Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Vicky Anne Owen Armel

Fairfax County Police Department, Virginia

End of Watch Monday, May 8, 2006

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Reflections for Detective Vicky Anne Owen Armel

You were a beautiful person, inside and out. God bless
your families and may they draw close to the Savior's
Lynn Kole
Washington State

June 28, 2007


As hard as the past year has been dealing with the loss of you and Gabby, Vinnie has now joined you in watching over the rest of your brothers and sisters in blue. I can remember when you died, Vinnie said it was the end of the "Binnie and Bicky" show. Well now, you two rest in peace only a stones throw from each other at the cemetery, and I know you two are up in heaven having a good ole time together laughing about the "Binnie and Bicky" show once again. Take care of each other up there and watch over those of us down here still carrying the torch. You, Gabby and Vinnie are all heroes in the eyes of your brothers and sisters at the Sully Station. We miss each of you.


June 7, 2007

Vicky, It's been a year, but I know to everyone who knew and loved you it's still so close, I wanted to write and tell you and your family that you are still in our prayers and thoughts and will be remembered. God Bless you and your family.

FCPD Retired

May 22, 2007

One year has passed and I know the tears of love still flow from the many broken hearts left behind. You will never be forgotten by those that love you nor will the Blue Family ever forget you. You are a true hero and heroes never die. Continue to watch over your loved ones and those still on patrol.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

May 17, 2007

It is hard to believe that is has been a year.

Having attended high school and later being stationed in northern Virginia as a Marine, I was no stranger to the Fairfax area. I frantically called cops in Virginia and Maryland to get more details.

I doubt that any of us really expect to be attacked / ambushed while at a police station. Later that evening, I remember being so hard on some of the guys here, for being so carefree while around the station / parking lot. The actions taken by the two of You that day as You thought about the safety of other officers, I included in our Officer Safety section of our Roll Call training. Everytime that I come / leave the station parking lot, I now think of that day.

May the two of You, Rest-In-Peace.

Maj M. B. Parlor

May 17, 2007

You are truly missed by your family and friends, but we will never forgotten you and the sacrifice you and your family have made.
Continue to watch over your family and brothers and sister of the Thin Blue Line.
Look Clint up for me and give him a big hug from his mother.

Connie Barker Fort Walton Beach, Fl
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04 Prattville, Al

May 17, 2007


I spoke of your valor to my father. He joined you later in the summer. I miss both of you. Say "Hi" to my Dad.


May 16, 2007

I cried when they read your name at the candlelight vigil on Sunday. Even though I never met you, you have become a very important part of my LE life. As I've read of the difference you made in people's lives and remember the ultimate sacrifice you gave; I can only hope to be half the officer you were. You will not be forgotten and my thoughts and prayers are with your family.

master police officer

May 15, 2007

It is hard to believe it has been a year since that horrible day last May. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about you and your bravery that day. I continue to pray for your husband and your children. I pray that God's grace will carry them through their journey of life and that they will always know that you are always there looking after them every step of the way.

Wife of a VA Police Officer

May 9, 2007

My wife and I went by to visit you today. Its hard to believe it has been a year and a day. The love expressed by the flowers and gifts are a wonderful sign of love and how deeply you are missed. Its still very hard for me to except the fact that you are no longer with us. As I reflect back to the last time I saw you in booking, I still remember your smile and your voice. It was so full of joy. You are on our minds every day. We think of your family as well as they attempt to find comfort. I hope you are with us each day and know how many hearts you still touch. We will see you again Vicky. Until then take care and look over us. We miss you dearly.


May 9, 2007




May 9, 2007

What you did in service to your community meant more than you'd ever guess - Thank you so much for your service.

Sgt Don "Boots" Jensen Retired
Milwaukee Police Department, Milwaukee, WI

May 8, 2007

Hey Vicky,
I miss you.Sully had a beautiful ceremony for you and Mike today out back.It's hard to believe it has been a year already.Masen reminds me of you more and more everyday and Thomas is growing up so fast. Wish you were here.


May 8, 2007

One year ago today your tour ended. I can only imagine how difficult the days that followed were for your family and fellow officers at Sully and throughout Northern Virginia. The men and women of the Fairfax County Police department continued on, one day at a time. Just as they do one year later.
Know that you, your family and fellow officers are in my thoughts and prayers.
We continue our service in your memory.

Master Trooper
Virginia State Police

May 8, 2007

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Former Police Officer (Dist.Hghts. MD)
Warrenton, Virginia

May 8, 2007


Not a day goes by that we don't think of you and the ultimate sacrifice you made that saved the lives of so many others.

Thank you for your heroism and please continue to watch over your brothers and sisters on the street.

Your family is in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. Your dedication to the FCPD will live on forever.

Rest in Peace.

Daughter of Fairfax Officer & Wife of Loudoun Officer

May 8, 2007

To the Armel family,
You are often in our prayers. We think and pray for you and hope that you have found peace in your memories. As my husbnad prepared to leave for the Police Unity tour , we reflected back on last year, preparing, then getting the horrible news. There are many men and women, leaving with you on their minds, carrying your heroism as their motivation. Heros are never forgotten, and although we are not in VA anymore, we will never forget. The Legacy of Vicky Armel transcends!

PD Wife

May 8, 2007

Detective Armel,

Both you and MPO Garbarino will not be forgotten. On this day both of your families are in my thoughts and prayers. Warriors never fade...

PFC Kyle Penman-Motor Squad
City of Fairfax PD

May 8, 2007

One year of pain and tears for your loved ones.May they take some comfort from the fact that when you were tested you were not found wanting.May Our Lord wrap His arms tightly around your loved ones, friends and brother/sister officers as they continue without you.Gone only from earthly sight.

May 8, 2007

One year ago today, God called you home, now a beautiful angel is watching over all of us in the fairfax county police family

May 7, 2007

Tomorrow will mark one year since our hearts were forever touched by the great loss of these two officers. Our family's hearts are heavy, and our prayers and thoughts are still with the entire Fairfax County family every day. God bless you, all of you. Thank you for your daily heroism.

Shawnee Ryan
Fair Oaks CAC

May 7, 2007

Thinking of you, thinking of your family, and all of those that miss you so much. I can imagine its been a long year without you. My heart and thoughts will be with everyone in Sully during the memorial. See you in DC.

A Campbell
Springdale, Ohio PD

May 2, 2007

It has been almost one year since your passing on a very sad day for all of us in Fairfax County. We hope your family is well and at peace. We will remember you always as a hero. Thank you.

John and Patti Witherspoon
Residents of Centreville, VA

May 2, 2007

As I think back on the days of your life I know I was blessed with a daughter strong in her beliefs. You demonstrated this in the last moments of your life and I will always love and remember you. Your sisters are also strong in their beliefs and I am so blessed to have given birth to three beautiful and
loving daughters. Be with your God and watch over us.
Love, Mom


April 21, 2007

Now she's breakin' hearts in heaven
Shining bright in the sky
I still hear her voice in the wind
I still thing of u in the night
Well I guess she'll never know
How much we need her so

Now it all seems funny
Kinda like a dream
Things ain't always what they seem
What a shame


April 14, 2007

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