Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Patrolman Scott Morgan Armstrong

Bridgeton Police Department, Missouri

End of Watch Wednesday, January 12, 2005

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Reflections for Patrolman Scott Morgan Armstrong


I met your parents Monday at a Backstoppers luncheon for fallen police/fireman. It was hard that day for my family but your mom and dad showed great comfort and support to my in-laws. Scott you are a true hero as a police officer and as a person and I can see by looking at your parents what kind of person you are. Take care of Officer Jeremy Chambers-Cahokia PD, E/O/W 04-24-06, up there. My family will see you both in heaven some day!!!

Mark Schilli
Brother-In-Law of Officer Jeremy Chambers, E/O/W 04-24-06.

Mark Schilli
DEA-St. Louis Division

October 12, 2006

hi scott,

haven't checked in for awhile. not much to report here. mary and i went to the winery over the weekend with barney's. yes, we behaved. stanze's golf tournament was on saturday. again, a great time was had by all. i am sure your own golf tournament will be a hit. i sure do miss you. i still don't know why god took such a wonderful guy, but i guess he has a bigger plan for you in heaven. i just wish it didn't hurt those of us left here so much. i have always been very greatful to you for helping me through a very painful time of my life. i am sure you are among friends in heaven and that does comfort me. please take care and continue to look down upon us.


meghan murphy
friend/maryland hts pd

October 11, 2006

I wanted to let you knowI have been thinking about you and your family lately. I finished some training last week and a couple of guys from King County said that they remember you from the Academy. Your mom sent us some nice pictures from the Missouri memorial.
Keep an eye on us and God bless your family.

Officer Mel Lolmaugh
Oak Harbor Police Department

October 4, 2006

Scott -

Hey bud just got back from the MADD National Conference. It was a good training conference and I hope I will be able to put alot of what I learnt to use here in St. Louis.

April starts working for MADD tomorrow. Scott, I cannot tell you how much I think this means to her. I went and met here after she had her interview - she was nervous - but she had a smile from ear to ear on her face. I know she will do great things in her new position as a Victim Advocate. You would be proud of your little sister.

Morgan is good - great in fact. What a beautiful baby.

Well bud... keep an eye out for all your brothers in blue...

See you on the flip side.

Scott Barthelmass

September 10, 2006

Scott, your Mom sent me two miniature replicas of your badge and blue ribbon decals. The miniature badge is displayed on my hat with honor next to my son Michael's Chicago star. The blue ribbon is displayed in the rear window of my truck for all to see and remember you. You will never be forgotten. I know the pain your parents are going through as I walk in their shoes. I know both of them would trade places with you in a heart beat, as I would for my son, so that you both could be here to carry on the job you loved so much and to be with your loved ones and friends. All any of us can do is take one day at a time an know that our lives have been changed forever. We will always carry you in our hearts and will keep both of your memories alive. The Blue Family will never let you be forgotten. Keep watch over your loved ones and help ease some of their pain. I will end with a poem that was sent to me: Poem by Richard Fife

No person is ever truly alone.
Those who live no more,
Whom we loved,
Echo still within our thoughts,
Our words, our hearts.
And what they did,
And who they were,
Becomes a part of all that we are,

Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon

September 10, 2006

Happy Labor Day!


September 4, 2006

You have been on my mind so much lately, just wanted you to know that you have not been forgotten by me even though the Department in a sense has. I miss your smirk and your sense of humor. MISS YA!

August 28, 2006

Hey Scott, I was just thinking about you and thought
I would say hi. I miss you.


August 26, 2006

Hi Scott,
i miss you so very much , i want you here with us the tears
are just flow from my eyes , my heart is in so much pain, i
just keeping waiting for you to walk through that door. Summer is almost at a close , and i do not remember much of it at all. Tyler misses you so very much, he's growing up so fast, he will start school soon, he has been travling alot this summer. You would have been very proud of Morgan Rose , her Baptism was very beautiful, she looked so pretty. She want to see her Uncle, see misses you too. we all miss you.

love Mom

August 15, 2006

dear scott,

just been thinking a lot of you lately... hard to believe summer is almost over. please keep watching down on us as you have been. take care, we all miss you tremendously.


co meghan murphy
maryland hts pd/friend

August 13, 2006

Hey scott, just wanted to say hi. Almost done with police academy then I can go out and do what you showed us to do.

John L.

August 10, 2006

Hi Scott - Been thinking about you a lot lately. Missing you a lot.


August 8, 2006

Hey Scott,

Just wanted to drop you a line and say that I think about you often. I constantly think about the good times that we had when we worked together at OHPD. Thanks for watching over us. Miss you dawg, Deputy Dan Parks

Deputy Sheriff
Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office

August 5, 2006

Hey Scott, I know you been watching over everyone the past week. We miss you.


July 26, 2006

Happy 4th! Miss you


July 4, 2006


happy 4th of july.


meghan murphy

July 3, 2006


This past weekend I met your mother in St. Louis at a Bereaved Parents Conference, what a wonder sweet woman. I know the pain she is suffering right now and the long road she has ahead of her with your loss. Keep a special watch over her and wrap your wings around her to help relieve some of her grief. There are no words of comfort that I can offer her except to take one day at a time and keep speaking your name to everyone she comes in contact with because she can be proud of having a son who is cosidered a hero and heroes never die. You will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon

June 25, 2006

Scott -

As you know, you are now a proud uncle. Morgan is a beautiful little girl. I dont think Matt and April - your parents or mine - could be happier.

I know it meant a great deal for them to name her after you. You are truly missed and this is just one of the many ways you are remembered each and everyday.

Watch over Matt and April. They have been through some struggles and are trying to forge new paths. Give them all the help you can.

God's speed.

Scott Barthelmass

June 21, 2006

Been thinking of you, as always. I wanted to bad to be in Washington in May but I will be there in August. And my first stop is the wall, to see you name!
Big news, I'm getting married! Bet you never thought that would happen! HA!
Miss you, but know you are always with us!

CO Mary Ebanues
Sunset Hills PD

June 21, 2006

Hey Scott,

Well, as you know for sure, fathers day 2006 was quite an event. Can you believe you are an UNCLE now? Thanks for being there with April through the attempted delivery and eventual c-section. It was a rough day, but beautiful Morgan Rose is such a great bundle of joy for us. From what we have seen already, thankfully, Morgan is a exact replica of April. Your mom and dad are really excited it seems. We really wish though we were here to share that special day with us, and enjoy Morgan as she grows up.

You know it means more than anything for us to name our daughter after you.

Continue to watch over April and Morgan as they recover. We will be home from the hospital soon, and hope that you continue to share this time with us from above.

Keep those safe that are up there with you, and continue to watch over those that are on the roads.

May god bless those of us who portect.

April & Matt Barthelmass
Sister and Brother-In-Law

June 20, 2006

Happy Father's Day!


June 18, 2006

dear scott,

happy father's day!!!


co meghan murphy

June 17, 2006

Just wanted to say hello- you cross my mind often. Keep watching over everyone!!

Crystal Marshall

June 13, 2006

I just wanted to say hi! Miss ya Buddy!


June 12, 2006

Happy Memorial Day!


May 29, 2006

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