Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Henry Prendes

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Nevada

End of Watch Wednesday, February 1, 2006

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Reflections for Sergeant Henry Prendes

I cant express how bad this has touched me. Not only because of your death but because of the whole domestic situation. I am proud that you got called home doing what you loved- helping and saving others'- although it destroys me because i was abused for 6 years. I cant imagine this happening after calling 911. I was upset @ first but after all of your family let us know how much you really Cared about the community it may me feel better. You have a strong family that wants to keep you lifted like you kept our LORD lifted. I know that your homecoming has inspired alot of people to know the one and only SAVIOR. I pray for your family especially those beautiful angels you left behind to take over your cover. SRGT PRENDES you are not only a HERO but a TRUE ANGEL. Your presence was so Spiritual and Loving that God wanted your company. Now Jesus and you are working as one to help the world. I am So Sorry to the Prendes family. My father died the day I was born but to hear stories like this it makes me feel like there was one around the corner that whole time. God BLESS The entire Prendes Family and please Keep God first!!!

Melanie Clark

February 8, 2006

god bless you and your family

larissa abinsay

February 8, 2006

My prayers and thoughts will be with Henry Prendes and his family. I will always give thanks and be forever grateful for LVMPD and everyone involved or works hand in hand with law enforcement here in the valley. For putting their lives on the line on a daily basis.
I appreciate their hard work to keep us safe. LVMPD saved my life on Oct. 18, 2004. I was a victim of domestic violence. People like Sgt.Prendes made it possible for me to be here with my children Today.Thank you! Go with God and Go in beauty. Mrs.L.Phillips


February 8, 2006

Words cannot describe the heaviness in my heart. My prayers go out to your family and your Metro family.

"It's not the way they died that made them Heros, it's the way they lived" - The National Law Inforcement Officers Memorial, Washington, DC

Vicki Tavarez
Wife of a Metro Captain

February 8, 2006

It was a blessing and great privilege to attend the celebration of Sgt. Henry Prendes new life. The opportunity for me and six other members of our department to honor a great warrior, and man for his actions and beliefs was truly inspiring. The show of support by both law enforcement and community was awesome. Sgt. Prendes celebration touched the souls of everyone and brought many closer to knowing our savoir Jesus Christ. His beliefs and accomplishments with live on forever

Captain mark Moss
Bullhead City Police Dept

February 8, 2006

This is to his 2 beautiful daughters, My father passed away when I was young its very hard growing up with out your daddy there. The important thing to remember is to talk to him(he can hear you) all the time and remember he is always with you forever.It helps to talk about him and remember all the good things and good times with him.
As you get older and start dating remember never settle for anyone unless hes as good of man as your dad was and always will be in your eyes.
Little girls are daddies favorite and I am sure you made his world brighter everyday, take care of each other and of your Mom you guys need each other in times like this. I am so sorry for your lost and my prayers are with you all. God Bless you all. Hes with the angles now flying free.

God Bless you.
Amy Bartz

Amy Bartz

February 8, 2006

I know how it feels to lose one of your own, as our department lost (4) in 2005.

My thoughts and prayers go out to your wife, your family and the rest of the fine men and women of the LVMPD.

Duty has called you brother to protect the heavens above.

Officer R. Montanez
California Highway Patrol-ELA

February 8, 2006


Your sacrafice will never be forgotten, your memory will be honored and your spirit will be missed by all.

Detective Brian Hibbetts P# 4799

February 8, 2006



February 8, 2006

My heart goes out to the Prendes family and to every member of Metro PD. I remember too well 1995. I guess I am not as nice or as forgiving as Henry would be. I keep thinking that this young woman who Crump was beating on; I pray that she makes something of herself now. I hope she sees the sacrifice that was made to save her, and she does something, anything, useful and meaningful. Even if only in everyday decent ways. I hope she fully understands what was lost in order to save her, and makes her life worth it in some way. In the mean time, Henry joins the others, at the left hand of God.

Joanna, Evidence vault

February 8, 2006

Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the father except through me". What a blessing that Sgt. Prendes knew his way home to Jesus. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family. He is truly a Hero.
Tony and Gabi Johnsen

Tony & Gabi Johnsen

February 8, 2006

My heart go out to your family, may they find peace and happpiness.

Native Las Vegas Resident

February 8, 2006

Rest In Peace.

Special Agent Darin L. Paul

February 8, 2006

May God bless Sgt. Prendes and his family..


February 8, 2006

Sergeant Prendes being part of Central Christian Church will be miss much he was part of the body of christ as he died in helping us in the community when is like part of me is gone he will misses much

Larry medical


February 8, 2006

The Prendes Family - I did not know Sarge, but he was my brother. Yes in the 20 years I was stationed in Las Vegas we probably saw each other, either on the streets or at the range, but we didn't know each other. But we did...he was my brother as I was his. He will be greatly missed, not only by you, his family, but by all of us who wear, or have worn the uniform. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sarge, stand tall with your head held high for you are a hero to all of us that remain here on earth. You are at the right hand of God...just where you belong.

Trooper H.L. Brown - Retired
Nevada Highway Patrol

February 8, 2006

If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
If I settle on the far side of the sea,
Even there Your hand will guide me,
Your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:9-10

May the Prendes family be comforted knowing that he is in the hands of God, and will be remembered as someone very special.

Robbie Varney
Sequim, Washington

Robbie Varney
Aunt of Mike Bemis of Metro 911

February 8, 2006

My thoughts and prayers go to Dawn and the Prendes girls. I went to school and was in the graduating class with Henry and Myrna. Henry was a wonderful man whom was taken away to soon from us. But we do have another Angel watching over all of us.

God Bless.

February 8, 2006

My deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of Henry Prendes.

I went to high school with you and can remember how much spirit you had, always the life of a party. Hearing of your tragic death, brings tears to my heart.

My thoughts and prayers go out to your wife and two daughters. You are in a better place, may you rest in peace.

Irene Rivera-Kane

Irene Rivera-Kane

February 8, 2006

I am a mother of six, four of which are boys. I feel the greatest gift I have given Sgt. Prendes to have taught my sons to respect each and every police officer they have come in contact with. There is to much disrespect for the police. These people are put in place to assure we can live in a safe inviroment. We need to start today, here in Las Vegas teaching our children respect for the laws and those who are put in place to inforce them. I challenge all the mothers of small children to start now and teach your children the respect these people deserve, I did, and I have never spent a night worrying about my sons, none of them have spent a night in jail! Each one of them are law abiding citizens and have respect for Law and Order. I am proud of you Sgt. Prendes and my heart goes out to your family. The community has indeed felt your loss.

Sharon M, Moore

February 8, 2006

A Coward dies a Thousand deaths, A hero dies but One. Sleep in peace my brother. We will continue on until the day we all meet up in heaven.

Williamson County Sheriffs Office- Illinois

February 8, 2006

Sergeant Prendes I have the upmost respect for you sir. I too have dreams on becoming a future Las Vegas Police Officer. You unselfishly dedicated your life to make sure other people lifes went great. You paid the ultimate price which is death and i can assure you I will unselfishly follow in your footsteps. Sergeant Prendis you save alot of lives that day as well the days in the begining you have my word i will try harder, run faster, and give my all in everthing I do. Sergeant Prendes just because your gone doesnt mean your not living, You will always live inside my heart. My condolences go out to your family as well as your co-workers.

Donald Gray
Future LVMPD officer

February 8, 2006



THE POLICEMAN SQUARED his shoulders and said, "No, Lord, I guess I ain’t. Because those of us who carry badges can’t always be a Saint. I’ve had to work most Sundays, and at times my talk was rough, and sometimes I’ve been violent because the streets are awfully tough. But I never took a penny that wasn’t mine to keep, though I worked a lot of overtime when the bills just got to steep. And I never passed a cry for help, though times I shook with fear. And sometimes, God forgive me, I’ve wept many unmanly tears. I know I don’t deserve a place among the people here, they never wanted me around except to calm their fear. If you’ve a place for me Lord, it needn’t be so grand. I never expected or had too much, but if you don’t, I’ll understand."

There was silence all around the throne where the Saints had often trod. As the policeman waited quietly, for the judgement of his God. "Step forward now, policeman, you’ve borne your burdens well. Come walk a beat on Heaven’s streets, you’ve done your time in hell."

Rest in peace brother, and God bless your family.


February 8, 2006

Dear Sergeant Henry Prendes,
My heart and prayers go out to you, your family and the city of Las Vegas. We have lost an Angel here on earth. It takes a very special person to do the job of a peace keeper. I pray for the peace keepers who will steady the course and continue to do their finest work in your honor. God Bless you always.

Darla Smaka
mother of police officer

February 8, 2006

You have touched our lives in so many different ways. This will bring us closer to our LORD. Nothing is more comforting than knowing your in HEAVEN.

HEAVEN that's is my babygirls name.

Love your extended family,
The Lucero's

Domingo Lucero & family
LVMPD P#5477

February 8, 2006

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