Pittsburg Police Department, California
End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.
RIP.You are never forgotten.
November 28, 2008
Dearest Family of Officer Larry Lasater: Thank you for the deeply caring message you left on our beloved Agent Mike Thomas (aurora police department)reflection page. after reading the memories here on your Larry's page, I wanted you to know that I also feel and share the pain of your loss, all our lives have been changed forever.
Mike was the love of my life, my daughter Karli and I worshiped him, we miss him terribly, not a day goes by that we don't wish he was here and everything was okay again. we often say, how could this happen to him, how could this happen to us?
we wanted you to know how much we appreciate your thinking of us and caring enough to write. thank you again and our deepest sympathy to you and your family.
Terri and Karli Goos
Denver Colorado
NCIC Agent - Denver Sheriff Department
November 14, 2008
Last friday about midnight I signed off my computer, I had just finished reading one of your reflection pages. It was the one where JoAnn was talking about San Diego, which brought back many memories. I went and grabbed a beer and went to my patio as it was a warm night, and I started to think about you and San Diego. I was standing there when suddenly I got that feeling in my gut, kind of like when the bad guy is lying to you or when something is about to happen. I looked up in the sky and saw the shooting star, and I hope that I did what you wanted. I made my wish, I can't tell you what the wish was, but just know it was a two part wish. The first was for JoAnn and Cody, and the second part was for your mother. I hope that my wish comes true for all. You are a true hero sir, first serving your country, and it sounds like you were an excellent leader. Then protecting your community, family and friends you payed the ultimate price making you a hero of heros. Your memory will never be forgotten, you made an impression on everyone that you touched. I was so glad to read the outcome of the trial.
Larry you live in the most beautiful part of the country, I have always loved California with all of it's beauty. Then when you and JoAnn lived in San Diego, to me you lived in the most beautiful city in the world. I was stationed there in the late seventies in the Navy (not everyone can be part of the elite:) I first lived two blocks from Balboa park and the San Diego zoo, the I lived in Chula Vista, and lastly I lived in Ocean Beach. After I was discharged I wanted to stay there, but my family needed me back home and I joined the department there. I go back to San Diego every couple of years for a visit and see all the changes made, but it is still a beautiful city.
Larry like I said before your memory will never be forgotten, by me or the people you touched in your life. I know that you watch over your family, friends and coworkers just continue to do so as during thses days everyone can use a guardian angel. I know that there is nothing that can be said to take the pain away, I just hope they can find peace knowing that you are always with them in their hearts. You all will always be in my prayers.
November 14, 2008
Cody was over last weekend and I have been laughing every time I think about what he did. I gave him this little measuring tape. He pulled out the tape and said, 'Oh look - there's numbers on this'. Then he pointed out various numbers. Then he said, "There's my number, number Three!'. Then he looked at me and said, "Is your number on this tape?" This is his way of asking if my age was on the measuring tape. So, I asked him if he knew what 'my number was', meaning did he know how old I am. He looked me square in the eye and said, "Yes, I know your number. It's 27,000!".
November 12, 2008
Cody is so quirky. Right now he's wearing a police motorcycle helmet and nothing else. The other day after school he decided to take off all his clothes except his shoes. He was running around the rec center streaking everyone. It was hilarious.
He loves to wear hats. Sometimes it's a cowboy hat, fire captain hat, police helmet or one of your baseball caps. He just discovered your collection of hats and for a couple of days he was only wearing your North Carolina hat. He told one of his teachers that his daddy used to wear his hat like he was wearing it (backwards).
I miss you.
November 7, 2008
HI Larry,
It has been a while since I have written to you and I apologize for that.. Trust me, you have not been forgotten and I think about you and the other WARRIORS on our Wall of Warriors....
I love reading about how Mr. Cody is getting bigger and how he seems to be Mr. Personality. Thank you JoAnn and Phyllis for posting his adventures.... It makes many of us smile to hear what is going on in his world.
Just wanted to let you and your family know I was thinking about you all and I said a prayer for all of you today.
Take Care! I will talk to you again soon.
R.AKANS #1354
November 2, 2008
I asked the Lord to bless you
As I prayed for you today
To guide you and protect you
As you go along your way
His love is always with you
His promises are true
And when we give Him all our cares
You know He will see us through
So when the road you're traveling on
Seems difficult at best
Just remember I'm here praying
And God will do the rest.
Angel Of Peace
October 31, 2008
Thank you Phyllis for leaving such a thoughtful message for our fellow officer Bruce Williams of Green Lake County, Wisconsin. Every life is so precious. As a wife of a Deputy I pray for my husband every day, and pray for your family's peace for your Great loss.
Deputy Sarah Guenther
Green Lake County Sheriff's Office
Green Lake, Wisconsin
Deputy Sarah Guenther
Green Lake County Sheriff
October 23, 2008
Tomorrow would have been our 9th anniversary. I'm writing tonight since I'm not sure how I'll feel tomorrow.
There are so many things I could say to you but the most important one is how much I love you. Life is so unfair...you should be here with us.
Love you
October 22, 2008
I am in those dark places today. Please watch over Mom...I really need to feel your presence.
I so love you, and wish you could be here with us physically and be with your beautiful and loving wife, and your oh so adorable son. We all miss you so much.
Loving you throughout eternity
October 21, 2008
Cody and I were looking at wedding photos. He looked at me and said "We'll see daddy again" and I asked him when and he said "after all". That gave me the chills.
One of Cody's teachers said that Cody has such a great personality. She said that he gets along with the girls and the boys and everyone loves him. I'm so happy that he loves school so much. He has a little best friend and they're so cute together.
Miss you
October 6, 2008
JoAnn, Cody and Larry, It has been sometime since I have written to let you know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I think a little more often these days of you as we lose more local officers and with the holdiays fast approaching.
Larry, you would be very proud of JoAnn and the fine little boy Cody is.
Please, know you are always in my thoughts continue to stay strong.
October 6, 2008
To the family of Larry Lasater - Thank you for the reflection on my sons memorial page. What a beautiful tribute. I'm not good with words but you have my deepest sympathy for the loss of your son. Our lives have been changed forever by this horrible act. I pray every night for our men and women in blue and know someday we will all be together again. God Bless!!! Terri Cook
Terri Cook, Mother of Thomas A Cook
EOW 09/27/06
October 1, 2008
In the simple performance of duty,
he pinned on a badge,
checked his gear with a practiced eye,
and kissed his loved ones good-bye.
In the simple performance of duty,
he reported for work,
joked with his buddies at roll call,
and made his last trip down the squad room hall.
In the simple performance of duty,
he answered the call
to help the helpless, to find the lost,
no matter the danger or how great the cost.
In the simple performance of duty,
he lay down his life,
for those in peril he tried to save,
our brave friend went to his grave.
In the simple performance of duty,
we honor his deed,
as we carry him to rest in a flag-draped casket,
long after the world has forgotten, we shall never forget.
Never judge or regret, what he did, In the simple performance of duty."
-Author unknown
October 1, 2008
Please watch over your mom and give her the strength she needs.
September 30, 2008
Offc. Lasater,
to you I wish a peaceful rest as you wait for the chain to link again. I know you are watching over your wife and darling little boy. Joanne, to you I wish the continued strength and courage you are showing as you raise little Cody. It is hard to explain the loss of a precious daddy to a child, especially when the loss happens before the child has even had the chance of a cuddle with his daddy. I know, I understand. I did not find it easy to do the same 30 years ago and I know for you now it will always be hard. G-d bless you and little Cody.
Mom of a Correctional Officer
September 24, 2008
Dearest Son:
Cody was the hit of the Nor-Cal cops meeting this weekend. He held up a small flag which we all pledged allegiance to, and his pcture was taken for the newsletter. There were some awesome pictures taken of him on a CHP and a ACSO motorcycle. I know you were proud of your adorable son.
The next day we all attended the Motorcyle Memorial Ride for families of all fallen Costa County officers. It was a very well attended event. Cody, Seth and Sage all loved the firetruck and Lenore and James took some cute pictures of them in Engine 87.
On Sunday morning, I was doing day in history reflections and discovered one of our ancestors was killed 98 years ago when he was fatally shot in the line of duty as the Chief of Police in Spring Hope, North Carolina. He was also 35 when he was shot. Back in the day, it took only a year for his murderer to be executed. I paid respects to his memory by posting a reflection and calling the department and talking with the duty officer, He was going to call the present Chief to get permission to fly their flag at half mast.
It made me feel good to know you had even more family in Heaven.
Love forever and a day,
September 23, 2008
I recently thought of you and my entire class at palomar college (class14). I will be starting backgrounds here in the next few weeks with the Riverside Sheriff's department. I only hope I may have the opportunity to serve. I will keep you in my heart and use your story as strength. Thank You.
Matthew Smith
Former Cadet of Class 14
September 19, 2008
Cody is so daring. He's finally tall enough to ride the roller coaster at Pixie Playland and we went on it about 10 times. He puts his little hands in the air like the big kids. The other day we went on the roller coaster at the zoo and it was the same thing. Hands way up and smiling from ear to ear.
He's growing up so fast! Sometimes he gets this little 3 year old attitude and I wonder what happened to my little baby. This age has so many rewards though. He'll hug me and tell me he loves me.
I feel bad for him that he'll never be able to hear stories about you from friends that don't keep in touch. A huge part of your life will be missing. I guess I expected way too much from people.
I love you and think about you every second. Life isn't what it should be. I miss you so much. I miss you being silly. I had never met anyone who could be as immature as I am. You were so responsible but that side of you that was like a kid was what I loved most. That's what would have made you such a fun dad.
Cody and I will bring you flowers tomorrow.
Love you
September 18, 2008
To my dearest son:
Mom has been reaching out to other families who are just beginning this special journey. I have been working very hard on my special endeavor which I hope will help many other families as they go through criminal proceedings of those responsible for taking the lives of their beloved.
Your band of brothers are helping me. I want this to be a wonderful legacy in tribute to you because it is you who inspires me. I am so lucky to be your Mom.
I love you for eternity.
September 18, 2008
Rest in peace brother and thank you for your service.
Gordon Hobbs
NC Game Warden
September 16, 2008
love you
September 15, 2008
It's been three years, I know in eternity thats not much but to the family you left behind, it is eternity. I never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I attended your funeral with our honor guard.
But I know you. You sacrificed family events, get togethers, holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. All for "the job". You worked late hours, complained a little but deep down, you wouldn't do anything else. You had a warpped sense of humor and loved to laugh. Sometimes you were quiet, and others didn't know how to take you. You'd miss out on sleep to go to court to put some "scum bag" away. You took little time off for fear of missing out on the "big call" at work. You put others first, and it cost you your life. But you'd wouldn't have it any other way. John 15:13 tells your story....yeah, I know you.
R.I.P. brother.
Officer Wil
Modesto PD-Honor guard
September 10, 2008
Flying with you today! Thoughts and prayers are always with you.. Rely on your faith to get you through these next few days. We are with you.
Angel Of Peace
September 8, 2008
I know somehow you already know this, but on Saturday 09-06-08 Martinez PD lost an officer as he couragousely placed himself between an armed gunmen and 15 innocent victims. I went to John Muir Hospital as soon as I found out and when I got there my heart was in my stomach. What gave me the courage and strength to stay at the hospital until Sgt. Starzyck's wife got there was the relief she will soon come to realize when her grief begins to subside that her husband was still surrounded by police officers and the fact that the citizens of Martinez and around the country that learn of Sgt. Starzyck's death will realize that several women were saved by a police officer that knew and understood his duty...his sworn duty to protect the lives of the people he was sworn to serve. What an incredible honor....an incredible act of courage and selflessness. You have another partner Larry, keep helping us out down here.
With a respect and honor that cannot be described...
Phil Galer
Pittsburg PD
September 8, 2008
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