Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Vicky Anne Owen Armel

Fairfax County Police Department, Virginia

End of Watch Monday, May 8, 2006

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Reflections for Detective Vicky Anne Owen Armel

May God bless the Armel family and her brother officers in this sorrowful time. In my job driving tractor trailer, I drive through Fairfax County every night, and know that the officers in this area are very helpful and are to be commended in there professionalism. This senseless unprovoked killing and wounding of officers makes you wonder how anyone could be a police officer. But without people like Detective Armel the country would be a wasteland. God bless you Vicky and rest knowing that you did make a difference in the lives you touched

Jim Kutz/ volunteer firefighter
Woodlawn FD South Whitehall PA

May 9, 2006

thanks for your service

john hicks
acso avery county nc

May 9, 2006

Detective Armel,
May god bless and watch over your family, your co-workers, and you. My heart aches whenever I see another name added to the roll, even more so when it is added at the hands of a coward such as yours was. Rest in peace, we have the watch from here. The thin blue line will not be broken.

Va. Beach

May 9, 2006

One year ago today, we lost one of our detectives to gunfire. We stand in solidarity with you, our brothers and sisters, in your time of loss.

Battle Creek Police Department
Battle Creek, MI

Detective Scott Eager
Battle Creek Police Department

May 9, 2006

Detective Armel, You have served your state and community with honor and dignity, we will carry on from here. To the family of Detective Armel, you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Remember that you al are now part of a much larger family. To the men and women of the Fairfax County Police Department hold your heads high as you all carry on. If any of you need anything your brothers and sister of the Metropolitan Police Department will be there for you. Rest in Peace Detective.....

Detective First Grade Robert F. Jackson
Metropolitan Police Department Washington DC/Homicide Branch

May 9, 2006

Detective Armel,
Thank you for your service and dedication to our state. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. We will keep your family in our prayers.


May 9, 2006

Rest In Peace.

U.S. Marshals

May 9, 2006

Vicky… rest well and watch over us.

I am so saddened by this loss. So tragic, so unnecessary.

Peace be with you.

Commercial Vehicle Officer
Northern Alberta

May 9, 2006

We lost one of our own today. Our loss is God's gain. She is keeping "His Watch" over all of us now. Thank you for your service and God bless your family and department.

A Friend of Police Officers

May 9, 2006

We are so sorry for your loss,it hurts us all when we lose a brother or sister officer.At least the suspect got the justice he deserves.You will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Cpl.David Hazlett/C-detail
Berry Hill P.D./Nashville,Tn.

May 9, 2006

I'm so sorry to see the pain of losing an officer here in Virginia... We lost one of our own in Las Vegas a few months ago, and now while visiting here, I am taken back to the pain of it, all over again. Apparantly Vicky's job here was done, and now, she will watch over all of us. To her family, know she was a true HERO, fighting until the end. God Speed.

C/O II Erin Boscolo
Las Vegas Metro Police

May 9, 2006



May 9, 2006

Thank you for your years of service and for your ultimate sacrifice, Detective. May God be with the Detective's family and with the Fairfax County Police Department family at this sad time.

A Private CItizen

May 9, 2006

May God Bless Det. Armel, her family, and her department as they go through this painful time. We all share in your grief and mourn alonside you.

Christopher M. Hess
Lehigh County Adult Probation

May 9, 2006

As a fellow officer and mother, I think of the pain that Vicky's family is going through. Tyler, please know your extended police family is here for you.

I was never more proud of being a police officer than I was yesterday. The tactics and professionalism shown by our officers during this unfolding event was the most inspiring thing I have ever seen. I also would like to thank all of the other agencies that assisted our department during this crisis. It is nice to know that when we need each other the most, we can count on our fellow officers to be there.

Female Officer, Fairfax Co. PD

May 9, 2006

Your brothers and sisters appreciate your dedicated service to the community. The terrible fashion in which your life was taken reminds us all how unpredicatble life can be. I know your co-workers will honor your memory through their professionalism and commitment to servinfg the people of Fairfax County. May God Bless you, and keep your family in his blessings during this time of grief.

May 9, 2006

I heard about the attack on the Police Station on the local news. Though everything isn't clear yet, your killer has been deceased and you can rest in peace.


May 9, 2006

Rest in peace Det. Armel, may GOD watch over your family too give them strength and courage too overcome this tradgedy.

Portsmouth Police Dept. VA

May 9, 2006

Thank you, Detective Armel, for your service to the citizens of Virginia and the United States. Your dedication and efforts are appreciated and will not be forgotten. Rest in peace, Hero!

Janice Brown
Conway, Arkansas

Janice Brown

May 9, 2006

Thank you for your service, Detective Armel. The citizens of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area mourn your loss.

Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation

May 9, 2006

To the Armel family,
We are so sad for you loss. The department and the world have lost a brave soul, a wife, a mother, a friend and a hero. I wish there were words to express or comfort you all at this time. Our prayers and thoughts have been with you since we got the news yesterday. My husband leaves this morning for the Unity Tour ride with your heroism as an example.
God Speed.
FCPD wife

Wife of FCPD officer

May 9, 2006

I am very saddened to hear about the sudden loss of Vicky O Armel,my thoughts and prayers go out to her family and her fellow officers, may she rest in peace.

May she soar over you and protect her own

Robert Kelly

May 9, 2006

Another senseless act against law enforcement taking a valuable asset to society away. Our prayers are with your family and I pray to please help keep the rest of us safe on our shifts. Rest In Peace.

Master Patrol Officer
Chesterfield County Police

May 9, 2006

To the family, friends, and fellow police officers of Detective Vicky O. Armel please accept my sincere condolences.

" In Valor There Is Hope " tacitus

Detective Craig Kimble
DFS/Fraud Division

May 9, 2006

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