Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Pittsburg Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Dear Lasater Family

Thank you for the reflection you left for my dad Detective George Zicarelli, Cleveland Police Department, He was a wonderful man and a great father and we still miss him very much.

I am so saddened by your loss and my family truly understands the pain you are going through and will keep your family in our prayers.

Debra Zicarelli

December 14, 2010

Dear Officer Lasater: By now I feel certain that you have welcomed into Heaven former Marine and Orange County, FL Deputy Sheriff Brandon Coates who was murdered on Wednesday, 12/8/10. He was just 27, but I am just guessing that you will be a perfect big brother to him in God's Kingdom. May both of you sleep peacefully among other awesome angels tonight. I know you are still so deeply loved and missed.

Friend of Police Everywhere

December 9, 2010

Thank you for your service. Rest Easy.

Cindy Thurman
sister of slain Officer Randy Basnett EOW 9/24/76

November 28, 2010

Thank You officer Larry Elwood Laster Jr.for your Heroism. God bless you and your Family.

Manchester Family


November 28, 2010

This is our sixth Thanksgiving without you. I can remember our first Thanksgiving without you, seven months after you were killed. Both Jo Ann and I barely made it through the day as we cried and cried for you.

I found this reflection by David Harkins, another member of COPS Concerns of Police Survivors and it sums up where
I think you would want all of your loved ones to now be on this journey.

"You can shed tears that he is gone or you can smile because he lived,
You can close your eyes & pray that he'll come back or you can open your eyes & see all that he has left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow & live yesterday or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember him only that he is gone or you can cherish his memory & let it live on.
You can cry & close your mind ...
Be empty and turn your back...or you can do what he'd want ......Smile, Open your eyes, love and go on."

Wherever we go, we carry you with us, my cherished son.

Loving you forever


November 25, 2010

Chris, thanks so much for leaving reflections for Larry. They mean the world to us. I bet some who see them think you are referring to the Boy Scouts, but it is the USMC and each time you leave a reflection you are saying semper fi. I would love to connect with you. Send a facebook message to Phyllis Loya.

Mom of Marine Captain Larry Lasater

November 22, 2010

Time may pass, but you have left a mark that can not be erased. Your brothers will always remember you for the great man you are.

Chris Zammit
Fellow Scout

November 20, 2010

Phyllis, I can always count on you to remember Dad and lift me up in prayer. You are such a special woman, so kind and generous with your time spent uplifting others. No wonder Larry was such a great guy~ he had the best example for a mother!
I'm sure you're familiar with the contemporary Christian group, MercyMe, but you need to pay special attention to the lyrics in the song, "Homesick." I posted it from YouTube to my FaceBook account on the anniversary of Dad's passing last week. I'm sure you'll relate. Take care, kiss Cody for me, and thank you again for remembering us. May God continue to bless you all! With love from Larry's birth state of NC~

Lori Johnson Rowley
Daughter of Sgt. James M. Johnson, EOW 11/11/04

November 19, 2010


It doesn't matter which fallen officer's page I look at, but I find that your mother has left a message there. As a co-worker and friend of a fallen officer, that means a lot.

I know you are missed dearly but I am sure you are looking down from heaven on your mother and family.

Special Agent

November 17, 2010

May God heal the broken hearts left in the wake of your passing. Happy Birthday Marine. You are missed and our lives are forever changed both for having known and loved you and for having lost you when we were not ready to let you go. May you guide and keep us on angel's wings. God bless you and your loving family.


November 12, 2010

"If love could have saved you; you would have lived forever"

author unknown

He was a cop by choice and a hero by chance and we, his family, friends, fellow law enforcement officers and fellow Marines will never forget him.


November 9, 2010

Forever in my heart and soul. How I wish I could look into your beautiful blue eyes and smile back at that infectious grin. There are so many memories beginning when you were a tiny baby and I held you in my arms for the first time, seeing you grow up to become a wonderful man...a son anyone would have been proud of, and I am thankful for the privilege of being your mom. I miss you so very much.

Loving you always


November 8, 2010

To Officer Lasater and family,

While visiting the pages of ODMP I have read reflections for other fallen officers by your family. As a result of having read those postings I came here to learn about your sacrifice. Officers from my agency recently reflected on your service and sacrifice in two different squad briefings. Your service to your country and your community will not be forgotten. You are a true warrior!

Lieutenant Ron Bayne #559
Scottsdale Arizona PD

November 5, 2010

Today is your 11th wedding anniversary and mom is thinking back to that special time. Many sad thoughts today.
Loving you always, my cherished son.


October 23, 2010

Ms. Loyla,
Found this passage on the Pollock family website and thought of your family. Sending prayers and loving thoughts your way.
Rev 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.


October 22, 2010

You are a true hero, and can't thank you enough for doing your job so well. Your honor and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten. I will keep your family and you in my prayers each day.

Patricia Kelly
Daughter of James Kelly EOW 8/8/80

October 18, 2010

I haven't written lately. It's doesn't help me with the grieving process like it used to. I figure if you really can see everything like I'd like to believe, then I don't need to write what goes on with Cody. You know what he's up to, who is part of his life and who isn't.

You know I miss you and wish more than anything that you were here. You would've been an amazing father.

Love you always

Jo Ann

October 17, 2010

Thank You For Your Service!! I cant imagine your families grief.Best Wishes for lil Cody

Steve Seeker

October 11, 2010

I am gathering my energy for NORCAL Cops Walk on Saturday which is a ten mile casual walk. My heart/soul is willing and I hope my heart/body cooperates to help me walk as far as possible. I have been practicing every day.
My friend Mirtha who is very fit is coming from LA to walk with me in your honor, and she is trying to get pledges from some Southern California officers. Of course, I dropped off pledge forms at Pittsburg PD. Captain Baker heard me talking to Joyce and knew it was me because of the southern accent, so he became my first sponsor.

Letting you inspire me.

Loving you forever and a day, Mom


October 4, 2010

Thank you for all you have done. You are a credit to the uniform, to all officers who have ever worn the uniform. A hero and a leader. I would have followed you anywhere, sir. God bless your family.

officer C. Whitley

October 3, 2010

Today parents across America released balloons in memory of our beloved children who died in the line of duty. It was coordinated so that the release was at the same time; noon pacific time was my designated time. I released five beautiful balloons, four shiny blue stars and one flag balloon as you loved the flag so much. At that time blue balloons were across the sky in the United States signifying our love for each of our cherished children and to honor your memory. I chose Mt. Diabo for my release site as it was the closest to heaven I could get. I attached notes to each balloon and thought of how much you liked to bike there with the Ross family and other friends, and of a family trip there. I love you forever, my precious son. I miss you so very, very much.


October 1, 2010

The thought of your family's loss brings tears to my eyes.
I read some of the reflections from your wife and heart cried, too, and I couldn't read any more.....

You are not forgotten...

Nancy Hart (aka: Young)
w/1983 of Coconino County Deputy James Michael Young

September 29, 2010

Its been five years. I trust evceryone close to you remembers and still embraces your memory and what you gave for all of us.

Donn Hornberger, Parole Agent
Illinois Dpt of Corrections

September 16, 2010

Yesterday I attended a football game at UC Davis where you and three other fallen officers were honored as well as all the 9/11 heroes. When your picture was shown on the stadium screen, they announced you were a 1993 graduate and a member of Chi Phi fraternity. Davis PD gave me beautiful roses. Two Pittsburg officers escorted me on the field as well as a current fraternity brother, Joey Aaprile. Matt Reddings' mom and I talked about how nice it is of the different communities to still remember you guys. Before I left the stadium, I got Cody an Aggies shirt. Today I spent some time with all 3 of the grandkids and boy, do they have energy! Missing you lots and loving you always.


September 12, 2010

My precious son, we have prevailed in the struggle to defeat SB399. It was a close vote in California Assembly but we prevailed by five votes. Thank God there were legislators who cared more about justice and the rights of victims than they did about criminals. It was a victory for you and our family, for Officers Louis Pompei, Officer Dan Bessant, Deputy Vu Nguyen, and Sgt. Thomas Steiner and thier family, and for all the civilian families whose loved one was murdered by a "juvenile". In these last two months fighting this battle, I have felt stronger than I have since you were taken from us.

On a lighter note, Cody and I were putting a puzzle together last week and he was so much better at than I was. When I told him, he said "You have to practice, Grandma. Practice makes perfect.". My life is in reverse; I am getting life lessons from my grandson.

Loving you forever, Mom


September 1, 2010

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