Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Denny F. "Boe" Gallaway, Jr.

San Jacinto County Constable's Office - Precinct 2, Texas

End of Watch Thursday, September 15, 2005

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Reflections for Sergeant Denny F. "Boe" Gallaway, Jr.

NO other word can be used except HERO when you sacrifice your life for the life of another. Heaven has places for courages men like yourself. God Bless you and also your family. May they find some comfort in knowing that you will be forever remembered for this act of bravery.

e beauchamp

September 19, 2005

May the Good Lord bless and keep both of these heroes.

A Minnesota Cop

September 19, 2005

Courage is the thing. All goes if courage goes.

Be at peace Brother.

Heartfelt sympathy to the family, friends and colleagues of Sergeant Gallaway.

Ofc. Scott Bachman
Baltimore County (MD) PD

September 19, 2005

Another great one leaves us. His courage will never be forgotten.

Officer Schlegel
Cary PD, NC

September 19, 2005

Reading about the tragic accident that cost Sergeant Gallaway en a United States Marine treir lives I feel proud to be a collegue of these brave men. Brotherhood crosses the Ocean between us easily. May they rest in peace and may their families be forever proud.

Brigadier Eric Jansen
Rotterdam City Police (Netherlands)

September 19, 2005

Your actions and sacrifice will lead the example of a true hero. God bless your precious family and friends.

J.T. Stone patrolman
Albuquerque Police Dept

September 19, 2005

Just isn't fair..


September 19, 2005

Jesus said, "This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for a friend." Matthew 15:12,13

Brother, rest peacefully in the arms of Jesus.

Trooper Shawn Eller
North Carilina State Highway Patrol

September 19, 2005

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:12-14.
May He keep you and your families in His Holy hands. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten my Brother.

Sgt. Charles Blain Ret.
Minor Lane Heights

September 19, 2005

Sgt. Gallaway and Marine

Once again I visit this page in quiet humbled honor. Both of you are heroes but that was true even before this. Jesus said there is no greater love than when a man is willing to lay down his life for his brother. God has a special place for his warriors here on earth and I know both of you are there waiting for the next hero that will follow. I pray both of you find the richest treasure you most certainly deserve. Heroes to the core strong and brave in every way. I pray this separation is only short and that the world will always treat your memories with the special care and honor it deserves. It is you heroe's that move this world with your quiet selfless courage directing us all. "Poi si 'torno all' enterna fontana."

Ontario Police

September 19, 2005

The Florida Police Chiefs Association would like to express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Sergeant Denny Galloway, and the San Jacinto County Constable's Office. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of great sadness. Please take comfort in knowing that your extended law enforcement family grieves with you. Sergeant Galloway, we thank you for your service. You will not be forgotten.

Members and Staff
Florida Police Chiefs Association

September 19, 2005

“When God made Peace Officers….”

When the lord was creating Peace Officers, he was into his sixth day of overtime when an angel appeared and said, “You’re doing a lot of fiddling around on this one.”

And the Lord said, Have you read the spec on this order? A Peace Officer has to be able to run five miles through alleys in the dark, scale walls, enter homes the health inspector wouldn’t touch, and not wrinkle their uniform.

They have to be able to sit in an undercover car all day on a stakeout, cover a homicide scene that night, canvass the neighborhood for witnesses, and testify in court the next day.

They have to be in top physical condition at all times, running on black coffee and half- eaten meals. And they have to have six pairs of hands.

The angel shook her head slowly and said, “Six pairs of hands….No Way.”

“It’s not the hands that are causing me the problems,” said the Lord, “It’s the three pairs of eyes an officer has to have.”

That’s on the standard model? asked the angel.

The Lord nodded. One pair that sees through a bulge in a pocket before he asks, “May I see what’s in there sir?” (When they already know and wishes they had taken that accounting job.) Another pair here in the side of their head for their partners’ safety. And another pair of eyes here in front that can look reassuringly at a bleeding victim and say, “ You’ll be alright ma’am, when they know it isn’t so.”

“Lord,” said the angel, touching his sleeve,” rest and work tomorrow.”

“I can’t,” said the Lord, “I already have a model that can talk a 250 pound drunk into a patrol car without incident and feed a family of five on civil service paycheck.”

The angel circled the model of the Peace Officer very slowly, “Can it think?” she asked.

“You bet,” said the Lord, “It can tell you elements of a hundred crimes, recite Miranda warnings in it’s sleep; detain, investigate, search, and arrest a gang member on the street in less time than it takes five judges to debate the legality of the stop…and still it keeps it’s sense of humor.

This officer also has phenomenal personal control. They can deal with crime scenes painted in HELL, coax a confession from a child abuser, comfort a murder victim’s family’ and then read in the daily paper how Law Enforcement isn’t sensitive to the rights of criminal suspects.

Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the Peace Officer. “There’s a leak,” she pronounced. “I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model.”

“That’s not a leak,” said the Lord, “It’s a tear.”

“What’s the tear for?” asked the angel.

“It’s for bottled-up emotions, for fallen comrades, for commitment to that funny piece of cloth called the American flag, and for justice.”

“You’re a genius,” said the angel.

The Lord looked sober. “I didn’t put it there,” he said.


Senior Instructor
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

September 19, 2005

What a corageous man we have all lost,may god rest your soul our brother. To the family our thoughts and prayers are with you.


September 19, 2005

Two brothers serving the same purpose...Living day by day protecting and serving others...May God bless you both, your families and your friends...True heroes that will always be loved and never be forgotten...

Officer J.O.R.
Mcallen, Tx. PD

September 18, 2005

Sgt. Galloway

You didn't even think twice about going into those waters. You are a true hero as well as the Marine who dove in first. You make all of us proud to be in this God-given profession.

Deputy L. Floyd #812
Aransas County S/O

September 18, 2005

Sergeant Denny Galloway - you made the ultimate sacrifice and gave your life so others could live. You are a true hero. Watch over us that have been left behind.
“The man, a U.S. Marine Corps service member who had just returned from serving in Iraq…” You are an angel... in life and death.
I will light a candle and prepare for my day to join you both. Brothers and sister, strong and true… Keeping the peace so others can live free.

Transport Officer II
Alberta's North

September 18, 2005

Rest in peace brother, we have the watch now....

South Carolina

September 18, 2005

"HERO" always. Rest in peace brother. You did well.


September 18, 2005

God Bless the family, friends and co-workers of Sgt. Galloway.

mjw 643

September 18, 2005

To the family and friends of Sergeant Denny Galloway and his fellow officers in the San Jacinto County Constable's Office:

On behalf of our entire family, we wish to extend our sincerest condolences on the grievous loss you suffered when Sgt. Galloway so tragically lost his life. His heroism, valor and bravery will be forever remembered.

The heroism of the Marine he was trying to save will never be forgotten as well.

May you be comforted by the support and caring of your law enforcement family, and other police survivors. We grieve for you and with you. Our family lost our beloved Larry Lasater when he was fatally shot this past April during a foot pursuit of two bank robbers, so we know the anquish you are experiencing. Please know that the brotherhood and sisterhood of law enforcement will be by your side on each step of the journey ahead of you.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the eleven years of service Sgt. Galloway gave to his community and the citizens of Texas, and the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on September 15, 2005 when he gave his life attempting to save the life of another.

Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer
Larry Lasater, Pittsburg, CA PD eow 4/24/05

September 18, 2005

We here in the law enforcement community are saddened to learn of this untimely loss of a great cop. We must keep our minds in check and remember that Denny died while trying to save his fellow man and while doing what he was placed on this earth for; to protect and preserve lives. John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." The members of both the National Criminal Enforcement Association and the Road Warrior Interdiction Network salute the memories and the selfless sacrifice that Denny gave us while he was here. "In pursuit of the Criminal Element; the fight continues." REB314

Doug Wright, Executive Director
National Criminal Enforcment Association

September 18, 2005

To Sgt. Galloway family and friends our hearts and prayers go out to you

God Bless you

Terry Miyares, surviving spouse
Officer Emilio Miyares, Hialeah PD, Fl 11/6/86

September 18, 2005

My heart and prayers are with the wife, family, friends and coworkers of Sgt. Galloway. May God bless you all. Sgt Galloway, thank you for your many years of dedicated service and protection, you will not be forgotten.

Deb Azure
Mother of Deputy Renee Danell Azure
EOW 08/06/02

September 18, 2005

I am honored to have known you and to have called you my friend. Rest now, dear brother.

September 18, 2005

My prayer and thoughts go out to the family, friends and fellow police officer. This is a great loss to all.

Sgt Dion Shockley
Fayetteville Police Dept

September 18, 2005

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