, and all of the faithful departed.


Raymond Berry

June 2, 2006



June 2, 2006

On behalf of the Spring Twp. police deaprtment we offer our deepest prayers and sympathies to the family of Cpl. Makowski and out brothers and sisters with the Dearborn heights P.D.. May God ease your pain and help you heal.

Patrol officer
Spring Twp. Police (Centre County PA)

June 2, 2006

It was an honor to attend your funeral yesterday and to spend time with those whom you held so dear to your heart. Your brothers & siters from all over North America attended en masse. I'm sure you were smiling with pride upon everyone there, for the sun showed its face and basked us in warm calming rays of love.

My words seem trivial to me but know they are from the heart. Unfortunately, too many of us know the grief that has enveloped all of you. Reach out to us. Whether to talk, cry, or be comforted by an embrace with silence, we are always here.

An Irish Funeral Prayer

Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped away in to the next room.
Everything remains as it was.
The old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we still are.
Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no sorrow in your tone.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without effort.
Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was.
There is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner.
All is well. Nothing is hurt; Nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting, when we meet again.

Written by:Henry Scott Holland

Honor Guard
Hazel Park PD, MI

June 2, 2006

To the Family of Officer Makowski

This must be an extremly difficult time for you now, but please remember that the closeness of your police family will be here for you.

I am the wife of a County Deputy who was in a horrible accident while he was on patrol. I truly want you to know that your police family will be there for you if you need anything.

I never met Jason, but from all the news stories I've read, he sounded like an incredible Officer and human being.

My sincerity and hope to your family~

Spouse of an Deputy

June 2, 2006

Dear Jason,

Please know that you shall be loved forever. You are my greatest hero.

Love, Rita and Jerry Zdeb.

Rita Zdeb (Retired)

June 2, 2006

From the men and women of the LVMPD, we are sorry for the loss of your dedicated HERO.

Det / LVMPD Gang Unit.
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept / Sgt.H. Prendes EOW 2-1-06

June 1, 2006

I only had an extended conversation with Cpl. Makowski once, about a year ago. After only that brief contact, there was NO DOUBT in my mind that he was what any department would find exceptional in a police officer. It was very apparent that he loved his job, his city, and his country and believed in all the good in the world. Great guy. It was an honor to have known him even for such a short time. My heart aches for Officer Makowski's family and fellow officers. However, I do find comfort knowing God is watching all of you!!!!! The officers of the DHPD are a great bunch ------ keep your chins ups!! YOU FOLKS ARE THE BEST!!!

Vol.Prob.Officer Mark Rhodes
20th Dist. Court, State of Michigan

June 1, 2006

Again we mourn as another hero is taken from us. My deepest sympathy to the family, friends and co-workers of Corporal Makowski. May the Lord give you strength and bless each of you during this time.

Rest in peace for your watch here is over; walk in heavens beat and guide us to protect and serve others safely.

US Ranger Catroppa
National Park Service GA

June 1, 2006

Though I never had the privilege to meet you, our mutual friend holds you in the highest of regards. As such, I too put you on a pedestal of the utmost respect and integrity only wishing I had the fortitude required to make an ultimate sacrifice such as yours. As you quietly watched over and supported your friends to ensure their safety, I promise to do my best to take up your torch and ensure our friend is never alone. Your funeral today instilled in me not only a love for a son, but the love of your brotherhood and society as your collective family. We only shared a friend on this Earth, but the love your family showed you today shared with me an understanding that greatness not lie in just a single act, but rather the inspiration and love your personality exudes. I never met you, but you were, and are, unquestionably a great man and one I will miss learning from. God speed hero, may we finally meet in time.

A Friend

June 1, 2006

Jason, I'm lost without you. I can't believe you're gone. It's way too soon for you. You have been my best friend and I love you so much. I'm truly blessed to have had you in my life for so long. I'm blessed we were able to share so much together. All the memories I have of us will continue to live in my heart. Jason, you were a hero in your police duties and your personal life from the day we met. You were always my inspiration and were fearless, always determined to get the job done and done right. Jason, you took your oath to heart. You had the ability to walk into a room and light it up. Your personality was amazing. You could make anyone laugh and you always had great one-liners while you told them crazy stories. I'll never forget your famous line "I can talk the pants off anyone". You were an ultimate man, so kind, loving, and gentle (and that side you didn't share with many people). I'm glad I was one of few to know the real you. Jason, the community was lucky to have you watching over them for the past 11 years because you truly cared. Jason, may God bless you and keep you safe. I know you will be watching over us from your gentle place in Heaven. Your Dad and grandfather can be proud of the man you were, just as you always wanted. Now, you can rest in peace with them. Jason, God must have special plans for you to have taken you away so suddenly. May you feel all the love there is for you and know you are so deeply missed. Your life and sacrifice will never be forgotten. We love you and are incredibly proud of your ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. I love you yesterday, today, and always. Keep my spot warm as you wait for me. I won't be scared knowing you're waiting and watching for me. I love you... Your soulmate "GG" ..... PS: Thanks for cooking your famous pasta dinner the other night.


June 1, 2006

God bless you for all you have done and God bless your little boy.


June 1, 2006

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