Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Daniel Howard Golden

Huntsville Police Department, Alabama

End of Watch Monday, August 29, 2005

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Reflections for Police Officer Daniel Howard Golden

I rode on patrol with Daniel quite a few times in the past couple of years. I just didn't realize how much he impacted my life until now. Thank you so much Daniel for teaching and guiding me and for being a good friend. I will never forget you or what I learned from you.

Christopher Green, Ranger
Huntsville Police Department

September 2, 2005

As a rookie, I feel cheated that I did not have the time to get to know you. We met twice in passing: Once when you came down to the academy, and another time at the jail. In both instances I found you to be a friendly and outgoing person. Just reading the messages on this board is leaving a profound impression on me. Rest well, "Kelso." We will never forget you, and we will not allow anyone else to, either. Enjoy your peace with God as justice is done.

Officer Chris Smith

September 2, 2005

Daniel, I only met you a few times in passing while working over time in the West House. I wish I had gotten to know you, but it's hard to get to know someone when you never see them. Like everyone has said, you always had a smile on your face whenever I saw you. My wife, my son and I have been praying for you and your family since this has happened. We will continue to pray for you and our brothers in blue. God Bless you Daniel.

Officer J.Hall
Huntsville P.D.

September 2, 2005

daniel, i want to start off by saying that i will always remember your smile and your wonderful personailty. i miss you so much but i know that you will always be watching over me. just because your duty here on earth is finished doesnt mean that its completely done. you have work to do upstairs now. one day we will meet again. love and miss you

brooke alexander

September 1, 2005

I had the pleasure of teaching Daniel at the Academy. I looked forward to each day, the bright smile on his face, and his stories from his farm in Kelso Tennessee. It was clear that Daniel had a great love for his family and friends. Myself and my wife Tamara will continue to pray for those attempting to deal with such a tragic loss.

Investigator Jerry Trew
Huntsville Police Department

September 1, 2005

Rest in Peace

Correctional Officer
Michigan Dept.of Corrections

September 1, 2005

May you rest in peace and may your family know that they are in our thoughts and prayers during this very sad time. You are now home.

Steve and Lori Lau

September 1, 2005

The first time i met Daniel was on a old yellow boken down school bus heading off to a Leadership retreat in Sept.2000.At the young age of 22 i soon found out that Daniel was there to learn more about Local Government, and his ultimate goal was to become a police officer.
Shortly after our 1 year class ended i saw him in a Fayetteville city police officers reserve uniform.He was all smiles and so proud to be in blue.His dream was coming true.I am so saddened by his useless death.A young guy who was following the American dream.Such a good hearted guy who was doing a job that most of us would never do.It takes a special person to wear a Police Officers Uniform and Daniel was that special person.His mother Diannah and all of his family are a big part of the Lincoln County Family and we all cry with you in this tragic,sad time.My
thoughts and prayers are with you as We all share your grief and saddness.May God be with you.
David W.Smith
Lincoln Leadership
Class of 2000-2001

David W.Smith
Lincoln County Leadership 2000-2001

September 1, 2005

Rest in peace brother. You will be missed.

Sgt. Walter Colbert Jr.
Boaz Police Dept.

September 1, 2005

such a sad and senseless loss to our community and to the families involved.. God Bless each one involved.. thank you Daniel for your service...

madison resident

September 1, 2005

I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. I went to high school with Daniel, I was a year behind him. My dad's nephew, Jason, was a long time friend of his. Daniel was a really nice guy and I know he'll be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

Misty Pickett

September 1, 2005

Daniel, I never had the privilege of meeting you, but I still feel like I've lost a brother. I know I share in the grief of all the officers who worked with you every day. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and all the brave men and women doing what you did so well for three years. I thank you for your sacrifice.

Joseph A.
Ranger, HPD

September 1, 2005

Althought we have never met from the comments I have heard you were and outstanding person and brother in law enforcment. You were among the chosen few to represent the blue. It is tragic what happened every officer worst fear. but Im sure you passed on alot of love for the proffesion and to your family now you can finally go 10-7 10-42 God Bless You

Dep Daniel Cummings
Cullman Co Sheriffs Office

September 1, 2005



September 1, 2005

What's up, I saw you the friday before you were so tragically lost. I knew I should have stopped and talked with you. I will never forget those overalls you would wear when you went 10-15. Dont worry we got your back and justice will be served. It was a pleasure to serve with you. Kelso, you will be glad to know im doing good. I have a job on the arsenal as an engineer tech,but you probably already know that considering your looking down over us . Brother your watch is over..............Rest in peace.

Ron Alexander Ex-Detention Officer
Huntsville Police Department

September 1, 2005

My prayers are with the family of officer Daniel Golden. He is a true hero. I am blessed to have known such a brave young man. I will always remember him.

Mary Pass Gardner
Vanntown, Tn

September 1, 2005

The Thin Blue Line got a little thinner August 29, 2005. Rest assured with officers like Daniel it will never ever break. God bless you, and your entire family.

Officer Gary Thomas
Indianapolis P.D.

September 1, 2005

Our Hero Of Blue

(Writen by Theresa Andrezywski The Wife of a Baltimore City Police Officer)

Our hero of blue has fallen
A time of peace is calling
For you to go with God above
He'll give you wings of blue with love
To send a message for everyone
To remember a life and what was done
A dream fulfilled of our angel of blue
We honor you for the job you swore to do
A promise was kept from a hero like you
You put your life on the line each day
To protect and serve in everyway
And to give you thanks we will do our part
To share your message and to keep you in our heart

God Bless to You and Yours...
Madison 250

OFC D. Mariano
Madison PD

September 1, 2005

I set and read all the great things that were said about officer Golden..
We have so many of our friends that are police officers in Huntsville,Decatur and Somerville.You always hope and pray that none of them get hurt..But we didn't know Daniel but our heart goes out to all of his family that goes for all his officer family to because you spend so much time together you are family...
God bless you all you are in our prayers...

The Swader Family

Swader Family
Somerville AL.

September 1, 2005

After reading the many postings on this site, it is very clear that you are one of those outstanding people who are put on this earth so the rest of us have a model to follow. We were so lucky to have you around and I wish I had known you better. It sounds like Heaven will be full of laughter and will have another angel to look after the rest of us left here on Earth. You will be missed.

Huntsville Police Dispatcher
Huntsville Police

September 1, 2005

From our family to your family,
Our deepest sympathy in the loss of Daniel.
This is aways in the back of your mind that this can happen, but you pray every day that they are kept safe and then you receive the knock on the door or the dreaded phone call telling you of what has happened.
There is now a void in your lives that can never be filled, but as the days go by you start to remember the good memories and how devoted he was to his career and you are very proud of him. There is alway someone to tell you of the good they did, that they did ask credit for, but they just thought it was part of their duty.
He will always be remembered for the sacrifice he gave = his life.
God bless you and keep you in His care.

Lorraine Bond (Mother)
Hamilton County, Tn. Sheriff Deputy: Donald K. Bond, Jr.
EOW: 9.06.01

September 1, 2005

daniel i'll never forget talking to you while you were in training and how much you loved the chance to be a police officer god bless you and your family you'll never be forgoten.

emt-iv craig bledsoe
rural metro ambulance service

September 1, 2005

Daniel; Rest in peace my young Brother
and Friend; I salute YOU for your courage and service. May GOD BLESS your family and friends. I will never forget YOU.

Investigator Danny Cox (Retired)
Huntsville Police Department

September 1, 2005

Our loss is heavens gain. One day we can all meet you and know what a wonderful person you are. Until then, patrol the streets of paradise well and watch over us as we protect the ones you left behind brother.


September 1, 2005

I met Golden about a year ago. And I remember the phone calls at three in the morning when I was doing my air shifts. and him requesting the same song over and over again..I will miss those calls every saturday night.. Let me just say Golden was one of the best Police officers I have ever met. Brother as you once said to me.. "Be good and Have one last drink for me"... Here's To A GREAT OFFICER AND GREAT FRIEND!

Studio 104


September 1, 2005

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