Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Denny F. "Boe" Gallaway, Jr.

San Jacinto County Constable's Office - Precinct 2, Texas

End of Watch Thursday, September 15, 2005

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Reflections for Sergeant Denny F. "Boe" Gallaway, Jr.

God Bless You Sergeant Denny Gallaway and our sincere condolences to the family.

Patrol Officers
Huntsville, Al. Police Dept.

September 22, 2005

Thank you for your sacrifice and may the world always remember you as hero. God bless your family at this time.

Captain Scott Wright
Mount Holly Police Department, NC

September 22, 2005

Our deepest sympathy goes out to the family and fellow officers. May god be with you all as you suffer with this tragic loss. God Bless!

Sgt Roger Leiser
Swiss Army, MP Service

September 22, 2005

Again we mourn as another hero is taken from us. My deepest sympathy to the family, friends and co-workers of Sergeant Gallaway. May the Lord give you strength and bless each of you during this time.

Rest in peace for your watch here is over; walk in heavens beat and guide us to protect and serve others safely.

US Ranger Catroppa
National Park Service GA

September 22, 2005

Printed words do not completely express my tears of sorrow and sad reflections of Sergeant Galloway's passing. His heroic actions are the ultimate meaning of "helping others while sacrificing self". He WILL rest in peace. In memoriam, a donation has been given to the NLEOMF. God Bless.

Aux. Police Tomm

September 21, 2005

You are a HERO. RIP Sir.

Detective Lionel Garrett
Inglewood PD

September 21, 2005

In Valor there is Hope. Rest in Peace Brother. I hope that prayer will sustain your family at this sad and sorrowful time.

P.O. Chris Welby
Bridgeton, Mo. PD

September 21, 2005

Sgt. Gallaway & the unnamed Marine.

You are both true heroes. You both gave the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you both for your service, and may you both Rest in Peace! My thoughts and prayers are with both of your families and may God give both families strength through this hardest of times.


September 21, 2005

We will take it from here my friend. God Bless you and your family.

Patrol Officer
Dallas Police Department

September 21, 2005

Sgt. Gallaway, you are a real hero. I personally knew someone that died in the same fashion. Tried to save a drowning person and they ended up being the one drowning. You gave the ultimate price trying to save another person. I look forward to taking the watch in your honor. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, your friends, and your department. God speed and Rest In Peace Brother!

Aaron Zevgolis
Aspiring Police Officer, Hopewell, VA

September 21, 2005



September 20, 2005

When I patrol the golden streets of Heaven, I hope to patrol them with you.

When I pass the gate, I will stop and salute the Marine that will be guarding God's Kingdom.

Thank you both for your service, dedication and sacrifice. My children will know what a Hero is, for I will show them both of you.

May God watch over your families.

Until I can meet you in Heaven, God Speed Brothers....


September 20, 2005

God Bless you Officer Gallaway and your courageous acts of bravery to save a life. Thanks for the ultimate sacrifice you gave to help others! God Bless your family and fellow officers as they deal with this tragic loss of a true heroe.

Officer Kilpatrick
University Alabama of Huntsville Police Department

September 20, 2005

Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Take your rest now with the other heros who are in heaven...I happen to know a few there and they are the best! Walk the beat now on the streets of gold where there is no darkness. Know that you will be missed here, but we look forward to the day we will all be together with Jesus. God bless you and those you left behind.

Lori Johnson Rowley
Daughter of Fallen Hero, Sgt. James Johnson, EOW11/11/04, FCSO NC

September 20, 2005

May GOD bless your family and friends at this terrible time. Thank you for serving and protecting the great state of Texas. Rest in peace, Sir.

Shirley Roberts
Aunt of Fallen Hero John Logan EOW-3-14-04

September 20, 2005

Although your loss is a pure tragedy, I am in awe of your bravery. With total disreagrd for your safety, you gave your life without hesitation to save the life of another. Those of us in the Law Enforcement community stand in humility. To those of you not in Law Enforcement, please understand that life has a flavor the protected will never know. Well done my brother....eternal peace and rest is now yours.

A Brother In Blue
Sterling Heights, MI

September 20, 2005

Our society has lost a true hero. Thanks for your service and God Bless.


September 20, 2005

I am one of the sniper / observers with the Polk County Special Response Team and Bo Galloway was our team leader for a few years. Bo, I'm glad to see you gave your heart to the lord just prior to going to be with him. I'm sure your wife and children will one day be there with you as a family again as you wished before this unfortunate tragedy happened. Thanks for being a great leader. We love you and we miss you. There will be security in our hearts knowing our guardian angle (Denny “Bo” Galloway), will be covering our backs when we kick the next door down to apprehend criminals in the future. My brother, I’m sorry it was you. Our prayers will be with you, Angela and the kids.

Constable - Sniper / Observer
Polk Co. Constables Pct. 2 / S. R. T.

September 20, 2005

"Boe" my co-worker and friend. I am so proud of you, and miss you so much. Now you have been promoted from Sgt. to guardian angel to watch over us and keep us safe. I know you were watching yesterday and hope that we made you proud.

Assistant - Rejeana Mizell
San Jacinto Co. Pct. 2 Constable Dept.

September 20, 2005

"Blessed are the peace makers for they will see God"

May God Bless You

Lieutenant M. White
Montgomery County Constable Pct.2

September 20, 2005

Our deepest sympathy, may God bless your family Sergeant Gallaway, friends, Co-workers and loved ones.
Our brother in blue, God has granted you eternal rest.
Walk your new beat, patrol Heavens streets and don’t forget to save us all a seat. Rest in peace, Our new Blue Angel.

Detective Patricia C Gagnon
Detective Edward Lewis
Palm Springs Public Safety, Fla.

Detective Patricia C Gagnon
Palm Springs Public Safety

September 20, 2005

A TRUE HERO. You will always be remembered for your courage and sacrifice.

September 19, 2005

rest in peace brother....may god watch over your family

Ptl. Casey Long
Ocean twp., NJ (Ocean Co.)

September 19, 2005

The world lost two of its bravest on Sept 15th. Sgt Gallaway and the unnamed Marine. Thinking of others without any reguard for their own safety. I found this on another officer's memorial page, and thought it was appropriate.

Their hearts are too big
Their wallets too thin.
They're an integral part
Of the world we live in.

They're at work everyday;
Come rain, sleet or snow.
'Cause dedication and honor
Are all that they know.

They deal with the worst
Day in and day out.
They're the ones who come running
When it's help that you shout.

They wear badges and guns
These modern-day knights.
But neither of these
Protect them from fright.

They get hit, kicked and spit on
And oinked at like swine.
Yet they always come back
With boots and belt shined.

They stand their ground firm
When others would run.
And when it's over, they smile
As if to them it's great fun.

When all else is bad
They're the ones doing good.
Doing right by the law
As we all know we should.

Still often it seems
They get no respect.
Some even gripe
When they catch a suspect.

They violated my rights!
The guilty will say.
But how about what they
Give up everyday?

They don't see their kids,
Their husband or wife.
To the families it seems
That the job is the life.

They get slashed at and stabbed;
Beaten, bloodied and shot.
And all too often,
One gives all he's got.

Brave brothers and sisters
Is what they all are.
When one is killed,
They mourn near and far.

Only then do we see
Their toughness wear thin.
And just for a moment,
They let us all in.

They're human you see,
These warriors true.
Regardless of if
They wear green, brown or blue.

They distinguish themselves
Above all the rest.
And it's not just about
The badge on their chest.

For they see the things
We don't want to see.
They are the ones
That protect you and me.

They do all the things
Only the finest will do.
They're the brave men and women
Of the thin line of blue.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God."


Patrolman T. Hill
Memphis Police Department, TN

September 19, 2005

May you rest in peace my brother. To the friends and family, May the lord protect you as well. May he rest in peace. WE GOT THE WATCH NOW.

Officer Jose Duarte
Douglas Police Depart

September 19, 2005

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