Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Ronald Wayne Ives

San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, California

End of Watch Wednesday, September 1, 2004

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Ronald Wayne Ives

Deputy Sheriff Ives,
On today, the 20th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of San Bernardino County. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.

BPA Mike Casey
United States Border Patrol(Retired)

September 2, 2024

Deputy Sheriff Ives,
On today, the 20th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of San Bernardino County. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.

BPA Mike Casey
United States Border Patrol(Retired)

September 1, 2024

This day of course starts with the remembrance and tragedy of your loss. This brought thoughts and reflections on friendship, and devotion to all things relevant. You are missed Ron. We are looking forward to the day we rejoice and meet again.

Friend Tim Foppiano
SBCoFD Retired

September 1, 2022

Ron, It’s been too long. I miss your smile and your friendship. You are missed more than words can say. Rest easy.

SCS Becca

August 31, 2022

Another year, but the memories of friendship are still crisp and clear. God Bless my friend, celebrate in the Lords loving arms.

Friend Tim Foppiano
SBCoFD Retired

September 1, 2021

I met Ron at an advanced officer training class. He also was the Deputy who responded to my home on a false burglary alarm. Great guy!RIP Deputy Ives.

Ofc. Scott Long
Upland Police Department

January 25, 2021

Rest in peace knowing that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your fellow law enforcement.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

September 1, 2020

I think of you often my friend and know you are watching over us. Our friendship was more the just partners you were family. Rest easy

Retired Deputy Sheriff Leigh Anne Foppia

September 1, 2020

Deputy Sheriff Ives rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2019

In our hearts, you are remembered.

Friend Tim Foppiano
SBCoFD Retired

September 1, 2019

This day is a very sad and special day, this is the day you lost your life while fulfilling your true calling, and found your Lord God and his loving arms. As always your are remembered and greatly missed. See you in heaven!

Friend Tim Foppiano
SBCoFD Retired

September 1, 2018

Rest In Peace Brother LEO. You are honored and remembered on the 14th anniversary of your EOW.

Officer Mike Robinson (Ret.)
Upland Police Dept. CA

September 1, 2018

Thank you and may God watch over your family. Im proud to say I know your brother. Y
He was and is so proud of you. You would be proud of him too.

Jim Metzger

November 22, 2017

Well, in our thoughts and prayer as we start our day. Miss you, your friendship, and you laughter and smile. Rest in the Lords loving arms.

Captain retired Tim Foppiano

September 1, 2017

Ron, you are not forgotten. We all spoke fondly of you tonight. God Bless my friend, we love and miss you.


September 2, 2016

Several posts were made on other media, but I am compelled to visit you and reflect here as well. You are remembered and missed my friend. I am happy to share that while the pain of your loss is something we all feel, the stories , reflections, and personal rememberences are joyous! We have left a profound impact on all of us.

You were a great Deputy, a wonderful person, but most of all, a true friend! May your place in heaven be just that. And may the Lord continue to watch over all who know and love you. And may he watch over all who serve!

Captain (Ret.) Tim
Friend/ S.B.Co.F.D.

September 3, 2015


I can not believe it has been ten years. You were an absolute inspiration to me and I a better person because I got to meet you. I remember your were the first person to ever teach me to write a citation. Ten years later I am working rancho and praying I can carry on half of your legacy. We all miss you. Until we meet again keep an eye out for us!

Deputy Sheriff Dan Smith

September 1, 2014

Ron will never be forgotten. As I now wear your initials on my arm, your memory will always burn in my mind. Gone too soon my brother.

Deputy Zach Beckum
San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department

August 31, 2014

You have not been forgotten. Thank you for your dedicated service to others and to law enforcement.

Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

September 1, 2013

Thinking of you and all you represent. Stay at peace my friend. Keep an eye over Kathryn, she heads to Afganistan tomorrow July 4th. Bittersweet, but it is the most significant one we have ever experienced! Miss you!


July 4, 2013

Hey my friend, was thinking of you. Thought I would drop a hello. Given that you are the greatest Guardian Angel ever. Well next to The Lord of course, going to give you another assignment update. Kathryn goes to Afganistan here real soon, got herself on a command escort team. Keep watch please, momma Quite nervous. But with you there it will,be a bit easier. Think of you a lot and you were in conversation a few days ago. You are remembered!


April 12, 2013

Hey Ron I don't get on here as much as I should but I caught myself thinking of you even more after we lost Mackay. I didn't know him but John and Anthony did and I ask for you two to keep looking down on us all. I know you are both patrolling Heavens streets now and keeping it safe. God be with you both and until next time brothers!

Ofc. Nicholas Scalise
R.U.S.D. Department of Safety

February 20, 2013

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9

Marshal Chris Di Gerolamo
Federal Air Marshal Service

February 12, 2013

Hi Ron
You were on my mind today. I remember our laughter and anguish over things our sons were up to. Most of all I remember with fondness your integrity and delightful nature.
You are missed..

Fran Matsalia
Family friend

December 17, 2012

Hey Ron, its been awhile since I have been on here. Its getting closer to the holidays and again I find myself thinking about you. You were a great friend and I miss ya bud!

I ask a favor of you. Please watch over both my brothers in their everyday duties. John is still in 40King and Anthony is at the training facility. I came across a poem that made me think about you:

If Today Is to Be the Day…So Be It

By Brian Terry

If you seek to do battle with me this day, you will receive the best that I am capable of giving.

It may not be enough, but it will be everything that I have to give and it will be impressive for I have constantly prepared myself for this day.

I have trained, drilled and rehearsed my actions so that I might have the best chance of defeating you.

I have kept myself in peak physical condition, schooled myself in the martial skills and have become proficient in the applications of combat tactics.

You may defeat me, but I’m willing to die if necessary. I do not fear death for I have been close enough to it on enough occasions that it no longer concerns me.

But, I do fear the loss of my honor and would rather die fighting than to have it said that I was without courage.

So I will fight you, no matter how insurmountable it may seem, to the death if need be, in order that it may never be said of me that I was not a warrior.”

God Speed Ron! Love Ya Bro!

Officer Nicholas Scalise
R.U.S.D. Dept. of Public Safety, Rialto CA

November 13, 2012

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