Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff James Francis McGrane, Jr.

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office, New Mexico

End of Watch Wednesday, March 22, 2006

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff James Francis McGrane, Jr.

As quick as your watch ended your new one begins,,, watch over us and guide over us to the end of our daily shifts,,,Rest my brother

Lt. Chuck Evans
Lawrenceburg Ind (PD)

March 23, 2006

May god bless you and take care of your family "Blessed are they that lay down their lives for others"

Matthew 5:3 " Blesses are the peacekeepers for they shall be called the sons of god".

Rest in peace we have your watch

D. Gonzalez Senior Officer Specialist
Federal Bureau Of Prisons

March 23, 2006

My condoleces to your family,friends and co-workers,you were taken to soon from us.Your a true hero to all for a well job done. Time to go 10-8 in heaven--we will take over here,my brother,GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY***REST IN PEACE


March 23, 2006

Rest in peace.

Offc. Michael Walker
Tallahassee Police Department

March 23, 2006

Deputy McGrane your work on this Earth as we know it is done . You are in God's Care now. May you rest in peace brother.

SGT. Daryl Brewer
Clarksville Police Dept. Clarksville, Tennessee

March 23, 2006

Yet another fine Deputy's life cut to short. My heart and prayers are with the family, friends and coworkers of Deputy McGrane. God Bless you all and guide you through the tough days ahead. Thank you Deputy McGrane for your many years of service and protection, rest in peace now.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02

March 23, 2006

May the Angels lead you into Paradise May your fallen brothers welcome you.
Thank you for your sacrifice. Rest in peace. God bless you, your family and your friends.

Anne (Civilian UK)

March 23, 2006

I came here today to reflect upon my two friends who made the ultimate sacrafice, and my heart is heavy to see we lost yet another of our brave brothers. I did not know you, but my deepest condolenses to your family and friends. I cry everyday for my brothers and sisters in blue who have gone 10-7 from their earthly tour of duty. God rest your soul, you are missed by many.

P/O S Doucette

March 23, 2006

My Law Enforcement brother, you chose a path in life not traveled by many others.

A life lived for for the right reasons, a life taken for the wrong.

The taker of your life will soon face won't be long.

Thank you for your will be sorely missed, by your loved ones, friends, and those of us who were only related to you by the badge.

May your soul rest in peace.

Detective Shad Baxter
Greeley Police Department, Greeley CO

March 23, 2006

God bless you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, may you rest in peace.

Louisville Metro Police Dept

March 23, 2006

May Our Lord Bless and keep you.May He shine His face upon you.May you Rest in Peace and I pray for comfort for your family,friends and fellow officers who must now face the journey onward without you.

March 23, 2006

Deputy McGrane, Thank you for watching over us, protecting us, and for serving your community. You will be greatly missed and you will NOT be forgotten. To your wife, I am sorry for your loss, may you be comforted in your time of sadness. To your mother, father, and sister, may you find a peace that surpasses all understanding and thank you for raising your son well; he is and will always be a hero! May God bless you and the BCSO, APD, RRDPS, and NMSP family.

R. Eden
New Mexico

March 23, 2006

God be with you and your family, Thank you for your dedication to our community.

Patrolman S.Altman
Albuquerque Police Dept.

patrolman 1stclass ofc. Steve Altman
Albuquerque Police Department

March 23, 2006

Deputy McGrane, we are truly saddened by the act of violence that required your ultimate sacrifice. May God embrace you and welcome you into His kingdom as a hero, for you surely are one to us.

Sgt and Lt. team

March 23, 2006

Deputy McGrane, may God watch over your family and friends. We will hold all of them in our thoughts and prayers, sir.

Please help them to find the scumbag.

God Speed Hero!

Friends of Larry R Cox EOW 4/21/05
Chillicothe Ohio Police Department

March 23, 2006

Deputy McGrane, may God bless and comfort your family, friends, and fellow deputies in this terrible, terrible time. Rest assured that true justice will be dealt upon the coward that took you from our world and know that your heroic legacy will forever live on. I hope and pray that my brother who was killed on duty one month ago to the date is able to comfort and help you during your transition to Heaven and lead you to the crowd of heroes in blue who fell before you who await you with open arms.

Brother of Det. Jared Jensen
Colorado Springs Police Dept.
E.O.W. 02-22-06

Sgt. Jeff Jensen
Colorado Springs Police Dept

March 23, 2006

Rest in peace sir


March 22, 2006

Our thoughts and prayers are with Deputy McGrane, his family,friends and fellow officers tonight. Rest in peace, Sir.

Sgt Al Whitney
Yuma County Sheriff's Office, AZ

March 22, 2006

Rest easy brother, The watch is ours now.

Atlanta Police

March 22, 2006

To the wife of Deputy McGrane, I want for you to know our thoughts and prayers are with you. I know your pain is unbearable but please know you have the support and love of the entire NM law enforcement community. We are here for you now and always. May God be with you.

LEO Wife

March 22, 2006

May the Lord bless and keep safe the family, friends and co-workers of Deputy McGrane. He is patrolling with God now and keeping watch over the officers left here. We hope you are given the peace of God's love and that your grief is eased by knowing there are many of us out here who love the law enforcement community. On behalf of those of us who don't say it often enough...thank you for keeping us safe...for your protection and dedication.

Deputy McGrane...your loss is not in vain...your killer will be hunted down and he will see justice handed out in a court of law (or maybe he will fight and he simply won't win!!) Your law enforcement family will keep your family in their thoughts, hearts and prayers. I am so terribly sorry you were taken from those who love you.

That is a terrible pain which we all will try to ease...even if it is just to write on this site to remind everyone that you are appreciated. God will keep you safe and you can keep all your brother and sisters safe on their beats.

Deputies of Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department: Thank you for your work...please find this killer, but keep your dear Deputy McGrane in your hearts...that way, the bad guys don't win because there's more of us than them. Be proud, stand tall and know that your brother is still with you.

God bless you and keep you safe,


Yur new Aunt from California

LoVae Pray Martines

March 22, 2006

My thoughts and prayers are with your family and all Officers of the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department. Thank you for your service.

Patrolman D. Dickerson
San Augustine PD

March 22, 2006

May God watch over your spirit, keep your family and friends close to Him. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Pa State Police

March 22, 2006

Deputy Sheriff James McGrane Jr. This is your final call you are now 10-42. your new assignment is to partol the Golden Streets of Heaven . God Bless you sir for a job well done.

March 22, 2006

God bless to the family,friends and co-workers of Deputy McGrane. Thank you for your service, RIP.


March 22, 2006

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