Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Patrolman Scott Morgan Armstrong

Bridgeton Police Department, Missouri

End of Watch Wednesday, January 12, 2005

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Reflections for Patrolman Scott Morgan Armstrong

Happy Thanksgiving Scott! I miss you so much. Love ya


November 24, 2005

Hey Scott- Thank you for watching over your friends and family and keeping us safe. I think of you often and you are never far from my heart. I will talk to you soon!


November 22, 2005

Your dream has finally come true, or maybe your worst nightmare, we havent decided yet! Not only has Karen and Larry had a long year without you, they have heard the good?? news that we are having a baby!! Hah, April a mom and Matt a dad. Can you belive that?? I think Larry and Karen were pretty much floored when we told them, and they seem really excited. Can you believe that they actually allowed us to reproduce!!! No one has quite figured that out yet.

We have names picked out, we hope you like them. This is the part that is really your dream come true, boy or girl we are naming it after you, since you have always wanted April to name her kid after you!!(I always though you had a girly name!!!) A girl is going to be Morgan Rose(dorky middle name) and a boy will be Mason Scott. Now we just have to convince Scott B that the baby is not named after him, that wont be hard!

Everyone has been fighting over who gets to be the godparents, but we are going to let them decide during Guns-n-hoses in an all out battle, now that is really a dream come true for you!!

We are REALLY excited about Wednesday night. It is gonna be weird going to Savvis and having a really good time without you there, or at elast one of your girlfriends with you!! It is gonna be the ring of friends again, so I am sure we will see all of the "former" girlfriends of yours there!!

Dont worry, the one good thing about April being pregnant(yes, I have to put up with the wonderful mood swings) is that we have a DD for the next 7 or so months.

Keep us safe and wouth over us, and especially little Lamb Chop, or Pork Chop, whatever! We cant wait to have our little boy(I hope) running around and creating as much mischeif as you did once.

Tell everyone we said hi; Nick, Ralph, Big Mac, Brad and all the other coppers up there. We will never forget you and will always love you.

April and Matt Barthelmass
Sister and Brother-in-law

November 21, 2005

hi scott,

just wanted to say how proud i am of you. the highway dedication was both exciting and emotional. it is amazing to see how grown up tyler is getting to be. you continue to make your family very proud, and i am glad you were a part of my life. please continue to keep an eye on my dad. i miss you.

your friend,

co meghan murphy
maryland heights pd

November 18, 2005

As fellow Missouri residents and the sister and brother-in-law of Sgt. Jonathan Dragus EOW 10/20/05, we are very glad to hear of and look forward to viewing the memorial on HW 370.

Shawn and Michelle Rogers
Jonathan Dragus EOW 10/20/05

Shawn Rogers

November 17, 2005

I was just reading on the local news website that there is going to be a memorial on Hwy. 370 tomorrow. That is amazing. It is so nice to see the community and politicians honor you. I am sure it will be extremely hard for your family and loved ones, so make sure to send them a sign so they know your with them. Hopefully when your department figures out what they are going to do to honor you, it will be well worth the wait. I never had the chance to meet you, but your life was taken way too early and I just hope that your love and dedication for your job is honored. Thank you for your service and protecting the streets. Say hi to Nick and Joe for me. I'm sure you all have had a few beers and shared a few stories.

Friend of Nick Sloan EOW 1/30/04

November 15, 2005

I just heard the tragic news. My thoughts are with your family and son. I never wanted to the news that one of us from class 513 was struck down, especially one of the guys I lived with there. I'm at a loss of words. You may have left us, but your memory will continue in us all. "Nothing Less Than The Very Best 513"...

Josef Bailey

November 15, 2005

How are you? I miss you so much. I miss our little talks, and out nights out for pizza and beer. I can't thank you enough for indrotucing me to that special someone. He has really kept me in line and been a great friend. He is awesome, like you said. I'm sure I can be a handful every now and then but he seems to know what to say and do to make things work things out. He is like a brother to me! I think of you every day and wish you were here for me to call and talk to. Everyone misses you very much. Keep everyone safe! Thanks again for being such a great friend/brother. No one will ever take your place! I love ya!


November 6, 2005

Scott -

Last night Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) put on an awesome "Heroes for Heroes" Banquet. I don't know if you remember this event.. I don't think you ever went but it honors officers who work to remove intoxicated and impaired drivers from the roadways.

Numerous St. Louis area officers were honored. Their combined efforts have resulted in the removal of thousands of drunk drivers from our roadways.

The leadership of the Gateway Chapter of MADD - Mike Boland, Angela Lanham, Linda Ketchum, and many others - put together a special tribute to you, Ralph and Matt Browning called the Heroes of the Highway. It was to say the least awesome. Words can't even express just how thoughtful and caring the video they made was and what they did for the families - like for your Mom and Dad and April. I very seldom ever get choked up about stuff - you know that - but last night began to bring tears to my eyes. It was awesome.

Matt got an award for his work. Which is cool. (Little punk deserves some credit every now and then though we don't want to give him a big head). And your sister dressed up like one of Mike Boland's girls (she had the whole fake blonde wig on and everything it cracked me up). By the way.. Matt and April will probably have a message for you soon. It is not my place to tell you the news (no I am not getting married so shut up).

CPl. Scott Barthelmass
Overland Police Department

November 4, 2005

I hope you had a good Halloween! I miss you


November 2, 2005

Thanks for your sacrifice to the community, your name was added to the plaque outside the St. Louis County and Municipal Police Academy. Just another way that you will never be forgotten for the unselfish ultimate sacrifice that you made.

October 27, 2005

Hi honey, I miss you so much. I sruggle everyday to understand. I am so proud of you, I miss you everyday. Thank you for touching my life and making me a better person. Thanks for making me understand and getting me threw many many tough days/nights. You are the light of my life and I will never forget our life together and all of our special talks, plans and dreams...

Our house is beautiful, I hope you like your special room. I sleep in there often and think of you daily. I will hold my special gift close to my heart always.

Thanks for always lifting me up.

Keep us safe,


October 21, 2005

Hi Scott - I just wanted you to know that I have been thinking about you a lot lately. Not a day goes by that you aren't in my thoughts. I miss you!


October 19, 2005

patrolman armstrong,
although i never had the oppertunity to meet you, i want to thank you for the sacrifice you've made. i live very close to the accident scene and i heard the sirens on the morning of the accident. i had driven through the same dense fog a few hours earlier. i am reminded of what our job is and why we do it everytime i drive passed the white cross on the side of 370. for some reason i always slow down and try to see if your family and friends have put out anything new for you. its obvious that you have a good family and they want to make a difference in serving the community with all of their work with madd and the checkpoint dedication. all i can say is that i will do my part to keep drunks off the street and that i will not forget. 10-42 brother
p.o. mike mainieri 240

p.o. mike mainieri
chestefield p.d.

October 19, 2005

Hey bro,
I really am not into the gushy stuff too much, but I know you were there for us on Saturday. As you know when Todd and I get together, stuff happens. During that chase of the armed robbers, I was listening to Bridgeton talking on point. I had to stop and sit back for a minute, and realize that all of us could not be together in person, but I know you were there. You would have gotten a kick of the Barthelmass observation in the ambulance. You really would have smacked that knot head!!

You would have had a good time talking with us afterwards, it was just another day on the job.

Thanks for looking over us, I know it could have gone real bad!!!

I am headed to the range tomorrow, I think this time you can leave the picture of me at home, but thanks anyway.

Keep April and your mom and dad safe. We all joked the other day about how I would be a lost puppy dog without here. Greet all the Missouri guys with open arms.

See ya soon bro, and of course now that they are playing, Go Blues!! I always laugh as I see the picture of you in our house at the Blues Game on mardi gras. I wish I could remember how much fun we had!!!

Keep us safe, and watch over everyone!!

Matt Barthelmass, brother-in-law
Eureka PD

October 10, 2005

Hey Scott- I miss you! A day does not go by that I don't think of you.


October 6, 2005

Well Scott this past weekend we had yet another sobriety checkpoint in Overland. We held it on Page, and there were a lot of people involved - alot of Overland Officers and Explorers, MoDOT and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). There were a lot of people there, and even despite the rain we were pretty successful at removing impaired drivers from the road.

The checkpoint was dedicated to you. Angela from MADD had asked that our department be the first in the area to dedicate a checkpoint to a victim of a DWI crash. Appropriately so, the checkpoint was held in your memory.

Your Mom, April, Carrie, Matt and about 15 other MADD members were there to show their support.

You would have been proud.

Talk to you soon.


Cpl. Scott Barthelmass
Overland Police Dept.

September 27, 2005

Hello scott, Its been awhile since we last talked. I just wanted to say hi and let you know you will never be forgotten. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you or talk about you. You were an awesome guy and I miss you very much. I know there are a lot of people who miss you besides me. You are doing a good job watching over very one. I know its a hard job! I will talk to you soon!

Miss you lots!


September 25, 2005


Well, after a week of being back from the Lake, I am listening to a radio show about the Barwick-Newton fund to send officers families to Washington DC. We had a great holiday weekend at the lake, but it is never the same without you there. I know how much your mom and dad miss you, I can always see it in their eyes. We graced your favorite hot spots at the lake, and of course had a beer(or a few) for ya. I actually made it the whole weekend without being called a dego.

I know you get a kick out of the oh so wonderful tatoo that now graces dad's arm with your name and end of watch date on it. There is not a day that goes by that I dont hear from another person that knew you, or someone asking how April is. Everyone is getting by, but it sure isnt easy.

We went to Fenton on Saturday after leaving the Sloan's bar-b-que to see your name on the new founders hero wall. It is awesome to see all of the tributes everywhere, but hard at the same time.

While I was cleaning the other day I came across the pictures of your police car after the wreck. I took one to work and hung it in my locker to remind me why I do what I do. There is not a night goes by that I dont look for a drunk to save someone else from going through what the family is. It is so hard to believe one persons bad choices can affect someone he didnt even know so much.

I am headed to your mom and dads tonight. Karen still cant figure out that whole computer thing, now I know where you got that hunt and peck key method.

Tell all the Missouri gang hi, and that we all miss them!!! It has been a rough year to say the least.

See ya. And I know you arent into the emotional stuff, but I really do miss you, if not missing the harassment that you gave me.

Keep us safe and wathc over us!


Matt Barthelmass

September 15, 2005




September 9, 2005

To the friends and family of Patrolman Scott Armstrong and his fellow officers at the Bridgeton Police Department:

On behalf of our entire family, we extend our sincerest condolences on the grievous loss you suffered with the death of Patrolman Armstrong. It is so sad that this dedicated officer had to die at such a young age by such a senseless act. His valor will not be forgotten.

It is wonderful that Scott has been memorialized by having a highway named after him, but it is even more inspiring to see that his friends and family have helped to raise money for MADD. From the reflections written by his friends,co-workers, brother-in law, and famiy members, I can see that Scott was a very special person

My son Larry Lasater of the Pittsburg, CA Police Department went into law enforcement after serving as a tank commander in the Marines. We recently lost our beloved Larry after he was fatally shot during a foot pursuit of two bank robbers. Thus, our family shares your anquish, and we grieve with you and for you. May you continue to be comforted by the circle of love and support that the brotherhood and sisterhood of law enforcement embraces you.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for Patrolman Armstrong's service to his community and the citizens of York Missouri, and the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on January 12, 2005.

Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer
Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD eow 4/24/05

September 6, 2005

Happy Labor Day! Miss you!


September 5, 2005



August 26, 2005

Scott -

Well it has taken me a while to sit down and write this message - not that I didn't have the time, it was just a struggle. I have thought about you everyday and you are deeply missed by the Armstrong and Barthelmass families.

We were a pretty tight group of 6 - you, April, Matt, Todd, Carrie and I. Unfortunately, it is now a group of 5.

Your Mom and Dad have stayed strong. I know it has been a rough road for them, and I know they miss you more than words can describe. I see them often - not as often as April, Carrie and Matt do - but I get the chance to see them more now than ever.

April is holding up - she has been VERY strong. She has matured a lot this year - you can see it in how she holds herself. She is doing a good job at keeping Matt in line (you know he can be pretty hard headed but she is trying to keep him on the straight and narrow). Hard to believe your little sister married my little brother - hard to believe Matt ever found such a sweet young lady. Matt is good - he has a lot of projects "in progress" at their house April will keep on him until he gets them all done - I am sure.

I saw Tyler when he was in town recently. He taught me about SIM City (he is alot better at those games than I ever will be). He got a little upset at me when we were wrestling around one night - I gave him a "noogie" and he was far from happy. You would be proud of him though, he had all the good looking girls around him - Kate, Anna, Carrie and April.

Carrie is good. She wants to get a condo at the lake. I think she really wants to get one by your guys condo.

Todd and Valerie are married now. I think Todd is pretty happy. I think they are looking towards getting a bigger house and all.

And me... I am doing good. You know the reason it has taken me so long to write is that I have felt guilty since the day you were taken from us. It killed me - you were a good friend, a fellow jokester, and a true part of our family. I was looking forward to trying to box you this year - remember you had promised you would make it into the ring at Guns N Hoses this year (I could have beat you - I needed to make up for my loss last year). About, what 6 hours or so before you were killed you called me. I was laying in bed and saw on my caller ID it was you calling and said to myself "I'll talk to him tomorrow." Tomorrow never came - and I will regret Janaury 11th for the rest of my life.. that I didnt get that one last chance to talk to you.

Well man.... watch over your Mom, Dad, Tyler, April, Matt, Carrie, Todd and everybody. I know you are.

Scott Barthelmass

Officer Scott Barthelmass
Overland (Missouri) Police Department

August 18, 2005

Thinking of you....miss you


August 14, 2005

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