Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Pittsburg Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005

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Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Your like a hero like my father <3 God bless your family and friends

Nicole Machate
P.O Robert E. Machate's Daughter

Nicole Machate

August 13, 2010

Honey, I have been fighting very hard to keep the justice a California jury and judge gave us as that justice is now threatened by pending legislation. I have e-mailed, faxed letters, and made countless calls to oppose this bill which would allow a minimum of seven JLWOP inmates who murdered police officers to have their sentence recalled and reduced. We have made progress, and I only hope it is enough. I will fight for you until my last breath.

Loving you always,



August 11, 2010

You are still remembered.

Chris Zammit
Fellow Scout

August 3, 2010

Went to DC yesterday to watch the Phillies play the Nats and stopped by the wall. It is so different to see your name there, the JR almost faded from your name. It is hard to remember the old days, my buddy and your "little Squirt." We printed your picture at the Memorial store, and I told the kids all about my long lost friend. God Bless you and your family. I will never forget our friendship and I will cherish the memories forever.


August 1, 2010


D/Sgt. Bill Pendergast (ret.)

July 20, 2010

Officer Lasater you are not forgotten by the members of the Boston Police Department. RIP

Det. Michael Kane
Boston Police Dept.

July 14, 2010

Today is your son's fifth birthday. How very happy you would have been to see the great kid he is and oh, how you would have enjoyed each moment with him. Jo Ann is a wonderful mother and Cody will always come first with her. My darling son, I am so sad you are not here to enjoy your son's special day.

Many times, I look up at a blue sky or starry night and imagine you're out there somewhere with your spirit soaring, watching over us and surrounded by our energy of love and longing for you. In another dimension, but with us in our hearts and souls. I yearn for you in my dreams and listen to your whispered "I am here. All you have to do is reach out.". My heart is filled with gratitude for being your mom and I am so grateful for every moment we had together. Thank you, my beloved Larry, for all the love and caring your loving and compassionate heart gave so well to me. I'm forever proud to have been your mom. You brought me great joy, and I thank you for all the times you made me feel so treasured. Every moment with you and James, your warmth, your infectious grin, your zest for life, all the "I love you" words we exchanged, the big hugs and kisses, the laughter and fun are all treasured memories that are like precious jewels to me. Each precious card or note you wrote so touchingly is cherished. No matter where you are, in whatever form, in whatever dimension, you're here in my heart for me. Be at peace in the light and wait for me. It is only when we are reunited (all of us as a family) will there ever truly be peace in my heart.


July 11, 2010

Miss Loya
I would like to thank you for the words you left on Josh Norris page, it was touching since Josh was close to me. Your son was blessed with a wonderful mother. I did not have the honor to met your son, but possible could have crossed path since I served 23 years in the Marine Corp and it is a small family. I consider it an honor to have shared two uniforms with your son.

Office Lasater
Semper Fi brother and thank you for your service

Deputy John Latour (retired)
Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office

July 8, 2010

Mrs. Lasater, two officers here in Tampa were shot and killed last week and one of the officer Jeff Kocab leaves behind a wife who is 9 months pregnant and I know you went thru and continue to go thru this unbearable pain. I wanted to know if you could please reach out to her and let her know you know how she feels and she will not walk this journey alone. I will continue to pray for you as well as all the other widows who are suffering so much. Thank you.

LEO Wife

July 4, 2010

You and all of your family and friends are in my thoughts on this holiday which you helped protect and preserve. Hero’s like you will never be forgotten.

James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

July 4, 2010

Jo Ann, I haven't written in a while, but I think of you and Cody often and enjoy hearing from others that you are doing your best to make a life and what a wonderful mom you are and how special and wonderful Cody is.
Just continuing to send warm thoughts and hugs your way. You are such a brave wonderful women I so admire!


June 21, 2010

I took flowers from home and from Olga's garden yesterday to honor you on Father's Day. It breaks my heart and enrages me that you and Jo Ann are not able to parent Cody together. I can visualize what a great day the two of them would have made for you yesterday.

I then went to the trail, went over the edge with anger, and picked up a large branch off the ground and proceeded to furiously hit the tree. If anyone saw me, they probably would have called the police to 5150 me, but any responding officer would have understood and probalby helped me take a few more swings.

Loving you forever. You are missed every minute of every day.


June 21, 2010

Another Father's day without you. Cody picked out the flowers today, placed them in the vase and kissed your pictures.

I miss you so much. You would have been such a great dad.

Love you forever
Jo Ann


June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day Larry.


June 20, 2010

Unfortunately I never knew you but I had the pleasure of sitting next to your wife and son on the tour bus at Arlington National Cemetary during Police Week this year. He's a nice kid, you would no doubt be proud, and your wife seems to be doing a good job with him. He was wearing a coat with a badge that had your number on it, it was hot but he wouldn't take it off no matter how hard your wife tried. Just thought you would want to know. Rest easy brother.

Lt. Rick Dietz
High Point N.C. Police Dept.

June 7, 2010

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.

Loving you forever, Mom


June 4, 2010

Today I spent about 45 minutes walking around the Larry Lasater Park. Although I have visited many times, it was my first walk around the entire park. While I was there, I saw the Pittsburg employee who cleans and maintains the grounds and I thanked him for all his hard work in keeping it so nice. I also met a mom with a two-year-old son who was enjoying Cody's Corner as the grandmother walked the park. She told me they visit almost every day and she told me she knew that you were looking down on us. How nice that you are remembered by even strangers who may not have the warm, loving memories of a relationship with you, but remember and honor you for your sacrifice.

As always, I am loving and missing you.


June 3, 2010

Rest in Peace Larry. To Larry's family I know nothing I say can ease your pain. As a future Officer myself I see the worry my family has. But I can not Imagine the pride that must be yours in knowing that you have laid so costly a price upon the altar of freedom. Rest in Peace Larry we got it from here.

John Smith
Future LEO

June 2, 2010

How precious it was to see Cody's picture on the big screen at the candlelight vigil and then to see that he nd Joann were actually there! I looked for you at the wall but missed you, hope you found the candle we left for Larry.

Much Love,

Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom

May 20, 2010

Cody, how precious you were @ the memorial tonight! I know you made your daddy proud. You are growing up so fast, and such a handsome young man, too! God bless you, sweet boy.

Lori Johnson Rowley, NC LEO wife
Daughter of Sgt. James M. Johnson, NC, EOW 11/11/04

May 13, 2010

I come to your page often and read the posts left for you. I do not know you or your family. But as I read your wifes comments I feel like someone else understands what I am going through. I feel that she has a love for you like I have for my husband. One that is really rare. My heart aches for your little boy that he never got his daddy here to do all the things that he should have gotten to do with you. I know the ache I feel for my kids and wish my husband could be here for our children. I send my thoughts and love to Joann and Cody.
Thank-you to your mom for remembering my husband on his EOW. I hope that they are all blessed with the things that they need and know that you are watching over them.

Holley Orr
Wife of Kevin Orr EOW 11-22-06

April 28, 2010

5 years have gone by and yet it still seems like yesterday that I got the call from your cousin that you had died. It is almost as if time has stood still. We are going to Washington this year for memorial week and I hope that during this visit I will meet your loving wife and son. God Bless your family and may your wife know that is ok to move slow, it's ok to not be ok. No one can make you move forward if you are not ready to, sometimes just going thru the motions is the only way to cope and that too, is ok. It's ok to wonder if things will ever get better and doubting that it will ever get better is ok too. You set the pace of your life, you lay the foundation to what your normal will be and no matter how fast or slow you take the road, eventually you will take the path god has planned for you. We miss you dearly.


April 28, 2010

Jo, you are an amazing mom and wife, you need to just take your time and move thru your grieving process as you feel. No one will ever understand the love that you and Larry had and its ok if you don't want to move onto another relationship. I know Juli Verkler (bryan Verkler)feels the same as you that Bryan Verkler is and always will be her only love and no one can understand that. Some widows can move on and thats ok too, but do not feel that you owe anyone anything explanation to your future. God Bless.


April 27, 2010

To the Mother and Family of Officer Lasater,
Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you on the 5th anniversary of Larry being taken from you. Even though it's been 5 years, I know it can feel like yesterday and forever all at the same time.

To Larry's Mom,
Thank you for honoring and remembering my husband, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Steve Blair, EOW 05/12/1995, on his reflection page. I cannot tell you how much it means to me.

To Larry,
Please know that your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Dana Blair
Widow of LASD Deputy Steve Blair, EOW 05/12/1995

April 27, 2010

Five years ago our lives changed forever, but what has not changed and will never change is the love we have for you and for the void that can never be filled in this realm. Your fifth memorial service gave me a chance to see some of your friends, and once again share memories and tears. A hard weekend to get through, but friendship and caring helped tremendously. I love you forever, my sweet, sweet son.


April 26, 2010

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