Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Michael Scott Neal

Mexia Independent School District Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Tuesday, November 22, 2005

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Reflections for Sergeant Michael Scott Neal

Hey dad. Another year down. My daughter turned 1 this year. Her name is Lilith and I just know you’d love this spunky punk. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat here thinking about the times we watched rescue heroes and played with the action figures I had. Anyways, I love you old man and I’d do anything to see you again. I hope to be half the man you were some day.

Tracy Neal

May 17, 2024

happy 50th old man. half a century is quite a number. my daughter was just born on the 31st and i’m making so many strides i thought were impossible for me. i know my life would be so much different if you were here, and understanding that you’re gone is still a pill i haven’t quite swallowed. nonetheless, i’ve come to terms with the past enough to manage and move forward. i’ll always have a place in my heart for you dad. i think about you more often than i’d like to admit and it will take more time for me to fully overcome your loss. i love you. i’ll always love and miss you. i thought things would get easier as i got older but they didn’t, i just got more prepared. anyways, im rambling because every time i come here, i see your face and remember everything. all of the cute cheesy moments we had playing with toys, and watching rescue hero’s. i remember it all pops. i love you, and happy 50th.

Tracy Neal

April 4, 2023

Rest in peace Sergeant Neal.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2019

Miss you Big Country! Rest easy as we continue the Watch. Until we meet again,

Law Enforcement Bureau Chief Roy Fikac
Williamson County Sheriff Office

November 22, 2018

I miss you! I bet you’d be proud of us all. I know more than anything that when we need you you are there. At some of my lowest points in life it never fails that when I feel alone out of no where I sense your presence. A presence I felt since a baby. A presence of being protected. Every time that happens I read this page. You will always be rememebered in us all. Your story continues. Thanks for being here.


November 11, 2018

You are on my mind each and every day. I miss you. I love you.


June 22, 2018

hey padre. i haven’t wrote since about 2011 because i couldn’t bring myself to think about what happened. things have been tough. it’s been hard to push past all the hurt and sadness without your shoulder to lean on. it’s different. i’ve grown up in life seeing what a mess this world is and i don’t want anything more than to see you one last time.. i miss you old man and i think about you every day. i know you’re in a better place, wherever you are. i love you so much and i always will dad. you will be remembered..

Tracy Neal

March 15, 2018

I miss you. There's so much going on in my life right now, and I don't know if I'm making the right decisions. But whether I fail or succeed I know you're with me, protecting and guiding me just like you always have. Thank you for helping me shape the person that I am. I love you.


December 6, 2017

Rest In Peace Brother. Thank you and your family for your service and sacrifice.

Officer Mike Robinson, (Ret)
Upland Police Dept. CA

November 22, 2017

Missed you then and missing you still. We have the Watch, so rest easy my friend. Until we meet again,

Law Enforcement Bureau Chief Roy Fikac
Williamson County Sheriff Office

November 22, 2017

Truly a hero,and a wonderful son,and brother from how much his sister loved him.

Former police officer Jamie Williams

November 1, 2017

Truly a hero,and a wonderful son,and brother from how much his sister loved him.

Former police officer Jamie Williams

November 1, 2017

Merry Christmas, I swear the holidays are not the same and never will be without you and now without momma. I am sure you and momma had a great time together.... I have to say a part of me is jealous. You have momma and she has you. I know I have daddy, but he is just not the same anymore. So many things are changing, I really could use some advise. I know I have made the right decision because I prayed about it, but a part of me is starting to have second thoughts... So many things are starting to come to mind about this change. I think I am just scared and I can hear you saying, you prayed about it, then it is the right choice. I know I always tend to overthink things and I am sure that is what I am doing now. I guess it has finally hit me that daddy is all I have left and honestly I am not sure how long I have him.
Ok starting to cry so lets change topics... Trey omg! He has grown up so much. I wish ya'll could have known each other. He has such a fun personality. I really did get blessed, he has his teenage moments, but overall he is a well behaved, polite, loving, caring young man who would give the shirt off his back for anyone.
I can go on and on, so I guess I will end this, give momma a hug for me and Know I not a day goes by that I do not think of you. I love and miss you dearly.

Love always your favorite sister, oh I wait I am your only sister. BAHAHAHA!!!!


Billye L Germain

December 28, 2016

As time marches on, we remember you and how immeasurable your value truly was. You impacted my life in a special way and though you are gone, its as if you never left. That my Brother, measures the impact you had on me. Rest Easy Big Country

Chief Deputy Roy Fikac
The One

November 22, 2016

So, I moved well daddy did too. As I have been going through boxes and photos I found myself just crying. I feel so terrible. I honestly can not remember the sound of your voice. How horrible is that? I truly miss you so much.. I would give anything to have my brother back. Trey has your picture hanging in his room along with the photo of your badge. I know he doesn't remember you because he was so young, but he has heard all the stories of his Uncle Scotty. I can only imagine the fun you and Trey would have. He is such a kind hearted young man. Lately I have spent a lot of time alone.... I actually hate it. It makes my mind race thinking of you and momma. I know the two of you are having a great time together. I miss you so much, I need my brother back!!!!!!!!!!! I know I have to forgive, but it is so hard... I want you here with me......

Billye Neal Germain

July 10, 2016

I hope your whole family knows, you were one of a kind and we always remember. We remember you for the great times and the genuine friend you were. Thanks for always being there and having my back. Rest easy my friend.

Until we meet again,

Chief Deputy, Roy E Fikac
Williamson Co Pct 1 Constable's Office

November 21, 2015

Where has the time gone???? So much has happened that I wish you were here to see. Today was the first day of school. Trey started 6th grade and will be 13, can you believe it? I started back to college. I am working on my Masters Degree in Educational Administration. I know you are thinking Nerd! Lol..... How is momma?? I miss you and her so much... I know she is happy to be with you. I just wish you weren't taken away so soon. I truly believe if you were still here, she would be too! God knows how much she grieved for you. I really could use your advise right now, or just to have you and momma! Please give momma a hug and tell her I love her!! I love you too more than you know.

Billye Neal Germain

August 24, 2015

As each year passes, we remember. Thank you once again for your partnership and protection. We miss you and your greatness. God's speed my Blue Blooded Brother :)

Williamson County Pct 1 Constables Office

November 22, 2014

Hey Cuz,
I was just lying here and noticed that it is well after midnight. I then noticed the date and I just began to go through memories of you. It's hard to believe its been so long since you left us. It still seems like yesterday when I got the news.
Well I will walk the stage in two weeks to receive my Bachelor of science degree. Can you believe my redneck ass will graduate "Magna Cum Laude"?? And I've made the "Deans list" every semester and the "Presidents List" this past semester. I've already started my Masters program to get my Masters of Education degree. I will receive it just before my 44th birthday!! LOL.
Well cuz please continue to keep watch over all of us down here and tell everyone up there we miss them and love them!!
Love you man!!!!!

TSgt (Retired) Mitchell J. Raney
Proud Cousin

November 22, 2014

Well I sit here alone thinking about you and momma. I can't believe how much time has past. I really could use you here! Things are so hard and I have no one to talk to about it.... I feel like I have decisions to make and I am so afraid of making the wrong one.

Billye (Neal) Germain

September 15, 2014

I don't know where to start other than to say I am shocked! I was just browsing the net and came upon this site. I started looking and reading about all of the hero's (Police officers,etc)in Texas and there are a bunch. When I came upon SCOTTY NEAL, I teared up not even knowing he died after all of these years. IT hurts most in that I was in the police academy with him at Navarro College in 1997. We had a whole 12 people in our class. I am just sitting here just upset and confused. I feel bad that I never knew he had passed on. I do know he was a great guy that could be funny and serious when need be. I remember that he did work nights at NCSD and would be at class bright and early the next morning with little sleep. I remember him mentioning Mexia back then. I went on to reserve as a deputy of Freestone Sheriffs Dept in 1998-2000. I do recall him being a police officer in Teague while I was with Freestone. I saw him then and then nothing. I never knew where he went after leaving Teague PD. I am stunned at all of this. It's weird how I stumbled on this site and to find a brother had died. I am looking at our academy picture together and it breaks my heart knowing of this. He was a good man! RIP, I'll never forget you brother!

Billy Richards Jr.
Police academy classmate

January 9, 2014

Another Year passes, but you remain in our hearts and memories. You were the best of the best Big Country. Thank you for all the good times and as always, rest easy brother. Until we meet again God Bless

Lieutenant Roy E Fikac

November 22, 2013

Scott you are still in my heart and in my thoughts
Love you, Becky

Becky Morton
Mother in law

October 22, 2013

Well Scotty where do I start. I still miss you every day and I think how things would be if you was here and how some things you would have spoken your mind on. Cindy and Tracey looks great she is doing a wonderful job with Tracey it's funny I see you in him and he is so proud of his dad. I just wanted to stop in and say I love and miss you cuz and give your mom a hug from me I know she is happy to see you. Please check in on your dad he is really missing your mom. Love you

Stacy Raney Little

July 1, 2013

Well a lot has happened, Matt and I got married. I sure wish you were there. I have the house to myself..... Matt is working and the kids are gone, I actual hate being here alone, it just makes my mind wonder. I miss you more than you know, I guess I have really good at hiding what's bothering me. I've gotten good at putting a smile on my face and living life. I could always talk to you. I love and miss you

Billye Neal Germain

March 14, 2013

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