Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Henry Prendes

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Nevada

End of Watch Wednesday, February 1, 2006

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Reflections for Sergeant Henry Prendes

I just finished watching the Discovery Channel where your story aired. I hope that God watches over your family always and please know that you will never be forgotten.

Cpl/1 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police

September 28, 2006

Sgt. Prendes,
I know you have made the ultimate sacrifice. Your bravery lives on with all of us that walk the thin blue line. You like to many others have given your life for your badge. I pray for you and your family. God Speed. May you always be remembered and celebrated.

Ofc. Steve "Bing" Bingenheimer
James City County Police (VA)

September 27, 2006

To the family of Sgt. Prendes,
He made the ultimate sacrifice and was a hero to us all. Remember that he is in heaven with God, where he always wanted to be; and that one day we will all be reunited with him. My thoughts and prayers are with Henry and his family. May God bless you and be with you in these hard times.

Josh Byers
Criminal Justice Student

September 26, 2006

Sgt Prendes was a fine officer who assisted me alot when I worked in the casino's a few years back. I was shocked and upset when I heard what happened. I for one will never forget him.

Captain Michael Slate
Marshall County Sheriff's Dept Guntersville AL

September 17, 2006

well this is James Rubio's son that was his Sergeant he was really cool my family and i would go out to eat and have soup with him lol but most of all wat happen he had several calls at that house one doing drugs and twon this and that day he came home almost hitting us. So we ran in and hid i no one new well GOD BLESS YUO HENRY PRENDES AND YOUR FAMILY TO KEEP THEM SAFE AND WEALTHY THROUGH OUT THE YEAR PHONE NUMBER 407-2545

Nick Rubio

September 4, 2006

What could I say, when some brave and honest man has died. Be with God Henry, and be God with your wife and kids showing them that you are still alive in God presence and we gonna see you again for sure; I beleive that.
For us, the one's who stay here, we promess you dear Henry, that we gonna serve and protect this comunity with all ours hearts.I'm just a normal citizen now Henry, but I'll follow your steps, I wanna become in a proud police officer of this wonderful city, that is new for me, because I did'nt was born here(born in Cuba,I've been here for two years) but does'nt matter if you are from here or from there, what really matter is that I wanna make the diference just like you did.
I offer you today the tears of my heart(crying and proud at the same time) and here I'm for your family in case they need help; here they have a friend.


August 31, 2006

Sir, I honor your service and your sacrifice. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God." Matthew 5:9.


August 29, 2006

Rest in peace Henry. There are plenty of us that will take the watch from here. You and your family are in our prayers. Godspeed to our brother in blue!

Ray Hermosillo
Rexburg Police

August 27, 2006

Sgt. Prendes - I am quite sure that your devotion to duty and willingness to put your life in harms way for others has been noticed and acted on by God almighty. Sgt. Paul Joyce, Boston Police.

Sergeant Paul Joyce
Boston Police

August 12, 2006

Sgt. Prendes, your bravery, strength, and fortitude is to be commended. My prayers are always with you and your family. Rest in peace and THANK YOU.

Former LVMPD Officer

August 10, 2006

Rest In Peace...

Gina Vazquez
sister-in-law of a fallen officer in EOW 10-8-05

August 3, 2006


We keep fighting the good fight in your name and we know you are there with us.


July 24, 2006

Peace be with you always...

Mrs. Natalie Jensen
wife of fallen officer, Detective Jared Jensen EOW 2/22/06

July 14, 2006

Although you are gone you are always here. May we remember you by the example that you set. God Bless You and those that you have touched.

Lieuteant Michael Culkin

July 8, 2006

My deepest sympathy goes out the family of this fallen hero, his wife and two daughters as well as those who worked with him.
Rest in Peace Brother, we will continue the fight. You will never be forgotten.... Hero's never die.

Sergeant Poteet

July 8, 2006

you like every other law enforcement officer are true hero there is aspecial place in heaven for you. rest in peace.

cody johnson
aspiring fbi agent

June 30, 2006

rest in peace bro.

chief jon johnson
us probation

June 30, 2006

Your tour of duty is overmy Brother.

My condolences to your Family and Friends, also your Sister and Brother Officers of the LVMPD.

May your Soul Rest In Peace, in the hands of Almightly God.

Bob Hughes

NJ State Investigator
NJ - Office Of The Attorney General

June 13, 2006

May God Bless and keep your family in the palm of his hand. You gave your all. You did a job most folks would never do. You never questioned it. You never said no. You got up everyday, no matter the shift assignment and you went to work. You left behind all the you hold dear and you went out into the field to face down evil. Yes, Hero, you gave your all. The world is better for it but the world also now sheds a tear for your loss. Stand down Officer and RIP.
To those who still bravely look evil in the eye...I pray that you know God is always with you and the Spirit of the Lord will comfort and keep you. Remember always those who have gone before us because no one dies unless they are forgotten.
with Much Love and Respect

Parole Agent/Police Officer(ret)
Another who has been there

June 11, 2006



June 6, 2006

Thank you Sergeant Prendes for your ultimate sacrafice, dedication, and service to your fellow man. God Bless you and your family. Rest In Peace.

Ofc. Eric Chiang
San Francisco Police Department - Bayview District

May 27, 2006

There are no magic words I can offer your loved ones to help them with their grief except that you are a true hero and will never be forgotten. So many broken hearts left behind, all because of the action of an individual who had to respect for human life. Wrap your wings around your loved ones, protect them and help them with their grief. You have not nor will you ever be forgotten.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon, Asst. Chief, Retired
Riverside PD, IL

May 26, 2006

Mrs. Prendes,

I want you to know that Sgt. Prendes life did make a difference. My Niece Tracey Giancolla, whose Fiance Frank is a LV Cop, emailed me two nights ago that they were both baptized at your church last Sunday. They are getting married next July. Her Dad died for weeks ago, so I'm sure she"s on an emotional roller coaster. She wrote how impressed she was meeting you. I hope tomeet you next year.

Love In Christ,

Dan Lynch

Dan Lynch

May 25, 2006

As we in Philadelphia deal with the loss of a great Officer in a similar manner, I can only say that I understand the amount of grief that your family and friends must be going through.

I am sorry for your loss and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Officer Murphy

Police Officer Christine Murphy
Philadelphia Police Department

May 21, 2006

SGT. Prendes your work on this Earth as we know it is done. You are in God's Care now. May you rest in peace brother.

SGT. Daryl Brewer
Clarksville Police Dept. Clarksville, Tennessee

May 20, 2006

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