Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Howard King Stevenson

Ceres Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, January 9, 2005

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Reflections for Sergeant Howard King Stevenson

Good Morning my forever love,
You are always in our hearts...missed and loved more than words can express...

As time marches on, like a diligent soldier, I trust that means we are one day closer to seeing you and all our beloveds in Heaven.

Each day brings challenges...but also many blessings. Yet, it isn't always easy to see the blessings among the challenges of the day...

So, I asked our Lord Jesus, every morning, to help us all; to see His unfailing love, His mercy and His grace throughout each day...

I trust God hears all our prayers; and is willing to give us all, His wisdom, His discernment, and His Mighty Mighty Mighty protection, and is ready to bring us all, His comfort, His peace, His strength, and His healing, to those who seek Him.

It is a precious gift to know all our beloveds are safe in the arms of Jesus. I look forward to the day that we all are in His PERFECT LOVE again, in Heaven...

Thank you Howard, for all you did while you were here with are a continued presence in our lives, just a veil away, and on our side, with Jesus!!! Amen

Sending all my love, hugs and kisses xoxoxo...

your loving wife

May 23, 2021

My forever love,
I know you are just a veil you with all my being!!!

loving wife forever

April 6, 2021

Thinking of you and your wonderful family today. You are forever honored, never forgotten, and always missed by those who call you beloved.

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

February 2, 2021

Sgt. Stevenson was a great police officer and police supervisor. It was an honer to serve, and work with such a fine man, husband and father.

He will always be remembered for the great man he was. It was and honer knowing him, and working with him. He was one of the very best.

Retired Sergeant Jeff Higginbotham
Ceres Police Department, friend and colleague

February 1, 2021

My forever love,
Today is another reminder that we came together to support each other through the heartbreak of our loss, and to say a formal good-bye to you...

Yet, it is also a reminder of all the love and support we felt from the thousands of men in women in law enforcement who attended your funeral. As well as, the love and support of amazing forever friends, who continue to love you and support all of us...

I am personally, looking forward to the day that we ALL will be together in the perfect love of Jesus!!!

May God eternally bless our brave men and women ,who are called to stand against evil, now and in the days ahead!!!

love you forever my soul mate xoxoxo

your loving wife

January 18, 2021


16 years later and it couldn't seem any more surreal. One minute everything was fine, the next the world seemed to have stopped. I only had barely met you but your life left a lasting impression and inspired me to become better. I joined the Air Force, served my country and have been with CPD for 2 years now. We still miss you everyday and I hope someday we will meet again.

Police Officer Matthew M
Ceres Police Department

January 9, 2021


16 years later and it couldn't seem any more surreal. One minute everything was fine, the next the world seemed to have stopped. I only had barely met you but your life left a lasting impression and inspired me to become better. I joined the Air Force, served my country and have been with CPD for 2 years now. We still miss you everyday and I hope someday we will meet again.

Police Officer Matthew M
Ceres Police Department

January 9, 2021


16 years later and it couldn't seem any more surreal. One minute everything was fine, the next the world seemed to have stopped. I only had barely met you but your life left a lasting impression and inspired me to become better. I joined the Air Force, served my country and have been with CPD for 2 years now. We still miss you everyday and I hope someday we will meet again.

Police Officer Matthew M
Ceres Police Department

January 9, 2021

Miss you Howie

Police Officer Matthew M
Ceres Police Department

January 9, 2021

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Thinking of you and your family. We will never forget.
Rest in Peace Sergeant Stevenson.

P. Richards
Proud mother of a Police Officer

January 9, 2021

My love,
I can't believe that we are at the end of year 2020. Though this year has been challenging, it has not been without many wonderful blessings...

I pray continually that God's unconditional Love will be felt and seen by all who long for His peace and His protection, in this fallen world.

I am so grateful that we have God's grace and mercies each day.

Praying always, trusting continually and praising our Lord and Savior, Jesus for ever and ever!!!

Love and miss you my soulmate xoxoxo until we are together in His perfect love

your loving wife

December 30, 2020

Thinking of you as always my forever Love,
Praying continually for our first responders today and everyday...

We need God's perfect love to shine during this challenging time in our country and world.

We know that God is the One who raises up leaders and I am trusting in His Wisdom to prevail in this election. No one can change the Will of our Almighty Creator, God the Father and His precious Son, Jesus!!! Trusting and Praising always...AMEN

Love you and miss you...until we are together in the perfect love of Jesus


your loving wife

November 3, 2020

Good Morning my heavenly love,
I continually miss you and love you and long for the day we are reunited in perfect LOVE!!!

This world is in a continued state of change (as it always has been) but is going by, as if...
in "warp" speed...

I often wonder what you would have thought about these times? if you had not been taken home so soon...

I believe there would have been many who might have looked for your guidance. The kids and I, being your biggest fans, would have followed you to the ends of the Earth....if that is what you thought we should do...

However, I am so grateful that we have our Lord and Savior, Jesus to walk us through this season, and every season ahead...{ Be anxious for nothing because the Lord your God is with You} Philippians 4:6-7

Surprisingly, I do have a peace that surpasses understanding. I know we were meant to be here and you were meant to be in your Heavenly position, during this time... Even though, my human heart wishes you were here with us... because Not a day has gone by that you are not on my heart and in thoughts...

So... this is what I am doing...I am praying and trusting and looking for blessings through all of the challenges! Yes, that is the best thing I can do:) until I/we too, get to go home....

Love you, Howard, my forever sweetheart and looking forward to seeing you soon!!!

Watch over us all xoxoxo

your loving wife

September 12, 2020

Eternal rest grant into them, O Lord and let your perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

Civilian, Fellari Jasmin

August 24, 2020

A God of Grace

John 1:14-18

Imagine receiving a beautifully wrapped gift when there is no special occasion. Inside the package is something very special. Eagerly, you read the card to discover who could have been so generous. To your amazement, you learn that the giver is someone you’ve been unkind to and have even avoided! What do you do?

This scenario is a picture of the Father’s grace in sending His Son Jesus to earth. There was no special occasion; God was determined to save us, despite the fact that we ignore or rebel against Him. This is grace—God’s goodness extended to those who do not deserve it and have no way to earn it. ALL of US!!!

We see the fullness of God’s grace in His Son. First, Jesus met the requirements of divine law by living perfectly. Second, His sinless life allowed Him to pay the cost of our rebellious ways. Third, Christ sacrificed His life on the cross to pay for our sins— past, present, and future. Fourth, God counts Jesus’ death as payment for every wrong we have done or will do. Fifth, Christ’s righteousness becomes our own righteousness through faith (Rom. 4:5).

Exert from Charles Stanley, Intouch Ministries

Grateful for His Grace

Looking toward the Eternal life ahead
May God Bless all our Peace-Keepers forever!

July 6, 2020

I was at the memorial and remember so much, a private nestled spot, a beautiful and peaceful set below a blue sky, amongst the trees, surrounded by native flowers. I know his spirit continues on and is never forgotten, especially by myself, and thought of not in times of sadness, but in times often filled with sincere appreciation for the freedoms I have for which he protected.

Often when on the water kitesurfing, I say the Lord's Prayer, and say thank you for the all of you have sacrificed. His name is remembered when looking back to shore, over the sweeping beautiful hills, cobalt blue water with so much life, in a moment of happiness, where most appropriate for a man who made the ultimate sacrifce.

I never knew Sergeant Stevenson professionally and personally, but knew of his service and commitment to community and family though others, and mostly though his Chief, and always have and will continue to honor his service.

Soon I will venture back to his special spot, as I am a landscape architect, and make sure to bring a few new native plants, which will spread flowers to bring smiles and warm feelings, which I know he did, when he worked the streets, protecting life and liberty of others through his endless goodwill of giving, guided by the love from his heart for family and community.

All of my respect and sincere appreciation for all you have done.

A person who truly appreciates your serv

June 6, 2020

Hi My forever love,

You are missed beyond words....

Praying and trusting in our Lord, Jesus!!!

Love you with all my being and looking forward to the day of perfect peace and love

your loving wife

April 21, 2020

Rest in peace Sergeant Stevenson.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2020

Psalm 16

Keep me safe, my God
for in You I take refuse.
I say to the Lord, "You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing."
I say of the holy people who are in the land,
"They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight."
Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more.
I will not pour out libations of blood to such gods or
take up their names on my lips.

Lord, You alone are my portion and my cup;
You make my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure, because you will
not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
nor will you let your faithful one see decay.

You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at Your right hand...

A miktam of David

March 26, 2020

I miss you so much. I cannot believe it has been 15 years. I still get so angry when I think of how you were taken from us. It was unnecessary and way to soon. I do not understand it and never will. Only God knows why.
I do not come to this page often, in fact it has been a couple years, but it doesn't mean I am not thinking about you. I miss all our parties, motorcycle rides, and mainly just being around you and your family. Your smile would always put me in a better mood.
I know we will be together again one day, but it cannot come soon enough. This world has changed so much. Until we meet again and get to throw an even better party then ever, thank you for giving your life and thank you for watching over each of us.

Shawnna Yotsuya
Ceres PD/co worker and friend

February 13, 2020

My forever love,
Today is a day that most years seems to be harder even than the day your were taken. (If that could be possible)
I remember 15 years ago, we were sitting in a huge church, surrounded by thousands of police officers, friends, family and many others who just wanted to pay their respects. What an honor they showed you!

Your body lay in the flag covered casket just feet from your loving family and friends. I am sure each of us were over whelmed with emotions of pain, sorrow, confusion, disbelief, utter and raw heartbreak, and thoughts of how we would possibly take our next breath without you...

I am sure there are days that still bring back those sadly, all too familiar emotions. Especially, because we have had to bare the loss of so many that have passed on in these last 15 years.

Yet, for me, as each day has passed, I have found there is true hope and peace. Hope because I believe we will be reunited again. Peace, that surpasses all human understanding, because of the love of Jesus that has come into my heart.

So Howard, now my hope and prayers are that all who know and love you will too be given the same hope and peace I find each day...

I have no doubt, that all of us will miss you until we are all together again. We will love you for eternity....

I say my prayers continually for protection, wisdom, good judgment, discernment and Heavenly blessing for all our family, and all who put their lives on the line each day.

Thank you for loving and watching over each of us. You are missed beyond words!!!

your soulmate and loving wife

January 18, 2020

15 years have passed, you are not forgotten! Rest in Peace Sergeant Howard Stevenson.

Petra Richards
mother of a police officer

January 9, 2020

Hi my forever love,
Time does not change our heart or our love for you. Thank you for loving us so wonderfully both here and in your position in Heaven.

Though it has been 15 years on the 9th since we walked one of the darkest times in our lives, I have yet to stop feeling you with us each day...
I give thanks and praise because I believe this is one of God's special blessings that can not be fully explained in this world.

Thank you again for all you did while you were here with us. We are forever proud of your sacrifice and know that there are so many who have paid the same price. I believe you would do it again in a heart beat without question.

We continue to keep all those who are serving and putting their lives on the line in our daily prayers. May God give them protection, wisdom, discernment, good judgment and His special blessings, even in the difficult times.

I love you with all my heart and soul. I long for the day that we are all together, in the perfect love of Jesus.

your loving soulmate

January 9, 2020

Kathy said it ALL !

ronald c richter
Retired CPD

January 3, 2020

Hi my Love,

Today is a day of Thanksgiving, and I want to give thanks and gratefulness to our Lord and Savior, Jesus and God the Father, for all the blessings He chooses to give His children.

He knows our deepest sadness and our great joy! He is truly the one we all can trust in...

I pray always for His protection, His guidance, His wisdom and His blessings...

Howard, please know you are missed like, so many that have gone on before us. I keep my eyes and heart fixed on Heavenly treasures of the perfect love, that is Jesus!

Please keep watchful eyes over us as you serve our precious Jesus in you did our community that you gave your life for...Thank you

I continue to keep our brave souls, who are called to put their lives on the line, and their families, who shore them up with precious love, in my continued prayers!

I truly Love and miss you greatly Howard, my forever my Soulmate, xoxoxo

your loving wife

November 29, 2019

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