Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Daniel Howard Golden

Huntsville Police Department, Alabama

End of Watch Monday, August 29, 2005

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Reflections for Police Officer Daniel Howard Golden

I am taking a criminal justice class and had to visit different websites for a class project. I came across Huntsville's site and saw this sad notice. I just wanted to let you know that I have your family in my prayers and I pray that God will help your family find peace. Your husband and your children's father was a very brave man. I am sorry for your family's loss.


Misty Mullis
Student at Valdosta State University

August 31, 2005

My prayers go to your family and all those that loved you. May God Bless you and the other officers who risk their lives daily to serve and protect.

Family of 2 Huntsville Police officers

August 31, 2005

To the family, friends, and officers in blue: May God help comfort you in your time of sorrow. Daniel is in a much better place than we are looking down on each of you. May justice be served!!!

August 31, 2005

My thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Golden's entire family, to include all HPD officers and the HEMSI staff. We all lost a family member this week. May the hand of justice hit hard, such actions shall not be tolerated in our great land.

Rest in Peace Daniel.

Lynn T.
Proud wife of an Officer

August 31, 2005

It's always a tragedy to hear an officer down call. Please express my families deepest regrets and our thoughts and prayers are with them.

Jesse Gracia
General Dynamics

August 31, 2005



August 31, 2005

I am deeply saddened when an officer of the law, one who is to "Serve and Protect" loses his life, let alone killed by one of that same group he has vowed to do that service for. I give my heartfelt condolences to the family of Officer Golden and ask that his brothers in blue keep the faith and continue to watch over the people of Huntsville. I am sure that sometimes the job seems "thankless", but please accept my thank you and praise for a job well done. Officer Golden, although not know personally to me, has touched many a life, both in life and death.

Mrs. F. Griffin
Huntsville, AL Citizen

August 31, 2005

i first had the honor of meeting Officer Golden when he responded to a call i made. he was a wonderful, caring and dedicated officer. i was deeply hurt when i heard the news. he will be missed and our family's thoughts and prayers are with Officer Golden's family. try to take some comfort in God and his promises and know that Daniel is at peace with the Lord. Daniel was admired and loved by many and will be missed now. As a resident of Huntsville, i say "thank you Officer Golden for your dedicated service" and deepest sympathy to his family, friends and fellow officers.

A Friend

August 31, 2005

Rest in peace brother.

Fellow Officer

August 31, 2005

I dealt with Officer Golden both as a prosecutor and as a defense attorney: He was a class act and a true professional and we will all miss his example of what a police officer should be.


August 31, 2005

I remember Daniel as a happy, outgoing, funny young man. I give my regards to Donessa and the kids. You will be missed and never forgotten. We love you!!


August 31, 2005

My thoughts are with Officer Golden's family at this very sad time. May you find comfort in knowing that so many people are thinking of you and that Officer Golden was so well thought of. Thank you for sharing him with Huntsville.

HPD wife

August 31, 2005

I remember Daniel Golden from many years of friendship. He was a very outgoing, good, funny guy. He will be extremely missed and I give my regards to Donessa and the kids. We will never forget you!!

August 31, 2005

I have never met a nicer young man, or worked with a more competent and capable police officer than Daniel Golden. Officer Golden embodied the very best in what we have come to expect from Huntsville's finest. My heart aches for him and his family.

God bless Daniel, his family, and the men and women in his law enforcement family who press on with a heavy heart.

Chief Compton Owens, Retired
Huntsville Police Department

August 31, 2005

May God bless the Golden family. I am so sorry for the loss of P.O. Daniel H. Golden.

Citzen: Whitney Crunk

August 31, 2005

Daniel was one of the first people to welcome me when I started here. This young man had a good heart and was eager to share it with those around him. You will be missed, but never forgotten. Our prayers go out for the Golden family, and the HPD family is here for you.

Ofc. Charles Draper
Huntsville PD

August 31, 2005

I met Officer Golden for the very first time approximately 3 months ago and immediately knew that he was a fine young man. The one thing I remember most about Daniel was his great smile. Officer Golden payed the ultimate price and he will never be forgotten.
Donessa, I've always been here for you and I always will. If you need anything, please call on me. I love you and you family more than you will ever know. I only regret that I never got to know Daniel better than I did.

Brent Patterson
Madison County Sheriff Dept.

August 31, 2005

I did not know officer Golden. I only know of the difficult and invaluable service that he and others of our police forces provide. I offer my sincere condolences to his family and friends. May God protect our police officers as they endevor to protect us the citizens of this free society.

Ken Pevahouse (citizen)

August 31, 2005

I did not know Officer Golden, but wanted to send my thoughts. Your brothers and sisters in law enforcement verywhere are grieving with you, and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Officer Tannock
Garland, Texas Police Department

August 31, 2005

Back when Jr. High was 9th through 12th, I went to Flintville Jr. High School with Daniel. He was in the 9th grade, a very popular guy and well liked. He was one of the guys in school that you looked up to....Football player, basketball palyer,etc. The thing i remember best about Daniel was the day we got our annuals, I had asked him to sign mine. With me being just a little 7th grader that he had never even spoken to, I was expecting just his signature, but instead he wrote a paragraph telling me that even though he didn't know me he wished me the best of luck in school...that might not have meant a lot to some people but to a seventh grade kid in a new did. Later on, I worked with Daniel at Hydro in Fayetteville, and he was still one of the nicest guys you could meet...Daniel was a great man.

Jeremy Hill
friend and former co-worker

August 31, 2005

I pray your family and friends will find strength in the reflections left by your extended LE family. May your spirit have a joyous homecoming and may you enjoy your place, "High on the mountain".

D/Sgt. Vencent Woods
State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

August 31, 2005

My thoughts and prayers are with Officer Golden's wife, family, friends and co-workers. May God bless you and comfort you in the days ahead. We will all be here for you. Psalm 55:22

Denise Nichols - surviving spouse
Alabama State Trooper Brian K. Nichols EOW 2/17/2002

August 31, 2005

I didnt know Officer Golden but he sound like he was a really nice guy.
My parents serive the our community my dad is a firefigher (full time), emt, and 911 dispatcher, my mom is police dispatcher, 911 dispatcher, and volunteer firefighter and emt. I want to say our prayers go out to the family from Iuka, MS. Found out that all polices officers,firefighters, and etc. are just like brother and sisters. We had a full time firefighter to get hurt on a dirt bike and almost lose him when that happen I could tell that it hurt my dad too. All of the firefighters and polices officers are just like family to us.Our thoughts and prayers are with all of yall over in Huntsville.

Donna (Daughter of Firefighter)

August 31, 2005

On behalf of the Gallup Police Dept, we extend our condolences to the family of Officer Golden and to the Huntsville Police Dept. May you receive strength from God Almighty as we hold you in thought and prayer. Thank you for your service Officer Golden. May you rest in peace.

Gallup Police Dept, Gallup, NM

August 31, 2005

Someone once gave me this poem, seems fitting in this case so I thought I'd share. God bless you Officer Goldman and your family.

"Just Reward"

The Police Officer Stood and faced his Maker, which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining just as brightly as his brass.
“Step forward now, Police Officer, How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek? To your Maker have you been true?”
The police officer, with squared shoulders, said “No sir, I guess I ain’t
‘cause those of us who carry badges can’t always be a saint.
I’ve had to work most Sundays and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I’ve been violent, because the streets are tough.
But I never took a penny that wasn’t mine to keep,
though I worked a lot of overtime when the bills just got too steep.
And I never passed by a cry for help though at times I shook with fear,
and sometimes, please forgive me, I’ve wept unmanly tears.
I know I don’t deserve a place among the people here.
They never wanted me around except to calm their fears.
But if you have a place for me here well…it need not be too grand
I never expected or had too much so if you don’t…I’ll understand.”
There was silence all around the room where the saints respectfully stood.
The police officer waited quietly, for the judgment…bad or good.
“Step forward now, Police Officer, you’ve borne your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven’s streets, You’ve done your time in hell.”

Sgt. Brian Matthews
Arab Police Department

August 31, 2005

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