Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Pittsburg Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005

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Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.


August 14, 2007

I am so happy those animals got what was coming to them!!!!! Lets hope it gets even better and he gets the
death penalty! Why should he have any chance in life, Larry

August 14, 2007

Hallelujah!!! Thank you Lord for giving the jury wisdom and guiding them to see the truth!!! I am touched that those who received Larry's organs attended the trial. May God place a hedge of protection around your loved ones, especially JoAnn, Cody, your mom and the rest of your family.

Shanon Dreyer
Palomar College Police Academy

August 14, 2007

I just read the verdict ... thank you Lord for looking over this trial and helping the jury reach the correct answer. May the penalty phase render the "correct" decisions as well.
I know this has been a difficult time for your family, I will continue to say a prayer that they find the strength to continue forward and try to heal as these wounds have all been re-opened over the past few weeks.
You are not forgotten sir.

Jailer Thompson

August 14, 2007

There has been justice given for you....GUILTY on both....I know that you are looking down on Joanne and Cody and carrying them and your brother officers through this time....Just know that they were all there for you and your family....

You are greatly missed by all that ever met you Larry !!!

August 13, 2007

Guilty as charged! Now the icing on the cake is on its way with sentencing........

August 13, 2007

Our prayers were answered and the jury delivered the verdict we had long wished for and with it came some peace of mind. Next week the pena;ty phase begins and we have to now start preparing ourselves to emotionally and physically handle that so important second phase.

We had lots of support and both your families walked the last mile with and for you. The last part of our journey begins soon, and we will all try to do you proud.

I love you and will miss you forever, my beloved son.


August 13, 2007

You got em Larry. You got em.

Darrell Cook
Retired Police, Tennessee

August 13, 2007

Thank God. I know that nothing will ever fill the hole in everyone's hearts over losing you. I only pray that the guilty verdicts bring some amount of comfort to your wife and family. You did not die in vain. Someone is being held accountable in this lifetime and in the hereafter. May God continue to comfort all of your friends and family. You are missed. We work hard everyday to uphold the values and ethics you lived. Your heroism will never be forgotten. May you finally rest in peace.


August 13, 2007


August 13, 2007

Larry, Jo Ann, Cody and Phyllis,

Just know that you are always in our thoughts.


August 13, 2007

Today at 1:00 the verdicts were read to a packed courtroom.

They are as follows:
Alexander Hamilton (the person that actually murdered Larry and was 18 at the time of the crime),

1). Murder - Guilty
2). Murder with a handgun - Guilty
3). 2nd Degree Robbery - Guilty (store cashier)
4). Use of a Firearm during the course of a robbery - Guilty
5). 2nd Degree Robbery - Guilty (keep in mind that there are three robbery victims)
6). Use of a Firearm - Guilty
7). 2nd degree robbery - Guilty (bank teller)
8). Use of a Firearm - Guilty
9). Attempted Murder of Officer John Florence - Guilty
10). Attempted murder of a police officer with a firearm - Guilty
11). Guilty of the victim of the attempted murder knowingly being a police officer performing duties -
as a police officer - Guilty
12). Special Findings - Premeditated ed and Deliberate - Guilty
13). Attempted Murder - Officer Phil Galer - Guilty
14). Use of a Firearm in attempted murder - Guilty
15). Intentionally discharging a firearm with intent to commit great bodily injury - Guilty
16). Victim of said offense was knowingly a police officer in the course of his law enforcement
duties - Guilty
17). Premeditated and deliberate - Guilty
18). Unlawful taking of a vehicle - Guilty (car theft)
19). Special circumstances in the course of a robbery - Guilty
20). Immediate flight after the commission of a felony - Guilty
21). Robbery of the cashier - Guilty
22). Special circumstances during the course of a robbery, (handgun) - Guilty
23). Guilty of the murder of a police officer in the performance of his duties as a police officer - Guilty
24). Lying in wait with the intention to commit great bodily harm - Guilty

And for Moffit, the second suspect which was 4 days away from turning 18 at the time of the murder, the following charges:

1). 1st Degree Murder - Guilty
2). 2nd Degree Robbery of the cashier - Guilty
3). Use of a firearm during the commission of a robbery - Guilty
4). Robbery of a cashier with special circumstances - Guilty
5). 2nd Degree Robbery - (Bank Teller) - Guilty
6). Use of a firearm during the commission of a robbery - Guilty
7). Robbery with special circumstances - Guilty
8). Guilty of immediate flight after the commission of a felony - Guilty
9). 2nd Degree Robbery - (2nd bank teller) - Guilty
10). Use of a firearm - Guilty
11). Special Circumstances - Guilty
12). Flight after the commission of a felony - Guilty
13). Theft of a vehicle - Guilty
14). Murder of a police officer during the performance of his duties as a police officer - GUILTY

Now, the penalty phase will begin....

August 13, 2007

We are all keeping the faith and praying that justice will prevail. May some small amount of comfort be bestowed upon Jo Ann, Cody, Phyllis, and all of your family by punishing these two evil people. Although nothing can ever take the pain away, I pray that God will show us that there is still a reason we all do this job.

Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office

August 12, 2007

I thought the verdict was going to come in Friday. I was all dressed for court and took Cody to his gym class. I had my cell phone in my hand the whole time. I was so sure. Now we have to wait...

That reflection about getting away is so ironic. I was just talking about taking Cody to the beach for a week or so when the penalty phase is over. I just want to escape reality for a little while.

I knew the trial would be hard but some of the things that are going on are things we shouldn't have to deal with on top of everything else. There are evil people in this world and I'm not just talking about the two on trial.

Love you

August 12, 2007

I see the trial is nearing the end - We have been praying and holding you all very near to our hearts - please draw strength in the knowledge of that. Justice will be represented - just as Larry represents it.

August 11, 2007

Joanne,Cody and family, God will not let you down again!
These scum of the earth will get whats coming to them....
have faith !! I know its hard to have faith after Larry's
death but try, they will get their punishment!!!!

August 11, 2007

.... we are all living on pins and needles now.... the case was given to the jury yesterday at noon time..... I pray that we have a good jury.... our fate is in God's hands now.... we all have to pray.....

August 10, 2007


I'm just checking's been a while and life has been crazy! I have been reading the reflections and was unaware the trial was underway!!! I have faith that justice will prevail. I'm not certain what phase the trial is in, but I will continue to pray. Even though nothing can bring you back, your family, friends and those who loved and knew you can find some peace in knowing those who took you away from them, won't be able to do it to anyone else and most importantly,you did not die in vain. Thank you for being such an inspiration to the Palomar Police Academy Cadets, they will never forget you, nor will I.


Shanon Dreyer
Palomar College Police Academy

August 10, 2007

Jo Ann,
Stay strong have faith they will be punished. Then take off for some place you can find peace for a while and enjoy your beautiful son.

August 9, 2007

Justice will prevail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you
will see!!

August 7, 2007


Lori Van Roekel
Police Officer

August 5, 2007

I stare at your picture during court and then I stare at the ones that took your life away. The amount of anger I have scares me but it's the anger that's keeping me strong during this.

Soon I'll have to testify and I just pray that I can find the words to express how much I have lost, how much you have lost, how much our baby has lost and how much I love you.

Cody said "police" for the first time a couple of days ago. I'm sure you were smiling. He's becoming quite a little man.

August 2, 2007

Lasater family-
My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday, but especially now that you are enduring the trial. May God bless you and your family and insure a speedy and just verdict.

August 1, 2007

Jo Ann,

I just wanted you to know I am still keeping you in my thoughts daily and praying that you and your family continue to feel Larry surround he is here to help you. Stay strong and continue to beleive god is with you as well he is helping you to stay strong and to deal at this awful time. I can't imagine how hard this time must be for you just know in the end they will pay! Not that it will ease the pain of your loss or bring Larry back, but they will pay.

August 1, 2007

Lasater Family,
I can’t believe it’s been over 3 months now since our class graduated. I continue daily to think about you all and I know that all I can do is pray and believe that God continues to give you all the strength and courage to get through these times. I carry with me always Larry’s necklace that you Joann gave us at our graduation. To me it’s a symbol of hope, peace, and courage. It's helps me to do what right and always remember how Larry touched so many of our lives.
God Bless you all,

Taylor Gillis
Class 14

Taylor Gillis
Class 14

July 31, 2007

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