Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Bryan Scott Hurst

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, January 6, 2005

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Reflections for Police Officer Bryan Scott Hurst

Thank you for your service sir. Rest in peace.

January 6, 2005

My condolences go out to the Family, friends and the Men and Women of the Columbus Police Department.
You were a Hero and the scum who shot you is a "COWARD"
Rest in peace my Brother in Blue.

PTLM Mike Walker
Providence Police Department

January 6, 2005

Our Prayers go out to the family, Friends and co-workers of Officer Hurst. How very saddened I was to see the first posting of a l.o.d.d. Be strong and know that you are not alone.

Officer Hurst, thanks for your years of protection. Your service, bravery, dedication, courage, and sacrifice will not be forgotten.

You are a hero to more than you know.™

Emory - Ephrata, WA
brother of Ferry County WA Undersherrif Matthew J. Lane, EOW 5/30/03

January 6, 2005

The first Law Enforcement casualty of the new year. Unfortunately, we know it will not be the last. May God protect each and every one of my brothers and sisters in blue. Go with God, Brother Hurst, we've got the watch now.

PO Kenneth M Busler
Cleveland (Ohio) Police Department

January 6, 2005

Our thoughts and prayers to the Columbus Police Dept., family and friends of Ofc. Hurst.
Rest in peace....we have the rest of the watch.

Broward County Florida Multi-Agency Police Honor Guard

January 6, 2005

Officer Hurst,
Thank you for your dedicated service to the citizens of Columbus. And to your fellow officers, my deepest sympathy.



January 6, 2005

To Officer Bryan Hurst's family, friends and coworkers,
There are no words to make your what happened any easier. Just hold on and know that you are not alone.
God bless you,
Shani Lake
(fiance of Corporal James Crump, Fayette Police Department, Fayette, Alabama, E.O.W June 7th, 2003)

January 6, 2005

God be with you from RMH in your hometown.


January 6, 2005

For Officer Hurst's Family and Co-workers

Your tragedy I read about today
I wish I could take your pain away
This is, however, out of my reach
So, to God above I do beseech
For your peace to return soon
and calm your soul as a tranquil tune
Though missed most by you, there
Missed also by those in blue everywhere

Officer Hurst thanks for your duty here
Thanks for showing courage and not fear
Knowing what the risks were
You didn't back down or defer
You fulfilled a tough role
And taken the ultimate toll
Be at peace now where you are
We'll take it from here and not be far

Master Officer Adam Feazel
Altus Police Dept. OK

January 6, 2005

Law enforcement officers are, indeed, a special breed of people. Ask anyone on the street and they will tell you that they would not have our jobs for anything in the world. It takes something special to do what we do and at the same time be able to even contemplate retirement. We try to be optimists. Unfortunately, there are a few of us who will never make that date with retirement. By the very nature of our job, we are at risk everyday of losing our lives, either at the hand of some deranged individual or in some other situation that we, by virtue of our occupation, may be unable to avoid. Some people have recognized the hazardous duties we involve ourselves in, the risks we take, and the pride we take in accomplishing that job. There is National Law Enforcement Week, dedicated to us who gladly accept the responsibility of protecting the citizens in our respective jurisdictions. National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Day is dedicated to those who gave their lives in the line of duty. These are but a two examples of remembrances specifically for law enforcement personnel. Remembrances that come but once a year. We should remind fellow officers of another type of remembrance, one that will last a lifetime. Sooner or later, a doctor will pronounce us dead. It is inevitable. Regardless of whatever happens, death is the end we will all have to face.
Author Unknown

Jim Moore
New Orleans P.D., Retired

January 6, 2005

Rest well Ofc. Hurst, your dedication and sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Tpr D. McGuckin
Michigan State Police Post 38

January 6, 2005

I was watching the news when I heard that an officer had been shot. I said a prayer for you, but a little while later I heard that you had died. Then I prayed again. I pray for your family-that God will give them the strength to deal with this tragedy. I also pray for your fellow officers-for I know their hearts hurt too. Thank you for serving the people. You are a Hero.

Marion, Ohio

January 6, 2005

We will take care of your family. We will never let them walk alone in their grief and pain. Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice and putting on the uniform proudly everyday.

Sara Winfield
Wife of Brandy EOW 10/14/04

January 6, 2005

TO: The family; loved ones; friends and department members: A POLICE OFFICER’S PRAYER:--- O, gentle Lord ! Keep the day/night watch with me. As I begin my tour of duty, I ask your protection from all mental, physical and spiritual harm. Sustain me with the knowledge that I am doing your work, endeavoring to keep peace among your people. Help me to be just as I enforce the law without prejudice or favor to anyone. May I be courageous but not reckless in carrying out my duties. Let me respond to all calls with haste realizing that so many are dependent upon me for life and safety. Support me with your consoling power when I am tempted to think no one really cares and that I am taken for granted. Sustain in me the conviction that so many thousands do care and are grateful for my presence. Grant that I may be loyal to my partner and my fellow officers, and that I may back them up effectively when called upon for assistance. Lord, I ask that I may return safely, after my tour of duty, to my loved ones and those who love me. I pray that I may be a good and honorable police officer; and after my tour of duty is over here on earth, may I enjoy the peace and happiness of heaven that you have promised to those who serve you well. AMEN. *** REST IN PEACE *** Sent to you by the father of Detective J.D.Koeppen, Raleigh North Carolina; Trooper D.C.Koeppen, New Jersey State Police and Patrolman A.M.Koeppen, Wilmington North Carolina.

Chief ( retired ) Douglas A. Koeppen
Washington New Jersey

January 6, 2005

To the family of Officer prayers are with you and your family. I know the pain you are going through right now. Please know that the arms of many are around you right now, to give you the love and support you will need. I know that will be difficult to find comfort in anything right now, but I hope you will take comfort in knowing that the officers of the Columbus Police Department are the finest and rally around with love and support.

To the Officer's Columbus Police will continue to be in our prayers. Please take care in your quest to find the suspect.

Becky Muncy
Surviving Widow of Sgt. Marc Muncy, Columbus, Ohio P.D. (E.O.W. 04/05/

January 6, 2005

Once again the nation mourns a fallen officer! Officer Hurst you died a hero! We all will pray for you and your family. I hope to meet you some day but until then help watch over all of us in blue. God Bless

Patrol Officer Chris J. Rohner
Licking Memorial Hospital Police Dept. Newark,OH

January 6, 2005

Thank you officer Hurst! You are a true hero. My prayers go out to your family, friends, and brothers in blue at the Columbus Police Dept.

Citizen of Georgia

January 6, 2005

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