Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Pittsburg Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Dear Lasater Family,

I have been attending the Palomar College Police Academy for the better part of a year. While this may be my first reflection, I have viewed this page numerous times in trying to find the right words in my heart. I must truly say that it is difficult for me to put into words what I truely feel. I could only imagine what you and Cody have to go through. We, as a class, are looking foward to graduation and having you and Cody in attendence. We only hope that we can bring honor to the Lasater name.

Cadet Guerra

Cadet Guerra
Palomar College Police Academy

April 17, 2007

The other day Cody was watching his cousins ride their bikes, skateboards and scooters. He was so entertained but I had no idea he was trying to figure out how to ride them.
The next day he got on the scooter just like a big boy and held the handles. My uncle was holding the scooter for him and Cody was trying to remove his hands. He thought he could do it all by himself. After that he went over to Nick's skateboard and tried to get on and finally wandered over to Dominic's bike and said "Please?" I'm in trouble...I think he's going to be daring like you. He knows I'm a little paranoid so when he's about to try something he gives himself away by looking at me and giving a little smirk. That look reminds me of you so much. I know that one day I'll catch him jumping off a roof into a pool just like I caught you that time.

So much is going on in the next several weeks. Your remembrance, San Diego, California Police Memorial and a park is being named after you on 5/15.

Continue to look out for all of us down here.

Love you

April 17, 2007

Just stopping by to see what Cody had been up to! Know that you all will be in my heart and prayers, especially next week. Stay strong, and know you are loved. God bless you all! Love from Larry's birth State, North Carolina~

Lori Johnson Rowley, wife of NC LEO
Daughter of Sgt. James Johnson, EOW 11/11/04

April 16, 2007


I know you are watching...watching what is going on in these last couple of weeks of training before the Palomar College Police Academy cadets of Class 14 graduate and honor you. I am so proud of the cadets who are putting forth the effort to make this graduation in your memory so honorable and memorable for not only the graduates themselves, but for your family as well. I don't need to say who those cadets are, they know...

What your family will come to know on April 26th, as they watch the cadets of Class 14 graduate, is that you REALLY have been the inspiration and motivation that got them through the past 48 weeks. More importantly, you are a legacy in thier lives and they will never forget you. In everything they do, you will be the first person they think of when they remember the academy they went through. They won't think of the friends they made or the good and bad times, they will remember you first. They will never forget could they?

As each academy class graduates, the graduations become more and more meaningful. They are all centered around those officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice, but each officer has had their own special touch and meaning to the cadets in each class. This class, the cadets will be more involved in graduation. The invocation and a poem were written by cadets... and I can feel what Larry meant to them when I read it. Special touches have been placed on gifts that Jo Ann and Cody will be able to remember the class that honored you by. Most importantly, two of the cadets in this class have spent countless hours putting something together for Cody. He will know what a true hero you are and what an inspiration you have been to so many. He will be so proud of his Daddy...

Jo Ann, Cody and Mrs. Loya,

Thank you so much for making the time and trip down to attend Class 14's graduation. It is an honor to share this event with you and we are all looking forward to meeting you and showing you what Larry has meant to them.
Be safe in your travels...we'll see you on the 26th.


Shanon Dreyer, Supervisor
Palomar College Police Academy

April 16, 2007

I miss so many things. Tonight I'm missing our talks. All I want to do is have a glass of wine while you have a beer and just talk. I'll never forget being in San Diego and sitting out on the patio talking for hours. You are the only person I could talk about everything with.

Lloyd and Mary came to visit Cody yesterday. Cody just loved Lloyd and called him "Papa". He was having a great time with him. It's almost as if he knew on some level that this wonderful man has his dad's heart beating inside of him. Cody knew this was someone special.

Love you

April 11, 2007

Daar Lasater Family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you as the 2nd anniversary of Larry's passing nears. Please know my prayers are still with you. And to Larry's Mom. thank you for all the reflections you leave for the families of Fallen Officers. I for one know how much it means to know our Hero's are not forgotten by you...Ny prayers are still with every family that has lost a loved one in the line of duty..The hurt never goes away, does it? Please know that Larry will be remembered on the 24th, our Hero's live forever in our hearts. May God continue to watch over each of you and I know that Larry is standing right beside Him. On the fourth, we had a memorial service for my son-in-law Sgt. Jeffrey Hewitt,and the hurt and pain is still there. But I know that all of our Hero's are keeping watch over there families from Heaven's gates,along with their brother's and sister's in Blue...May you know that Love and Prayers are still with you...Carolyn Moore

Carolyn Moore

April 11, 2007

Believe, and you can see....
Larry is always, watching over you..
Your angel of peace.....

April 8, 2007

My thoughts and prayers are with you all today.


April 8, 2007

Easter is tomorrow. That was our last holiday together so I'm really not looking forward to it.

I'm sure you'd just love the fact that Cody always wants to take your truck. I'll start to go to my car and he'll yell "truck" and point. He's really starting to talk now and I just love hearing him say "mommy"

Thank you for protecting my sister, Peter and our two beautiful sweet nephews. I only wish that you had had an angel looking out for you.

Love you

April 7, 2007

Jo Ann & Cody,
I just wanted to wish you a happy fun Easter, new beginnings! Cody help mom to enjoy this day make her laugh and smile.
I'm happy to hear Larry is still watching over his loved one by keeping them safe his work here is not complete.
My thoughts are with you as are my prayers for the both of you and your family.
Happy Easter.............

April 6, 2007

Thank you Larry,

You were on guardian angel duty last night. Thank you for watching over us. I have no doubt in my mind that I am sitting here writing to you this morning because you were with us last night. Thank you. I know you did that because you loved my boys, Joseph and Vincent so much. We owe our lives to you. I do not doubt that for one second. I keep going over and over in my mind how I could roll the car across four lanes of the freeway, end up against the median and all four of us walk out of the car. There is no explanation other than you were our guardian angel and you were with us last night. Thank you for watching over my boys, my husband and me. I don't think our family could have handled another loss. We are all four walking miracles. The CHP told us that our car looked like a fatality and we all walked out of that car. The only explanation is that it was your doing. You watched over us all and protected us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

It turns out that one of the CHP officers that responded and drove Peter home was one of the officers that guarded the house for Jo Ann. Peter gave him the tires off the car. They only had 100 miles on them and we haven't even gotten the bill yet! But I'm so happy to be here with my family safe and sound that I'm happy to give the tires away, especially to a fellow officer.

Peter and I were talking last night about we could go through something like that and walk away and I said that it had to be because we had a guardian angel watching over us. Peter said, 'It was Larry'. There is no doubt in any of our minds. Joseph said this morning that he knew you were watching over us. I always had a feeling that you were watching over the boys. Thank you.

We love you.

The Ferrante Family, or,
The Miracle Family

Louise Ferrante

April 5, 2007






April 4, 2007

I don't know why I am so drawn to your site. My cousin passed away a year before you, and when I heard your name on the news, I thought, "Not another one. Not another suffering family. Why God?" I'll never forget your face on the news, and for some reason, you haven't left my thoughts. I hope your mom, wife, and child are doing okay. I hope your smiling down on them because they sound like great people.

I want to thank your beloved wife for caring enough to come to my cousins, Isaac Espinoza, trial. That brings tears to my eyes. How are paths have crossed and we don't even know each other. I think Larry and Isaac are friends up there :) May God bless you.

April 3, 2007

Mrs. Lasater, God bless you and your son!

April 3, 2007

Officer Lasater, continue to watch over us as we come upon our last stretch of the academy. It has been a long road, but we are almost there. Thank you for being our inspiration and guidance. I'm very excited, and nervous at the same time to meet your family. I hope that they feel welcome with open arms when they come down, and leave knowing that they have another extended family here at the academy. Give us all the strength and motivation we need to finish off strong.



March 26, 2007

I decided to search Larry's name on the ODMP site when I read his mother's reflection reference another officer's end of watch. My heart goes out to all family, friends, and co-workers.

Master Police Officer
Greensboro Police Dept, NC

March 21, 2007

Lasater Family,

Our classes graduation is coming up on us soon and I can not put into words what an honor it is going to be to have you all there watching and supporting us. Some nights when we all are in the classroom I look at Officer Lasater’s picture on our wall and I cant help but think what an inspiration he and your family has had on our class. I then look over at Cody’s pictures and know what an impact he has had on our class. We again watched the video of Officer Lasater this last weekened and it's hard to explain how I feel after I watch it. A whole bunch of emotions come over me and I always end up feeling so honored to have been blessed by his leagcy and then I feel more honored to have dedicated a whole year of our training to him and your family.
Our class is working hard trying to make your stay for our gradation as warm as it can be. Having you all there is going to make that night very memorable. When I talk with others about our gradaution I always mention what an honor it is going to have you all there supporting us. I know when we all walk across that stage he will be right there with us.

In our thoughts and prayers always,

Taylor Gillis
Palomar College Police Academy Class 14

Taylor Gillis
PCPA Class 14

March 20, 2007

Only real men leave legacys behind. You were a true definition of a Man.

March 19, 2007

Jo Ann, I just wanted to send you a note to say that you are in my thoughts. I love reading and hearing how you and Cody are doing it warms my heart. The love and devotion you have for Larry shows brigtly.
Continue to stay strong and brave you are a very remarkable women, wife and mother. Thank you, for continuing to share yours and Cody's life.
You are in my prayers

March 16, 2007

First I would like to say I am honored to be representing you Officer lasater. When ever I'm getting tired in p.t. I think of you and your family and I never give up. I can't wait to meet your wife and Cody at our class graduation on april 26. Take care.

Cadet Chris Weidemann

Cadet Chris Weidemann
Palomar College Police Academy

March 15, 2007

You would love being with Cody. Sometimes I look at him and try to imagine how you would be feeling at that moment. He would have loved to watch you work around the house and he'd want to help. I was putting together a table for him and I was using your screwdriver and he would take it and try to imitate what I was doing. He was "working" on putting it together for 10 minutes. Then he was taking his toy hammer and banging it on the wall. I guess he was hanging up an imaginary picture. He would be doing more of that if you were here since you were always working on a project. He would've been your little helper. He doesn't have any interest in helping me plant flowers though. He just points and says "flower" and continues to play. I hope you're seeing it all. That hope is what gets me through.

Love you

March 15, 2007

Jo Ann & Cody picked up Joseph & Vincent from school yesterday. I asked Joseph how Cody was and his response had me laughing for the rest of the day. He said, 'Mom, Cody talked my ear off". I guess this is a glimpse of things to come!

Thanks for watching over Daniel. He's on the road to recovery. The entire family is breathing a great big sigh of releif.


March 8, 2007

To a True Warrior (9Y6):

I have never met you and yet I strive to immulate you. I would not recognize your voice if I heard it, however I would follow your lead without question. Although far too short, your life was one of honor and selflessness. From the Marine Corps to Law Enforcement you dedicated your life to the service of others. Your leadership, nobility and compasion for others, were second to none and I can't begin to tell you how much I respect you. Although you are gone your memory will always live on. Your legacy will continue to push others to hold themselves to a higher standard. As a Marine and a Cadet with Class 14 I am honored to have the privilege of carrying your spirit with me to the streets. I know I speak for everyone in the class when I say that we will not forget! We will always remember you and what you stood for! We will not back down! We will always continue to charge forward in the pursuit of those who intend to harm others. Officer Lasater I thank you so much for your support and the motivation to never quit. You are an American hero and a true warrior.

"Pain is Temporary, Pride is Forever!"
Hendrix C.S.
Sgt/ US Marine Corps


March 7, 2007

HI Larry,

Well, Class 14 is beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel as we approach graduation day..... THANK YOU so much for being such an inspiration to them and to us.

Next weekend (St. Patrick's Day) I got them involved in a "team event" The SD Enforcers Football Team is challenging the USMC All Star Football Team in the First Annual "Hero Bowl." I told the Prez of the team, Jason Sullivan and the Vice Pres, Greg Ellis about how I thought this game had your name written all over it and they TOTALLY agreed! I can't WAIT to see what the game brochure looks like! I was told that you will have your own page. I am SO EXCITED about that! We are going to use the game as a team building/bonding event.... I am just wondering which team you are going to be routing for > The Cops or the Corps? I bet that is going to be a TOUGH decision for you!

Your picture on the Wall of Warriors is the next to have the Class Pride Run photo to be hung under it. It is going to bring me such joy to see that picture hung, but it is also a time of sadness because it solidifies you on the wall.

I THANK YOU so much for being an inspiration to Class 14 and to us. I was looking at the pictures of Cody that they proudly have hanging in their class and it is almost unbearable to look at him for too long. I just want to let your family know that although none of us had ever personally met you, you are our Brother and we are honoring you with the HIGHEST RESPECT and HONOR. You are such a wonderful inspiration and we are truly honored to have you in our academy and we are truly BLESSED that your wonderful family has allowed us to be a part of their lives and yours.

I am sorry to write such a long winded email... Thank you for all that you continue to do my Brother.... Until next time......

R.Akans #1354

March 7, 2007

Good news...Sage was born! She's so adorable and tiny. She's about the same size as Cody was at birth. I can't believe he was ever so small.

Cody grabbed a little boy by the shirt today because he tried to play with the toy Cody had. He eventually decided to share but when I see a little glimpse of his temper it reminds me a little of myself.

Please please please watch over Daniel. He's such an amazing little boy and it's so unfair that he has to be in the hospital again. I know how much you love him and I always think about Easter with him in the truck and us saying that that will be Cody in a few years.

Love and miss you

March 6, 2007

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