Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

Dearborn Heights Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Thursday, May 25, 2006

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Reflections for Corporal Jason Anthony Makowski

To my youngest cousin Jason as I only had 3 there is such a void. It is a death that is so hard to accept as it was so tragic & unnatural. You were the baby. I remember you as an infant, toddler, little boy & when you grew into a man. I have all these flash backs of different events & holidays. You with that smile of yours that noboby else had. Your wedding & baby shower with that nervous little smile & sway. Then the big strong man at your Dads funeral. How much you had grown. I think of you so often & say a prayer every chance I get. Please try to rest easy. When we all meet again maybe we will get all the answers we so desperately need. With my love & prayers.
Merry Christmas!

Jane Lockard

December 24, 2006

merry christmas Jay, and rest easy.

December 24, 2006


December 24, 2006

7 months ago we lost badge #7...I think a lot about you bro! I will be having 7 shots on Christmas wishing you could have 1 with me. It's a good thing your badge wasnt mine(45). Even though not many could pull that one off I know you would have at least tried!!! You know I would have. Don't worry I wont drive so Bruce can't get me! Yes Bruce he would be laughing and making this joke..I dedicated a song to you on WNIC the other night. Alan Almond on pillow talk! Just kidding..It was on WRIF by BLS
"In this River"..for "J-MAK"...and yes I need a hug!

Matt Swirple
DHPD Corporal/Friend

December 24, 2006

Thinking of you and your family this holiday season.

Merry Christmas in Heaven Officer Makowski!

Sterling Hgts PD

December 23, 2006

All these reflections help me and I visit this page often. My brother was such a character, my kids and I miss him terribly, he was such a joy at christmas time especially. Last year I sent him a present and he said he was going to just sit and stare at the box for a couple of hours in case it moved , in fear it would blow up. I could always count on Jason, he was the responsible one, always there to help. Jason was so smart, I dont ever remember him opening a book , it was just natural. I was so proud of my Dad when I was a little girl walking into the police station into the detective bureau to see my dad. I just knew Jay would follow in his footsteps. Going through his things we found letters he saved and wrote to my father about how much he loved him and wanted to be like him. Why this would happen is so tragic, my poor mother, poor Cameron. Jason was cheated. He had so much to do in life. I just dont know what to do , nothing I do can fix this. Dearborn Heights was just so great growing up, I felt so safe, maybe because my Dad and Jason always made me feel safe. Just the stories and how he told them, I miss them so much, telling me I was adopted because of my bad choices, I miss all that. Jason told me he loved me 2 nights before he died, I still remember his voice, I put the phone down on my kitchen table and said to myself, My brother is the one person I can always count on. All I can do is honor him , I wish I could buy his house and make it into a museum or something, everything is perfect there. He tried his best in all that he did and how he loved Cameron. I am at peace knowing Kerry , (camerons mother) is an excellent mother. Her and Cameron are always in my thoughts. I dont think Jay knew he had such a fan club, thank you to all who cared about him. He would have cared so much by all these things that have been said. Merry Christmas. Jason's sister Tara in Florida

tara makowski sister

December 18, 2006

Rest easy, sir.

Michigan State Police

December 17, 2006

Dear Family & Friends of Jason,

I just wanted you to know that Jason is thought of often by our family. Our prayers for Jason that night were in addition to the thousands that were pulling for him, only to hear the next morning another hero was stolen from his family, friends, department and city. None of us will ever know the answers to "why?" And even if we did, no reason would ever be good enough for the losses we have all suffered. For all the people that Jason holds in his heart, I hope that you look for and receive the signs I am sure he sends you, letting you know he is there for you.

Diane Bawcum

Diane Bawcum, Mother-in-Law
Officer Mark Sawyers EOW 6-5-04 Sterling Hts

December 12, 2006


There is not a day that goes by where I don't think about the events of the night we lost you. I come to this page often to see what others are saying to you and how the healing process is going for others because for me, it hasn't even begun and I don't know if it ever will.

People always ask me if I'm "ok" and like someone else said, we will never be ok. How do we begin to heal after this? How do we begin to fill this void that we are left with inside our hearts? How do we act as if everything is fine and continue on? And then why? Why you? Why D.H.? You were taken from us in such an unfair and horrible way, and I cannot understand why. You did not deserve this.

Its thanksgiving, so I wanted to say thanks to you for being the person you were, for you humor, your charm for you being you. Thanks, for your friendship, your guidence, your ability to make everyone smile regardless. Thanks for being a HERO. Thanks, for your dedication to the city, to your job, to your friends. Thank you for everythin you did. Thank you for your leadership, for making that scene safer for your brother officers and for the residents. Thank you for always keeping it real and telling it how it was.

Jay - you're a HERO and now you're protecting the heavens above. You made everone so proud and we miss you so much. We will never be "ok" with what happened, with your loss, with anything. I cannot begin to make sense of what happened or with your death. You did not deserve this, but you stepped up to the plate and made the ultimate sacrifice.

We miss you more and more each day.
Rest in Peace

November 24, 2006

So, I was out the other night watching others karaoke and a girl got up and sang this song. Immediately my eyes were misty and I didn't even realize til someone asked if I was ok... what a broad question, people don't even realize what they may be getting themselves into when they ask that question. By the way, I hate that question and am not ok and am not the only one who is not ok. Guess we find ourselves holding on to anything with a memory.

Queensryche "Silent Lucidity"

Hush now, don't you cry,
wipe away the teardrop from your eye.
You're lying safe in bed,
it was all a bad dream spinning in your head.

Your mind tricked you to feel the pain,
Of someone close to you leaving the game (of life).
So here it is, another chance, wide awake you face the day.
The dream is over, or has it just begun....?

There's a place I like to hide,
If you open your mind for me,
a doorway that I run through in the night.
you won't rely on open eyes to see.

Relax child, you were there,
The walls you built within

but only didn't realise that you were scared.
come tumbling down and a new world will begin.

It's a place where you will learn
Living twice at once you learn,

to face your fears, retrace the years,
you're safe from pain in the dream domain,

and ride the whims of your mind.
a soul set free to fly.

Commanding in another world,
A round trip journey in your head,
suddenly you hear and see this magic new dimension....
master of illusion, can you realise your dream's alive

I.................will be watching over you gonna help to see you through
I.................will protect you in the night smiling next to you, in silent lucidity....

Visualise your dream,
Record it in the present tense,
Put it into a permanent form,
If you persist in all efforts,
You can achieve a dream come true...
...a dream come true...
...a dream come true...


November 13, 2006


Been thinkin alot about the past, and it still seems so unbelievable. I still wait for you to walk through the door and share the dramatics of your everyday life. I think often of the good times shared aroud the SOB table, on a daily basis we heard about the days events of the team, then came "your" stories. It's funnny that noone could hold a candle to your stories, "everyday" was eventful for you. I remember everything from the time you saved the guy's life installing the sprinklers in your lawn (when the ditchwitch fell on him) to the time you almost met Bob Dole.

jay, u were without a doubt "a character", you made us laugh, you made us feel safe, and you made us all glad to have known and loved you.

Thanks for the memories, dawg!!!

I will never forget and I will visit here often , as I hope all my brothers do, to share, reflect and honor your life.


November 10, 2006

Hi my love,
I just really need to talk to you sometimes. I need your advice. I got an interview at an ad agency today and the first person I wanted to tell was you. I know that you would give me great advice and be so proud :) Please be with me on that day so that I do well. Everyone always tells me everything is going to be ok, but I don't beleive them. When you would tell me that, I believed you and I always felt better. I know youre up there watching over me but I feel so lost without you here. I miss you more than I ever thought possible. I wake up every day and realize I have to begin another day without you. I love you.


November 2, 2006

I can't help but think of what happened and how unfair it is that you were taken from us in such a horrible way. I think about it everyday. I went and visited you your graveside the other day and just prayed to god that to keep you safe and hoped that you're at peace and not suffering anymore, this community is a lesser place with out you and everyone misses you so damn much.

Rest in peace my friend.


October 22, 2006

dbn hgts 6 west. wayne 4

October 10, 2006

Jason 94.7 FM W/Alice Cooper-Thinking of you Bro. Wish I did my TE that day, because I told you I was coming in and maybe I would have made a difference. I sent you this song on the MDT before. Crazy Train

[Daisley - Osbourne - Rhoads]

All aboard

Crazy, but that's how it goes
Millions of people living as foes
Maybe it's not too late
To learn how to love, and forget how to hate

Mental wounds not healing
Driving me insane
I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train
I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train
Let's go

I've listened to preachers, I've listened to fools
I've watched all the dropouts who make their own rules
One person conditioned to rule and control
The media sells it and you live the role

Mental wounds still screaming
Who and what's to blame
I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train
I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train

I know that things are going wrong for me
You've gotta listen to my words, yeah

Heirs of a cold war, that's what we've become
Inheriting troubles, I'm mentally numb
Crazy, but what do I care
I'm living with something I don't wanna share

Mental wounds not healing
Driving me insane
I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train
I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train


October 7, 2006

I was born in Detroit, and grew up in Dearborn Heights, MI.
I currently live in Lewis Co, TN., where "Last Officer Down"
was Alan Ragsdale, (Hohenwald Police Department,E.O.W.,
Monday, November 7th, 2000).
I still thank Cpl. Makowski for keeping my old neighbourhood
safe in his line of duty.
God Bless You, and may you be at peace!

Always... In My Prayers...
An old "'Heights Buddy"!

Mike Wilson F/R-E.M.T.

October 5, 2006

It is so quiet around here without you. Its mundane. No one to lighten things up like you did or call someone out on some issue. We miss talking to you.
Ive had a lot of people close to me pass away, but your death is very hard to take and weighs on my heart every day. I lay in bed replaying that day, with different endings. Then I realize no matter how many times I replay it, it is not going to change things.
It all happened too fast. We didnt have time to make a plan. Im so sorry. It shouldn't have gone down that way.

Everyone thinks about you and talks about you often. We will never forget you brother!

Brother Officer

October 4, 2006

Often I sit and wonder WHY, I get to go home after every shift and you dont get that chance. Its not fair, It could have been anyone of us that fateful day. Why you? WHY?

You were an inspiration to all, you acted on instinct, you were a hero, why did that bastard get a lucky shot off at you, WHY?

I will never know, WHY, but I will think about it every day, of my life, that I know for sure. My struggles with your death have led to much confusion and anxiety. I will carry on, but its just so damn hard.....

I miss you, buddy

rest in peace, brother.......................

a friend

September 27, 2006


It still does not seem real, I cant believe that you really are gone. You are missed so much, I dont think that you would have ever thought that enough people care about you to fill over 18 pages of individual reflections about you. I know that many people visit this page often, just to see your "mug" and reflect upon the good times.

I have been thinking alot about many of the good times, and just to name a few. I recall that whenever one of us took a vacation, we expected to come back to some sort of a prank, at the very least-you would glue our phones, staplers, and whatever else you could to our desks.

I remember when I was off for a week, and when I came back I saw that my family photo on my desk had been desacrated only to see that my face had been replaced by Tu-pac Shakurs, posing with my wife and kids. Even though I gave you some crap for it, that was some funny shit.

I miss your antics, your heroism and everything else. recently, an Officer from another City asked how we were doing (as a Department). I told him that we were doing ok, then I sat and thought about it and realized that contrary to popular belief, "Time does not heal all wounds". I am saddened every time I show up to work and walk by your locker , every time I look for your Durango in the lot, every time I see "MAKO" in my cell phone, and realize that everything now is just a "memory".............

Or how


September 19, 2006


We miss you.


September 17, 2006


You are truly remarkable man. You have left such an impression on everyone who had the privilege to know and love you. Reading all the reflections shows me how truly deeply you are missed. I hope they will be able to dedicate a memorial in your honor. Please continue to keep watch over everyone. I know you are in heaven with some of the finest officers in our country. My Scott is with you, I sent him a prayer to find you, so I know you're together.

To your family my deepest sympathy and hugs. I pray God and Jason will send you moments of comfort until all of you are united again.

To your Lizzy, reading your reflection brought back so many memories. If you ever need to talk, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Monica Verdusco-Sise
Fiancee Scott Stewart EOW 8/11/02 Detroit

Northeastern District
Detroit Police Department

September 14, 2006

Jay 101.1



I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came

Candles raise my desire
Why I'm so far away
No more meaning to my life
No more reason to stay
Freezing feeling,
Breathe in, breathe in
I'm coming back again


Hazing clouds rain on my head
Empty thoughts fill my ears
Find my shade by the moon light
Why my thoughts aren't so clear
Demons dreaming
Breathe in, breathe in
I'm coming back again

[Chorus x4]

Voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.

So far away...
I'm not the one who's so far away...
I'm not the one who's so far away...
I'm not the one who's so far away...


September 13, 2006

If tears could build a stairway,
And memories build a lane
We would walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

No farwell words were spoken,
No time to say" Goodbye,"
You were gone before we knew it,
and only God knows why.

Our hearts still ache with sadness,
and secret tears still flow.
What you meant to us
No one can ever know.

But now we know you want us
to mourn for you no more;
To remember the happy times
Life still has much in store.

Since you'll never be forgotten,
We pledge to you today
A hollowed place within our hearts
if where you'll aways stay.

September 3, 2006

God Bless you sir, you are truly a hero

August 30, 2006

Sir, I honor your service and your sacrifice. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God." Matthew 5:9.


August 29, 2006

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