Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

I have stoped by your Husbands web page a couple times I was told about this site at my husbands funeral. You have really touched me the stregth I see you give to your boys has really helped me. I lost my husband who was a police officer who had been deployed to Iraq in January.The day of his funeral I found out I am expecting our first baby I hope I can do as good of job with our baby as you are doing with your boys I often cry when I read your reflections. You are such a strong women I know that Brandy is proud of you. Happy aniversery by the way. take care I pray for you and your boys every day I am sorry it took so long to write something I wanted to for a few weeks but did not know what to write. take care.
Brandy is with you always let me know if i can help
Love from one widow to another

June 14, 2005

As beautiful as your monument is, there isn't a stone big enough to show just how great of a person you were.

If only other people could be half the person you were...

June 13, 2005

We finally made it out to see your monument. Your mom told me how amazing it is but it wasn't until I actually saw it that I realized how breathtaking it is. Sara did an incredible job. I can only imagine how difficult it was for her but I know that you had a guiding hand in helping her.

June 13, 2005

Miss you buddy, been some long shifts driving around thinking. Take care of the rest of us....

June 12, 2005

Thinking about you alot lately. Last week we were at a bon fire and when we were alone I asked Chip if he remembered the last bon fire we had. You and Bice stopped by. That was one of the last times we saw you so it really stands out. Jacob had a scavenger hunt at the quarry for preschool it seemed like yesterday when you and the guys were diving. I remember thinking you were standing there without clothes on when you took your wet suit off. Your trunks were the same color as your skin! We stopped by the other night. WOW Sara did an awesome job. We had the boys with us I think it helped make a little more sense for Matthew. We, on the other hand thought it made everything even more real. I try to remember your Dad telling us that you would not be happy to see us cry over you but your gonna have to bear with us, buddy. Keep sending hugs to Sara and the boys!
We love and miss you!
See you some day!

Chip and Sarah

Chip and Sarah Myers

June 11, 2005

And the sadness you feel for Sara! Give her an extra big hug too!

June 11, 2005

I think it is raining today becouse of the sadness you feel for your mom, dad and boys. Give them all an extra hug!

June 10, 2005

Landon had an end of the year school program last night. He was so cute up on the stage. They sang wheels on the bus and did little hand motions. Landon actually did it too. I was suprised because he normally won't particpate in front of a crowd of people. I was so proud yet a little sad in my heart that you weren't setting next to me with your beaming smile to watch also. Although I know you were watching from heaven and full of pride.

Tyler was being pretty rotten at first but finally calmed down during the program. I am going to have my hands full with that little guy. I think he is so darn cute so it will be hard to get mad at him. Now that Landon's school is out I am going to have to find ways to keep those two busy for the summer.

After the program last night we went out for ice cream. Both boys had ice cream streaming down their face. We were talking about how much you loved ice cream. Tyler pointed to the sky and said, "Hi Daddy". Landon made a Father's Day card at school. We are going to bring it up on Father's Day and leave it for you. I cried when I read it. It is a little poem with his footprints on it. I found the Father's Day card he made you last year. I saved it for him so he can have it someday.

Missing you as always. Love you.


June 10, 2005

Happy Anniversary Brandy and Sara!

I love the monument. Its absolutely beautiful. You did a great job Sara!

Amy Caldwell

June 8, 2005

Brandy, Give Sara an extra kiss today, too. Happy Anniversary.

June 8, 2005

Hey buddy,
I wrote this for you.

Wishing I was You

You had so much to live for.......
Taken too soon...
A Beautiful wife..... and beautiful children too!
And a Loving family.... that cared so much about you.

Here I sit..... Just wishing I was you.

You succeeded in your dream...
A Law Enforcement officer; part of an elite team.

Your life was taken from all that cared.
That dreadful October day.... stays in my mind.
Laying your life on the line.....
All to lend a hand.

Here I sit..... Just wishing I was you.

When I visit your gravesite.... I think about the past.
Doing crazy things and having a blast!
When I think about our classmates.... Wow! What a cast!
You stood out from everyone....because of who you are.

That personality and smile can never be forgotten....
Remember what ya did to my car?

All joking aside.... I feel you must know.
If I could trade places with you.... I'd be honored to go.

Because Brandy, Here I sit..... Just wishing I was you.

June 8, 2005

Hey Brandy,

I thought you might like this poem. I think you would get a kick out of it. Bare with me till you get to the end of it!
Your headstone is tremendous; it has to be the nicest one in the cemetary! Till we meet again my friend! Love ya!


"Just a Cop"

The funeral line was long,
There's an awful lot of cars,
Folks came out of the restaurants,
They came out of the bars.

The workers at the construction sites
All let their hammers drop.
Someone asked."What is this all for?"
And they said,"Aw, just a cop."

Some chuckled at the passing cars.
Some shed a silent tear
Some people said,"It's stupid.
all these dumb policemen here."

"How come they're not out fightn' crime?
Or in a doughnut shop?
Sure is a lot of trouble,
For someone who's just a cop."

They blocked the intersections,
They blocked the interstate.
People yelled and cursed,
"Damn, it's gonna make me late!"

"This is really ridiculous!"
"They're makin' us all stop!"
"It seems they're sure wastin' time,
On someone who's just a cop."

Into the cemetery now,
The slow procession comes,
The woeful Taps are slowly played.
There's loud salutes from guns.

The graveyard workers shake their heads
"This service is a flop."
"There's lots of good words wasted,
On someone who's just a cop."

Yeah, just a cop to most folks.
Did his duty every day.
Tryin' to protect us,
Till they took his life away.

And when he got to heaven,
St. Peter put him at the top.
An angel asked him, "Who was that?"
And he said, "Aw, just a cop."

~Author Unknown~


June 8, 2005


I am thinking about you today as I do EVERYDAY, but even more today because of the importance of this date. Hang in there and just remember Brandy is standing behind you with his arms wrapped tightly around you with only eternal love to give to you now more than ever.

Love ya,

Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

June 7, 2005

Brandy, I heard the poker run went well. You stone is beautiful. Please give your mom, dad and the boys an extra kiss today.

June 7, 2005

Bran & Sara - Happy Anniversary - Seven years ago today you were in Hawaii soaking up the sun. Nobody ever imagined that your lives would be ripped apart like they have been. I remember trying to get a dress for your wedding reception, I was 6 months pregnant with Hayden and my belly button stuck out of every dress I tried. I tried taping it down with a bandaid but that still didn't work, so I went with the belly button sticking out and all. It was a fun night. Afterwards, the whole crew came to our house to open your gifts, while Mike sat under the tree out back in the truck not feeling so well. We will always remember the last time he had a beer!!

Today is your day. No body else shares this day with you, its yours together. I'm so proud that you guys accomplished what you did in the short time you had together. You built a house, had 2 beautiful babies and were living your happy lives. I miss the old boring lives we all had. I miss hearing about your stupid fights and I miss Sara calling me cracking up laughing about something funny you had done Bran.

I just wanted to tell you both Happy Anniversary and that I love you both very much. We miss you Bran.




June 7, 2005

Happy Anniversary!!! Seven years ago today we got up early and laid on the beach all day. We both got some good burn action. You got a boogie board and played in the ocean while I watched from the beach. In the late afternoon we went back to our room to get ready. A woman with an English accent came in to do my hair. You helped me into my white silk dress. A limo picked us up and took us to our beach. As the sun sank into the ocean behind us and rainbows danced in the skies around us...we promised to love and honor one another until death do us part. Today I promise to honor and love you until the day that I die.

Later in the evening we took a limo ride all over Maui. We went to dinner at a gourmet restaurant that sat next to a pond filled with swans and lit by candles. It was the most romantic night of my life and I knew that I would love you forever. What I didn't know is that I would only get to spend seven short years with you. That in one moment someone would decide to take all of this from us.

We usually spent this time of year on a short anniversary trip with just the two of us. Our first year we spent in Hocking Hills in a little cabin together. Two other years we spent in Niagara. We had so much fun on those two trips. We gambled and explored the natural beauty around us. We explored haunted houses and I ran out like a big chicken. We rode the rapids in a jet boat one year and got soaked. But mostly we explored one another and our love for each other. I miss those times together so much. I don't think anybody can imagine how much.....

Yesterday I took the boys out to Aunt Marilyn's for the day. I always told you about how much fun I had as a child spending time at Marilyn's house. We always talked about taking the boys there sometime. Life just moved so fast that we never took the time. Well Marilyn's house hasn't changed. The boys had a blast and I think I had even more fun watching them. We fished for a bit in the pond. Ty rode the John Deere mower with Aunt Marilyn. She let him drive all over the yard. Landon wanted to stay with me in case we got a bite. We caught one nice size blue gill. Later I tried to take Landon on a 4 wheeler. He pushed the button before Marilyn told me where the brakes were and we flew across the yard at top speed. I didn't think I was going to be able to stop. It scared Landon so he wouldn't ride anymore. Tyler did ride a few laps around the yard with me. With a big grin on his face the whole time. Then we swam in the pool. Landon was scared, he just wanted to throw balls in the water. Ty got right in with me. We floated around in inter-tubes for a while. Later he was running full speed off the deck and jumping into my arms. The smile on his face was priceless. The little guy has no fear. Later Landon finally decided he could float around in an inter-tube. While I was helping Landon, Tyler jumped in the water all by himself. It scared me more than you can imagine. I got to him right away and he had on a little life vest. When I pulled that little dare devil's head above water he had a HUGE grin across his face. I scolded him so bad that he started bawling. As soon as I put him in the car he fell asleep. I took them up to spend the night with your parents. I went with Aunt Marilyn to BINGO last night. It was my first night ever at Bingo. And of course since it was gambling you know me....I LOVED IT. However unlike my usual self I didn't win anything. I think I might just become a regular and be able to play a whole bunch of cards at once...he he he. If I can find a Monday night babysitter. I probably won't go every week but I think it would be a good way to get out of the house one night a week.

I will be up to visit later today. Your dad and Cory are taking Landon to school today for field day and Father's Day activities. I am going to visit with you for a while then pick up Tyler.

Happy Anniversary. I MISS YOU. I love you forever and for always.


June 7, 2005

Brandy and Sara
Just want you both to know I am thinking about you today and that I love you both and want to thank you for doing what you did 7 years ago today in Hawaii cause that started your lives together so you could give me two beautiful little grandsons. One looks and acts like you Brandy and one looks and acts like you Sara. I remember the first time I watched the video of your wedding vows Sara told me I would cry when I heard what the minister said and I sure did cause no one but my Mom ever called her Sarie. I just knew that Mom and Dad were with you guys in spirit when you got married after that. Rick and I were talking during the poker run about us coming to the airport to get you kids and how tan you both were and how very happy you guys were. We went out to eat after we picked you up so we could hear all about Hawaii. You guys completed the three of us girls all getting to go to Hawaii to get married huh!! Love ya both. Mom Colyer

Mom Colyer

June 7, 2005

Well buddy I have to say the poker run was awesome. All those bike together, almost everyone wearing the black 1st annual shirt. I was a little upset I diden't get to ride but maybe next year I can. I met everyone at the Knight's and took picture's as everyone rolled in and I tell ya I was great, to see the Huge smile on your mother and father's face just brought tears to my face, bran they really miss ya so don't we all but ya know what I mean. The all took off about a quarter till 5pm and headed for the cemetary, I followed and went in last and I took picture's as they put the wreath for you and your dad Thanked everyone for riding.
Bran those boy's are a heart breaker. It really broke my heart when I walked up to where everyone was standing around you monument and Ty was pointing at daddy, that is what hurt's the most seeing those to boy's want their daddy so much and Sara have to explain to them that daddy is watching from the sky.
I took alot of picture's of the boy's and sara and your mother and father. I will have to bring them out and show you.
I had to cry when the party afterwards they dedicated a song to you and your mom and dad cried and that just kills me, bran tell them it's okay you don't want them to cry you just want them to live for what you were...........crazy.

well man I am going to get off here the girls won't let me alone for more than 5min,so I will talk to you later.

Love ya Bran

Kasey Williamson

June 6, 2005

The poker run was a huge success. Chris did an amazing job. Over 500 bikes rode in it. I bet the towns we stopped in thought they were being invaded. Your Dad rode Troutman's bike and your Mom rode in a side car with Chris Smith's Mom. It was so funny to look behind me and see your Mother flying down the rode on a motorcycle. We all know you were watching. As we turned on the first rode Chris pointed to the sky and a hawk was flying very high in the sky.

The only glitches were getting stopped by a few trains along the way but hey what can you do in Marion....We had police escorts for several parts of the route. We all had a wonderful time and I hope that we can do it every year. I know you had a big grin on your face. It was amazing to hear that many Harley's and motorcycles revving their engines at once. All in honor of you.

The boys got to watch them come into the cemetary. They waved at all the bikes as they rode in. I saw tears in some tough eyes. But the boys loved it and I wanted everyone to know what they were riding for.

Well they both just woke up and need breakfast. The cereal around here last a little longer since you have been gone. But they are working on being like Daddy and eating 2-3 bowls in one sitting. Love you and missing you as much as ever.

P.S. Seven years ago today we were exploring the beaches of Maui and having a wonderful time.


June 6, 2005

I have been wanting to wirte to you for 7 1/2 months now but I wasn't sure of the words to use, I'm still not. You don't know me but my mom had your boys in class at school. People keep saying how strong you are and I think that you must be otherwise how would you go on, but the strongest people in the world get hurt too. I wish there was a way to heal your heart and to make your little boys understand what has happened. How hard it must be to continue to wake up every morning and have to try and expalin one more time why daddy isn't coming home. You have the grief of 3 people instead of 1 on your shoulders and I'm sorry for that. I know you have lots of people to support you and you will make it through. I know that you must still have so much anger inside and may question daily how God could let smoething like this happen. I think about you and your family everydayand question God as well, but I know that He has a plan and He will provide for you and your boys. There is a book I read that really helped me to understandovercoming a tragedy. It is by Tammy Trent and called Learing to Breathe Again: Choosing Love and Finding Hope After a Shattering Loss. I hope you don't overcome by this letter, I just wanted to find a way to somehow maybe put a little peace back into your heart. I can never imagine what you have gone through and continue to go through. I can only hope and pray that someday you and your family will find peace and happiness again. Keep your memories close to your heart that is where Brandy is and will always be. May God bless you and your children and may your days of sorrow keep growing smaller. The monument is a wonderful tribute to your husband.

Lisa West
Marion Citzazen

June 5, 2005

I think that I was the only one that couldn't go to the Poker Run today. I heard that it was a great success though.What a tribute to you, all those bikes. I bet it was very emotional for everyone to see them and know that they were riding to honor you. Just thought I'd let you know that I was thinking about you today.
I went to the cemetary yesterday morning. What else can I say but it was very emotional. I have gone there before lots of times but it never seemed as real as it did yesterday.
It's been a really rough six and a half months for everybody. So much has happened and yet it feels like there is more to come with the trial and everything. Sometimes I wonder if there will every be any closure. I pray everyday for your family. This has been so hard on them, all of them. We miss you Brandy!

June 4, 2005



June 4, 2005

The monument is beautiful! It brought me to tears seeing the two of you on the monument. God bless you and your family.

Marion Citizen

June 3, 2005

Your monument is finally up. It is very sad yet beautiful if that makes any sense. The pictures I chose are great. The one of you in your uniform is huge. It is almost life size. I felt like I could stand there and talk to you again. I just could not stop staring at the picture. The people at the cemetary are just too kind. It amazes me that people are still so generous. They are putting down sod so the area will look nicer. They also dug a flower bed and put in some flowers. Before I knew that I went to buy some flowers. The lady there asked me what I was planting and I told her for my husband's grave. She asked what happened. I explained it to her and she gave me some of the flowers for free. I am going to buy some planters to put at the sides of the stone since the cemetary already put flower beds in front.

Grandma was there when I got there today. I started crying. It is just so final. It is done now....written in stone and final. Seeing my own name on a tombstone was really strange. I wasn't sure how to feel. It worries me that the boys will have questions about that. That it will make them realize that someday Mommy will die too. Landon keeps asking if everyone's Daddy gets hurt. He also keeps pretending he is the bad guy and is shooting people. He also pretends he is dead. The counselor's have told me he will act it out in his play but it is really hard to deal with when he does. I know I have to let him do it and I have to be supportive. It is just very hard to watch a 4 year old little boy pretend he is dead.

The poker run is Saturday. It sounds like there is going to be a huge turn out. I hope we can all relax and have some fun. I know Chris really wants this to be a good time and not like all the recent memorials that are so sad and hard emotionally.

Well I have to get Ty to bed. He is refusing to go to sleep. He keeps getting out of bed. It was so much easier when he slept in a crib.....He is curled up at my feet while I am typing on the computer. I have to get up early because Landon's class has a zoo trip.

Love you dear. Goodnight. Missing you as much as always.


June 2, 2005

Hey Brandy,

I just had some things I wanted to share with you about spending this past weekend with Sara and the boys. Brandy, I must admit that I felt so guilty playing ball with Landon. I felt so guilty pushing him and Ty on the swings. I felt so guilty sitting on the couch with ty in my arms watching a movie. Why do I feel so guilty? Well Brandy, you should be the one doing all of those things with your sons and it tears me up that you were taken away from those little boys lives the way you were taken away. It broke my heart while Sara was driving the four of us back from Missy's house and Landon started talking about his daddy and dying. I must say that I am so proud of how Sara handles those conversations because I was speechless. Your niece and nephew are absolutely adorable as well. I saw pics of you and them. You were such a proud uncle by the smile shown on your face. Sara showed me the video she had made about you and the entire family. In some of the pics, you reminded me of my Duke with the peach fuz mustache and skinny arms and legs in those clothes from the 80's and early 90's. Sorry, but I had to laugh when I saw them. But you know what, there is one thing that I don't feel guilty about. I don't feel guilty that I got the opportunity under the most unfortunate of circumstances to meet that wonderful family of yours and have been able to help them heal as much as they have all helped me to heal from both of our traumatic losses. I first started talking to Sara not to long after you were taken away from her and the boys and it seems like I have known her and her family my entire life since that first email from her. Everyone one of them misses you Brandy and everyone of them loves you. Everyone knows you are looking after them and I saw that myself when the hawk (at least Landon and I thought it was a hawk) flew over top of us and circled a couple of times around us while we were playing ball. Thank you Brandy for allowing me that opportunity to be with your family this past weekend although I must say, I wish you were also there.

Take it easy up there and you and Duke try not to get into to much trouble. He would have loved your in-laws house.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

May 31, 2005

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