Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

Dearborn Heights Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Thursday, May 25, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

Waking up dead inside of my head
Will never never do there is no med
No medicine to take

I've had a chance to be insane
Asylum from the falling rain
I've had a chance to break

It's so bad it's got to be good
Mysterious girl misunderstood
Dressed like a wedding cake

Any other day and I might play
A funeral march for Bonnie Brae
Why try and run away

Slow cheetah come
Before my forest
Looks like it's on today

Slow cheetah come
It's so euphoric
No matter what they say

I know a girl
She worked in a store
She knew not what
Her life was for
She barely knew her name

They tried to tell her
She would never be
As happy as the girl
In the magazine
She bought it with her pay


Everyone has
So much to say
They talk talk talk
Their lives away
Don't even hesitate

Walking on down
To the burial ground
It's a very old dance
With a merry old sound
Looks like it's on today

[Chorus 2x]
Jay this is a song we would of typed to each other on the MDT (Red Hot Chili Peppers). I heard it when I got home from the hospital the morning you passed away. I listen to it alot now.
Your Friend Bruce DHPD

Bruce Krot

August 29, 2006

May you rest in peace Jay!! Even though we didn't keep in touch over the past years, you have always been in my heart! Looking back on pics of us going to homecoming has been tough! You were a great guy...bit of a rebel,LOL,but a "big teddy bear"! I will never forget all the drives we would take in the Yellow Camaro!!! We made many memories together and NONE of them will EVER be forgotten!! You had a dream to be a police officer just like your family, and you did that my friend! I am so proud of you!! You are truely a hero! May your son only see you for what you are, a GREAT Dad as well as a Hero!! You are missed and you are loved so much!!! God Bless you and keep your brothers and sister safe!!! We love you Jay!!!
Danielle Lutteke (Morey)

Danielle Lutteke (Morey)
High school friend

August 27, 2006

Thanks for watching out for Bruce and his back up the other night...I know you were there..I had a "feeling" it could have went the other way that night
Thanks Again

Dearborn PD

August 19, 2006

As we intensify the plans for the St. Sabina Church festival, we can't help but think of Jason -- stopping by the festival in the evenings, usually after most of the activities had closed for the night and only the chairpersons and die-hards were left. Even though we'd have one DHPD officer assigned to us in a marked unit for the overnight hours, we could always count on brief visits from several others - just to have a cup of coffee or a left-over hot dog with us in the middle of the night.

Jason could always be counted upon as one of the good-natured, outgoing and fun-loving "boys in blue" who would stop by for a quick hello. We always appreciated the presence of this big guy with a big heart.

To Jason's friends and fellow officers - please know that Jason will be in our thoughts and in our hearts during our festival this year. The 5:00 pm Mass at St. Sabina Catholic Church on Saturday, September 30, 2006, (the only Mass that occurs during the actual festival) will be in loving memory of Corporal Jason Makowski, Dearborn Heights Police Department. This Mass is being offered in Jason's memory at the request of the St. Sabina Festival Committee.

May God bless each of you and keep you safe, always.

Rita Foley

August 18, 2006


Another day went by without hearing your voice, another shift went by without a date for lunch, a 210 , or a cell phone call.

Jason (aka-Mako, WHitey, Big Mac, Tank, Jethro, Mr CLean)- you are missed by all. We miss your antics and your heroics. The realization that Big Mac will not be showing up as backup, is a cold lonely awakening. I know for a fact that both veterans and new guys miss your freindship and leadership.

J-mostly I wanted to thank you for having my back once again. I have tapped your locker twice every day since your EOW, before I start my shift, hoping that you will watch my ass, just like you used to. Recently, we took down a guy with a loaded gun on his person, who had been doing several Robberies. This guy had apparently even fired shots at one of his victims. I want to personally thank your for keeping me, Bruce, Chris, and Sean safe. While it wasnt a dramatic standoff, the bad guy had a loaded gun and opportunity to use it and it didnt happen. I cant help but wonder if Big Mack's guns didnt help us restrain and cuff the guy.

Thanks for resting on my shoulders, Jason. You can stay there forever, my brother.


August 17, 2006

Rest in peace Jay.

Racheal Jackman
Friend and Former Dispatcher

August 13, 2006


I find myself coming to this site on a daily basis, but today I wanted to let you know that I am having keychains made up on your behalf. They are on a shield and have a picture of a badge. On the top it says "Dearborn Heights" "E.O.W. 5/25/06" then right over the center of the badge there is a black memorial band with a blue stripe (the one that was placed on your actual badge) and on the bottom it says "Jason" "7". I got them in 2 colors one with a black background and one with white. Keep us safe and watch over us, we miss you and will always keep your memory alive.

Amy Jishi
Friend of Jason's

August 13, 2006

I find myself returning to this page over and over again. Its bookmarked under favorites and I look at it weekly. I worked with Jay a few years ago and while it wasn't recent, I still felt so sad over his death and so angry he was taken at such a young age.
Jay, I know you are there and I know you are watching your brothers and sisters, keeping them safe as they do their jobs. I sense you are terribly missed and I know from my relationship with you those years at DHPD that you are a kind and generous man, capable of such emotion and laughter. You were a riot to work with Jay and I miss you. I really do. You were one of the good guys.
I miss your guns.

A Friend

August 9, 2006

If tears Could Build a Stairway
And Memories A Lane
We'd Walk Right Up To Heaven
And Bring You Home

August 9, 2006

Well Jay, I finally did it.

Saturday, Chris and I went to Wicked Tattos and we had memorial tattoo in your honor placed(CARVED)into our shoulders. Mike from Wicked Tattoo's did the tattoo, and he designed the memorial on your behalf. Im sure you can see it, but its a large badge with a giant scrypted "7", it has a black and blue memorial band across it, there is a cross (the same one you were getting) on the lower right corner, and there is an eagle perched above the badge. Everyone thought it came out awesome.

I realized I said I would never ink myself up, but it was something that I really wanted to do. Now I consider it an on honor to have this tribute on my arm.

Guzzy said he was going to get one asap, and several other of the boys say they are going to do it too. I think that is an awesome dislay of affection and dedication.

This Friday is our fundraiser at the Lyskawa Post (warren/telegraph) to help raise funds so we can erect a memorial in your honor at the station. It should be quite an event, make sure you look down on us once in a while that day, and every day. Take care, and know that we love you man!!!!


July 31, 2006

Jason, the tattoo's are being applied bro!!

dearborn heights police department

July 30, 2006


Even though we don't wear the uniform everyday like you did, we still feel the pain and wish your Deparment the best in this time of sorrow. We are here if ever needed...

Inkster Auxiliary Police Department

July 22, 2006

Peace be with you always...

Mrs. Natalie Jensen
wife of Detective Jared Jensen EOW 2/22/06

July 15, 2006

This website is to honor and remember our beloved Jason for his heroic duties as a police officer.

Jason, we cherish your memory every minute of every day and miss you terribly. May God bless you and keep you. Rest in peace.

July 12, 2006

I think of what happened to Jason and it absolutely breaks my heart. Take care and rest in peace.

July 9, 2006

RIP Corporal Jason Makowski. May the almighty take you home.

Mr. Jeremy Malchow

July 8, 2006

My deepest sympathy and condolences go out to the family, fellow comrades, and many friends of Officer Makowski. We share mutual friends and memories through Crestwood High School and I am certain you will be greatly missed. May you rest now knowing you will always be loved, respected and admired by many.

Brooke K. Lutteke
Garden City, MI

July 7, 2006

althogh i hadn't talked to jay in a while i will never forget all the good times we had together when we were growing up,riding our bikes together,working on and riding in his yellow camaro,cruising telegraph. jay was the person who stood in the rain with me and helped me fix my car even though he was in good clothes and had somewhere to be,the guy who put out my car when it caught on fire. jay,you were always a good friend,i wish i had told you that when i could have


July 6, 2006

I didn't know Jason, but after reading the reflections posted here he was a great guy as well as a great officer. My heart goes out to his family as well as his Dearborn Heights Police Family for there tragic loss. His work here was done..God had a new job for him. His spirit will continue to live on as he watches over his fellow officers left behind. He is a man I would be proud for my son to look up to and say "Dad, when I grow up I want to be just like him."

July 6, 2006

It has been over a month since you were taken from us and I still can't believe that your not here any more. Like so many of my co-workers have said you will truely never be forgotten. I will never forget the way you would come into dispatch with that smile and your head cocked and tell us not to worry that everything was ok since you were here. Some of the stories I enjoy sharing with others is how you would call out on your way back to the station with an arrest or after a run telling us that you had 'failed to establish a rapport' with the caller and that he/she would be calling shortly or to have a boss in the back when you are in. Another thing I will never forget about you is how we could never understand some of your traffic and one day when we played it back for you, you didn't even know what you said and we all just made fun of you for a minute. None of us will never know why you were taken from us so soon but all we can believe is that you are now our guardian angel and will forever be with us. My prayers and thoughts will be forever with your family and Cameron. God Bless Jason and look out for us. See ya again!

Dearborn Heights PD Dispatcher

July 5, 2006

Happy 4th of July Jason. We miss you so much.

July 4, 2006

We thought of you today,
But that is nothing new
We thought of you yesterday
And will tomorrow , too
We think of you in silence
And make no outward show
For what it meant to lose you
Only those who love you know
Remembering you is easy
We do it everyday
It's the heartache of losing you
That will never go away.

It's been over a month now since the day you were taken away, there are still some days that we don't believe it ourselves that it's true. We have trouble accepting, that we wont see you come thru the dispatch door with a grin on your face announcing to all that would listen "I'm here, the city is safe now". No one but YOU would be able to pull off saying a phrase like that. It brought a smile to our faces then and remembering it will continue to make us smile.

We miss you and think of you everyday.

Dearborn Heights Dispatcher

July 3, 2006

Jay, mom and I miss you so much, it is just so overwhelming to think I can not call you today. Mom and I talk every day and I will take care of her in what ever way I can and be there for Cameron. Danny is actually planning a speech to tell his karate class about what a hero his uncle is. I could not have asked for a more caring, wonderful brother. My life will never be the same, I know you are with me and I think of you all the time. I got to know some of your friends and am so proud of the man you became. I cherish every memory of growing up with you, you were the perfect pesky little brother. I tell myself all the time I haven't lost my brother , I really havent lost you jason, I need you with me. Our family is so small, I miss you , say hi to dad and Grandma and grandpa.

All my love, your sister Tara

July 3, 2006

I was sitting here today thinking about my husband and the ultimate sacrifice that each of our husband's makes on a daily basis. I am so sorry that Jason has lost his life in such a tragic way. But I am so grateful to him as well for protecting us in the way he has. When I heard the news, the first thing I thought, was please don't be my husband. But then I thought, Oh my God, let him live. I know that this whole experience has completely changed my husband, in every sense. I want all of the Officers at the Dearborn Heights Police Department to know, that we as your wives and husbands for that matter, support you daily as you serve our community. When you put on that badge and gun belt, so do we, only in a different sense. When you come home to us every night, we thank God above for bringing you home safely to us and our families.
God Bless you Jason and your family and Cameron. You are truly a Hero. I feel that all of our Officers are Truly Heros. Thank you for serving us Proud-all of you.

Wife of a DPHD officer
Dearborn Heights Police Department

July 3, 2006

You, your department, and the community you served are in my prayers.

Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol

June 28, 2006

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