Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Pittsburg Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Cody is getting so funny. He thinks that everything belongs to him. When I have my keys he drops whatever he's holding and grabs them. We were coming home from the cemetery today and he was crying. I pulled over, took off the key ring and handed it to him. That's what he wanted. He calmed down, played with the keys and fell asleep.

He knows who you are. I'll ask him "where's daddy?" and he'll look at your picture and smile. He then reaches out to touch it. He's so sweet, I just love him so much. Tomorrow is my day with Dominic so I'll be taking the 2 boys out to lunch. I really like being with Cody and Dominic. It makes me feel like that's how it would've been if you were here. We would've had 2 children. So, I pretend for a few hours. I'm going crazy...

Love you so much

March 2, 2006

I miss you and love you. I always will.

February 28, 2006

We miss you..... Joseph & Vincent miss you..... They are already teaching Cody about sports.... Usually when he comes over, they will turn on whatever sports event is on tv and hold Cody in their lap as they watch the games.... It's funny, Cody really seems to watch along w/ the boys..... It's 'March Madness' time of the year again.... That means that we are coming up to the one year mark. The last time we were together, your team was winning the March Madness. I remember it was such a happy day for you..... I'm glad that I got to be with you on the day your team won... It was Easter Sunday, your team won and Jo Ann was pregnant with Cody.... We all thought that there were only happy times ahead for our family.... We were so wrong..... Lent is this Wednesday.... Easter is around the corner. Our last holiday celebrated as a family was Easter..... This Easter will be so hard for our entire family..... I hope you are with us..... You will be missed.....


February 27, 2006

Will the bagpipers play on my funeral day? Will a sea of blue stretch down this long road? As Harleys rumble by and choppers thunder overhead, it is the sweet sounds of the bagpipers that I hear instead.

All have come here to pay their respects. To listen to the story of the brave act I did. Worry not for me because I'll be all right. It is my wife who needs comfort through these long and lonely nights. Who will teach my boy what is to be a man? Who will be there to hold my little girl's hand? It is my family that needs you now, for I am at rest. Let it be known that I worked with the best.

I did not live the longest of lives, nor one of great wealth. It is the sacrifice I made that put me high upon this shelf. Treated as a pauper in life but as a king in death, all I did was my job like so many had before.
So when you go to drink to comfort your way, remember what it is that I have to say.

When you raise your glass in memory of my name, know you are my brother for you would have done the same. It is only we who run toward what others run from. Now I run no more, for my work is done.

As this wooden vessel carries my body through this sea of blue, listen for the bagpipers and hear what they play.
For it is their sweet music that carries my soul today. - UNK

Rest in Peace brother and watch over us as we continue on and put the badge on each and everyday.

February 26, 2006

To Mrs. Lasater, Cody, Parents, friends, family and brother and sister officers of Officer Larry Lasater,

My name is Officer Damian Jackson and I am a Police Officer (K9) with the Escondido Police Department in San Diego and am also the Lead Training Officer for the Palomar Police Academy.

A little more than a year ago, a small idea that I had took off and became something very special and unique here at the academy that started with Officer Isaac Espinoza of the San Francisco Police Department. As a police officer and father of three girls under 5, I wanted to make a point in our training of the realities behind our profession and how dear we hold our families and the sacrifices they make each day we venture out and confront evil. What started as a reflection, then a point, then a fallen officer that we would do an extra push-up in remembrance of each time we hit the ground, became a dedication, a purpose and a person to honor and hold within our hearts and souls as we did this job and sent new officers out into to world to face what so many did before us. We started a new tradition of dedicating each and every academy class from this point forward, to a fallen officer from our state and to memorialize them forever within our halls and within our hearts so that no one will ever forget and all who come here will leave here and enter their careers with an extra blue angel guarding their journey. Class 12 dedicated their year of training in the honor and memory of Officer Isaac Espinoza of the SFPD and he has taken his place on our "Hall of Warriors." Through the efforts of the class and our new found mission, we were able to raise more than $12,000.00 to donate to Isaac's 4 year-old daughter's trust fund and make his family a special part of our graduation ceremony. It was something that neither I, nor anyone else who had a part of it will ever forget. Our current class, Class 13, is dedicating their year in the honor and memory of Officer Tony Zeppetella, of the Oceanside Police Department, who was killed on 06-13-03.

Class 14 begins training in May and I would be honored if you would allow us to dedicate this coming class, Class 14 of the Palomar Police Academy - San Diego, in the honor and memory of Officer Larry Lasater; your husband, father, son and brother, where he will forever be a part of our lives and will forever be with us as a warrior among our halls.

As a Marine, cop and father, it humbles me greatly and would honor me beyond words to be able to memorialize him and your family in any way we could. I extend to you all my deepest respect and pray that God be with you, protect you and comfort you. I know that for all of his days, Cody's path will be forever lit by Larry's presence. Love transcends all.

God bless.

Officer Damian Jackson
Escondido PD / Palomar Police Academy

February 24, 2006

Thank you for your kind words, we share the same pain and it doesnt seem to get easier. But remember this, they will live in our hearts forever..

Lorena L Hernandez sister of Police Officer Ricardo Lizarraga E.O.W 2/20/04

February 21, 2006

Thank You Phyllis For your kind words on my sons (Jeremy E. Jay Carruth EOW2/20/03) memorial page. I do not understand why these most wonderful young men were taken so tragically from there families and as a mom the loss is almost unbearable. I am planning to be in DC for National Police Week, maybe I will get to meet you and your family. Please try to attend all the sessions provided for you there and you will walk away with a new sense of who your Son is, he is not only a hero, but the ultimate Hero. I am praying that God will comfort all your family and give you and your family the strength to continue to make a positive difference in this world as Larry would be doing if he were here. May God Bless little Cody, and I pray he will shine his fathers bright light along with his own. God Bless You All.
Iwalu, Pat Carruth

Pat Carruth
Mother of
Alexandria, La.
Police Officer
Jeremy E. Jay Carruth
EOW 2/20/03

Pat Carruth

February 21, 2006

We went to see you today Larry. Sophia is 7 years old and wished she could have met such a brave person. She loves police officers and is very sad that a mean person would take you from this beautiful world. (her words) We left you some flowers and hope you are smiling down on your beautiful son.

Not a day goes by that we don't think about you and your beautiful family. Larry -we know each other through your mom, and my children never had the opportunity to meet you. My daughter is very concerned about you and your family though and wishes she could have met you. Her sadness today is profound.

Rachael, Sophia & William Burley

February 20, 2006

Our baby is sick for the first time. He has a double ear infection. The medicine is kicking in and he's back to his old self. It was so depressing going to the clinic all alone. Even though you would've been at work, I know that I would've been talking to you on the phone the whole time. You would've been so worried. Driving home at 11:00 pm from his appointment and having nobody to tell was so sad. I called Denise to let her know how he was. Then I called your phone to listen to your voice.

Cody started a new thing in the bath. He kicks his feet and splashes around. He's just about ready for the regular tub. He cracks me up, especially when he wears his little hat. He has this smirk that's hilarious, his smile is adorable and he's a big flirt like you. He's now 17 pounds and he has rolls all over his legs. His hair is coming in light brown and his eyes are still not fixed on a color. Of course if what people say is true, you know all this because you're here. God I hope so. Speaking of God...I'm finally getting Cody baptized on the day that we mark a year without you. I haven't decided if we'll do it on the 23rd or 24th but it's going to be at the cemetery. It's beautiful and I always feel close to you when I'm there. People may think it's weird to have Cody baptized at the cemetery but I don't care what people think anymore. This is our reality and I want to include you in his baptism.

I love you and ALWAYS will

February 20, 2006

Hey Lar, just wanted to tell you how honored I was to sit at the two conferences we attended over the last couple of weeks. The pride I felt listening to the speakers speak about you and the other officers who gave their lives so that someone else could live another minute, day or years with their family is such a powerful message you'd have to be there to feel the way I felt.

I really enjoyed being with Joanne, I know she was hurting but her pride in you was more obvious than her hurt. Her strength amazes me. We all went out a couple of nights and had a nice time. (You would have been proud of her :)

Work's the same. You would love our crew this time around. Great bunch of guys and will get a lot done. May is coming up which means april is coming. I can't believe you have been gone a almost a year.

Love ya Phil


February 18, 2006

Another young police officer was fatally shot today...CHP officer Scott, may he rest in peace. Another family who will never be the same. I hope that the despicable criminal who took his life will soon be caught, and that his family gets the full measure of justice that they deserve.

Everytime this happens it is like going through your shooting and death again. The pain never stops. I used to believe time was a great healer, but I don't anymore.

It is so unfair that a family can spend their whole life bringing up a fine young man or woman who brings nothing but good to the world, only to lose them in an encounter of a few minutes to some scumbag whose family never taught them to value anything, much less life. Why do people so good have to encounter people so evil?

You will always be my precious son and I cannot wait until our family chain is once again whole and unbroken. Larry, Mom loves you so much. You meant everything to all those who love and care for you and you will never be forgotten by us. There are not sufficient words to describe the emptiness and void in our lives. I have the note you left me one day saying "Keep your chin up, Mom. I love you." I look at it and remember.
There are so many memories.

I remember when our fire alarm falsely went off one night when you were ten-years-old and how you ran down the hall to my bedroom yelling "Mom, Mom" .. not because you were scared for yourself, but how you were coming to rescue me, The rest of the family wasn't even awake yet, and you were the little rescuer. You will always be my hero,

Loving you throughout eternity


February 17, 2006

I am thinking of you today as I do everyday which means I am longing for you and miss you so much, Today I keep thinking of all the handmade valentines you made for me when you were growing up. I am so glad I saved so many momentoes of your childhood.
Mom hasn't written in several months. I was ill for about two months and the physical illness just increased my depression, but you know that I think of you constantly.
The Robbery Inestigators group paid a wonderful tribute to you and I am glad that we were there to see you honored by being named Officer of the Year for Northern California. Jo Ann looked lovely and Cody was so cute and adorable. He is such a good baby,

February 14, 2006

When I received the award on your behalf, I couldn't get the courage to speak. I wanted to tell them that you would have been so honored to receive it. There have been so many times that I've wanted to tell the world how I feel and I just can't. You would've spoken for me, I just know it. You had so much confidence in yourself and I was always envious of your ability to speak in any situation. I'm counting on you to help me when I do my victim impact statement. That will have to be my public speaking debut. What a way to get over my fear of public speaking, to have to speak about how your murder has affected my life and Cody's life. I have a feeling that I'll do fine because you'll be there. I've written several versions of it and sometimes I just write without thinking and suddenly I have 4 pages. Is that you guiding me?

Cody has 2 teeth coming in on the bottom. He had such a great time with your friends in Reno. At one point before the dinner, someone handed Cody back to Erik and said "I'll give you back to your daddy." It made me sad but for an instant to have someone not pity us but think Cody had a "normal" life felt good. Just for a moment though. I also went out and had a drink with your friends. They are all really great guys. I know that they will all stay in Cody's life. There are so many people that have been there for me and Cody. People I didn't know until this happened, my friends, your friends and family.

I have a picture of you right by the computer. It's the one that I took of you when you injured your lip and it was huge. It's such a funny picture and it brings a smile to my face remembering you walking through the door with that fat lip. You are the greatest person I have ever known and I miss you more than ever. I miss laughing with you and how we used to tease each other so much. Cody needs you and so do I.

I love you

February 12, 2006

Hey bro!!!! we just brought two new guys onto the team. They haven't figured out the power of the team, but they'll be there soon. Came bye to say hi to yea, missed you. gonna have a snicker and a beer (sorry no coke) to be sure you heard us. I miss you bro. Know your looking over us and still with us. love you man.

February 8, 2006

Our sincerest condolences to the Lasater family. I met Larry at UC Davis where we were fraternity brothers. His positive attitude about life ("positive" is an understatement) was infectious: He made a huge impression on all that he met. I was angered to hear the circumstances surrounding his death and hope that justice will somehow be done, but most of all that his family will find peace.

Stephan Andranian & Family

February 7, 2006

Palm Springs was so emotional. When your picture came on the screen I just lost it. You're really gone. I still can't accept it. Will there be a day that I finally do? I can't imagine it.

They also paid tribute to the 77 Marines that lost their lives from 29 Palms. I took it as a sign you were there. We were surrounded by Police Officers and Marines. Cody received a special coin from the General. Your friends went to the base and were able to see the tanks. When Cody is 3 I'm going to take him to 29 Palms so he can see the tanks that his daddy loved so much.

Your friends made sure we got to Palm Springs safely. The boys hung out with Cody and he just loved it.

We're heading to Reno next week. You're going to be named Officer of the Year. I wish I wasn't accepting it on your behalf. I wish we were headed up there as a family and how I wish Cody and I could watch you as you were honored.

Love you

February 3, 2006

May you rest in peace, Officer Lasater. Many prayers go out to your wife, son and other family members. And may they continue to find support from your brothers and sisters in the law enforcement family....

Amy (Dube) Cyr
Daughter of Aroostook County Deputy Sheriff Norman Dube, EOW 11/07/97

January 28, 2006

Our baby is getting his first tooth. It's just coming through the gum on the bottom. He's going to look even cuter with teeth. I bet he'll look even more like you. I thought he would be cranky when his teeth were coming in but he hasn't been at all.

When I say "high five" he puts his little chubby hand up and gives a very gentle high five. It's so cute! When I say "give me a hug" he rolls over and puts his arms around me.

Today we had some news about your case. It's moving in the direction that I want.

I miss you and love you

January 27, 2006

My husband lost his partner on the same day. I am constantly saddened on his loss as I am sure your family and friends are. May God bless your family and friends. Thank you for all that you have done.

G. Griffin

January 26, 2006

It brings tears to my eyes to know that all of you are in so much pain. I lost my brother-in-law 04-24-02 during a domestic/hostage situation. Like Scott, Larry will be with each of you forever. God has a really awesome police force with him.

Sister-in-Law of Capt. Scott Monier EOW 042402

January 19, 2006

It's so lonely here without you. I think about you constantly. I can be carrying on a normal conversation and you're always right there. I see your face, your smile, the way you'd get "that look." I always think about you on the couch on your "lazy day" watching movies and cuddling with Cammie. I remember how frustrated you'd get when the baby would kick but would stop the instant you put your hand on my stomach. I remember that day when you were working in the garage and I handed you the pregnancy test. I remember how you had tears in your eyes when Ron & Denise asked us to be the Godparents to Daniel. All I do is think about all the good times. This is not supposed to be my life. You were supposed to always be there. You were the one that would always worry about me and tell me to be careful. You'd always watch out for me. Who will worry about me now? You know that I'll always protect Cody the best I can but that was supposed to be your role. I always felt safe with you.
I hope Cody has a wonderful future ahead of him. I guess I'll never know how he would have turned out if this hadn't happened. I know with you here he would have known the love of his dad and maybe his path in life would be completely different. He may make decisions that he wouldn't have made with you here. I just hope he makes all the right choices in his life. No matter how much I love him, I can never give him what he needs. He really needs you.

Now on a happier note...Cody is going to be one of those kids that gets hyper at night. He's only 6 months old and he was actually hyper. He was kicking his legs wildly, making all these adorable noises, throwing his toy and he just couldn't sit still. He finally got bored with everything so I took him over to Denise's house so he could see his cousins. He loves going over there. All that activity finally knocked him out and he's been asleep ever since. He's a sweetie.

Love you

January 16, 2006

Joanne, there is a very nice pic of Larry in his marine uniform and a web site called "a day in the life of Tony Rocha" I don't know if you already saw this one but thought it was a nice pic.

January 13, 2006

To Larry's wife, mother and family:
I'm sure you have no idea how your reflections have impacted so many people. I find myself thinking of you all and praying for you often and I feel as though I know Baby Cody! I have 4 children of my own and know the joy and wonder of watching them grow. I have no doubt that Larry is watching him with all the wonder of a new Daddy and that he is here in spirit. Although I was an adult when I lost my Daddy just 14 months ago, I still feel him watching over me and my children. My husband, also an LEO, was shot 3 times (neck, chest and left arm) by the same assailant who killed my dad, and he just underwent his 7th surgery yesterday. He continues to improve and has returned to duty in another position. While he was in the hospital yesterday, the High Sheriff came to visit and brought him a new badge- he's been promoted to Sergeant! I'm so proud of him and he is an inspiration to many.
I hope we get to meet in DC for Police Week- you have so many "friends" through this web site!
Take care and carry on, in Jesus' Name,

Lori Johnson Rowley
Daughter of Fallen Hero, Sgt. James Johnson, FCSO, NC, EOW 11/11/04

January 10, 2006

Cody had real food for the first time yesterday. He had rice cereal. He knew exactly what to do. He was really proud of himself. I can't believe he's going to be 6 months old this week. He just loves to look at himself in the mirror. If he's a little upset, all I have to do is take him to the mirror and he just grins from ear to ear. He really reminds me of you. He has this little smirk that is all you. I can just picture you two together with your baseball caps backwards...he looks like a little version of you. He would have loved you so much. He's forming bonds with people that he loves. Louise & Denise were over last week and he was just so excited to have the 3 of us with him.
It's so unfair that you're not with us. You would have loved being a daddy so much. Our baby is so loving and good natured. He gives big hugs and sloppy kisses.
I'll love you always

January 10, 2006

To family and friends of officer Lasater,
Our family alos lost a son to gun fire.Our son, sgt. Jeff Hewitt of the Buncombe County Sheriff's Dept. Asheville, N.C. EOW 04/04/04. Each day, as I visit the Officer Down Memorial page it breaks my heart to see yet another name added to the roll call. To Larry's mom, I want to thank you for your many reflections in Jeffs honor. Never feel that your words of kindness are not appreciated. I hope you are drawing strength from each reflection printed in Larry's honor. Some days that's what keeps us going. Know that he is watching over you, protecting you and loving you always. Today I ran over two hundred printed pages of reflections that have been written in Jeffs honor. Some from family and friends and oh so many from others who just wanted to pay their respect. Each day I will update the book I have begun and as the months turn into years we will still draw strength from the heart felt messages printed there. Always remember that you are not alone. There are so many of us hurting right along with you. I wish I could talk with you in person because you have truly touched my heart. To Larry's co-workers and to his friends, May God bless you and be with you always. Heaven is filling up with so many of our loved ones. Take care and know that you are appreciated by all of us. Carry on the watch for Jeff, Larry and all of the others who have fallen before and after them. Each day we pray there will no other names added to the lists but as we so so we know our prayers will not be answered.
Take care,
Pat Hewitt,
Mother of a fallen officer

January 1, 2006

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