Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Matthew J. Melchionda

Watchung Police Department, New Jersey

End of Watch Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Matthew J. Melchionda

Uncle Matt,
A day does not go by that we do not think about you. We really do miss you. You were so much fun and such a great Uncle. We wish we had more time with you. We hope that you really can hear us when we talk to you through our lights in our rooms. We know that you are watching over us and that you take care of us every day. We love you and miss you.

Love, Carly and Michael


March 8, 2009

Thinking of you everytime I put the uniform on. Your friendship is always strong with me and you'll never be forgotten.


Officer John Bojtos
Friend, Colleague, Classmate 23-99

March 8, 2009

Your heroism and service is honored today, the third anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. May your memory continue to inspire and your spirit continue to soar.

To Matt's mom: I share your anquish in losing a beloved child and understand the meaning of a life forever altered.
From reading the many loving reflections, I can see that Matt was an amazing young man who is loved and missed by so many. I hold you in my heart's embrace today.

Rest In Peace, Matt.

Phyllis Loya

Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater

March 8, 2009


I can't believe it's been 3 years. We miss you so much. I'm always reminded of you. So many little things and usually they always make me laugh :) Thanks for being here in spirit.

Your family is in my prayers today and always.

Officer Jeanne-Marie Mocarski

March 8, 2009

My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

March 7, 2009

Dear Matt:

Missing you with an unending ache in my broken heart.
After three years the pain has not diminished but seems to
worsen with each day that passes.

I love you,


To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent
people and the affection of children, to earn the
appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of
false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in
others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a
healthy child, a garden patch... to know even one life has
breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have

Ralph Waldo Emerson


March 6, 2009

Hello Lynn....I just wanted to stop in on Matt's page and let you know that I am thinking of you as the 3rd anniversary passes you losing your husband. I check in on a few officer's pages every now and then that truly break my heart. Anyone can see how much you two loved each other by what your friends have said on here. You two were so blessed to have found each other and that type of love is rare. Please know that so many people are thinking of you and Matt.



March 5, 2009


Soon it will be three years since I last heard your voice and not a single day goes by that I do not think of you. We shared so much in common....yet exactly how much I didn't realize until you were gone. I miss our converstaions about politics, music, current events, sports, food, wine and I especially miss how much we enjoyed teasing my sister....your mom....Jane.

Matt, you were a very special me....your brother David and your mom. As we approach the third anniversary of your passing I want you to know you will always be in my heart and I pray each night that the day will come when we are together again. I love you and miss you Matt.

Uncle Ralph

Ralph J. Shenyo
Matthew's Uncle

March 4, 2009

Lynn, I am so proud of you! You are such a strong person and I don't know how you do it sometimes! I see myself in you in so many ways watching everything you have to go through since losing Matt. I just want to protect you from so much but I know you are such a strong person! It was so great seeing you again today! We always seem to pick up right where we left off! I love the time we get to spend together! Listening to you talk about Matt, I know he is always in your heart and NEVER will be forgotten. You ALWAYS have a friend in me and just remember a lot of what I said about what we talked about today and everytime we talk. xoxo Denise

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman

March 1, 2009



February 22, 2009

I get on this website everyday and read about the men and women that have lost there lives in our line of work. For some reason reading the reflections of Officer Melchionda got me choked up. Matthew sounded like the type of guy that led a wonderful life and blessed others with the grace of his presence. You gave a sacrafice to keep the citizens of your town safe and for that I salute you my brother in blue.
Anonymous Deputy

Harris County Sheriffs Office

February 1, 2009

I think of you often Matt! God Bless!


January 30, 2009

The Year Before Last
By Unknown

The holiday season approaches,
and with it comes the New Year.
Although for me time passes slowly,
New Year’s Day rings in quickly.

I dread New Year’s Day
because they will look at me
in a terribly strange way
when I get misty-eyed,
and talk about something you had done.

After you first left me,
they reasoned when I cried,
“He’s only been gone a few months.”
And I would catch that look of
understanding in their eyes,
and found some comfort that they knew.

But on last New Year’s Day,
my first thought upon awakening was,
Oh God, my son died last year,
not just a few months ago, not even this year
but last year.
He will never live in this year.

They didn’t understand, they didn’t reason,
that last year, for me, the loss was still new.
They thought, “It happened last year,
so long ago, why does she cry?”
I could see it in their eyes.

This New Year’s Day, it wasn't different?
My first thought upon awakening was,
Oh God, my son died the year before last
not a few months ago, not his year or even last year,
but the year before last?
He will never live in this year.

Will they even listen, should I not look them
in the eyes, for fear that I shall see,
“Why is she still crying? It happened so long ago,
it was the year before last.”

Those words that we use
to describe the passage of time,
a few months, this year.
Last year, the year before last.
They don’t know that time stands still for me.

Will they understand that’s why I cry?
Don’t they know
My son just died.....

The year before last?


January 1, 2009


Missing you always but espeically at Christmas. How you loved my Christmas dinners. You will be with us as we gather and remember.

The mention of your name may bring tears to my eyes - but it never fails to bring music to my ears. I never want to be kept from hearing the beautiful music of your name or memory. It soothes my broken heart and fills my soul with Love.

Always remembered and never ever forgotten, my son, Matthew. I love you with all my broken heart.


Jane Melchionda
Mother of Fallen Officer Matthew Melchionda

December 23, 2008

Officer Melchionda,

Thank you for watching over us everyday. You will never be forgotten! May god bless you and your family!

Warren Twp. PD


November 12, 2008


You are missed every day. Thank you for watching over us.

"With every friend I love who has been taken into the brown bosom of the earth a part of me has been buried there; but their contribution to my being of happiness, strength and understanding remains to sustain me in an altered world."
- Helen Keller

Officer Jeanne-Marie Mocarski

October 31, 2008


Three years ago today, we were all getting ready to celebrate your marriage. It was a glorious day with bright sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. Little did we know that just more than five months later we would be brokenhearted. Today is bright and sunny and not a cloud in the sky but without your smile and laughter, the sun doesn’t shine so brightly and the sky will never be quite as blue again. We miss you so terribly. We will never forget your wit and intelligence and that laugh of yours - it was just the best.

You will always be remembered by those who loved you and always will.

With love only a mother can know,


An Irish Blessing:

May the good earth be soft under you
When you rest upon it
And may it rest easy over you
When, at the last, you lay out under it.
And may it rest so lightly over you
That your soul may be out from
Under it quickly, and up, and off,
And be on it’s way to Heaven.

Jane Melchionda
Matt's mother

September 17, 2008

There is not a day that goes by where you and your family are not in my prayers...I am forever grateful for the friendship you and Lynn have given to both Louis and I.

Sleep Well...


September 2, 2008


I never got the chance to meet you. My brother in-law Rob works with you wife. Everytime I vist their home I see your beautiful wedding photo on their refrigerator. I always pause for a minute and pray. May god keep you safe up there. Keep watching over us down here. Your brother always.

PO.Kalyoussef #833
Emerson Police Dept

August 8, 2008

Hey pal, been thinking about you a lot lately. I hope that you are well and watching over us. I know that you are "helping" me along through everything going on. Take care brother. Still missing you buddy.


July 9, 2008

Janey: I could never have understood the love you feel for a child until having one of my own. I still cannot fathom your loss. Everyone whom Matt touched his short time here on Earth will forever wonder who he'd be today. I think of you and your family always. My brother and Matt are up there in Heaven hanging out with Hank right now. I just know it. XOXO

By: Kenny Chesney

Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile, I see your face
I hear you laughin' in the rain
Still can't believe you're gone.

It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you.

All the hell that I been through
Just knowin' no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder
Who you'd be today.

Would you see the world, would you chase your dreams
Settle down with a family....
I wonder what would you name your babies

Somedays the sky's so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
And I know it might sound crazy.

It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you

Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know I'll see you again some day
Someday, someday...

Friend of Family

June 18, 2008

Lynn, thank you so much for your reflection on Berts page...I know I have said it before but Matt and Bert were working together up there to bring us together to form the great bond that you and I share. Its amazing how a friendship like ours has come from a double tragedy. No one will ever know or understand the loss we share but you and I because ours are so similar, and I think thats what makes you and I so close. The poem you left me was beautiful. Thank you. Love ya girl.

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman

June 5, 2008

I am missing you, Matthew. A moment doesn't go by that I don't think of you. It is like you just disappeared into thin air. We had no opportunity to say goodbye, only to mourn your loss. I feel so cheated. However, as Emerson wrote: "It is not the length of life but the depth of life".

I love you still.......

and always will,



Matt's Mom

June 4, 2008

Hey Lynn.....Im glad you and I talked today. You know I am ALWAYS here for you. I love you and you can call me anytime!!! Love, Denise

Denise Zimmerman
Wife of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman

June 1, 2008



May 27, 2008

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