Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Landon had T-ball practice again tonight. He is really starting to come out of his shell and interact with the other kids some. He is also catching the ball and using two hands like you always taught him. He still isn't holding the bat the correct way. But he hits the ball really far. When we were leaving tonight he told me he wanted to hit the ball way high....all the way to heaven so Daddy could catch it. So look out a baseball may be coming your way.

We celebrated your 30th last night. We had dinner. Then blew out candles on a cake that Landon picked out. He got one with pink roses sorry about that but that is what he wanted. Then we let off balloons to heaven. Logan and Hayden helped with the balloons. Sure do wish we could have had the big party I wanted.

Missing you as always. Love you.


July 20, 2005

It's your 30th birthday Brandy. Hope you got them balloons the boys sent up to you earlier today. Please continue to keep watch over your family, friends, and co-workers from above and may none of them ever walk alone. And to Sara, I am thinking about you like I think about you every day. Thanks for everything as always.


Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Ofc. Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)

July 19, 2005


Happy 30th Birthday!!! We went to the cemetery to wish you a Happy Birthday tonight. It was very emotional, Tom misses you so much. There isn't a day that goes by that we do not think of you in some way.

Tom & Sharon Bice

Tom & Sharon Bice

July 19, 2005

Hey Brandy,

Happy 30th Birthday!!! My girls pointed out that big hawk again today flying over the backyard and it made me remember it was your birthday today. I wish you could be here to celebrate with your preciouse boys and your family and friends. Send them all angel hugs and kisses. They miss you so much, especially on days like today.

Ryan & Amy Caldwell
High School Classmates

July 19, 2005

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday! We were sitting at Trevor's funeral when we realized you both had the same birthday! Give him a hug from us. We love and miss you both! Keep watching over your family and friends.

Chip and Sarah

Chip and Sarah Myers

July 19, 2005

I have been thinking about what this day would be like for the past two weeks. I kept thinking how it would be for your mom and dad, for Cory,Lindsey, Sara, and of course the boys.I guess your mom especially. I wondered if it would be a time to celebrate the life you lead, or would everyone be sad? I am going to say that everyone is celebrating the life, the heroism, your life lead you to. You are a true hero Brandy.
I can't believe the time that has passed since you left. So many things have changed, so many lives affected.
Well I didn't come here to blah on and on, I just wanted you to know that we are thinking about you today, and everyday, and Happy 30th Birthday. We all miss you so very much!

July 19, 2005

Happy Birthday Brandy!!! Although I never met you I have read your reflections almost daily. Sometimes I sit at my computer reading the ones left by Sara, and I just can't stop myself from tearing up. My fiance always asks me, "Why do you do that to yourself?" I always tell him that I can't imagine having to deal with what Sara is dealing with, and that it helps keep my grateful for what I do have. From all accounts you were a great man and loved by many. Again, Happy Birthday!

P.S. I didn't meet you, but you did arrest my son at a party one night, lol. Them darn teenagers!

July 19, 2005


July 19, 2005

Today marks a special day in everyone's lives. Hold your loved ones close today and know that we all miss you so much.

July 19, 2005

Happy 30th Birthday. We will celebrate the life that you lived today. I never dreamed I would celebrate it without you. I couldn't sleep last night. I lay awake half the night thinking about you. I thought long and hard about how to celebrate this milestone in your life with the boys. I think I will buy a cake and we will sing happy birthday to you at dinner tonight. Then we will let balloons off to heaven again. They really liked that on father's day.

The boys had a big weekend. Landon got to throw out the first pitch at a Clippers Game. They were having a charity game for Get Behind the Badge. Tyler of course couldn't be left out. He came out on the mound with us. He pouted when he didn't get to throw out a ball. So he threw out the first pitch for the Columbus PD game that followed. They were both so cute. They had so much fun.

We had another T-ball practice again. It was picture night. I saw Landon's head coach from last year. I said Hi but couldn't stop to talk because I almost started crying again. I don't know what it is about T-ball. I get all emotional.

The boys just woke up. I told them it was your birthday. Landon wants to go bowling for your birthday. I had to laugh. I asked them what they wanted to do to celebrate. They said they want to blow out the candles and make a card for your birthday. So it looks like I better get ready and head out to the store. I also need to call your Mom today.

Missing you very much. Happy Birthday. We love you.


July 19, 2005

Happy 30th Birthday, Brandy! You and your family are never forgotten.

LEO Wife

July 19, 2005

Bran- Happy 30th Birthday. This is your day and all that are left here picking up pieces of the shattered lives left behind feel such a sense of loss today. We were suppose to be celebrating a big surprise party with you. I was supposed to be dogging you hard like you did me last year, telling you that you finally caught up and how does it feel to be old. All the mean things you said to me last year, I was suppose to be returning. I kept saying "you're not far behind big boy - its your turn next" Seeing you at my 30th birthday party - I remember walking in thinking - I can't believe Sara and Brandy kept this a secret from me. You with your cowboy hat on - I don't think you ever got to see those great pictures of all of us wearing the cowboy hat. Nicole took them and showed them to me, but then brought them over after you died and when I showed Sara the one of you and Rick wrestling around she cried. I know that your up there in heaven looking down on me laughing at me because you are forever 29 and I keep getting older. Really it's the only way I have decided to get through this day without crying all day, is to think your up there still dogging me.

As usual, I didn't buy anything for you, we always traded you and Rick's birthday and called it even because they were so close together. I always did buy you a card though and I did that this year too. It will be on time this year though, I was never on time before. I am bringing the kids up to see you tonight with our cards to leave and the kids will be letting off balloons to you. Hayden says he's not sure you will get your balloon. I told him you would. I'll remind him that you were a great baseball player and that you will catch it when it comes your way. Hopefully Logan will let hers go without crying. If not, you might not be getting one from Logan this year!!!

I just wanted to tell you Happy 30th Birthday Big Boy. I wish so much that you were here for me to tease and get you back. When we meet again, if I'm old and grey and you are still 29 don't be too hard on me.

Watch over everyone, Sara and the boys, your mom and dad today need to know you are there.

Missing you so much today.

Love you

Happy Birthday,



July 19, 2005

Happpy Birthday Bran!!!


July 19, 2005

Happy 30th Brandy! There are so many people wishing you a happy day today, but we all know every day is happy where you are. I'm hoping these days from now on will be a reflection of the happy days you did have here on earth, hard as that may be. I didn't really realize you were only a couple weeks older than me. And now that I think about it, I'm not sure if that means I thought you were younger than your age or older - I'm guessing you didn't act your age, period. Take it how you want :) Anyhow, Happy Birthday and be with those closest to you on this milestone day.


July 19, 2005

Miss you so much buddy. You are a true hero.

July 18, 2005

Hey Bacon,
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday, although it isn't as happy as it should have been. I will stop by the cemetary when I get off Tues morning, but it will be too early to have a beer with you for your birthday!! Keep watching over all of us and keeping us safe.
Miss you and think of you daily

J.J. Wollett
Marion Twp Hose Draggers!!

July 18, 2005

Saw your beautiful boys on the news tonight. They are looking great. Give them an extra hug tonight!

July 17, 2005

Happy Birthday Dear Son-in-law
I never would have thought that I would not have you here to start asking me for your birthday money early. I have thought of you all week long cause you were always asking Sara to call and see when you could get your money cause you had thought of a hundred different things you knew you just had to have with that money. I remember the year you bought 6 used bowling balls with some of the money and you were sooo excited. I have thought of your mom and dad this week cause as a mother there is this instinct in you that you will protect the life you have given at any cost and then this happened and there was nothing any of us could do to change it. Call it animal instincts or whatever but it has to be one of the most devistating things that can ever happen to parents. You would have been 30 years old and had so much living to do yet. You should have been here to enjoy Sara's party that she would have had for you. Without the broken arm and separated shoulder that happened at Missy's 30th birthday party. You should have been here to help coach Landon at T-ball this year, you needed to be here to see Tyler not afraid of anything at all. You just needed to be here for all of us. Mike and I sent the money in for the paver brick at Union County to honor your name yesterday.I am sure you would have thought that was cool for your birthday money going to a Sheriff dept. Please know dear that Tuesday we all will be looking up and thinking of you on your 30th birthday. Miss you more than ever. Love Mom Colyer


July 16, 2005

Well,'s been nine months today without you. It still seems so hard to accept. I've seen the news stories of them renaming Blake Street Park in your honor and I've even seen your headstone now, but I still can't quite accept it. It just seems like there's been a mistake, this just doesn't feel right.
Still missing you, buddy...always will.

Dublin, OH

July 14, 2005

Hey Brandy,

I seen a great big hawk flying on the 4th when my girls and I were in the pool at our house. It was just gliding with the wind. It was so big and pretty. I knew it was you looking out over the neighborhood.

I seen your dad on his bike today. I was driving behind him on the way to the bank by your old house. It was a beautiful day today, so I'm sure he was just out for a nice cruise. Ryan and I are looking for a bike so that we can ride around with our friends. PLEASE watch over Ryan when he's on it.....he likes to get a little crazy when he's on a bike WHEN I'm not on it with him lol.

Keep smiling down.......

Amy Caldwell

July 11, 2005

Landon had his first T-ball practice tonight. You would have been beaming with pride. He did so well. He was very excited. I asked him what his favorite thing about practice was.... yep once again hitting. He is much more serious about it this year. He needs work on catching grounders. We will practice this week at home. A couple of times I saw Landon looking around like he was looking for someone. I couldn't help but wonder if he was looking for you. I teared up a few times but managed not to cry. I would have looked pretty foolish amongst all the happy proud parents if I had been crying. We all missed you so much tonight. At the end of practice the coach said they were one coach short and any parents that wanted to help were more than welcome...I couldn't help but think of last year. You would have been the first to volunteer. Brian and Kathy came down to see the new house. They came with me to T-ball practice. After we all went out for pizza.

On the way home Landon asked if you were bowling. I told him no you weren't bowling but maybe that you bowled in heaven. He looked very confused and said at the bowling alley. I said no not at the bowling alley. He said, Nana said he was. The look on his face was heartbreaking. At times he really just doesn't get it. It is so confusing for him.

Your mom told me that at the fireworks on the 4th there was a fight behind them. Your dad went back to help out and Landon was very concerned about your Dad. He kept wanting to check on him. Landon is so concerned about something happening to another person he loves. He needs constant reassurance. He is also very sensitive to anything violent on television. I have to constantly pay attention to what he sees.

At times this is so hard. Please guide me with him.....I try so hard. I just hope that he grows up to be the happy little boy that he really is....

Tyler is really hitting the terrible twos.....He is so darn cute. Your mom said he jumped right off the side of the boat when they stopped to swim. When they were going fast on the boat he was jumping up and down. She had to hold onto him to keep him in the boat.

The boys are in bed and I have to catch up on the laundry. Good night. I love you and miss you very much.


July 11, 2005

Well its been a while since I've written you anything,I've stopped to see you almost every week. Ryan's not stopped to see the headstone that Sara made for you yet, its amazing. I seem to cry every time I see it.
The wedding was the 25th of June and the night before Ryan kept sayin how much he missed you. He wore his angel pin and black wrist band to the wedding and I had mine pinned to my flowers. He has been talking more and more about things that you taught him, he gets to laughing and I can see in his eyes how much he doesn't want to let you down. Just keep your eye on him when hes out and about. We miss you tons.
Sara please let us know if you need a babysitter some time I think Ryan is missing those boys. :-) We love you all.

Amber Zempter

July 11, 2005



July 7, 2005

I come to this web site frequently. I read the things about you and your family and for some reason today I read about another I noticed that there was an officer killed on tuesday.
It is such a tragedy and I guess we will never understand why.
I always worried more about my husband
when he worked part time. When he became a full time officer I guess it became so routine I din't have that constant fear... Until you weere takin from all that love you. As the months have gone by your refelctions have brought a since of comfot. Comfort in knowing that if something does happen to him there are many people, people from everywhere that will help our family get through it. You must be incredibly proud of Sara and her ability to take such good care of your family. She tries hard to keep your memory alive. she is an incredible woman.

July 7, 2005

Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. Thanks for the talks and the laughs we have shared you and Jen cont to amaze me. Thanks for everything you are such a wonderful person I know that Bran is watching over you and happy with everything EVERYTHING your doing. Your doing wonderful with the boys bran I know is happy with everything you do. Take care sweetie your in my thoughts and prayers sweetie. Thanks for everything.
Love Kate


July 7, 2005

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